over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    You girls are busy this morning. I am going to make today a great day. Momma please give me some of your cleaning motivation. You get extra credit for cleaning the ceiling too!!! Spring cleaning has me getting some done but is doesn't stay tidy, I know that is part of having a family.

    awestfall: this brings back memories from a few years ago when the Crandall Canyon mine collapsed in Utah. It is heart wrenching to everyone, I hate feeling so helpless to those who lose a family member. Does your husband work in the mine?

    littlespy: heat wave and pollen for you and fresh snow overnight for us. CRAZY!

    Hope everyone not feeling your best gets feeling better quickly.

    Keep on shrinking those tushies! Have a great day.

    Oh ya, mstahl: I must have missed it. Is this training for a new job? What job did you take?

    Jess: way to be strong with having junk food ready to sabotage at any time.
    Yes my husband does work in the mines but not this particular one but it still is so close to home.And there are so many men that I do know that did work in this mine that exploded
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Onederland: I can't believe how ignorant people are. Did the insulting lady miss the part where you said you're still married to the same man? Hello, doesn't that mean it's working out? Sure, most 17 year olds these days probably aren't mature enough for marriage, but then again some 53 year olds (my dad) aren't mature enough to handle marriage. I mean, really. The lady is probably in a bad marriage, is divorced or has never been married and is bitter. I say congrats to you!

    Littlespy: Here's a little twist for you. My mom now lives with ME because her relationship ended. My sister also moved in when the company she worked for handed out pay cuts. People think when I say "my mom lives with me" that I'm trying to hide the fact that I live at my parent's. Nope...it's my house and has been for four years.

    Cris: You will totally be UNDER 200 lbs. by June 30, I just know it!

    Awestfall: I just read an article about the mine and my heart was breaking for one particular family who lost four members down there today. So sad.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I went ahead and added 5 pounds to my ticker.:cry: It has been on my butt for 2 weeks. I thought it was water weight. I know I am retaining water but not 10 pounds of water. I know about 5 is water but the other 5 I have gained. Bad momma:sad: :sad: :sad: :explode:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall: what a tragedy for your community and friends, I hope you are doing ok.

    mstahl: I think having to spend money on a septic system would be about the worst ... probably as bad as taxes and fixing a junker car

    onederland: I can't believe that woman on the other website ... you came to the right place here. I was actually thinking about how great it is that you are together after so many years- a real happy ending. My husband and I will be celebrating our 20th in the fall.

    cris: I thought I was pregnant once even though it is virtually impossible because my husband had a vasectomy and I am on the pill (for peri-menopause symptoms) ... so finally I went out and took a pregnancy test just to relieve my mind, I think I just had the flu ... hopefully you will feel better soon

    mari: I feel like I haven't had much time to catch up and comment lately either on MFP - we'll just have to catch up as much as we can and stay connected

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: bad ... over by about 600 - old habit of eating while cooking ...
    exercise: took a 20 minute walk - not enough
    water: not enough - about 48oz
    proud: still here

    I did go to step this morning and embarrassed myself by falling on my face :embarassed: - well on my knee and shin and shoulder to be exact. It was the 4th song and I was using double risers (which I started trying a couple of months ago ... but is still pretty hard for me), and I was just dazing out thinking about how tired my legs were and how I should have probably taken out the extra set of risers before that song and the next thing I knew my toe caught on the step and I couldn't catch myself from falling. I did ok for the rest of the class but now my knee is really getting stiff and sore. It seems like I've constantly had some injury or another lately ... aaargh! MIDDLE-AGE! :ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Oh and by the way Onederland ... I robbed the cradle when my husband and I started dating! I was 21 and he was 17 .... boy did my friends give me a lot of grief! But we are still together for almost 20 years of marriage and 6 years of dating before that.:smile::heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma, it'll be okay! It'll melt right back off like butter (mmmm, butter :laugh:).

    I just had to report this ridiculousness --

    It's so hot outside (how hot is it?)... Okay, it's so hot outside, one of our employees just had to go to the doctor because when she touched a door to walk outside, it burned her! Badly! :noway:

    I don't get it though. I mean, yeah, it's hot, but it gets a lot hotter than 93 degrees here. We usually break 100 several days in July & August. Bizarre! I guess maybe it's the tilt of the Earth right now? The sun's in a different part of the sky than usual so it's beating down on that door when it wouldn't normally be shining in that direction in July/August. That's the only explanation I've been able to come up with. :huh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    littlespy, I am freezing!!!! I can't get warm today. It is unseasonable cool here today. It is only in the 50's right now and it will get to the upper 60's we are usually flirtling with the 80's this time of year. I have my wall heater going full blast right now. Those Canadians!!!! We had a Northernly(if that is the word) Storm hit us over the weekend. NOw, It is sunny and beautiful but I am freezing. Tomorrow we are back up into the 70's though. So glad. I am not a cold weather girl even with all of the insulation!:laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My parents just informed me that I would be taking care of their dog from April 15-18, yea informed, as in they didnt ask! So Im even more annoyed now. Its not really that I dont like animals, its more that I dont like taking care of animals. I was always too lazy to walk the dog, hopefully this time I will see it as an opportunity to get out and get some excercise instead of dreading it! Ugh, still not looking forward to it...like 2 kids a messy fiance isnt enough you are gonna add a dog shedding its winter coat to the mix :grumble: :sad: seriously is there a MAID sign on my forehead?!:explode: :angry:

    I know im in a lovely mood...bah humbug
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    ...like 2 kids a messy fiance isnt enough you are gonna add a dog shedding its winter coat to the mix :grumble: :sad: seriously is there a MAID sign on my forehead?!:explode: :angry:

    I feel you Cris. When my bf complains about the house being dirty, I just say "Okay, yeah, and I work 3 jobs. When's the last time you cleaned that?" (and the answer is almost always "never" :wink:) "Okay then! So your options are to 1. STFU about it or 2. do it yourself."

    I really don't understand why it is that no matter how busy a woman is, it's always EXPECTED that it's 100% her responsibility to clean the house. Yeah, it's my house, but you know what? It's not all my mess. I finally have my bf agreeing to do most of the dishes & to take out the trash. But sometimes he complains about the dishes. You know his reason for complaining? Because he's "not the one who made the majority of them dirty." You know why he's not the one who made them dirty? BECAUSE I'M THE FREAKING ONE WHO COOKS!!!! :laugh: Does he eat what I cook? Oh, most definitely! To him, they're MY dishes because I'm the one who cooked with them. To me, that's all the more reason *HE* should be the one to wash them. Am I wrong? :tongue:

    I'm apparently in a fine mood as well. :laugh:
  • onahealthmission
    onahealthmission Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Everyone. My name is Maria. I was told about this group from a friend Mommy2four. I would love to join for the motivation and support. I am just unsure of what I need to do. I am 38 years old and am definately over 200 lbs....more like 273:)

    So if there is anyone who can guide me through this I would really appreciate it.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol, jlb I am glad that you understand! Here's how my day went down yesterday. Woke up at 630am with the baby, got him changed and ready for school woke up my step son got him ready to go to his moms..drove baby to daycare drove step son to his moms, worked until 4pm went to the gym worked out until 5pm picked up the baby, got ready to go with step son to baseball practice, drove back home because step son (reice) forgot his cell phone and ds (yea he has a cell phone and hes 8, dont get me started) at our house and he couldnt go back to his moms without it. Stayed at practice for an hour chasing the baby trying to keep him off the field. Got home gave the baby dinner, cleaned the kitchen emptied the dishwasher, put stuff away while he ate. Gave baby bath put baby to bed finally sat down at around 930pm.

    Here was Bobby (fiance)'s day- woke up at 11am, vacummed the house, took son to baseball practice staye dat practice for the full 2 hours, sat and watched tv until faling asleep on the couch.

    WTF?!!!!!!!! Then he asks me why I am so tired!!!

    On top of my already lovely mood- my dad just told me he will not help pay for the wedding, which my mom originally told me they would. He never has liked Bobby so a big fight errupted over that...he didnt even tell me congrats when we got engaged, he just ignored the whole thing....

    Ok girls, I am so sorry to keep venting al lday but honestly its making me feel better instead of jsut keeping it bottled up

    oh and I just tried the Fiber One Yogurt (50 cals as opposed to 100 for activia). ITS DISGUSTING! Activia at least is real yogurt and tastes good, this Fiber One is like chalky and tastes like amoxacilin to me
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello Everyone. My name is Maria. I was told about this group from a friend Mommy2four. I would love to join for the motivation and support. I am just unsure of what I need to do. I am 38 years old and am definately over 200 lbs....more like 273:)

    So if there is anyone who can guide me through this I would really appreciate it.

    I am so glad you came and checked us out!!!! First we are here to encourage each other. We are a busy group and we talk about our day or whatever. Each evening (which I am terrible about) We answer some questions that help keep us accountable on this journey

    Did I stay within my cals today?
    Did I exercise today?
    Did I drink at least 64 ounces of water today?

    Then we share something we are proud of about ourselves.

    On fridays we weigh in. The biggest loser chooses a challenge for the week and we follow it. (speaking of which did I miss something what is our challenge this week Girls?)

    Anyways welcome and I am glad you are here!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    On fridays we weigh in. The biggest loser chooses a challenge for the week and we follow it. (speaking of which did I miss something what is our challenge this week Girls?)

    I was wondering the same thing .. did I miss the challenge for the week? Who was the biggest loser?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Welcome Maria!!!

    Sorry for my random rants today, Im not like this everyday :laugh: :blushing:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think Cris was our biggest loser, right?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I really hate thinking of challenges- I am just not that creative. Any ideas? Message me if there is something you think we should try! PLEASE? I need help :indifferent:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: You should call your sore knee a "sports injury" because that's what I do...sports injuries for me include blisters, sprained fingers, bruises, etc. It just sounds more fun than "I fell".

    Littlespy: I think you're right about the earth's tilt...didn't they say the Earth tilted because of the Chile earthquake? Must be the explanation for everyone's strange weather.

    Maria: Welcome to this awesome group!

    Cris: Sorry you're so stressed out and feeling crappy on top of it. You should make a stand and tell your dad you're not watching their dog since he was so mean about your engagement. I'm a smart aleck, so I would totally do something like that. I'm a brat!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I really hate thinking of challenges- I am just not that creative. Any ideas? Message me if there is something you think we should try! PLEASE? I need help :indifferent:

    I have a suggestion, but please don't feel like you have to take it.

    I propose that everyone try to visit one State Park in the state they live in over the weekend. I don't care what you do there, just stop in and see what they have to offer. If a state park is too far away, try a regional or county park that you haven't been to before!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- thanks! I thinks thats a great idea! I'm going to modify it slightly.....One day This week/weekend I am asking everyone to get outside and play with their kids, husband, significant other, friends, etc, for 1 hour!!!!

    Take a bike ride, play hide and seek, jog, lay there and soak in the beauty of nature, walk around, I dont care, just get off our shrinking butts, away from the TV and enjoy the outdoors!!!

    If you already enjoy the outdoors with someone on daily/weekly basis try to get someone else involved that usually doesnt get out much!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It's a good challenge! But I'm going to wait 'til the end of the week when it's not 90+ degrees outside. :tongue: