Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I tried to add you and it said " the opponent you selected must update their client to the latest version of words with freinds before you can play together"

    not sure if thats cause ur phone is off but add me when you are done loading it...i think mine is cris20056 like it is on here
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, I LOVE Words With Friends. I'm not great at it, but I love it. Let's start a game: lpmoxey You too Jess!

    Mari, you look AMAZING! Congrats on the huge and noticable change. And happy semi-anniversary.

    In terms of the wedding drama, I find it kind of funny. I attended weddings the two weekends leading up to mine. One was the wedding of one of our ushers, the other was the wedding of one of my husband's best friends. My high school best friend got married a week after me, but we couldn't make the wedding because of our honeymoon. Maybe it's because no one was IN our wedding (other than the usher, but he was a dude and they don't care), but there was NO drama about the dates. We actually thought it was pretty great that we had so many parties to attend. And, it makes me look like a great friend because I always can remember their anniversaries! :laugh:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I am copying this part of my post from the previous thread because I posted a big post like 2 min before the thread changed, stupid me. :smile: I am hoping maybe some other people have some ideas of places to go in the Northeast!
    Speaking of my SO, I have been trying to figure out somewhere we can go for his birthday this summer. He's turning the big 4-0 and wants to do something special but we don't want to spend a ton of money. I wish we could afford to do something really cool like go to Europe. I have floated the idea of going down to DC to sightsee (I haven't been there since I was in elementary school) or up to Bar Harbor to maybe hike and stuff. We both like to sightsee and see museums and scenery. We talked about maybe going to Vegas, but the shows are so pricey and neither of us really like to gamble or go to clubs or anything, so I don't think that would be good. Last year we took a cross country road trip and saw the Grand Canyon, drove the PCH, saw Redwood National Forest and Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands. We love the National Parks! So maybe going up to Acadia/Bar Harbor would be good, plus hiking is free, right? smile The only thing I worry about is if it rains.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Miranda-I wish I could help you out but I haven't gotten to travle much aside from going to Wisconsin. A few trips here and there but it's stuff like Vegas and New York. Good luck!!

    Cris and Elmox-I will add both of you when I get my phone back and working. It's taking FOREVER to restore. I'm to antsy! I'm not very good though, be warned!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Miranda, sorry i missed your post, but here is a great article that might help you look for a great destination spot.


    Last year we went to NJ, it's about 2 hours away, and went to the Staute of Liberty..the kids had a blast.
    in the same year we went to West Virginia, stayed in a resort, spent the whole day relaxing and having a great time. But we also went to Washington, DC ( white house and toured around) and Baltimore Maryland ( aquarium) it was basically a drive through those towns to come back home...but it was so much fun.

    This year, not doing much, we did plan on going to Florida, but non of the villa we wanted to rent were avaliable. So we are planning on buying a membership to Sesame Place and I will be taking the kids to that and going down to the NJ shore.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mari - YOu look great i really can tell the difference

    Momma - It isn't a nother school, just a special class..I really hope it doesn't come to that. We are going to talk to her counselor and we might take her to get a second opion from a psyc...i didn't like the guy we took her to...i don't feel they evaluated her "enough"..i just don't see how you can prescribe narcotics to a 6 year old with talking to her for like 15 minutes.

    i was sooo lazy at the gym i wanted to come hoome within 5 minutes of getting there, i think cause i was soo upset this mroning about serena, but i still was able to burned 300 cals.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Deb, you are so right. They really need to spend more than 15 minutes with a child before they start bustin out with the Rx.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Sorry Mari, I fogot to mention your huge success, Way to go girl! I can see your amazing progress. Keep doin' what you'r doing :)

    Litdeb: I would find a new doctor too. I hate when doctors give drugs to children especially when the child doesn't really need it. My son's doctor gave him singular and an inhaler for his ashma..asked him to use both every single day, however, I told him to use the inhaler ONLY WHEN HE IS IN NEED OF IT...NOt all the time. So what I am trying to say is Parents know best, get a second, or third opinion before drugging our children.

    half way done my work...be back later!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-I know that has to be frustrating for you. Dr's are too quick to make judgments and perscripe stuff for kids these days. I hope you can find some help for your daughter that she needs!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie- your hair is so gorgeous and long, have you considered donating it to locks of love?

    I have actually been thinking about Locks of Love for a while. I thought I wouldn't be able to donate because I do have colored hair, but on further research this morning I found out that only applies to LIGHTENED hair, so it turns out I can donate after all!

    The really scary part is... I still think I'm going to do it myself. :noway: :laugh:
    I've already printed the Locks of Love donation form. I'm excited! I get attached to the length but I know it would look better shorter. Plus I'll save money on shampoo & conditioner AND lose an ounce or 2. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got my phone back and working!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!! Except the back up is from December. I am without all my recent "friends" phone numbers. Oh well! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Julie- your hair is so gorgeous and long, have you considered donating it to locks of love?

    I have actually been thinking about Locks of Love for a while. I thought I wouldn't be able to donate because I do have colored hair, but on further research this morning I found out that only applies to LIGHTENED hair, so it turns out I can donate after all!

    The really scary part is... I still think I'm going to do it myself. :noway: :laugh:
    I've already printed the Locks of Love donation form. I'm excited! I get attached to the length but I know it would look better shorter. Plus I'll save money on shampoo & conditioner AND lose an ounce or 2. :tongue:

    that's great you donating your hair to a supper orginaztion.

    I usually dye and cut my own hair too. I also cut my daughter's hair into layers. There are some great video clip on youtube for different cuts. It was easier than expected to cut my daughter's hair..my hair was harder to cut..but it still looks good .

    Good luck girl!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I got my phone back and working!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!! Except the back up is from December. I am without all my recent "friends" phone numbers. Oh well! :laugh: :laugh:

    Glad you got your phone back...Now the stoking begins...JK.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Glad you got your phone back

    Julie - that is great you are going to donate your hair, i have a guy friend of mine who had long curly hair for years and just cut it all off and donated it. I don't have the nerve to cut my own hair :smile: i have very very curly hair and i say best left to the proffesinol . My sisster used to cut hair so she usally will color mine.

    Regarding my serena...i reached out to a friend on FB that i went to high school with who i know had issues with her duaghters too (because she was commenting when i was irriated one day with her behavior) , and she gave me some insight in her situation. She gave me the nameof a doctor they are going to see this week, i looked him up and is on my insurance..from what she said from the person that recommended her to him is that he tries to see if there is other links that could be causing the behaviour and i also found a review on line of him saying the same thing. He is probably old enough to be my grandfather, but that is more years experience right!! I think my key is a want to someone to truly evaluate her whether it be for adhd/add/drepession/ or something else...not just take what I am thinking and give meds.

    We are talking to the counsleor then may call this guy (or some others if i don't get a good feeling).
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    just a quick bump so I don't lose you all, no time to read though, maybe later this week.

    xoxoxxo hope all is well,
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jess and elmox- I am not good either, I have yet to win a game, lol...my words are like CAT, JOB, etc...:laugh: :laugh:

    Julie- I donated my hair a few months back and I lost almost a lbs :laugh: :tongue: maybe its time to cut it again I could use a few lbs off :laugh: :wink:

    lildeb- that new dr sounds great, the older the more experience!

    I forgot how 'full' healthy food makes me. I can eat junk food all day long and not feel satisfied. I ate my normal food again today which was like 1/4 of the portions I have been eating this last week of junk food and I am sooo full! LOVE IT

    I did 25 mins on the bike at the gym...I didnt feel bad for not working out "hard". I was proud I even went and as long as I get 3 600- cal days in Im ok with it. I def feel a lot less pressure now...HAPPY!:heart::drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Litdeb: Hope everything works your way..sending postive vibes your way. Hang in and it will get better:flowerforyou:

    CHeck in early today
    Calories: on target
    water: not enough, I will gulp down some more before i go tobed
    exercise: not yet, but planned on doing some walking and ellptical...we might take the kids to the community park..I will get my walking there and then come home and hope on the elliptical. Sounds like a plan..I hope I stick with it...NO i WILL stick with it!!!

    proud: I cleaned up my whole house and has more energy to do my "regular exercise"

    See ya later girls!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Mari- Awesome Pictures! Totally inspiring

    ok ladies...desperate need of motivation & harrassment punch...I have totally fallen out of the habit of logging food & exercise. I see my trainer tomorrow for the first time in 2 weeks & am pretty disgusted that I am 4lbs heavier than last time I saw her. I REALLY want to be in ONEderland by the time i get back to school/work in August which means I need to be 20lbs down by then.
    I love hearing all of your going to the gym stories & am just completely amazed because I have never had that type of motivation & I am soooo totally jealous. And of course now I don't necessarily have the time either with having a very active toddler & taking 3 summer classes...
    I am also worried because i will be without my trainer for a month between her vacation & mine own!
    I am also going to start the C25K program too...my husband & I are going to registered to do our local 5K on Sept 11th. I am slightly nervous & excited. My husband used to run cross country in high school & he is still super trim.
    Is anyone actually located in Southern California? I would love to meet up & do some weekend workouts if you are!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OMG I go to check in, catch up go to the new thread and you guys are in three pages????? HOLY COW

    will be back eventually to read this thread!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So after almost 4 pages of posts I am able to respond. Hope I got everyone!!

    Blue – You are so close to 300s!!! You will be there really soon!!

    Cris – Glad you were able to stay under the 200 mark even when taking a week off!! It sounds like you are definitely back in action. Your plan sounds like a great one! I love words with friends!! My screen name is raider_ape.

    Lildeb – Sorry about Serena. Something has to be triggering her, now if she could just figure it out. I know that you will keep working with her and hopefully find something that will help. I agree with getting a second opinion. Some docs are all about the drugs and that is not the cure for everything. Glad you were able to find the HRM for your hubby. Sounds like he is going to love it!

    Awestfall – Thanks for the new thread! WTG on the exercise!! That is awesome! You will be seeing Onderland very soon.

    Pos_me – Sounds like you had a busy day! Hope you survived it!!

    Mari – You look great!! You can definitely see the difference! Congrats!!

    tstout – Great Job on staying under this weekend!! That is a task I have yet to accomplish. Now on the gym, you almost got there. That is a start but we all know that you can do it!!

    Jess – Glad you got your iPhone back! I can’t believe how addictive I have become with only having it for a few months! LOL!

    Julie – I am thinking about doing Locks of Love with my hair now that you mentioned it. It is kind of funny that you talked about your hair today. I had straightened my hair on Saturday and it is still straight but the point. The point is that I had a hair fall out that was from the roots and I measured it from root to tip and it was 19 inches long!! I couldn’t believe it! From the sound of it yours is much longer.

    Kdub – I know you can do it!! You definitely have a busy schedule but we can help keep you motivated. I am really bad about exercising too. I read everyone’s posts that are going to the gym and I get all pumped and then get home and don’t do anything. Maybe we can push each other!!

    Check in for today:
    Calories: over (really need to start working out) :grumble:
    Water: Okay but not as good as normal because there was a busted water pipe and the bathrooms didn't work so I was worried about drinking a too much and having to go more often.
    Sodium: A little over
    Exercise: Big Fat 0 today! :angry:
    Proud: That there was some gourmet cupcakes downstairs at work and I didn't get one!! I was definitely craving sweets so instead I went upstairs and had 1 hershey kiss!

    I hope tomorrow I will be able to comment during the day. I really hate not being able to chat during the day!!:sad: :sad: