Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in since I dont do it enough lately. I've been neglecting logging my food but forced myself yesterday and I'm going to the grocery today to pick up some healthy foods for home. I was reading through what I missed which was a huge task, and i'm glad to see everyones doing alright. Very surprised to see Cris re-examining her routine :bigsmile: which is something I think I need to do. While I'm stuck to, I feel like its alright this time because I am under my second goal, and I only have 25 pounds left until onederland, but school work is eating me alive and Its hard to get the time between that and friends to get in my exercise.

    Also like Deb I'm looking for a HRM too...I'll keep my eyes peeled in the posts, but a polar F7 for 100 bucks, Julie? :noway: I dont know when you got it but Polar F4's are still expensive on there, let alone anything better. Maybe you're luckier than me :laugh:

    I'll try to see you guys later. :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Also like Deb I'm looking for a HRM too...I'll keep my eyes peeled in the posts, but a polar F7 for 100 bucks, Julie? :noway: I dont know when you got it but Polar F4's are still expensive on there, let alone anything better. Maybe you're luckier than me :laugh:

    Jess was the one with the under $100 F7. I'm the one with the $55 F6. :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Also like Deb I'm looking for a HRM too...I'll keep my eyes peeled in the posts, but a polar F7 for 100 bucks, Julie? :noway: I dont know when you got it but Polar F4's are still expensive on there, let alone anything better. Maybe you're luckier than me :laugh:

    Jess was the one with the under $100 F7. I'm the one with the $55 F6. :wink:

    Mari - I just odered the ft7 (appearently at least for men they replaced the f7 with the ft7 when i got look at polar site the ft7 is a "new" one so i figured it was good), I got it for 89.99 at amazon (like 93 with tax, free shipping) , i got my f7 on amazon back in January for like 110 i think. I am soo excited i can't wait for hubby to open it...i don't think he has any idea. WHen ever we work out i have mine and he says "i wish i had one", especially in spin class where there isn't anything on the bikes or anything.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lilDebbie-YAY For finding a HRM!!!

    So I'm about to leave work and go to the Apple store. I hope they can bring my phone back to life! I don't need anymore added expenses right now! Wish me luck!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    only 20 pounds and I will be in onederland too!!Technically after TOM disappears I will only have 15 pounds to go until Onederland and I can't wait LOL I just ran for 60 minutes on my elliptical and 30 degrees and Level 15 resistance and burnt 1200cals but I only logged 820.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    only 20 pounds and I will be in onederland too!!Technically after TOM disappears I will only have 15 pounds to go until Onederland and I can't wait LOL I just ran for 60 minutes on my elliptical and 30 degrees and Level 15 resistance and burnt 1200cals but I only logged 820.

    Your my inspiration!!!:flowerforyou: You go girl..Hopefully you will see ONEderland soon.

    Jess: hope all goes great with your phone!

    Cris: sounds like you have a plan of action. You can do it!!!

    I can't chat long today. I have 8 loads of laundry to do and to clean ( sweep and mop all 4 rooms) downstairs. I have alread did 4 of the 8 loads..but I have fold and put away..then I have to air out my house ( it's nice outside - beautifull today) windows up and cool air in..then I have to clean my bedroom and vacum all upstair ( kids and my room)...long day. In some weird way I have to do one hour of cardio so I plan on doing 30 on both treadmilll and elliptical. wish me luck. If I am alive after all this doing in one day i will post later on.

    Have a great day girls!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Well i think i found that the ft7 replaced the f7...maybe why i couldn't find it?? maybe?? I am thinking maybe of getting it , it is like 90.00 I am going ahead and getting it...hope it is good :)

    Furious ...yet again. Serena has gotten ISS again for slapping another kid and then hugging them soo hard to hurt them...i just don't get it...she has her counselor appt today and both my and DH are going ...we have to figure out what is going on...her counelor said before she wanted to not see her dufring the summer but i don't think it is a good idea...they principal said if something doesn't change over the summer she will be put in a special eductional class for kids who can't be around other kids...that just makes me very sad.

    Lildeb, I don't think that a school can do that. Not positive but I think you can fight to keep her in regular school. I understand why you are sad. Hopefully, this counselor can get things back on track. :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cris, did I miss a post somewhere? I thought you were going to share your wedding drama with us today? I am so nosey. I think your plan is great and very realistic. I know you can do it.

    awestfall, congrats on onederland being in sight.

    Blue, say bye bye 4's forever. I am so proud of you!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Julie you continue to stun me in all your amazingness. You're even better than me at deal hunting! :laugh: I'll check out amazon when I have some extra cash, all the help and discussion has reminded me that I do need one. Hey, maybe for my birthday! Also thanks Jess and Deb for pointing me in the right direction...even 90 bucks seems like a good deal! I guess prices go down that fast...

    Oh by the way, tomorrow's my 6 month semi-anniversary with MFP! WOO! :drinker: :drinker: :heart: To commemorate this occasion I have prepared a before and after picture. Just making it has upped my self esteem and motivation! :bigsmile:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: oh momma, I guess it felt like drama at the time but now it doesnt seem like such a big deal.

    Basically the girl that has been my best friend since like Sophomore year of HS moved to North Carolina and we have lost touch some but I still consider her one of my best friends. We still talk ocasionally but our relationship has really suffered since she moved out of state.

    Anyway, thats not the point...she got engaged about 2-3 weeks after me. Since Bobby and I were arguing over where to have the wedding she had gone ahead and started looking for a place for her wedding and told me it would most likely be in May. So when I was looking for venues I told them I wanted either April or June so that I wouldnt have my wedding too close to hers and potentially the same date (we are in each other's weddings). So she told me it was going to be May 14 (texted me didnt even call!) and I was like well it looks like ours is on April 30. Apparenly she told her mother, who told her sister, who told me that she was pissed off that I had the audacity to make my date 2 weeks before hers because it would be too hard to be in my wedding 2 weeks before her wedding...uhm?! WHAT?! I was really upset and felt that I had already done more than enough to accomodate her wedding by avoiding the month of may altogether and now she is still *****ing?! I talked to her and explained that i think 2 weeks apart is fine and that at that point everything for her wedding sohuld be mostly done..ugh i dont know..i was just mad that 1. she complained and 2. that she couldnt say it to my face instead I had to hear through the grapevine..uhm we've been freinds for like 13 years..and she can talk to me!?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mari you look great!!! Wow look at your back and legs!!! AWESOME JOB!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I think I would be a bit upset with my friend as well. Just call me we can talk, don't tell your mommy on me. I think 2 weeks is plenty of time.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    WOW Mari, you look great!!!!! What a drastic change in your mid section. Good job.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mari -- Wow!!! What a HUMONGOUS difference!

    Cris -- Yeah, it's just stories like that (even if you're over it now) that make me so happy I don't want a wedding. Just reading about it made me anxious. :laugh: I had to tell my mom to back off last week because she wanted to put way too much of my personal information in a wedding announcement in my hometown newspaper (which I was against in the first place) and then she started pressuring me to look for RECEPTION venues. It was so hard to tell her "thanks, but no thanks." I know she just doesn't get me but honestly she was beginning to make me regret telling her I was getting married in the first place. Thankfully, she was very supportive & backed off when I asked her to. I guess she had just gotten a little too excited or something. :laugh:

    I'm officially sick of my hair.
    Same thing that happens every time -- as soon as I grow it out about as long as it will grow (my hiney), I want to cut it. Just like as soon as I grew it all back out to my natural color last winter, I dyed it the same week. :laugh: :ohwell:

    One time I went to Regis in the mall and told the woman to do whatever she wanted. It was the most amazing haircut I've ever had in my entire life. She didn't work there anymore next time I went. I've tried to have other stylists replicate it but they've just screwed it up every time & I end up going home to cut it myself after paying them $50 +tip.
    I've been looking at pictures online. I think I'll keep it fairly long for now. I may just cut it myself & if I screw it up royally, then I'll go have it fixed by a stylist. :laugh: I like to play.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi, ladies!

    I tackled the weekend much better than weekends past and was even under on calories Friday, Saturday AND Sunday! The boyfriend and the girls and I went to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier AND went to the beach! (While I didn't get to the gym, that has to count for something! haha) Background info: I've only been in the girls' lives for about six months (and full time since mid March). So we're still getting to know each other. They're absolutely amazing (just like their dad).

    This morning, I got up at 5:15 and was going to go to my second spin class ever (the first one was not a good experience). Nearing the gym, I totally chickened out. I let my brain get the best of me so instead I did 30 minutes on the EFX machine. Not awful coupled with the mile walk to and from the gym. But for some reason, that has wrecked my brain for the whole day.

    I have zero motivation to do anything... work, clean, eat... blah. My brain is a big crazy pile of TOM mush. AAHHH!!!!

    So if anyone feels like talking me down, please do so!

    And for future reference... email: stout.111@gmail.com
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I was reading your story about your wedding drama and it was like reading my sister and her best friends story. Engaged 2 weeks apart and the original wedding dates were about a month apart. They have been friends for that long as well. Are you really my sister? HAHA! Her best friend actually got so mad she moved the wedding from October to the following May because she said it was too close and she didn't want to share the spotlight. My sister was like you. At least she didn't choose the same month! If I were you I woulda been upset too!!

    Mari: You look amazing!! Great progress!!

    Julie-I do the same thing. I don't grow mine as long though. I cut it off grow it out, color it brown color it blonde! Good luck! Hope you find something you like!

    Good news! I GOT my IPHONE BACK!! It's updating right now! Can't wait. Yes...I have an addiction!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi, ladies!

    I tackled the weekend much better than weekends past and was even under on calories Friday, Saturday AND Sunday! The boyfriend and the girls and I went to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier AND went to the beach! (While I didn't get to the gym, that has to count for something! haha) Background info: I've only been in the girls' lives for about six months (and full time since mid March). So we're still getting to know each other. They're absolutely amazing (just like their dad).

    This morning, I got up at 5:15 and was going to go to my second spin class ever (the first one was not a good experience). Nearing the gym, I totally chickened out. I let my brain get the best of me so instead I did 30 minutes on the EFX machine. Not awful coupled with the mile walk to and from the gym. But for some reason, that has wrecked my brain for the whole day.

    I have zero motivation to do anything... work, clean, eat... blah. My brain is a big crazy pile of TOM mush. AAHHH!!!!

    So if anyone feels like talking me down, please do so!

    And for future reference... email: stout.111@gmail.com

    The mind will do that! It took me weeks before I talked myself into a spin class! You will learn to love them! I haven't been in a week and i miss it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- your hair is so gorgeous and long, have you considered donating it to locks of love? I knew you were going to say that baout hte wedding drama...haha

    jess- I am your sister! haha jk...well you are my weight loss sister. I think shes having an issue with sharing the spotlight too to be honest. She wont admit it but I think thats what it is...uhm whatever, its one day my wedding is 2 weeks earlier...you will still be the spotlight...duh! Glad your phone is back, I have an addiction too. Have you uploaded "words with friends"" Its like scrabble and you can play with other iphone users...its my new fave app...I play during my smoke breaks. Join it and ill look u up and we can start a game!

    stous- great job staying under cals!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh and yes, loooove spin class! Since I am dumping bodypump (seriosuly hate that class) I might pick up an extra spin class, there is one on Saturday that is BRUTAL waaaay worse than my Thursday one. It depends on your trainer some give you a good workout but let you live, and others just crush you into a pile of sweat and mush
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Heck yea I'm on Words With Friends! I think my sn is Lilboh...I'll have to double check it when it's finished updating. Yeah, I brought my laptop to work to make sure it was funcitioning 100% before I go home! I'm pretty much roommateless now so I am a weanie and feel scared alone. :laugh: :laugh: