Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    That optimal fat burning heart rate range is misleading, IMO.

    I agree.

    My trainer at the gym, and the other trainer who did the nutrition classes for my BL contest both said that those ranges on the machines are somewhat stupid. When you are working out, you are always "burning" carbohydrates and fat for fuel. And it is true that you burn a little more fat than carbs when you're working out at a lower intensity. However, if you're working out at a higher intensity, you're burning more fat/carbs overall! Calories are calories to me... I don't care if the ratio is a little more skewed towards fat burning, if I'm only burning, say, 250 calories at low intensity but 500 at a higher intensity. I probably ended up burning more fat calories even though the ratio is not quite as good! :smile:

    The trainers also told us to basically ignore the target upper limit on those little graphs. They said that they are mostly for people who never go to the gym and have no clue where they should even be working out, to give them some idea so they don't go too hard and end up hurting themselves. If you know what you are doing, it is good to push yourself up into an anaerobic range and do intervals, that's how you get stronger.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Cris: favorite snack is Homemade hummus

    I usually eat it on celery sticks, lettuce wraps, spread it on turkey sandwich ( instead of mayo), and my new fave way is on boiled eggs ,deviled eggs, ( take the yoke out and replace it with hummus) yum yum!!

    That reminds me I need to make more hummus..and yogurt too..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The trainers also told us to basically ignore the target upper limit on those little graphs. They said that they are mostly for people who never go to the gym and have no clue where they should even be working out, to give them some idea so they don't go too hard and end up hurting themselves. If you know what you are doing, it is good to push yourself up into an anaerobic range and do intervals, that's how you get stronger.

    Glad to hear this. I've been ignoring the recommended max HR estimates and my age's "80% high intensity" HR range because what I'm comfortable doing is quite a lot higher.

    I've even had a few well-meaning MFPers "advise" me that the heart rates I achieve regularly while exercising are "scary." :noway: Sure, maybe for someone else, but not for me. I would never advise anyone else on what their personal heart rate should be while exercising because I don't know their body and I'm not taking on that liability. But personally, if I'm not even out of breath, I'm really not concerned about the exercise being "too intense" for me. I'm someone who began considering herself an actual athlete a few months ago -- I'm training and conditioning my body so I have to push it. And I love seeing the improvement that comes with pushing myself. How else are you going to accomplish drastically increasing speed and distance? After all, I have a half-marathon to run next February (holy man, I better start training for that a little harder...)!

    If I'm so not-winded that I can have a conversation with someone while my heart beats 195-200 times per minute, I really don't think that's an "unsafe" BPM for me. I really start getting winded above 205bpm so that's what' I think of as my personal "max." I try not to go over 205bpm whlie running interval sprints. With everything else, like I mentioned above, I just keep myself on the verge of being winded & occasionally sprint up to being winded, and then back down. As always, everyone is different!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to do c25k tonight for you. I feel like *kitten*. I feel like I'm going to just be sick. I'm going to go home and crawl in bed when I get off work. Let's hope for tomorrow morning!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    I do have a question. How do you know what your target heart rate should be?

    Finding your target heart rate:
    Low end (220-age) x 0.5 High end (220-age) x 0.85

    so here is mine..I'm 27
    low end (220-27) x 0.5= 96.5 High end (220-27) x 0.85= 164

    I aim for 150-160 most of the time...cool down try to stay in 120-130 (during spin class and some c25k runs I get up to 175-190 though!:noway: )

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks, Cris!! When I do exercise I never know what the range should be so this helps.

    So I am trying to think of a healthy snack that I eat and I am not really sure I have a good one. I have been doing well with the 100 calorie packs but those are necessarily healthy but they are helping keep the snacking to a smaller quantity. Right now I am actually having a problem with trying not to snack. I just had a 100 calorie oreo bar and now I am wanting something salty. I have been hungry a lot today and nothing seems to be satisfing it! ARGHHHHHH!!!!:explode: I am sure it has to deal with TOM but I should have been done with this 3 days ago so I am really on a rollercoaster! Hopefully, I can hold out until dinner tonight even though it won't be until almost 8. I might have to have something before then so that I don't over eat at the game.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    jumping in on the HR and calorie burn conversation:
    I'm glad to hear that everyone else's heartrate doesn't go as high on stationary bikes too ... I thought I just wasn't working hard enough. But I think as long as you feel like you are working your legs hard - then you are building muscle and it's important to do both muscle building and higher aerobic activity where you are burning more calories. They say the more muscle you have the more calories you just naturally burn all the time. When I do step aerobics my heart rate is typically between 145-170 for the hour, but for weight lifting it is typically 95-130 so I don't burn as many calories... but I try to get in some weight lifting classes every week although I've been slacking in that area - only doing 1 body pump class a week lately.

    lildeb: I feel bad for you with no air conditioning! There are 3 things that make me really, really cranky - 1) PMS 2) being too hungry 3) being too hot! Good luck with getting that fixed soon!

    awestfall: Don't beat yourself up! This is a loong process of trial and error, and you need to get to a place where you are making small lifelong changes that you can live with that will make the difference. ME TOO!

    momma: I am the biggest crier I know ... especially when it comes to anything good, bad, or even marginally sentimental with my children. You are a good mom, hang in there - keep advocating for your son. He will be way better off in life because of your caring!

    checking in:
    calories: over by 190 including all my exercise calories, but I did log them all
    exercise: good - step class
    water: good but didn't keep track
    proud: that I started keeping track of what I'm eating again and TRYING to get back on track
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Thanks for rescuing me on the last thread!

    Mari: Awesome before and after pics! Thank you for sharing those.

    Well, I'm back! I wrote on the last thread and Julie graciously gave me the link to this one. It was a bit difficult being away from home and eating fast food, but I didn't do too horribly and even worked out in the hotel gym a few days. I swam, too, and forgot how much of an arm workout it is. Whew!

    My class went well and I am now officially a NARHA certified riding instructor. Yay!

    I'll try to catch up tomorrow since I have the day off. On Tuesday of last week, my employer notified us that they were reducing our hours to 32 per week. That's a whole lot of money I can't afford to be out, but surprisingly I'm not freaking out about it yet. I probably will when I see the first tiny check, though. I keep telling myself that things happen for a reason and now I just need to find out the reason!

    Have a great evening,
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So the hair really isn't a drastic difference. No one has even noticed at work today (or maybe they have and it looks really bad so they don't want to say anything and I'm crazy for liking it :laugh:). I really think it's because I hardly lost any length in the back, though. It's still damp in this picture and you can't really see the layers.... so really, it's just a random picture of me. :tongue:


    Ummm Julie, time for another donation, your hair is so long !!!! I think you would look really cute with a pixie cut or some other short style, seriously !!!! BTW you look amazing, love the new photo :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- WE MISSED YOU! WELCOME HOME!!!:heart::heart:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So since I'm bored and trying to keep my mind off my headache thought I would share this with y'all. I found the cowboy boots I have spent 2 years looking for yesterday. I have never been able to wear cute cowboy boots because my calves were too big so I always had to buy ugly boots. And these fit like a glove! So...just for funzies here are some pics of the boots of my dreams. What are the chances I find them the day I hit my 50 pounds lost mark!? I think it's mean to be! Please excuse my white as a ghost legs in the bottom picture!


    OMG....Soooo Texas, I love it !!!!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Heather - Welcome back and Congrats on being an official riding instructor!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I ate some cup of noodles and now I feel better! I may make it to the gym after all.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    wow chatty girls today :smile:

    Thanks everyone comments on the heartrate...so based on the calculation my high end (85%) is 156 ( i get there sometimes, but usally stay high 140's and low 150's...guess cause i am old :sad: :sad:

    Interersting too about the bike...i def see that on the stationary bike but the spin bike i think i should get up higher , i do get a lot highter than the normal bike so i guess that is good. I usally can get it up on the arc trainer, not so much on the elliptcial and i haven't tried running again yet.

    Momma - I feel for you :heart: :heart: I know how hard it is when you just want your child to do great , you are a great mom and its okay to let it out..
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul - i take a lift class too 1x a week, my hr never goes over like 135 , but during the hr i burn like 2---250 cals...i have been feeling bad since it is soo low so i go back in the evening and do like an hour on cardio :smile:

    yes this no air is crappy...upstairs is cool but my office is downstairs...glad no-one is hear cause i got hot so i am walking around in my sports bra...

    They are supposed to come tomorrow, first they gave a window 8-5 that ain't a freaking window...so our landlord called and they said he could call in the morning and they could give a better window...and call 45 before they are coming.

    I will be one ticked off girl if i can't go to the gym tomorrow.

    Jess - I think it was you saying something about the coolwhip and grahm crackers, i have made those before and they are awesome, i relaly liked them, the only thing when you take it out of the freezer you have to eat it quick that cool whip doesn't stay frozen for long :smile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Just got to read the past few pages....
    here in France I am just hanging on...it has been really difficult. The course I'm on provides all meals, no choices AND, 3, count 'em three deserts per day, on at lunch, one at dinner and one in the afternoon with coffee. They are trying to KILL ME !!!!!

    For the most part the food is not unhealthy but it's quite rich with a lot of butter and very hard to tell how many calories. I'm trying my best to log. On the upside, I am on my feet all day so I changed my goals for this week only to "lightly active" giving me more cals per day.

    Oh boy do I miss you guys :cry: :cry:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- We miss you too! Oh man you are making me miss the french desserts!

    lildeb- its typical to burn 200-250 in bodypump your heart rate doesnt get very high but the muscle you are building will help burn fat. I stopped doing bodypump just because I hate it so much, but I would do a short run or a bike ride before class to up the calorie burn for the day

    Istpaul- Its nice to see your face! I have neever seen your pic before!!!

    Checking in:
    calories- 1200 on the dot for the 3rd day in a row
    water- yup
    sodium- went to panera's right about 2500
    excercise- not a darn thing
    proud- that i ate food i wanted and was craving and still stuck to my 1200 cal limit

    Jess- glad ur feeling better! if you dont get to finish wk8 thats fine Im gonna try Friday anyway tomorrow is spin class day
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks. It's like this headache is playing games with me. It comes and goes! UGH! Maybe it's telling me to stay home and rest. I do have my 5K on Saturday that I do plan to jog so IDK!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Not positive but I thought I read somewhere that the people who do those runs usually rest for the couple of days right before a race. Don't know look it up, but I am sure I read that somewhere
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I remember reading that before as well. I'm thinking of skipping tonight since I'm not 100% and see how I am in the morning. If I'm okay in the morning maybe do my 28 minute jog and then call it a day on exercise. I've been withing my calories so. I think I'm good.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Gals I am feeling so much better!! I guess I am having a hormonal imbalance today.I am so glad I have yuou wonderful ladies to lift me up when I am down.YOU ALL ARE MY ANGELS!!!
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