Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I read your post to elmox.. I just really need some improvement on commenting on everyone's posts.. Sometimes .. ok most of the time, my memory stinks!
    Thanks for letting us know!

    Mama.. I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy that Ryan did so very well today! Give him an extra hug from me!

    Cris.. I better not be pregnant.. Like mama, my husband got the ole snip snip a few years ago. Speaking of which I probably should go and double check that nothing grew back. I am not sure I could handle another little one at this stage of my life!

    Julie, I am happy for you! Like mama said.. when is the date exactly?

    Jess... awesome about the skirt! I am proud of you

    Well.. sorry I have not been so around as much. We are getting ready to go on our anual family (30+ people) camping trip. So, I have been busy around here trying to get everything done with family coming from out of state. We are leaving next friday and won't be back till late Monday. So, bear with me over the next couple of weeks! I may not be as visible but, I will still be on the wagon and check in when I can!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I think I have told you this before but that is him in my profile pic. He was 4 weeks old and we were at the church camp I was telling you about. My 13 yo who was 8 at the time caught this butterfly and it was so docile. So she put it on his cheek. This is one of the many many cell phone pics people were taking. This one turned out the best. One of the evangelist at the camp asked if he could use this pic in his powerpoint while travelling around on revival. I gave my permission. His wife says every time this pops up the whole church lets out a united "awe" I am not sure if they still use it because that was almost 5 years ago. If you can't tell I am kinda proud
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-You should be proud of all your babies. And that is a darling picture. I love it!!

    ColoradoGirl-That sounds like so much fun! I love camping!! Glad you are staying on track inspite of being busy though!

    So...I posted some new goals I want to attain. I got mad in May when I didn't meet my 50 pounds lost goal and took them down. I felt I was putting too much pressure and it was consuming me. So I re evaulated and made smaller ones. I don't want to shoot for 10 pounds a month. There's too much going on right now. I'm going to shoot for 5 pounds a month and see what happens! Wish me luck!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for the love. Sorry if I sounded needy. :blushing:

    So I'm getting ready to go to my first rehearsal for the worship band at church and I am NERVOUS! It is a very professional group - they practice at a studio. I'm sure it's going to be fine, but I definitely have those butterflies (and not the adorable ones on Momma's baby!) in my stomach. I need to get over this and be professional and prepared. I have no idea if I'm prepared enough for this - I haven't really rehearsed because I'm not sure of the harmonies I'm supposed to be rehearsing! Eek!

    I'll report back later. Until then, send me calm vibes and let me feel assured that I'm not going to sound awful!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLue - I love your post !!! we are supposed to do ao fitness evaluation, but never have....

    Momma - - I am soo glad he did soo good.

    jess - WTG on the skirt...that is awesome and all new goals..i keep going back and forth waht is mine...I would like 2 be at 8lbs a month but at this rate i will be lucky to get 4 lbs a month :sad:

    We made it...school is over...serena is very excited for her summer camp..field trips, fun, and more fun......well for her at least :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    elmox -- we seeeee you!! I promise I read every word everyone writes! I tend to only comment when someone shares a personal story and sometimes not even then. :ohwell: But I definitely read EVERYTHING and I usually want to comment but by the time I get around to responding I forget. I'm sorry! I'll do better! I'm sending calm vibes your way. I'm sure you'll be great!

    LilDeb -- glad your AC is working! Whew! That's the worst.

    Blue -- like everyone else, I love your stories! Share away!

    Kdub -- you look GORGEOUS!

    Well, you ladies won't believe this. Day 3 of my rotisserie chicken search. STILL NO FREAKING CHICKEN! :laugh: I had to go offsite to do something for work this afternoon. I wasn't aware I was going to have to do that so I ended up only having an apple and a Snickers nutrition bar for lunch and no chance for an afternoon snack (other than a mini Reeses peanut butter cup...ha).

    So, needless to say, when I got off work I was STARVING. I was right up the street from a Walmart. I thought there was no way Walmart wasn't going to have rotisserie chicken at 5.30pm. That's a fair assumption right? WRONG! I got there, walked in, looked at the rotisserie chicken shelf (which normally has like 30 of 'em sitting on it) and it was EMPTY! I almost collapsed into a defeated heap & cried right there in the middle of Walmart and I'm not even kidding. :laugh: I'm sure I looked pitiful when I walked up to the man behind the counter to ask if there were going to be any rotisserie chickens available any time soon (I could plainly see there were none cooking). No, he said, there weren't going to be any rotisserie chickens today. They didn't have any containers to put them in. AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

    I nearly stormed out but then I realized again how incredibly hungry I was so I decided to get some chicken nuggets from the freezer section. Only... the chicken nuggets aren't in the freezer section. I didn't know this having never purchased a bag of frozen chicken nuggets before. So I'm desperately searching the frozen section for the frozen chicken -- any frozen chicken at this point would've been sufficient. I remember sarcastically thinking "What, is there like some special chicken nugget section I'm not aware of?" And YES, as it turns out there really really IS a special chicken nugget section of the store which I stumbled into while on my way to get bread for the roast beef sandwich meat I had agonizingly settled on as a quick dinner. :noway: :laugh: This is the tragedy that happens when you're unfamiliar with the processed foods sections of the supermarket.

    The date is June 18th, by the way. Which reminds me, I'm supposed to be deciding on my rings (since we had to return the 2 we originally purchased because they were both way too big... even after sizing my finger like 30 times. *sigh*). Off to ring shop online!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- HOOORAY FOR RYAN!!! I can feel you excitement.. Remember none of it would have been possible without your perserverance!!! Super happy for you give him a hug for me and tell him how proud we are!

    Blue- way to go on you battle against the trainer she obviously didn't know who she was dealing with **giggle**

    Elmo- I read the posts but lately I've been in a bad place mentally and slightly scatter brained but trust me I hear ya! Good luck tonight I'm sure you'll do great... I didn't know you could sing

    ok ow I forget everything else I was going to say... I had a bad day today and caved into some Wendy... So here is the dreaded check in:
    calories- near 1600
    water- chugging lot and lots
    excercise- spin class
    cals burned- 600...yea could not get my HR up past 160 I was frustrated
    sodium- not good I'm sure
    proud- that I didn't skip spin class

    Spin class made me feel great and I hope to finish week 8 tomorrow I need to get back in track!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Elmox-Sending positive vibes your way. I didn't know you could sing either! Awesome!

    Julie-I can just see you looking at the man like are you freaking kidding me here!? I want that chicken now...mmmm!!! Good luck ring shopping!

    Cris-Glad spin class made you feel better! Week 8 tomorrow! Put it to bed. Lets finish this beast!

    So...I have a bit of an emotional morning and just felt like I needed a beer...so...I came home and popped a top! Guilt free! :drinker: I watched about an hour of TV and turned the TV off and now cleaning my apartment. Trying on outfits for tomorrow night. The skinny jeans tucked into my boots is not so cute. Will NOT be wearing that to work for jeans days. Hope everybody has a fabulous night
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- u really got me craving some rots chix!!! Having it for dinner tomorrow! Hope u find some soon I felt so bad for u wish I could send u some!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - I am sorry for your bad luck with rost. chicken.

    jess - Sorry that your boot/jean arren't working out.

    Check in -
    cals - 1650
    water - 54oz
    Exercise - 15 arc trainer + 15 elliptical + 10 treadmill = 305 cals
    Proud - that i was not feeling working out but still got 300 cals burned.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    elmox - sorry for your feeling ignored! We promise we'd never do that intentionally! I also did not know you sang. Woohoo! Way to go St. Lou girl! Come back home and sing a duet with me! :laugh: I hope it went well.
    julie - your Walmart story cracked me up! I could just picture you, defeated in the rot. chicken dept., desperately seeing if there were any more being cooked! So sorry! I wish you many happy chickens in your future. :wink:
    momma - Hurray for Ryan! :heart: Hurray for his Momma! :heart:

    check in:
    calories: pretty good
    water: not enough - argh!!!
    exercise: do I even count 7 mins on the elliptical? LOL Bike, arms, PT exercises
    proud: I made it back to the fitness center and did 7 mins on the elliptical!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm up to page five - I'm NEVER going to catch up! I wanted to stop in and check in for the past two days!

    Calories - under but saving up for Thursday
    Water - Great (lots of green tea and a water cooler right outside my office!)
    Exercise- uhm... I'm taking the steps to the 4th floor?

    Thursday -
    Calories - sky high - over by like 650
    Water - Good
    Exercise - just the steps (so really... none)

    Proud - Well... I'm taking the steps and I'm being good in advance of bad days?

    George was home from the hospital with his spanking new pace maker. I was greeted with a cheerful "Hello Mindy!" from his upstairs window as I walked up to the house Wednesday evening. I went up to his room and we had a chat- he was too wound up from his exciting day to get to sleep (he normally likes to go to bed at 7 or8 PM). Ken was sick to his stomach last night I figured it was from stress. This morning George seemed pretty perky - he was playing his guitar when I was getting dressed around 6:30 and we said hello before I left for work at 7. But mid morning he was feeling weak and having trouble and by mid afternoon it was another trip to the hospital. They've admitted him. I came home from work because we had our Thursday Night Dinner and as horrible as this sounds... people drive up from Columbus so I couldn't really cancel it short notice (although everyone would have been fine and just gone to a local restaurant). It was one of the toddler's birthdays so I wanted to have the meal.

    It's after midnight - Ken's not home yet - they've admitted George into the step down unit and it looks like his kidneys might be failing. SO SAD!!! I'M NOT READY TO LOSE HIM TOO!!!

    Remember days ago when someone asked what our favorite snack is? I CAN'T EAT ENOUGH FRESH STRAWBERRIES!!! I'm buying the two pound container (for around $4) and eating them ALL in one sitting. Ok I'm actually buying several two lb containers and eating one per sitting!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    Snowflakes: where have you been we miss you too... I think your doing great alone based on your ticket..Great job!!

    PositivelyMe thank you that is sweet. Truth be told I didn't do well on my own. I did okay maintaining, but I did not lose, so I am back to tracking my foods. I am trying to get a plan down that I want to and can still do in my later years in life. A lifestyle that I can maintain, so I decided I needed to change things up. But I will check in from time to time.

    littlespy your wedding day is coming quick, hope you have a beautiful day. I know it will been painful for you not to check in and keep your 100+ how ever many days streak going. But it will be okay not to take MFP on your honeymoon.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    mstahl so sorry to hear about George. From you sharing about him, I feel a tender spot for him. Oh yes, we are going through 4 lbs. of fresh strawberries in two days. :love: mmm-mmm :love:

    elmox I get so overwhelmed with keeping track of so many. This group has grown a lot since I joined so I am sorry if I added to you feeling over looked. :flowerforyou:

    I was spending way to much time on the computer and if I didn't take notes I couldn't keep up so that is part of why I am not doing challenges and such to simplify. If I have not commented to someone directly please don't take it personal, I never want to offend anyone.

    bluenote: way to show that trainer.:bigsmile: :drinker: :happy:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'll start the weigh in with my big fat 0 this week! :laugh: The mexican got me so I'm back up to 212. Be back later to catch up on last nights posts

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - Sooo sorry to hear about George

    I guess i will be the 1st to check in ..not happy about it :mad: :mad: a loss of a whopping .4 lbs...i was hoping for soo much more...i eat good exercise every day..my fingers are a litle swollen so hoping there is some water weight there some where

    LIldebbie ......-.4..........0.14%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    well...i went to take my measurements (since i was bummed about my .4 loss ), and i have loss 1 1/2 inches since 05/28, so i guess that is good.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Down four pounds from last week! Even after I had such a bad Wednesday!

    LIldebbie ......-.4..........0.14%
    tstout.... - 4.0.... 0.97% (if I'm not mathematically challenged)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    LIldebbie ......-0.4.....0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0.... 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 ... 0.59%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    LIldebbie ......-0.4.....0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0.... 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 ... 0.59%

    Back to 198.2
    Goal for next week is 196.6
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals!

    Blue: please don’t stop sharing your stories..I Love hearing them with a comic relief…LOL

    Elmox: I do read all the post and by the time I want to reply I either forgot who wrote what so I just go with the flow…We love you and good luck on your singing..sending calm vibes your way:heart:

    Julie: the hunt for a roasted chicken. Now you have everyone craving a roasted chicken. Did you check Sam’s club? They always have roasted chicken any time of day up until closing.

    Regarding your wedding date..That’s one week from today.. Congrats on the upcoming event.!You’re going to make a beautiful bride, wife, and later down the road a great momma..LOL :laugh:

    Momma: So happy that Ryan did really well today at school..I can feel you’re ecstatic through your writing. One proud mamma :)

    Cris: sorry you are not feeling good. I feel the same say and I am not even pregnant..and I love Istout comment “researching symptoms always leads to being pregnant” Good one Tstout

    Jess: wow, size 18s are falling off..Congrats girl! I am so proud off your progress..keep doing what you’re doing :-)

    KDub: you look great in your picture. I can see a difference. Job well done!

    Istpaul: I love your profile picture too. One beautiful momma
    Cogirl: Have fun on your camping trip

    Mstahl: We miss you! Dang who knew that your job was going to demand all this time from you…Jk I wish you the best in your future :-)

    Glad George is doing great with his pase maker but sorry to hear he is back to the hospital and it's kidney related...hang in girl..hopefully it will get better..sending my love to you:heart:

    Snowflakes: Glad your almost back. Just popping in and letting us know your progress considers you still part of this group. Keep coming back and good luck on your journey :-)

    LItdeb: sounds like your have a plan for your daughter..summer camp. My kids don't get off until next week. One is already home with a Pink Eye...ugh. And the doctor's office is closed today...my luck!

    I think I got everyone…I missed all that in a matter of a day. I probably forgot some people, sorry if I did. Now time for my coffee and breakfast and I need a nap too..JK

    Question: Is there any kind of over the counter medication for a Pink eye? I know it's contages..what should I do?