over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OH man! I just logged all my calories. BEFORE dinner.

    Seems that chocolate attack put me way over for the day... AND I felt worse after it not just because of the loss of control but all that sugar and crap made me physically feel sick.

    Jess - you Heather and I will have to have a cyber hike or something :wink:

    lstPaul - we're trying to figure out what we can sell to pay for "lifters" for our septic system. You know - putting money in a septic system is not exciting. I feel your pain :flowerforyou:

    Checking in:
    Calories - over by about 400
    Water - not yet but still working on it!
    Sodium - YIKES!

    Proud - that I'm going to get in my water tonight and get up tomorrow and go to the rec center and walk/jog week 4 day 2 even if it kills me.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    bump for later
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So stressed out !! Two of my friends have been confirmed missing in a mining explosion here in WV.I don't know if they are dead or injured or just still trapped in the mine itself but please if you believe in prayers send one up for both of these men.They are very young (22 and 25) and like them there are so many men who risk there lives to provide for there families ( my husband and many others).This is so hard to swallow but I pray these people make it out safely there are already 9 confirmed dead 21 injured and 21 missing still yet.Please pray for these men and there families.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So stressed out !! Two of my friends have been confirmed missing in a mining explosion here in WV.I don't know if they are dead or injured or just still trapped in the mine itself but please if you believe in prayers send one up for both of these men.They are very young (22 and 25) and like them there are so many men who risk there lives to provide for there families ( my husband and many others).This is so hard to swallow but I pray these people make it out safely there are already 9 confirmed dead 21 injured and 21 missing still yet.Please pray for these men and there families.

    Oh my goodness girl that's awful! I'm so sorry to hear that. I will definitely have them in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us updated!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    updating my excercise- I did 20 mins on the treadmill, 12 of it running, the rest walk. 25 mins on the bike

    proud- that I ran the full 12 mins because I almost quit at 5 mins!!!

    I truly feel like crap lately though, maybe its the allergies who knows. (scale says 217 right now) but im too tired to care
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    awestfall- how scary! I will def be praying for them and please keep us posted, i hope they are ok
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals...last week was soo hectic, and this weekend didn't do good, but it is done now and can't dwell on it.

    Doing good today, i definetly going to be under today...

    Talking about high school weight..i think i was like 180 or so when i graduated, then i know by the time i was 20 i was up to a 220, how i wish to be there right now...

    Awestfall - I heard about that on news, i hope your friends and everyone else is recovered safely.

    COlorodo - Sorry about your dogs...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well guys one of my friends husbands made it out ok he was inside the mine when it exploded and the Lord was definitely with him today but I am still waiting on 2 other friends that are either trapped,dead or injured.Its so hard to just sit and wait to see what happens.I am thankful to the Lord that my friends husband made it out ok. The number of deaths keep going up and injuries as well.I am just praying that Nathan and Jeremy made it out ok.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    So stressed out !! Two of my friends have been confirmed missing in a mining explosion here in WV.I don't know if they are dead or injured or just still trapped in the mine itself but please if you believe in prayers send one up for both of these men.They are very young (22 and 25) and like them there are so many men who risk there lives to provide for there families ( my husband and many others).This is so hard to swallow but I pray these people make it out safely there are already 9 confirmed dead 21 injured and 21 missing still yet.Please pray for these men and there families.

    My fiance and I just saw that on the news. I truly hope everyone you know gets out alright!

    Cris- I think you're body is just teasing you for a few days, you'll be watching that scale fly downwards in no time :)

    COgirl- I am so sorry for the second loss of a fur baby. This really must have been a hard week for you, I hope the coming weeks are much better!

    Meokk- Happy to see you check in, we look forward to you coming home and updating us all.

    Msthal- I think it's taken everything in me not to go on a chocolate binge today...I hate TOM...9 months without it was glorious!

    Onederland- Welcome to the "losers" club :D I don't think you'll find a more supportive and kind group then this one!!

    So today I pretty much told exercising to take a hike! TOM has been ridiculously horrid, I'm miserable, moody, and lazy! I don't want to move cause I feel like crap and I want to eat and eat and eat [trying to restrain from that however] My daughter starts her Kindergym class tomorrow evening so we'll have the walk down there and the walk back [which I plan on extending] and whatever I have to do there to participate with her [toddler version of gymnastics] so that will hopefully get me in the mood to get doing things again!

    [ I tried the whole weigh in for TOM causing a loss rather than gain and it put me down 1lb :huh: not sure why it does that but I'm not complaining lol]

    Checking in

    Calories: Just barely under [without exercise]
    Exercise: Nadda
    Water: 64oz
    Proud: That I got water into me today
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    awestfall: Goodness the mine explosion is tragic. Thanks for making us aware, prayers are powerful.

    Momma2four: what a tender picture with your new born. You are beautiful! You'll get back to that weight, oh yes you will!

    Well girls I am feeling rejuvenated today. Had a great workout and had 72 calories to spare. I really really really want this weight off. It is possible.

    Good night.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot to check in last night

    Calories:Right on target
    Sodium: Was around 1450
    Exercise: w4d2 of c25k and 15 minutes on the elliptical
    Water: 14 glasses
    Proud: As much as I didn't wanna get outta bed yesterday morning to workout I did. Not to mention the girl I am training with yesterday just chowing on candy bars all day. This chick ate 3 candy bars, a package of powdered donuts and a coke and a Sprite...and I only sat with her from 1-6...sheesh!! Anywho. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday! See all you ladies tonight if I can't check in at all during the day again!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awestfall: I will keep your friends in my thoughts and prayers. I heard about the mining explosion on the radio this morning. How terrible!

    Bluenote: I love your shrinking butt story! Way to go!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 333 left over
    Sodium: over by 380
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I planned my meals for the day in the morning yesterday and stuck with it!

    Not much to report here today. I didn't exercise because I had a meeting after work yesterday, but I made sure I would be okay on calories even with my Caribou Coffee. I'll workout tonight and get back on track. Some of the sodium from Easter is still hanging on, but it should be gone soon.

    Have a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1511
    Exercise: 20something minutes biking; not logged are a little gardening & some cleaning
    Water: Over 100oz
    Proud: I didn't give in to girl time cravings. :wink: Yes, I would'ved loved to eat 3 pounds of chocolate for dinner. But I had a chocolate greek yogurt instead (oh, they're so awesome).

    TMI: I peed away 1 pound I was retaining yesterday. Now I'm working on the other 3. :laugh: TOM & his friends bloat & cramp are still here with a vengeance (once again, I nearly called out of work). :ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I feeeel like poooooooo! :sad: I dont know what the heck is wrong with me. My body is all achy (not a good sore from excercise) and I have no energy. I almost feel like I did during my first trimester, but Im pretty sure Im not preggo unless the BC failed me :grumble: I just overall feel poopy.

    need a nap NOW

    have a weigh in today at the gym for the BL contest, Ill probably show a gain as the scale is still saying 217....ugh that does not help my mood
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Update gals!!! it is looking more and more like my friends are part of the now 25 confirmed dead.There are still 4 missing but they have suspended the search to release some toxic gasses that are preventing them from continuing the search.No news of the two men I know that were inside the mine when it happened.11 bodies have been identified 14 unidentified and 7 of the 25 have been pulled out of the mine and 18 of the 25 confirmed dead are still inside the mine.So sad and my heart is just breaking for the families in my hometown here.Just to give you a picture of what WV is really like.I have lived here most of my life and the people here are my family (kin or not) when tragedy stricks like this WV comes together as a whole to help each other out.I love this state and the people who live in it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I feeeel like poooooooo! :sad: I dont know what the heck is wrong with me. My body is all achy (not a good sore from excercise) and I have no energy. I almost feel like I did during my first trimester, but Im pretty sure Im not preggo unless the BC failed me :grumble: I just overall feel poopy.

    need a nap NOW

    have a weigh in today at the gym for the BL contest, Ill probably show a gain as the scale is still saying 217....ugh that does not help my mood
    Watch out Cris if your like me as soon as you lose weight you get pregnant.At least that happened to me with my last pregnancy.I dropped 25 pounds and BOOM pregnant again.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I feeeel like poooooooo! :sad: I dont know what the heck is wrong with me. My body is all achy (not a good sore from excercise) and I have no energy. I almost feel like I did during my first trimester, but Im pretty sure Im not preggo unless the BC failed me :grumble: I just overall feel poopy.

    need a nap NOW

    have a weigh in today at the gym for the BL contest, Ill probably show a gain as the scale is still saying 217....ugh that does not help my mood
    Watch out Cris if your like me as soon as you lose weight you get pregnant.At least that happened to me with my last pregnancy.I dropped 25 pounds and BOOM pregnant again.

    OMG NOOOOO! I AM NOT READY!!!! I am on birth control, yes I know they fail..but I really hope I jsut feel crappy for no reason, I can not have another baby right now!!! Shot gun wedding anyone??:laugh: :blushing: :sad:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Update gals!!! it is looking more and more like my friends are part of the now 25 confirmed dead.There are still 4 missing but they have suspended the search to release some toxic gasses that are preventing them from continuing the search.No news of the two men I know that were inside the mine when it happened.11 bodies have been identified 14 unidentified and 7 of the 25 have been pulled out of the mine and 18 of the 25 confirmed dead are still inside the mine.So sad and my heart is just breaking for the families in my hometown here.Just to give you a picture of what WV is really like.I have lived here most of my life and the people here are my family (kin or not) when tragedy stricks like this WV comes together as a whole to help each other out.I love this state and the people who live in it.

    My heart sank when I read this...I'll keep hoping its not true...please continue to keep us posted
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Ann, I am so sorry about your friends. What a sad day for you all. I just saw your Gov. and he said you all have a lot of faith and you come together. I will be praying for you all.

    Snowflakes, thanks you are so sweet. That was one of my babies that was sooooo sick. I went to the hospital because I thought I was in labor. When I got there they said you are dialated to a 2. The doctor came and said even though labor has stopped I feel like I need to keep you.( the nurses kept saying as soon as the doctor gets here you will be going home) The next morning he examined me and said you have no water bag. He started feeling my sheets and asking me if I felt water gush out I said NO. The baby is still not due for a month, but he says because I have no water bag he is going to go ahead and induce me. He comes back in at noon and examines me again and says. What is going on? You have a full intact water bag. He looks up and says someone wants you to have this baby today and I am not arguing with him. He broke my bag and that afternoon I had that precious little girl. On a hunch the doctor had her tested and found out that I had an infection that she got because I had a tear in my water bag. If I would have carried her for another month they would have been delivering a still born baby. They told me she was very sick and would be in the hospital for at least 21 days or more. That picture is of us sitting in our livingroom the day she came home from the hospital, she was 7 days old.

    Cris, they have early preg. tests!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Update gals!!! it is looking more and more like my friends are part of the now 25 confirmed dead.There are still 4 missing but they have suspended the search to release some toxic gasses that are preventing them from continuing the search.No news of the two men I know that were inside the mine when it happened.11 bodies have been identified 14 unidentified and 7 of the 25 have been pulled out of the mine and 18 of the 25 confirmed dead are still inside the mine.So sad and my heart is just breaking for the families in my hometown here.Just to give you a picture of what WV is really like.I have lived here most of my life and the people here are my family (kin or not) when tragedy stricks like this WV comes together as a whole to help each other out.I love this state and the people who live in it.

    My heart sank when I read this...I'll keep hoping its not true...please continue to keep us posted

    My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with your friends in WV. I am so sorry to hear/see the news on this. Just so tragic :cry: :cry: