Women Fit For Forties



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    You girls be safe and have a great time. Look forward to seeing you when you can.

    Solondra: You are giving your step son the gift of a much better life. Kudos to you. He WILL thank you later as he heals and gets perspective.

    Today is a cleaning day and I want to avoid it. Shocking I know. lol Have a great day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks snowflakes
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good night ladies, will be busy in the morning with the yard sale, but am excited about my first Sat. challange....going to get plenty of rest....:happy:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    My tummy was a little upset this morning... and then again tonight. It's the first day in a month that I didn't do some form of exercise. Friday is a 12 hour day for me... so unless I work out in the morning... it's almost certain I won't be working out in the evening. I generally come home & "rest" on the couch... which turns into me falling asleep. I'm always pretty exhausted when Friday night rolls around.

    Anyway, it was an "rest" day for me according to my 30 day EA Sports Challenge... so that worked out well. I'll be doing that in the morning and then starting Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred - ACK!! Needless to say, I will be doing EA Sports Challenge first... because from what I've heard, I'll feel like dying after the 30 day Shred!! I'll give my report tomorrow morning! I can't wait.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Hi ladies,

    How can I join this group? I guess my question would be...How do I find it again? I'm coming back to this site. I use to be a member and lost about 10 lbs, then gain it back, then lost it again, and now I'm back. I am 43 with four children. I'm an elementary school teacher, but I have been on leave for two years. My goal was to lose weight during the time I was off, but with the financial crisis my family has been enduring I gained weight instead of losing it. ....bummer. I would like to lose about 45 lbs. I have decided that the first things I'm going to work on is exercising, drinking water, watching calories, and stop snacking. I got into a bad, bad, bad habit of snacking at night. I eat decent meals, but at night I tend to pack in the calories. So, about two weeks ago I stopped eating after dinner.

  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    timbotina: Hope you have great success with the garage sale.

    selby: It sounds like a much needed rest. Listen to your body, you are doing great.

    diet45: Welcome to this great group of ladies. To find us again click on My Topics and it will show where you have last posted. I sure understand about the snacking calories adding up. Use the food diary to track your food and you will see results. Wishing you well on this journey.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    welcome, D45 - you'll love it here. :flowerforyou:
    solondra - God's blessings on you! You are one wonderful woman. :heart:
    snowflakes - the quick wit I get from my father. He still beats me to the punchline at age 84! :tongue:

    Tomorrow is the big walk for breast cancer. I am looking forward to it! So far I have raised $400! I am very excited and proud! I am nervous about walking a mile, but I know I can do it! Hopefully I'll take pictures and show you all. Goodnight all and sweet dreams! You are WORTH IT!!!!!!! :heart:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Hi D45 :flowerforyou: I also have the topic saved as an explorer favorite & just click it from there.

    Blue! Good luck on your walk sister.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning to one and all, welcome to the newbie....going out to start the Sat. challange, I am stoked!!! Going to try to get in a little stattionary bike before the sale, hope the rain holds off.....I will try to check in some during the day...but I hope to be busy (making cold hard cash, HA!!) good luck to all today with the challange and just working hard.

    P.S. good luck to anyone doing walks today!!! hope you have great weather also:smile:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I posted this in my newsfeed also for those that are friends, but wanted to share here also.

    I'm starting Jillian's 30 day Shred this morning & measured myself... last measurement was 5/1/10 when I started this journey. My results thusfar:

    17 lbs lost!
    11.25 inches lost!!

    I was pleasantly surprised. I knew I lost inches, but was very happy with how much. If anyone wants the gorey details to compare, I'll mail them to you.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    My warm up today was Wii EA Sports Challenge - I only have 5 more work-outs to finish the 30 day Challenge. When I'm done, I'll do the 45 day challenge simultaneously w/ Shred.

    So, day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.... it is pretty intense & fast-paced. I did level 1 & found they were starting the exercises when I was still getting set up. Granted also I don't know the routine yet & what's up next. I shouldn't have any transition lag in about a week.

    I used 3 lb weights & could keep up with the strength (minus a few here & there)... it did burn though! I like the way Jillian combines lower body strength w/ upper body... like squats & front arm raises w/ weights. I think doing the Wii EA Sports Challenge really helped get me ready for Shred.

    The ab work was pretty easy... but I typically can handle ab work... even though it doesn't show! LOL

    The cardio was a different story... I thought I was going to die. Lots of jumping around & the jumping jacks killed me. I can't do jumping jacks to save my life. A lot of the cardio I had to modify for lower impact. I loved the punching though. I made a custom work-out on the Wii EA Sports Active that is all boxing. For a brief insane moment I thought about doing that when I was done w/ Shred.

    All in all, I really liked it... especially since it's a nice quick work out. I like the instant gratification of shorter work-outs. You get a nice sense of accomplishment.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I had a quick minute before I have to get back to packing for my trip tomorrow. Oh my packing enough bedding, pillows, clothes for 4 children is a pain. Okay I fibbed a little the 16 yo and 13 yo pack themselves but my oh my making sure it all gets done.

    Don't forget about me when I'm gone. (wasn't that a song in the 80's)
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    :happy: Finished my first Sat skinny challange.....it was really fun, kept you thinking all day just finished my 14th 8oz. glass of water (saw a lot of the bathroom today, HA!!) and now I will not eat after dinner.....can't wait for WED. challange.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma - I will miss you terribly. Godspeed and have fun!
    selby - those are some impressive stats! Way to go!

    I did it. It was beastly hot (93 F) and extremely humid, but I made it the entire mile. I am so exhausted I can't be funny. :tongue: I barely had enough energy for that tongue emote. I'll talk more tomorrow. I have to get to bed! Thank you all for believing in me that I could do it today!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    selby: way to bring on the exercise!!! What great results you are seeing in a short amount of time. Envious of your numbers. Great job.

    bluenote: CONGRATS!!! 1 mile girl, and in the heat. Look how far you have come. I cheer for all your success, so darn proud of you:)

    momma: Never could we forget you. Hope it is everything you expect and more.

    timbotina: Are you rolling in cash? Sounds like you are well hydrated. LOL

    Hubby and I are taking a little road trip be back Monday. Be good.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies, will be short and sweet...Today was my dad's birthday....He passes away this past New Years Eve.....a little sad today.....going to cemetery and spend the day with my mom so I will be out most of the day....taking a day off from exercise today....Hope you all have a great Sunday....

    Snowflakes, have a wonderful time on your trip, stay safe!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning ladies...
    Finished yesterday's Skinny Challenge to. Although, I think I should have stretched more.. My feet and calves are screaming at me today. So, today, I am going to do a little stretching, drink more water and take it easy. Of course try to mgd (make good decisions).

    We went shopping yesterday for our camping trip. 5 hours, 5 stores and 400 dollars later we got home. Holy cow, feeding all those extra people sure added up. So, today we are also going to attempt to start loading the camper, cleaning the camper and getting a few other things done around the house before family comes!

  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Now if I can just figure out how to get the Ticker to work. I went in and changed my start weight because it is different than last time I started (OK four lbs more---so sucky...glad it isn't 40) I lost three lbs, but still shows I lost 0. Oh well~~~ I thought I would have a hard time giving up snacks at night, but once I stopped it has been no big deal.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Jillian made me a little achy today - lol. The nerve of her! I didn't realize how achy I was until I started on day 2 of Shred. Other than that... the only splurg we had was Subway. I love that Subway is a "splurg". Oh my how times have changed!! I had some weird eating today. I was hungry a lot but in a snacking sort of way. As you can see from my diary & me eating hummus & pita chips for breakfast. :blushing: Craved carbs too. Anywho... night all. ♥
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    diet45 - if you update your weight in your weigh in page it will automatically change your ticker. Make sure you save the changes.