over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul: You should call your sore knee a "sports injury" because that's what I do...sports injuries for me include blisters, sprained fingers, bruises, etc. It just sounds more fun than "I fell".
    hajohnson24: I like it! A "sports injury" sounds so much better than just being a major clutz! :flowerforyou:

    cris20056: I love your challenge, definitely need to get outside with my kids and off the couch! That's too bad about your dad being so mean about your engagement and your fiance. I hope he will change.:flowerforyou:
  • Onederland
    I probably would have gone off on her and dropped a couple of f bombs followed by even stronger profanity :wink:

    LOL Cris...the thought crossed my mind but I managed to restrain myself, rofl.

    Our family is actually blessed to be one of the very few that live within the boundaries of a state park. It's actually a National Preserve run by the NPS.
    We moved here to this very small community of 24 people when my husband started a new career after he retired from the military back in 2007.
    I talk many times about living WAY out in the boonies...and we really do. We are some 35 miles from a gas station and 100 miles in any direction from any town that has actual retail stores such as grocery stores and Walmarts, etc.

    But we absolutely love it here and feel priveledged to be able to live here.

    I have volunteered many times for the park here as a Visitor Use Assistant and actually was hired on as a Park Ranger during a 3 month emergency hire period. One of the best jobs I have ever had...and I have always enjoyed volunteering.
    My oldest son who just turned 18 works with the NPS during his summer breaks with a student position that is offered and my youngest son (14 years old) is very keen on making visitors that come to these parts more aware of their surroundings and the wildlife we have here. He wants to be a herpatologist when he "grows up" and is constantly out and about doing his own little research on our wildlife.

    There are sooo many state parks, preserves and organizations being shut down these days because there are no funds to keep these places running.....by visiting these places and even donating your time to work at one of these facilities (just a few hours a week) is a great reward for not just yourself, but for all those around your community.

    speaking of temps...I am enjoying this "cooler" 80's weather....In a few weeks here in the booinies...we are gonna get HOT!
    Our temps come early summer through late September will be around 115 degrees....and it don't cool down much in the evening, lol.
    Thank goodness for A/C and the community ice house, lol
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Onederland, what state do you live in?

    My hubby has been wanting to take the kids to Yosemite National Park and see the falls !! It is that time of year when they are going strong or starting to go strong. We also love to go to Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Calaveras Big Trees and Yosemite are both day trips for us.. I enjoy going to both parks but I love going to see those huge sequoias at big trees. We always go and camp there in the summer. Even though Yosemite is probably more beautiful it cost a lot more and is about 1 hour longer driving trip!

    Cris, I think that is a wonderful challenge. I already started today with my kids before I read your post so Yay me!!!! We are going back outside right now!!!

    I finally warmed up!!! Went outside into the sunshine with the kiddies and warmed up!!! I was just checking in to put my lunch, water and exercise down. See you all later.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Update gals!! My friend Nathan made it out unharmed and as for Jeremy I still have not heard anything.They are saying now that the chances of the 4 men getting to the rescue chambers in the mines are slim to none but I am still hopeful that Jeremy made it out safely as well.Please continue to pray for him and his family and thanks so much for the prayers for Nathan because God did answer them and he is home safe.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    by the way love the new challenge Cris but I have to agree with Littlespy I will wait till the weekend to go because its 92 degrees in my holler hear in WV.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Update gals!! My friend Nathan made it out unharmed and as for Jeremy I still have not heard anything.They are saying now that the chances of the 4 men getting to the rescue chambers in the mines are slim to none but I am still hopeful that Jeremy made it out safely as well.Please continue to pray for him and his family and thanks so much for the prayers for Nathan because God did answer them and he is home safe.

    Thank GOD!!!! I am so happy to hear about Nathan!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awestfall: I'm am so happy to hear that your friend Nathan made it out safely. I'm still sending thoughts and prayers for Jeremy.

    Onederland: Wow, that truly would be a privilege to live in the park! My boyfriend and I, as the rest of the gals know, have been visiting the state parks here in Minnesota and are part of their passport club, which requires a visit to each state park to collect a stamp in order to receive a plaque at the end. We're so hooked on snowshoeing and hiking in the parks that it's about all we do on weekends that we have time to get away from home. On Saturday we hit two more state parks and are now up to 27 of the 71 that we need to visit! With as much time as we spend there, we may very well volunteer for projects! I'm also a volunteer junkie, which is another thing you'll find out if you stick around!

    Alright ladies, have a nice evening and I'll check in tomorrow morning. Time to go workout before the Biggest Loser!

  • Onederland
    I was always so intrigued when people would come in with their passports looking for our stamp. I would always ask if I could check out their passports and some of them were just crammed full of stamps from all over the U.S. It's amazing how far people will venture just to get that one particular stamp...hehe
    Some day you should come visit the Mojave National Preserve....

    If you go to this site above, look for the 2009 Fall edition of the Mojave National Preserve newspaper. That's MY article on the "beanery" on the front page of the newspaper, hehe
    I wrote this article while I was a Park Ranger not expecting it to be put in the newspaper, never mind the front page.....and the picture was also taken by me, the one below the black and white one......my husband is on the very far right side...and then you have all the rest of the "gang"...hehe. I kinda wanted to capture the good old days and the "today" look. I think it came out pretty good.

    The nice thing about living in such a small community is that we all pitch in and help each other. If I'm going into town and make a point of calling around to make sure no one else needs something and vice versa....and like today, I helped our neighbor Tim (who is the law enforcment ranger) plant several rows of potatoes. A few weeks ago I went down and planted corn and onions.....but ohhhhh come a few months from now, we are gonna have "good eats"...as Tim would say, hehe.

    Well, I'm gonna go take me a nap, lol I am wore out.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Whoa you guys are active in these threads! I step out for a bit and you have a ton of pages full. I will try and catch up on everyone soon.

    I am exhausted right now, 1 hr walk in the morning, 2x20 min walks to get my daughter to and from school, and then 25 mins of raking the yard. I am going to be sore tomorrow!

    I am still too scared to step on the scale so far, but will try it out Friday. I do think I have gained a little, my size 18 are fitting, and my 16 that I bought...not so much. But, I am back on track now, moving around more, and eating less.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    jenn - I'm glad to hear you are back on track! Good for you! :flowerforyou:
    awestfall - I am so sorry about your mining friends. That is so tragic. I am praying for Jeremy's safe return. :heart:
    momma - I LOVE your story about your little one being born. Wow, I bet that gave you a big scare! God is indeed good! :heart:
    cris - I LOVE the challenge! I am excited to get outside this week. It's 88 degrees now here in STL, but it should go back to the 70s by the weekend. I need the sunshine!

    check in:
    calories: good, but again over in sodium...by 1K!!! :embarassed:
    water: 90
    exercise: 40+10 bike, 10 mins walking, 10 mins bed pilates
    proud: I weighed myself today and did not gain from the Easter salty buffet! I am proud that I stuck to my plan for that day. :happy:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WOW!! Y'all have been B-U-S-Y!!! So...here we go!!

    Heather-Awesome job at planning things out! That's how I try and do it too!

    Cris-Don't let the gain get ya down girl! Rest up and get to feeling better! Sorry that your Dad is being mean about the wedding situation. Maybe he will come around? I like the challenge by the way! You and Heather put together made an awesome one!!

    awestfall-So glad to hear one of your friends made it out! That's awesome! I will keep your other friend in my thoughts and prayers!

    Momma-Wow what a touching story! Thank God for miracles. So glad you got your husband fixed! That just made me giggle. Oh how I needed that!

    onderland-That is so awesome to hear stories like that! Congrats on 21 years!

    Mari-Hang in there girl you are just in a rut. You will get through it and we are here to help you get through it!! I'm glad your IT department hasn't blocked MFP! I have missed posting so much the last two days!

    LittleSpy-It's that time of year for allergies. Gotta love it right!? Mine have been going bonkers the last couple of days. It is no fun! Especially when you wanna work out and kick butt! I think that's a great mini goal!!! I totally agree with you on the certificate thing..it doesn't show anything.

    Bluenote-So glad to hear you didn't gain from Easter!! AWESOME!!!

    I'm in the process of making dinner right now and will be back to check in later. It's been a really rough two days emotionally for me and I must say I am quite proud of myself! I haven't gone to bad habits to try and comfort myself. But hopefully things will be getting better...can only go up from here right!? HAHA! I'm working at another branch this week and it happens to be right next to one of my favorite mexican fast food places we have in the area...it's a local fast food place....but I resisted temptation and didn't go! Whew! It was close though! Be back later tonight!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello all!

    lstPaul - I don't have the job yet! I really want the security spot at the hospital where I work but they haven't made the offer yet. I told them my salary expectations and I think they thought I'd take a lateral. I should, in this economy and with my current level of misery in my job. But I'm below my market salary, I took a 10K pay cut when I started at the hospital and I've had opportunities since for more AND a MAN would ask for more money!:grumble: I didn't demand more, I simply said that I would expect an offer from them in the range of 12% over what I'm making, which is about 5% less than my current market rate. I was hoping they would come back with a number between 8-10% but they haven't. With Meghan moving in I really can't afford to work below my rate and even though getting my market rate will mean taking a job with some travel... ohhh it's such a nail biter for me right now! SOoooo... I'll probably send out some more resumes and keep trying to remember that things move very slowly at the hospital... There's also a dream job available downtown Cleveland which would mean a longer commute but I might just have to go for it!

    Awestfall - I'm thinking of you and your community tonight. Sending prayers!:flowerforyou:

    Mari- we all get there. Try to stalk this site more now that your other options are limited. If they block it complain to IT that you're using this site as part of your wellness program. Often it doesn't take too much to get them to budge.

    Onederland - I married my husband when I was 19. He was *gasp* 46!!!! :noway: OMG!!!! It's been 23.5 years so the horror has subsided a bit :laugh: My "granddaughter" is 17 and moving in after her school year is over- her mom was a year ahead of me in high school.:noway: Maybe you should tell me what board you were on so I can go and introduce myself!:bigsmile: I think that if two consenting adults wish to get married or whatever - it really should be fine. You sound like you were a pretty grown up 17 year old! And look! It's lasted! We did OK I think :smokin:

    LilDebbie - hows the fluffy puppy doing?

    SnowFlake - it's always nice to hear from you!!!

    OK I'm going to check in and head for bed. I too am suffering BIG TIME with allergies! I take Zertech (generic version) and I'm still all stuffy and sneezing and feel like crap!!!

    Calories - Over by 50 (ate all my exercise calories)
    Water - working on it now!
    Exercise - Made it to the rec center tonight and completed Week 4 Day 2 of the 5K101 - 5 four minute jogs with a minute of recovery walk in between - UGH!

    Proud - that even though my mp3 player was dead, I just used my watch and still did the workout! And even though I really wanted to get at least an extra 30 seconds recovery time before the last jog I did it after just the minute and I did the full 4 minutes! It was close but I made it!

    It's HOT here in Ohio and I"m not just talking about my hot flashes. I'm sitting here dripping with sweat. GROSS! And speaking of allergies, poor Mrs. Fig has goopy eyes from all the pollen. I'll have to wash them out before her bedtime :cry: poor puppy! Of course she'll probably sleep through the cleaning - she's snoring right now!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Checking in

    Calories: under by 6, yes I ate ALL my exercise calories today
    Water: about 112 ounces
    Exercise: Man did I!!!! I burned 900 cals today and yes I ate all of those cals. except 6!!!

    I am proud that I stayed busy again today. I walked with the kids, mowed the lawn, swept the sidewalk and gutter(I'm weired I know) straightened up the house, did yoga, and cooked dinner. Now I am off to shower and read to the kids then get ready for bl which is in an hour.
  • Onederland
    mstahl....rofl, gosh your story would make this woman keel over in total shock...I can only imagine what rant she would have for you, rofl.
    And YES..I'm thinking we both did ok.

    p.s, my hubby still got it goin on after 21 years too....lol (but don't tell him that...it goes straight to his umm head) HAHAHA!

    I better check in seeing as I'm here, lol.
    Calories...really good
    Exercise...really good
    Water...ummmm yeah well i'm working on that
    Proud moments today.....well I have two, lol. Going 9.119 miles on my WiiFitPlus Island cycling game, my all time record...AND just recently within the last hour, biting my tongue, refraining from cursing and not saying what was really on my mind (rofl...for someone who tends to be a little on the blunt side, this was a great achievement and proud moment)

    Ya all have a good night.....:)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - Thanks for asking, he is going great..He is a little handful...we are still trying to house training him., hopefully he will get it.

    I hope you get something on that job or another soon.

    I am soo excited my hubby got this job, he starts on monday and it will be such a good thing ...no more weekends or late hours or holidays...and the work environment seems sooo much bettter and will give him some opportunity that will be really good for him, with some stuff he actually likes doing.

    I am going out to lunch with friends tomorrow at olive garden, trying to look at the menu and find something that isn't overly bad...i think i can find something the big thing for me will not be overdoing the breadsticks.
    Check in -

    Cals - on target
    water - 50 oz (not what i needed but more than i have had the last week combine ...:drinker: :drinker:
    Exercise - nada
    Proud - not much right now.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    check in -
    calories - under
    exercise - lots today, burned 615 calories
    water - 2 L
    proud - need to go pick something up in the morning, so I got on my sweats and running shoes and got a walk/jog in at the same time!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Checking in- I can't even begin to comment on everyone's posts today but I did read them all! I'll try to keep up tomorrow as for the challenge...well I got out to a conservation area today with my family and we walked the trails for almost an hour...I walked far to fast for that terrain and felt like I was going to die by the end but it was great :)...I'm not going to get out much the rest of this week from the looks of it, our lovely Canadian weather is calling for rain all week [wouldn't bother me to walk in the lighter stuff but with the baby I can't have her out in it]

    We also had my daughters first Kindergym class tonight, it was a lot of fun but at only 30mins a class the kids were not too impressed with just getting into having fun then having to go [at least I know my little one wasn't] There was a fair bit of parental involvement with showing the kids what they need to do, and it was a great bonding experience for one on one time with my oldest, I don't get that much anymore.

    Calories-under :)
    Exercise-40mins walking through trails
    Proud-That I got off my butt and did something today, still feel like crap and don't want to do anything but I'm not going to quit like I normally would!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm about to head off to work - another day of training. Yesterday my only work exercise was to waddle across the street to an Indian restaurant (YUM) - today I'm packing a t-shirt and pair of thin sneakers into my laptop bag so I can (hopefully) walk at lunch!

    I did get up in time to get a 35 minute workout on my elliptical machine. Now that it's almost 70 in my garage it's not quite so comfortable... I was a sweating machine!

    I'm really trying to think of my elliptical like LittleSpy's bike - something I can use to get a minimum 30 minutes of aerobics in every day!

    Gotta go!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    by the way love the new challenge Cris but I have to agree with Littlespy I will wait till the weekend to go because its 92 degrees in my holler hear in WV.

    Lol, awestfall! Your "Holler" made me think of Jesco, the Dancing Outlaw. Ever heard of him? He lives in WV. You should search for him on Youtube. He's awesome & really sad at the same time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1550
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike
    Water: Oh, boatloads 100oz+ I'm sure (still trying to flush out Easter!)
    Proud: So, the grocery store next to my 2nd job had my fav no sugar added ice cream on sale BOGO. I bought 3.5 quarts of ice cream last night & didn't even eat any! Why didn't I eat any? Because I wanted a chocolate greek yogurt instead. :laugh: Progress. :smile: