Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
Here it is the new thread and boy am I focused.TOM reared its ugly on Sunday so that explains the weird fluctuations in weight.I was 219 on Sunday and I haven't weighed in since.I will weigh in again after my period disappears.BLAH!! Anyways no exercise for the past fews days except for chasing my neices and nephew and my two little ones around all weekend.We had my daughters 16th birthday this past Saturday so her friends could come.It wasn't her actual birthday (June 20) but her friends would be on vacation around her birthday so we did it early.So ever since Saturday my muscles have just been achy.So I know its a combo of TOM and chasing children around too so I took yesterday off and I will be back at it today.Looks like everyone is doing well! So who was our BIGGEST LOSER this week and whats the CHALLENGE looking like???


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Bump for later.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Awestfall for the new thread!

    Wow you are early (TOM). I feel mine coming soon..I have all the symptoms, except the acutal flow..LOL

    Litdeb: I do have a gel seat for a mountine bike but that does me no good..my but* (and bones that are located around the but area and my lower spine) will hurt for days when i ride. I think it's because I have no *kitten*. One day i will get on a bike and have no pain.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    YOu know i am thinking i have plenty of padding you would think it wouldn't hurt as much ::laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everybody had a great weekend! I feel quite naked without my iPhone. It broke yesterday. My lovely manager is letting me to go the Apple store today on lunch to let me get it fixed. I'm using an old flip phone that's probably 5 years old. I forgot how to text with T9! LOL I'm not caught up on the posts over the weekend so I need to go back through. No weight gain for me this weekend for once. YAY! I just realized that all I ate yesterday was a chipotle bouritto. Probably not a good thing. OOPS!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Awestfall: the biggest loser was Meokk, Congrats girl!!
    and here is her challenge

    Meokk quote
    "I think everyone has weighed in now so here is your challenge........

    At least one day this week go sugar and refined carb free.

    That's what i've been doing for 3 days a week for the past month and it's working well for me.

    Be warned, sugar free/refined carb free is much harder than it sounds, it eliminates most breakfast cereal, lots of breads etc. look out for all the sugar in the labels. Maybe it reads corn syrup, brown rice syrup, maple, all sorts of hidden secret names they use to trick you!!!!!!

    So lucky I had a good loss this past week because France is difficult. I'm in a place where all of the meals are provided, there are no choices. All I can do is choose to have a smaller portion...AND desert for lunch, dinner and an afternoon coffee break......so tempting!!!!

    only able to jump online occasionally and I MISS YOU !!! "

    Jess Great job staying on track over the weekend. Sorry to hear about your phone, hopefully it can be replace.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning! I'm excited to be back to a "normal" week - no one is coming to stay at my house this weekend, which is a relief for so many reasons - no eating out (saving $$ and calories!), the weekend can be what I want it to be (no forced sightseeing or keeping others entertained), and if my house is a mess it's OK! :laugh: I have loved having company for the past THREE weekends, but a regular weekend should be pretty great.

    Yesterday I went a little crazy and just ate what I felt like. This would have been ok if there was some exercise, but oh well. I had blueberry pancakes at brunch (cleaned my plate...thought about stopping after two and just said, Nope!), chips and salsa, chips and spinach/artichoke dip, baked sweet potato fries (the most healthy choice of the day!), and some angel food trifle. On the upside, I drank a TON of water yesterday. My ring went on without a struggle, so hopefully I'm not retaining all that. Well, I went on so many bathroom trips last night, I would be shocked if there was anything left to retain!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: OVER - 1691
    Water: 104 oz - might be a new record! :bigsmile:
    Exercise: NONE
    Proud: That I left myself eat what I wanted yesterday and I'm not in a shame spiral (Clueless, anyone) today. It's easy to get hung up on the "bad" things we do, but it's so much better to just say, "Yes, that happened. It was delicious. Now I'm going to get back on the horse and work hard."

    I went into 7-11 to get my iced coffee this morning, but all they had were iced lattes. I should have gotten a regular coffee, but got an iced vanilla latte instead. I came into work and checked out the calories = like 300+ for 20 oz. I drank half and threw the rest away. I do NOT need all those empty calories. It was also crazy sweet, so I didn't really like it all that much anyway! Wish I would have realized that $2.50 and 200 calories ago! :laugh:

    LittleDeb - I wanted to let you know that you are totally an inspiration with all your exercise. You are making it a priority and it's super encouraging to me to see how much you are pushing yourself. You WILL hit your goal and then some within the next month. :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Elmo - THanks :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am really trying ..

    Anyone have any suggestions on a good not htat expensive heartrate monitor...i really want to get hubby one for fathers day but don't have tons of $$
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-LittleSpy posted a link to one that was on sale last week at Sear's I think. It was on the other discussion board. I have a polar F7. I got it on Amazon for $99. Not sure how much you are wanting to spend.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yeah i go to sears that day and they were all sold out but like up in richardson or valley view and didn't have time to drive out there....now the link doesn't work any more to do anything :sad:

    I was looking right about 100.00 or less...crappy i found women's ones cheaper.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lildeb- I have a sportline one...it was like $60...its not top of the line and its just a watch it doesnt have a strap or anything but since I dont really eat my excercise cals I take whatever number it gives me as calories burned and subtract 100-200 calories from it depending on how hard I worked before I log it on MFP. So like spin class says I can burn up to 900 cals, I usually log it as 700.

    pos_me- You will be in Onederland soon, I know it!

    Blue- Cant wait for you to be in 300's...bye bye 400 forever!!!

    So I ate really badly for a week, and didnt excercise much at all and I still managed to stay under 200lbs the entire time. The highest number I saw was at night time after I ate a huge dinner and it was like 201.6 or something. All my morning weigh ins have been under 200, so yay!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WHEW! I think I'm caught up!! I had such a busy weekend I wasn't around much. Too many boys and not enough time! JUST KIDDING!! But I might possibly have another date tonight. We will see! :tongue:

    mstahl-Hope George is doing better today! Sorry to hear about his episode this weekend.

    blue-I think joining the gym is a great idea. Especially if you love being in the pool. It's scary to start somewhere new but it will helpy ou out tremendously! Go TUESDAY!! You slept for that long Saturday?? HOLY SMOKES!! I went to bed at 4 AM and woke up Sunday at 6 and was like No way, not having this and slept till 10. I couldn't do anymore. And almost out of fourhundredville is amazing!!! You will be there in no time!

    Cris-Glad to hear that your weekend of relaxtion may have paid off, even if it was a little bit. I saw you had a loss this morning. That's so awesome! Crazy how our bodies work sometimes!

    LilDebbie-I'm the same way in spin class. I don't know if I dont push it hard enough or what but I usually burn about 600 calories or less in an hour long spin class. I gotta work on pushing myself. I'm never good at that! You are a workout machine! Send some of that my way will ya!? Check amazon.com that's where I got mine!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well i think i found that the ft7 replaced the f7...maybe why i couldn't find it?? maybe?? I am thinking maybe of getting it , it is like 90.00 I am going ahead and getting it...hope it is good :)

    Furious ...yet again. Serena has gotten ISS again for slapping another kid and then hugging them soo hard to hurt them...i just don't get it...she has her counselor appt today and both my and DH are going ...we have to figure out what is going on...her counelor said before she wanted to not see her dufring the summer but i don't think it is a good idea...they principal said if something doesn't change over the summer she will be put in a special eductional class for kids who can't be around other kids...that just makes me very sad.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Yeah i go to sears that day and they were all sold out but like up in richardson or valley view and didn't have time to drive out there....now the link doesn't work any more to do anything :sad:

    I was looking right about 100.00 or less...crappy i found women's ones cheaper.

    litdeb, Sears sold out of the polar F6, however they are selling the Polar F4 Black Thunder Heart Rate Monitor for $44.88. That's not bad.

    Here is the link hopefully they will have some in your area if you do ship to store.

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am starting this process ALLLLLL over again. I am going to pretend (for the time being) that I did not lose those 60lbs, that I just started this journey today. After reflecting about why I was slacking off, I came to the conclusion that I had already worked really hard and I had met my goal of being under 200 so I could stop working and had no real motivation (like getting under 200 was).

    I think using my wedding as a goal and motivator is good, but is not enough. I reworked my goal here they are:

    Phase 2: (the lbs is what I want to weigh at the end of that month) For Phase 2 I am shooting for 5lbs a month
    June - 195
    July- 190
    August- 185
    September- 180
    October- 175
    November- 170
    December- 165
    January- 160

    Phase 3- 3.5 lbs per month
    February- 156.5
    March- 153.0
    April- 149.5

    I think this is more realistic. I also dont plan on being a gym rat or doing excercise I hate. I am keeping spin class, but dropping Bodypump. Once I finish c25k I will prob cut down running times to 10-15 mins. Since I am only aiming at 1.2lbs per week I dont want to kill myself working out and making it something I hate doing. I am also going back to eating 1200 calories, its more than enough for me...but I will eat more if I am hungry and have excercise cals to spare...but I wont force myself to eat just to get to a certain calorie range. Thats never worked for me.

    So to sum up- 5lbs a month for the next 40lbs, 3.5lbs a month for the last 10lbs. Workout 3-4 times a week- aiming for a 500 calorie burn during those workouts.

    That makes me happy, its not as straneous

    Yay, I am back!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    chris - That sounds like a plan...Do you have a wedding date set yet>???
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jess- sorry about your iphone, you know how crazy i was without mine...i hope it gets fixed soon...another date? damn girl!

    lildeb- I think we are going to get married April 30, 2011....we have the date on hold but I havent booked it. My mom, MIL, and sister are going to go see it on Saturday and Id like to get their input on it before I put a deposit down. So excited!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    o and I forget who it was but I wouldnt really say I "lost" over the weekend. I have been under 200 the entire week, but for restarting purposes I started at 200lbs on my ticker and took today's weigh in as my first weigh in from 200lbs...so not very accurate, lol. For the first week I will prob show a pretty big loss, I know I have been eating lots of sodium and junk so I wont take this week's loss too seriously or count it as a loss. It will most likely be my body releasing any water I retained.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Glad to hear you have a new plan. I think it sounds great! Yes I feel naked without my iPhone!! I'm going at lunch today to have it fixed. I told my manager he had to deal with me taking an extended lunch. I basically live alone now and I will not be having a phone that doesn't work home alone. Yes another date. Maybe. :laugh: In all fairness, I have known this guy for months but he's been working out of town and we never had time to get together till now.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning gals..

    Great to see everyone this morning. I had a busy weekend I managed to get the upstairs cleaned pretty well and the stairs shampooed (took me about 2 hours on the stairs). Now today my goal is to get the basement done. We really don't use the finished basement much other than that is where my workout room and office are so, it should not be too bad. Then I am hopefully going to get some more paint touching up done.

    It looks like it will be another hot day here 98 (that's hot for the front range in Colorado) I am just glad our humidity is usually 40% or less.

    Well, I should get off of the computer and get my butt in gear!
    I will check back in later!