over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oops, here's my other story that also comes from Friday night.

    My friend, who is also overweight, and her boyfriend met us at the bar on Friday. This is the girl who gave me the old pics of myself. Anyway, her boyfriend came over to chat with me while she was talking to other friends and he said, "Wow, you've lost a ton of weight! How much have you lost?" I told him I was at 30 lbs. He said, "You look great, but I got in trouble for saying that earlier when I saw your new Facebook pictures."

    How sad is that? His girlfriend, my friend, got mad at him for mentioning that my boyfriend and I looked like we'd lost weight. Why? Because they've both gained weight.

    Then he asked me how I did it. I told him by watching what I ate and hiking and snowshoeing at state parks. He says, "That sounds like fun, but I have cable." I told him so did my boyfriend. He said he'd rather watch tv than go outside. Come on! I thought. No wonder obesity is a major problem in this country.

    My boyfriend says this guy told him several more times how great we look since losing weight. The compliments are great, but I wish my friends would do something to get healthier, too!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I decided to make my profile pic one of myself from years ago, it was the heaviest I had ever been(at that time) and I hated taking pictures because I thought I was fat. :noway: I was thinking I would like to be that "FAT" again!!!!!!
    I can totally relate .... I was about 115 when I graduated from high school and joined WW when I was about 20 (for the first of many, many, many times) when I weighed135 ... I recently found my old WW weigh-in book and wondered what in the heck happened between 135 and 255! I wish I could go back to that first WW meeting with the knowledge I have now!
  • Onederland
    I'm back...wow, thank you for the warm welcome.

    Firstly, ColoradoGirl, I'm soo sorry to hear about your doggies. That is soo sad.
    I am a huge doggie lover and have three doggies of my own. Miss Hula Ho (mini dashund 8), BooBooButt jr (australian shepard 6) and my baby, CodyBear (collie mix 16, he's getting up there in age but he's still going...just a little slower these days)
    We lost our BooBooButt sr about 5 years ago and it devastated me, as well as my boys. My husband was still in the military and deployed at the time, and to this day I think of him every day and have a very special place in my :heart: for him.

    I seen you all chatting about pictures. I have very few pictures of myself. One is from my wedding day taken 21 years ago when I was 17 years old, and I have a few taken over the years...and then the one from the cruise which, if it weren't that my dad being in it with me, I would of been trashed a long time ago, lol
    I had my husband take a "before" picture the day i started my journey...OMG! :cry: :sad: Not to mention he used his cell phone so the quality is bad too, lol and I look like a beached whale.
    Not sure what it is with camera's but I took a progress picture a few weeks ago and I still look like crap, rofl...I'm thinking it really isn't the camera to blame, and that I just am an ugly duckling...oh, well at leasst in a year or so, I will be a thinner ugly duck, haha.

    Well, before I get off here and make myself some lunch...I do have some good news worth sharing, hehe :bigsmile:
    I walked 4 miles today on my Walk It Out game (nintendo wii), 14,528 steps and burned 604 calories...WHOOOHOOO!......and I managed to grab me another complete rainbow and umlocked another zodiac sign. I walked for 70 minutes. I was too determined to find that damn rainbow to stop and give up for the day, lol
    I think I actually may of burned "more" calories than that because I had added the strength training to my walking again, and the game only takes into account your walking miles/steps/time when calculating your calories (your calories burned adjusts as your weight goes down)

    So I had alot to add to my little website today...I accomplsihed more mini goals, and 4 miles is the personal best, and furthest I have ever walked in a session (my best before was 3.7 miles)
    My website is more of a really big "weight loss tracker" than a blog but it's fun keeping track of my miles, steps and accomplishments over the months.

    ROFL...I guess you can tell I don't get out much and like to ramble on when they do let me out, hehe....so I appoligise for my very large post/reply.
    It's nice to meet you all :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just have a few minutes to jump on today and wanted to thank you all so much for your condolences, prayers and well wishes.
    It really means a lot to me. :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I miss you all!!!!

    I have been tracking my food as best I can and doing OK, off the wagon like most people yesterday, darn easter eggs!

    Colorado Girl, so sorry to hear about your dogs. I'll be thinking of you.

    See you all for real when I'm back on Saturday

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Yeah I weighed about 120 when I graduated and oh how I wish to get back there and I will.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma- awww you look like a itty bitty teenager in that picture!! 110...dont even remember when I ever weighed that much

    Thanks, I actually weighed about 30 pounds more than in high school when I took this pic . I remember being so depressed about being that size. I really started to pick up the eating and weight gain around this time. I think this is really the beginning of my weight gain to extreme right after this. It is my motivational pic cause I think I was in the 140's in that picture which is close to my goal. I have not decided on my goal yet. I am also not very tall as I have told you all before. Just wanted something to motivate me and I thought this would.

    What really gets me is I look at some of these pictures of myself and wonder how my hubby could still be so attracted to me when that is what he first was attracted to . He said he was going to church with me yesterday because I was too pretty to go alone . I think the man needs glasses!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I'm back...wow, thank you for the warm welcome.

    Firstly, ColoradoGirl, I'm soo sorry to hear about your doggies. That is soo sad.
    I am a huge doggie lover and have three doggies of my own. Miss Hula Ho (mini dashund 8), BooBooButt jr (australian shepard 6) and my baby, CodyBear (collie mix 16, he's getting up there in age but he's still going...just a little slower these days)
    We lost our BooBooButt sr about 5 years ago and it devastated me, as well as my boys. My husband was still in the military and deployed at the time, and to this day I think of him every day and have a very special place in my :heart: for him.

    I seen you all chatting about pictures. I have very few pictures of myself. One is from my wedding day taken 21 years ago when I was 17 years old, and I have a few taken over the years...and then the one from the cruise which, if it weren't that my dad being in it with me, I would of been trashed a long time ago, lol
    I had my husband take a "before" picture the day i started my journey...OMG! :cry: :sad: Not to mention he used his cell phone so the quality is bad too, lol and I look like a beached whale.
    Not sure what it is with camera's but I took a progress picture a few weeks ago and I still look like crap, rofl...I'm thinking it really isn't the camera to blame, and that I just am an ugly duckling...oh, well at leasst in a year or so, I will be a thinner ugly duck, haha.

    Well, before I get off here and make myself some lunch...I do have some good news worth sharing, hehe :bigsmile:
    I walked 4 miles today on my Walk It Out game (nintendo wii), 14,528 steps and burned 604 calories...WHOOOHOOO!......and I managed to grab me another complete rainbow and umlocked another zodiac sign. I walked for 70 minutes. I was too determined to find that damn rainbow to stop and give up for the day, lol
    I think I actually may of burned "more" calories than that because I had added the strength training to my walking again, and the game only takes into account your walking miles/steps/time when calculating your calories (your calories burned adjusts as your weight goes down)

    So I had alot to add to my little website today...I accomplsihed more mini goals, and 4 miles is the personal best, and furthest I have ever walked in a session (my best before was 3.7 miles)
    My website is more of a really big "weight loss tracker" than a blog but it's fun keeping track of my miles, steps and accomplishments over the months.

    ROFL...I guess you can tell I don't get out much and like to ramble on when they do let me out, hehe....so I appoligise for my very large post/reply.
    It's nice to meet you all :tongue:

    Nice to meet you too!!! We love to hear all about you!! We are a bunch of talkers. You will fit in great:laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Then he asked me how I did it. I told him by watching what I ate and hiking and snowshoeing at state parks. He says, "That sounds like fun, but I have cable." I told him so did my boyfriend. He said he'd rather watch tv than go outside. Come on! I thought. No wonder obesity is a major problem in this country.

    That is sad, but you know what? I believe him. I believe he truly *THINKS* he'd rather watch TV than go outside. I thought that, too, 7 months ago. And now there is NO WAY I feel that way.This Saturday really brought how much I've truly changed into light for me. As I sat on my front porch enjoying the cool(ish) evening after a hard day's work I realized it was after 9pm on a Saturday & I had yet to sit on the couch or turn on the TV! And I actually got something accomplished that I had wanted to do for years! ALL BY MYSELF! :laugh:

    Let me give you an example of how a Saturday by myself would've gone 7 months ago. I would have probably gotten up around noon. I wouldn't have made breakfast, but I probably would grab a bag of chips and head to the couch where I would set up camp for the day. I would find something to watch on TV that I didn't even want to watch -- like an America's Next Top Model marathon. :noway: And then I would've sat there & I would've eaten junk food all day. And then maybe I would've ordered some kind of take out or delivery & I would've eaten that for dinner. I would've continued watching TV for probably 8 hours... maybe more. Seriously. Then I would go to bed angry at myself for not getting anything done.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey all,

    welcome Onederland, you are going to love this group!

    I can't chat much today because children are still home from Easter/spring break.

    Awestfall and Littlespy, like the new pic(s)...you guys look awesome!

    Jess, like the dress pic...you look really nice. It has been a long while since I wore a dress or even a skirt...

    Cogirl: sorry to hear about you doggie..hang in there

    Cris: please don't stress about a couple pounds of weight gain..you know the saying " a gain is water weight - a loss is fat"...it will soon come off..hang in girl..you are doing great! I wish i had yours and little spy's progress...i'll be lucky if i can get a 2 pound loss a week..

    Have a great day girls!

    Check in: 4/3/10
    calories: over, slightly...i ate a a beef hotdog..but got really sick after eating it...
    water: nope, about 6 cups
    exercise: walked in a state park and 2 programs on the elliptical ( each program is about 20 minutes). SInce my children have been home i have not done the 30 day shred...i will get back on the program Tuesday..when things get kinda back to normal
    proud: that i got up at 7am and did my workout before i started my day

    calories: under by 200 calories
    water: about 8 cups
    execise: a trail walk at the PA state park..it was about 2 1/2 mile walk plus i walked at the flea market, and that is about 1 1/2 miles..so not bad..
    proud: that i walked a trail walk..not sure what i was expecting but it was fun..hubby wanted to go back but i said no lets get to the end..and that is what we did..yay!
    my feet are swolen from all the standing on my feet on sat and sunday...does that happen to anyone...and i have blisters on 3 of my toes..

    calories: on target...1200
    water: still in progress
    exercise: maybe walking/running intervals @ the community park
    proud: that with my kids being home i didn't binge...

    i stayed on track all weekends and happened to weigh myself today and i was 210.6...hoping this will a big drop by friday..this weight is finally coming off...with lots of walking, running, and having fun with my kids...and not to forget eating right...or can i say sensiable eating...

    my chidren are outside in the backyard playing and i have to start planning what i will be planting in my veggie/fruit garden..
    best success to all!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    check in just in case I cant later 4/5:
    calories- under
    water- yes plenty
    sodium- 1528
    excercise- going to the gym - plan on running for 12 mins (I am going to add 2 mins every day until I can run the 20 mins wk5 is asking me for)
    proud- eh

    hopefully I can be back later but I am not sure, my step son starts baseball today and it goes from 6-8pm!


  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Onederland: Congrats on meeting a new mini goal on your Walk it Out game!

    Positively: Great job getting out to your state parks!

    Littlespy: I've never been much of a TV watcher, but I used to sit around reading and eating all day in my previous life...at least in the winter. I've always been really active in the summer with the volunteer work, but I honestly never thought I sat around enough to get fat...and I probably didn't. For me, it was eating fast food constantly between summer activities that made me fat. Anyway, it just breaks my heart that so many people don't even want to attempt to be active, especially considering the guy who said "I have cable" can't use his girlfriend's WW scale. He uses his racecar scale in the garage to weigh himself!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Onederland: Congrats on meeting a new mini goal on your Walk it Out game!

    Positively: Great job getting out to your state parks!

    Littlespy: I've never been much of a TV watcher, but I used to sit around reading and eating all day in my previous life...at least in the winter. I've always been really active in the summer with the volunteer work, but I honestly never thought I sat around enough to get fat...and I probably didn't. For me, it was eating fast food constantly between summer activities that made me fat. Anyway, it just breaks my heart that so many people don't even want to attempt to be active, especially considering the guy who said "I have cable" can't use his girlfriend's WW scale. He uses his racecar scale in the garage to weigh himself!

    Hey Heather, I like the new pic...you look terrific - girl!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    Hey Heather, I like the new pic...you look terrific - girl!

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Oh girls, its been so long, and I 'm having a hard time coming on here to chat with you all. It seems like every time I do make it over to the thread so much has happened that I feel like I can't just dive In. I have no idea what's going on with everyone and what to say at all. If I dont talk to anyone in my check in then I dont feel accountable or like I should even come back to look, and that's whats been happening with my last few posts. :cry: I'll try harder but its already so hard for me to keep up with between school work and family and friends...Ugh...I'll try to read a little tonight before I post my check in. I have to post it, I need to get back into the swing of things. I feel my inspiration slipping away...:grumble:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I decided to make my profile pic one of myself from years ago, it was the heaviest I had ever been(at that time) and I hated taking pictures because I thought I was fat. :noway: I was thinking I would like to be that "FAT" again!!!!!!
    DEFINITELY BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, MOMMA! :ohwell: I remember when I thought a size 20 was big. I'd give anything to be in the 20's now! Someday I hope! :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    COGirl - I am so sorry to hear of your furry friend loss. :cry: You are in my prayers.
    mari - Please never feel that you can't just come on and post without making comments for everyone! That is what I love about this particular thread - it's perfectly OK to be yourself, and to be your busy self, too! Many of us do not have the time to read everything or post about everything. It's really OK, sweetie! We love you for who you are! :heart:
    Welcome, onederland! You will love it here. :flowerforyou:

    check in:
    cals: OK - much better on sodium tonight! Whew!
    water: 90
    exercise: 50 mins bike, 10 mins walking
    proud: OK, you're all gonna laugh at this one. I was driving my car & noticed something very odd - I was leaning forward to look into the rear view mirror. I realized this had been going on for a while now. The first thing I thought was, "Somebody has moved my mirror! Someone keeps getting in my car at night and they keep moving my mirror!" Then it dawned on me - my butt shrank! LOL :laugh: I had to adjust my mirror because my butt shrank and I sit lower in my car now than I did a few months ago! :tongue:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Mari, you just stop by and say !! Hey girls I am busy but I wanted to make sure that I checked in today. You do NOT have to comment on everyone. You are our girl and we would never want you to feel like you can't just check in cause you don't have time to read everything we wrote. We Love you!!!!

    Bluenote, I was laughing about your butt shrinking comment. The other day I realized that I was shorter in my seat as well. I realize I have the same problem that shrinking butt. You gotta love it. By the way thanks for always giving me the support you are the best:heart:

    I am checking in early today. I am exhausted so here it goes
    Cals: Under, only because I am not eating all of my exercise calories
    exercise; Cleaned house and washed walls, due for a yoga session with my daughter this afternoon
    water; still working on it but doing pretty good

    I am proud that I cleaned walls, cleaned the house and kept busy today. I burned over 500 cals and I said I did light cleaning ( I actually did some heavy duty cleaning, taking down curtains to wash. I even cleaned the ceiling in the master bathroom. ) I have a terrible bleach headache cause I tend to be the bleach queen!!! But my house is clean. I relax so much better in a clean house.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    High school weight.. well to the best of my memory I was about 175lbs. I can't remember at any time I was under 125, but then again I was 5'10 in 6th grade.

    Today has been good, I worked out this morning, worked in the yard (laying flagstone) this afternoon. Then picked up the kids from school with the husband, went to sonic and got a HUGE diet drink "Happy Hour" something we rarely do and went and played disc golf along the poudre river. It was some much needed family time and we all had a fantastic time!

    check in
    Calories.. good
    Exercise.. good
    Water... well still working on it
    Proud.. I am trying to get back on track with vengeance!

    Thank you all for all the well wishes about loosing 2 of our 4 furry friends this past week! It has definitely been a stressful one. However, I always say everything happens for a reason and at least Gizmo and Little Bear are together now.

    I have got to get some work done now as I am behind with my monthly emails. TTYL
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mari - you are one of us now so don't you DARE sneak away just because you are busy! I've been just doing quick check-ins for over a week now! It's life! PLUS you can't give in now- sure it's fine to take a week and eat your maintenance calories but there is no going back to "before" because this feels too damn GOOD! You KNOW it does! And summer's almost here and you can actually get out and DO stuff this summer! SWEET!!!:flowerforyou: WE love you - you're family:smooched: no chance of sneaking off now! We'll tattle on you!:tongue:

    I'm in training all week, so I'll be on in the AM and PM but probably not much during the day. Training will also make my exercise a challenge because I have to get into work earlier and they've put us on a 30 minute lunch (so no walking). I am kinda tempted to post that our VP has scheduled us to a 30 minute lunch all week on our wellness site, as an explanation for why I have cancelled out of our daily walks. But I suppose that "might" make him look bad... grrrrrrrrr... I worked so hard to get to a salary job and now it's like being hourly again but without overtime :huh:

    I'm also suffering from allergies. I take a non-drowsy antihistamine every day but I think they're overloaded right now! I'm stuffy and I have a sore throat:sick: I think my sick stomach might be a little from sinus drainage (TMI I know!). But I should adjust and having our windows open is so worth it while it's warm outside :love:

    Colorado Girl - I'm so sorry about your fur-baby!

    Meokk - thanks for checking in I've been thinking of you and your family!

    Chris- seriously you've been biggest loser for weeks now - I think you're allowed to stall out a couple days over a major holiday! Common girl! Cut your body a little slack here! You're going to fly by 213 so fast you're head will be spinning!!!:laugh:

    Awestfal - nice photo - I hope you can see how awesome you're doing! I hope you love the rock hard legs you're getting from all that running!

    BlueNOte- love the "REAR"view mirror story it's wonderful!:wink: You just keep those beautiful moments tucked into your heart for the days you lose site of the losses you've made!:bigsmile:

    Heather - I was out in nature this weekend, so beautiful! But now I keep thinking I feel a tick on me. There are no ticks on me. My brain is messing with me and it's hard to type when I keep having to touch every spot I feel any movement LOL!:laugh: ticks suck:angry:

    Momma - I was 135 and FAT when I graduated. I lost about 20 lbs after I got married and was skinny looking at 115 but that's my goal weight by most calculators. This weekend I looked over at my tiny granddaughter and said "You're my height and you have tiny bones like me - what do you weigh 97 lbs?" She rolled her eyes and said "NO WAY Grandma - I'm 103 and my doctor said I should try to gain ten pounds!" omg. My left leg has to weigh more than her. BUT I'M GETTING THINNER EVERY DAY AND THAT'S WHAT WE HAVE TO REMEMBER!:drinker:

    LittleSpy - I am inspired by you and this Saturday I'm going to get off my duff and put in my front garden!!! It's chick-weed and daffodils right now :smile:

    Positively - enjoy your time with the kids and enjoy our weather!!! Whoot! Outside time is awesome!

    Onederland (is that right? ugh and the memory goes so soon) WELCOME! It's great here - I wouldn't do this without this group!

    I'm hot and sniffly and grumpy so I'm going to go annoy my husband (it's what I do best when I'm in a mood!) OK OK, I'll go make up a healthy dinner... (and then annoy him)

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: YOU ALL:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Goodness gracious. Being away from the thread all day is no fun!! I missed being able to post and talk with everybody!! So I think I'm caught up...for now anyways..

    Cris-Don't worry girl you are gonna blow right passed 213. I just know it. We aren't going to let you give up like you did last time. You all helped me through mine last month.

    Heather-That would be awesome if I lived in Minnesota. I been to Minneapolis several times. My best friend went to college there. I could definitely use someone to go hiking with. The closest I get now is going to Wisconsin. I'll be in Green Bay in a couple of weeks for my cousins wedding reception.

    Colorado-So sorry to hear about the passing of your furbaby. My heart goes out to you. Hang in there. You will get through it.

    Onderland-Welcome to our wonderful thread! Can't wait to learn more about you. You will get to where you want to be. You're off to a great start

    lsptal-Hope things start looking up for you soon! We sure miss seeing you around.

    Mari-Glad to see you posting!

    mstahl-I'm in training all week too and I hate it! It definitely is throwing off my meal plan as of today. I have all my lunch stuff at my other location so I had to run to the store and get a Healthy Choice steamer thing. These people are killing me!

    I know there are several others that I probably missed and I'm so sorry but I did read everybodies post! I guess I could weigh in on the HS thing. In HS I think I graduated wearing a size 16...not sure how much I weighed..maybe 180 or 190 (I have big hips!) and I thought I was a cow then...on how I wish I looked like that now. But I'm almost there! Not going to lie, I do still have my homecoming dress and prom dress...I put it on to see how close I was...:laugh: Quite amusing!

    Thank you all for the compliments on the dress!! Glad to see everybody let themselves be a little naughty on Easter and back on track today!