Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - Sorry about your headache...I hope you get some relief today.

    I feel soo bloated today..not as much as yesterday ( can actully wear my ring, well not my "real" wedding ring , but the one i have been wearing for a while now), dang chick fil a on monday...thinking i did good i had a grilled chicken sandwich (no bun) and a side salad...over 1000mg of sodium...dang...

    My weight still about where it was yesteerday ...grr (well .2 lbs up not that i am anal or anything)...I was hoping for a 2lb loss this week...so i guess we will see...right now it is like 1 lbs...but i got still a few days...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anybody have any suggestions for a headache from he!!?! I took Tylenol over 2 hours ago and it's still POUNDING! KILL ME!

    Can't you double up & take tylenol & advil at the same time?

    And be sure to get in plenty of water. Dehydration causes headaches & makes an existing one a lot worse.

    I'm still exhausted this morning. I seriously felt like a zombie last night I was so tired. I don't know what's up with me because I didn't go to the gym Saturday or Sunday (though I did move all those boxes around Sunday). I'm starting to feel better now, I think.

    I had a major breakthrough this morning, I think. There was a double birthday celebration extravaganza with THREE cakes, a ton of chips and dip, chicken minis from chick-fil-a, fruit and more. I had already eaten breakfast. I went in there and was completely disinterested in all the food. Everyone kept saying "Oh Julie, you're being so good!" And all I could say was "I honestly don't want to eat anything." :noway: It's sitting 15 feet away from me now and it kind of just grosses me out.
    It's really weird.

    I love food. But seriously, the thought of stuffing a bunch of stuff into my mouth that's really bad for me when I'm not even hungry is uber disgusting and ridiculous to me now. I still get cravings for bad stuff & I still indulge in a little bad stuff almost every day, and I'm fine with that. But my coworkers were just shoveling food into their mouths at record amounts and speeds. And then they all sat there & complained about being so full and being uncomfortable because they had eaten so much. :sick:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Today I am going to make myself eat lunch at work. I brought my lunch on Monday and I have gone out Monday and Tuesday so it is still sitting there. Bad April!!! I have to be good during the day today because we are going to the Texas Stars hockey game tonight. They are in the championship games ( I don't know what it is called but they have to win 4 out of the 7 games to win the Calder Cup). We were hoping that tonights game was going to be the championship game but they lost on Monday but that is still okay. It will be a lot of fun!

    Jess - Sorry you have a bad headache. I have you tried putting an ice pack on the back of your neck while laying down? My chiro did that to me last week and it seemed to help.

    Julie - With those rotisserie chickens they can only be sold for up to 3 hours after they have been taken out of the oven. This is a health department thing. So most stores make their closing people take them all off before they leave so that they don't have to worry about it. Sorry that you weren't able to get your rotisserie chicken.

    Cris - You are sooo close to the lowest weight!! I know you can do it!

    lildeb - I am sure that the stress with your job and your daughter are not helping with your weight. It will come back off and you definitely have a few days to go to lose those 2 lbs!! Glad you are loving the gym! I need some of that mojo.

    Looks like today I will be able to have some time to stalk!! Beware!! LOL!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Julie - That is awesome!! That is some great self control that you have built up! You are definitely changing your lifestyle for the better and now you don't have to feel the way they do. Hope you get some more energy soon. I am sure your body is just acting different because you haven't been pushing it the way you usually do.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I hear ya on finding foods like that disgusting as well. Watching some people eat just makes me want to barf and how they over indulge! It's great to see that kind of change isn't it!?

    Raider-You must eat lunch today at work! You eat lunch at work, I will eat lunch at work! I have not been eating so great! I think all the beers I drank the other night hit me this morning so I'm up a little bit. MUST go to the gym tonight!!

    LilDebbie-I hope the meeting with this new counslour goes well. You are trying to so hard to get your daughter help. I think that's great! You still got time for the other pound so you can see a big loss this week. Water water water!

    I took Tylenol Sinus thinking maybe it was a sinus headache so I think I'm going to take some ibproufen as well. Don't think it will hurt me. Gonna start loading up on water too! :drinker: I was so tired last night I fell asleep watching Losing it so no spoilers! :tongue: I swear I have no time these days. I don't know what's going on!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - that is great being around food and not wanting it..I found myself starting to do that in situations..like we went to chik fil a i usally steal my girls french fries...i wasn't even tempted

    jess - hope the sinus meds work..i know sometimes i get bad allergy headahces, you know we are supposed to get storms today i think so it could just be all the climate change and stuff too...i heard it was going to be a bit cooler...which i am just hoping for since my downstairs air is broken :sad:

    Raider - Thanks :smile: i am trying to push that water through today...well and of course going to the gym :smile:

    Ok...question for you girls

    What is better for burning fat....high intenstiy where HR is higher or low instensity where hr is lower..i have been reading conflicting things..

    LIke when I am on the arc trainer my heart rate gets high (in the zone my hrm has set ) which is like 143-155, but like on the bike i am barely bushing 140 and like yesterday on the elliptical same thing...i feel like i am working really hard on all but not sure why my hrm isn't getting as high...wondering if it is something i need to even worry about??
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So since I'm bored and trying to keep my mind off my headache thought I would share this with y'all. I found the cowboy boots I have spent 2 years looking for yesterday. I have never been able to wear cute cowboy boots because my calves were too big so I always had to buy ugly boots. And these fit like a glove! So...just for funzies here are some pics of the boots of my dreams. What are the chances I find them the day I hit my 50 pounds lost mark!? I think it's mean to be! Please excuse my white as a ghost legs in the bottom picture!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie - that is great being around food and not wanting it..I found myself starting to do that in situations..like we went to chik fil a i usally steal my girls french fries...i wasn't even tempted

    jess - hope the sinus meds work..i know sometimes i get bad allergy headahces, you know we are supposed to get storms today i think so it could just be all the climate change and stuff too...i heard it was going to be a bit cooler...which i am just hoping for since my downstairs air is broken :sad:

    Raider - Thanks :smile: i am trying to push that water through today...well and of course going to the gym :smile:

    Ok...question for you girls

    What is better for burning fat....high intenstiy where HR is higher or low instensity where hr is lower..i have been reading conflicting things..

    LIke when I am on the arc trainer my heart rate gets high (in the zone my hrm has set ) which is like 143-155, but like on the bike i am barely bushing 140 and like yesterday on the elliptical same thing...i feel like i am working really hard on all but not sure why my hrm isn't getting as high...wondering if it is something i need to even worry about??

    I really hope it rains because I think it's all the pressure. It's so yucky out! I heard it's pouring in Garland. Not sure. I'm in North Dallas. As far as what burns fat. I have read so much conflicting stuff about it and stressed myself out over it so much I just gave up. I just do what I need to do to get a good workout. When I go lately I have been doing 30 minutes of high intesntiy and 30 minutes of lower intensity. Seems to be working.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls,

    I also have a bad headache. I fell asleep @ the beginning of watching Losing it.:sad: I have been working my butt off cleaning my home because we ( hubby, kids and me) are going to paint the bedrooms and change the kid's bedroom carpet...so I have a lot of stuff to give away ( donated)..childrens' old clothing.

    TOM has finally arrived and brough some baggage - I have gain 5 pounds, as of this morning, just when i was about down to 204 i am back up to 209. I know it's all due to TOM, so it will eventually come off. My plan is to not give into temptations and drink plenty of H2O.

    Julie: wow, your hair was long! Mine is about close to by asre..and your layer looks so nice. Job well done! About the co-workers eating up..well I see that from the people around me...I try telling them slow down the food is not going anywhere. Don't get me wrong - I was one of those people who shoved food down my throat to the point I was extreamly full and in a lethargic state of mind.. sometime I do over eat but not to that point anymore because if make me so sick and nauseating. So all I can say is KUDOS for resistaning and WILLPOWER:flowerforyou: !

    Jess & Cris: Good Luck on your Run today! And Hopefully you can run with no headache or congestion. Cris, way to go on seeing a decrese on the scale:flowerforyou:

    litdeb: Glad you found someone who (hopefully you can trust) can help your find the cause of these triggers. Btw, I am another one who weeps about everything, especially when it comes to my family..so call em a cry baby I don't care. Good Luck to your family in finding a resolution to the problems.

    Raiderape: You must eat your lunch at work or suffer the consequences and use the elliptical for an extra 20 minutes because you ate out for lunch..JK.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls,

    Jess you can take ibuprofen and tylenol you just have to keep them 2 hours apart from each other (recommended at least)

    I am having a pretty rough day today. My little guy is refusing to do anything at kindercamp and they are allowing it because they do not want to antagonize him. I am able to get him to comply to everything I ask. It takes work and persisitance but he does it because I don't let his issues stand in the way. He very frustratedly told me last night "I don't understand" My heartbroke and I said "I said it is okay, I understand but lets just try" It wasn't just the work we were doing it was as if he was just say he did not understand any of it. My heart breaks. I feel like I am on the verge of tears constantly right now. I hate this. Everything was going so good and now this. My little guy is such a good boy and I just want him to succeed he does not have to be the top of the class but I want him to follow the rules. Any who I am rambling and I am sorry.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Those boots are cute.!!! Its not rainig here , i am up in the Colony , i wish it was......i usally don't concern myself and just get my good workout then i saw a link i started reading it then resserching something else...the internet is a dangerous place :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh momma- my heart is breaking for YOU. You are such an excellent mother and I know how much you want him to succeed! I unfortunately dont have any words of wisdom on how to deal with the situation..just wanted to let you know I love you and that you are doing a great job.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - I LOVE the boots!!! It was definitely a sign!!! You have worked so hard and you deserved to find the boots of your dreams yesterday.

    pos_me - You are a cleaning machine!!! Sorry you have a headache. Hope yours goes away soon. On the coment about me working harder on the elliptical that will definitely make me stay in!! LOL! Plus it is raining!

    Momma - Sorry to hear about your little one having problems. It sounds like you are doing the right thing and trying to help him understand. I think it is a great thing that you don't want him to let his issues get in the way. You are a great mom and that is why you care so much. Maybe you do need a good cry, I am sure it is very well needed. And you can ramble as much as you want, I and the ladies will all listen. We :heart: U!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Oh momma, Let it out cry..get it all out. I know you are a very determined mother who wants the best for All her children..I love your persistance. You are an excellent Mother. you can do all the rambling you want..and yes we are here to listen/read and reply if a friends needs help. My heart goes out to you and a special hug to a great friend {{{HUG}}}...WE love you :heart:

    Jess: I love the boots..my favorite color purple. have a nite on teh town with those rocking boots:laugh:

    Raiderape: I am glad it's raining..no bad food..LOL It's suppose to rain here too, not sure when, it's expected to T-storm.

    be back in a bit..I have to do my workout because if i delay to later on I WON"T DO IT...LAZY ME
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    LItspy/ julie: just wanted to say thanks again for the 411 on the low calorie, low carb tortilla wrap. I love it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What is better for burning fat....high intenstiy where HR is higher or low instensity where hr is lower..i have been reading conflicting things..

    LIke when I am on the arc trainer my heart rate gets high (in the zone my hrm has set ) which is like 143-155, but like on the bike i am barely bushing 140 and like yesterday on the elliptical same thing...i feel like i am working really hard on all but not sure why my hrm isn't getting as high...wondering if it is something i need to even worry about??

    My understanding is any cardio leads to fat burn whether it's immediately burning fat or not. The higher intensity workouts burn glycogen. Well... your body has to replace that glycogen.. and what does it do to do that? Burn fat! :wink: That optimal fat burning heart rate range is misleading, IMO.

    I personally like to burn as many calories (which ultimately leads to the most fat burn) as possible during cardio so I stick with really high intensity cardio. I'm youngish and I apparently have a pretty high max HR because I don't even start to get winded until my heartrate is 195ish bpm. I often cruise along for 30-60 minutes at 185bpm, pushing it to 195 with intervals. I just do whatever my body feels good doing. My regular heartrate when I'm sitting is like 51-52bpm now (which is nutso to me because it's always been 80-90bpm.. since I was a kid! Ugh, I was so unhealthy).

    I personally like to push myself to the very brink of huffing & puffing time with my cardio & keep myself there. If you feel like you're working hard enough, you probably are. :smile: If not, work harder!

    Momma -- e-hug time!
    jess -- those boots are too cute! Congrats on the perfect fit!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-I don't have any advise either but I agree. Let it out. Don't hold it in! We love you! We're here ify ou need to vent!

    POS Me-You are a workout and cleaning MACHINE!!!

    As far as the boots go I definitely plan on taking myself out in them! I've got a cute denim skirt that fits again, well, it's kinda big but it'll do! My roommate and I are going two steppin on Friday night. That's why I want them NOW! And they are selling like hot cakes! The guy that I have been on the couple of dates with promised me a night of two stepping, beacuse I kind of know how but not really. So he might come out Friday with us. I sure hope so! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    What is better for burning fat....high intenstiy where HR is higher or low instensity where hr is lower..i have been reading conflicting things..

    LIke when I am on the arc trainer my heart rate gets high (in the zone my hrm has set ) which is like 143-155, but like on the bike i am barely bushing 140 and like yesterday on the elliptical same thing...i feel like i am working really hard on all but not sure why my hrm isn't getting as high...wondering if it is something i need to even worry about??

    My understanding is any cardio leads to fat burn whether it's immediately burning fat or not. The higher intensity workouts burn glycogen. Well... your body has to replace that glycogen.. and what does it do to do that? Burn fat! :wink: That optimal fat burning heart rate range is misleading, IMO.

    I personally like to burn as many calories (which ultimately leads to the most fat burn) as possible during cardio so I stick with really high intensity cardio. I'm youngish and I apparently have a pretty high max HR because I don't even start to get winded until my heartrate is 195ish bpm. I often cruise along for 30-60 minutes at 185bpm, pushing it to 195 with intervals. I just do whatever my body feels good doing. My regular heartrate when I'm sitting is like 51-52bpm now (which is nutso to me because it's always been 80-90bpm.. since I was a kid! Ugh, I was so unhealthy).

    I personally like to push myself to the very brink of huffing & puffing time with my cardio & keep myself there. If you feel like you're working hard enough, you probably are. :smile: If not, work harder!

    Momma -- e-hug time!
    jess -- those boots are too cute! Congrats on the perfect fit!

    I agree! I do what I need to do to burn as many calories as possible. I use to to die at my HR at 140 now I'm up in the160's and feeling good. Your body is going to adjust. Do what you feel is getting you a good workout. Researching stuff like that is overwhelming. Whatever you have been doing is working. Keep it up!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess - I love the boots! They were meant to be and you look great in them!
    Momma - :heart: Take a deep breath, remember how far you and your little guy have come, and know that this was just one day. :heart: You are doing great with your little man!

    Headache girls - I have one, too! I had a HORRIBLE one yesterday and the day before. Today it is better. Please don't tell me that, like TOM, we are all going to sync with headaches, too! :tongue: If so, nobody get one! :laugh:

    My head hurt so badly yesterday that I went to bed around 7pm. I had 770 calories yesterday - I couldn't eat a thing. But uh oh, I am starving now! I am trying my best to eat nothing but clean food today! I'm heading for the oatmeal - that fills me up big time!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok you girls are chatty this morning

    mama .. sorry to hear about your little man. My heart also goes out to you! Group Hug! love0028.gif

    I agree with Julie on the burning fat! Makes sense to me.

    Jess.. How is your headache now? Any better. The girls really hit most of the suggestions. I guess my question to you would be on a scale of 1 - 10 where is it sitting? Any better after the advil? I know that 800mg (normally 4 tabs) is the max the dr want you to take in a 4 hr period. But, as mama said you can alternate advil and tylenol every two hours. In addition, where is the pain? All over your head? In the back of your head at the base of the skull? Along the temples? Have you been hydrated enough? Change in caffeine consumption? Hormonal? Are you seeing starts lights? Are you sensitive to light? All of these things are to be taken into consideration. Of course I am going to recommend a 30 min massage with concentration on the neck, shoulders, and head. I hope this helps and you get feeling better soon! smiley-sick008.gif

    Well, I got my workout in the morning and it about killed me or so I thought.. Good thing I don't do crazy challenges like that every day but, 1 to 2 times a week is good.. Thanks mama for the link. With that said I doubled my workout time this morning and burned almost 1200 calories.. yippee... Now I just have to up my h2o intake today and make good decisions (mgd) the rest of the day!

    Well. I suppose I should get going and get back to work.
