Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    :heart: Awestfall: glad you are feeling much better:heart:

    Litdeb: I know it very hot in Texas, have a fan close to you since no ac. I hope the people who will fix the ac call you first thing in the morning and come w/in the hour..keep your hope up high:glasses:

    Meokk: we miss you!! hope for a safe return:heart:

    check in

    Calories: under but that's fine..I was over for 2 days
    exercise: 30 minutes each elliptical and treadmill ( interval training)
    water: not enough...I have to really work on this again
    proud: that I have amazing MFP friends:flowerforyou:

    have a great nite girls!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall - we :heart: you! We are the sisterhood of the traveling weight loss..er..pants. When one of us is down, the other sisters must lift her up! That goes for all of us! (looking at Momma right now :wink: )

    Now if ya'll can come over and lift me up, literally off the floor, from my first fitness center visit I'd be ever so appreciative! :laugh: I DID IT! I JOINED TODAY! I got a personal tour and ALL OF THE MACHINES HOLD MY WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: They would not have 82 pounds ago, though. BUT NOW THEY DO!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I tried them all out, well, almost all - the girl giving me the tour was a personal trainer and she knew what machines would be good for me with the bad knee. This is what I tried:
    1.) elliptical. Oh Lord. I lasted five minutes and then screamed, "Someone get me off this damn thing!" Got the whole place laughing.
    2.) recumbent bike. Ah.....like home (shh don't tell Bessie) only more resistance.
    3.) some kind of bike that had me rowing my arms with it. I liked this one the best!
    4.) treadmill. Was scared to death. Kept picturing the BL people flying off the end of it. It took me five minutes of standing straddle on it before I could force myself to walk on it. I am not kidding - petrified of falling! And it was going so slowly that there was no way in my rational mind I could fall off, but let me tell you, I was convinced I was going to!
    5.) weight machine thingies. She had me on the lowest weight, which was 12.5. Piece of cake! And I fit on them!
    6.) track. LOVED IT. I walked a mile in 40 minutes. That's 5 minutes faster than two weeks ago!

    OK - needless to say, I walked out of there soaking with sweat and beaming with pride!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: PLUS they threw in a free fitness evaluation (having it done tomorrow) and two 1-hour personal training sessions with the girl who showed me around (I think I made her laugh so much she gave it to me out of pity! :tongue: I don't care! I'll take it!).

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you, sisters, for convincing me to go!!!!!! I love you all!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- I think I'd train you for free too just for comic relief... I still crack up about u saying that your scale said "one person at a time please" lol
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall - we :heart: you! We are the sisterhood of the traveling weight loss..er..pants. When one of us is down, the other sisters must lift her up! That goes for all of us! (looking at Momma right now :wink: )

    Now if ya'll can come over and lift me up, literally off the floor, from my first fitness center visit I'd be ever so appreciative! :laugh: I DID IT! I JOINED TODAY! I got a personal tour and ALL OF THE MACHINES HOLD MY WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: They would not have 82 pounds ago, though. BUT NOW THEY DO!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I tried them all out, well, almost all - the girl giving me the tour was a personal trainer and she knew what machines would be good for me with the bad knee. This is what I tried:
    1.) elliptical. Oh Lord. I lasted five minutes and then screamed, "Someone get me off this damn thing!" Got the whole place laughing.
    2.) recumbent bike. Ah.....like home (shh don't tell Bessie) only more resistance.
    3.) some kind of bike that had me rowing my arms with it. I liked this one the best!
    4.) treadmill. Was scared to death. Kept picturing the BL people flying off the end of it. It took me five minutes of standing straddle on it before I could force myself to walk on it. I am not kidding - petrified of falling! And it was going so slowly that there was no way in my rational mind I could fall off, but let me tell you, I was convinced I was going to!
    5.) weight machine thingies. She had me on the lowest weight, which was 12.5. Piece of cake! And I fit on them!
    6.) track. LOVED IT. I walked a mile in 40 minutes. That's 5 minutes faster than two weeks ago!

    OK - needless to say, I walked out of there soaking with sweat and beaming with pride!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: PLUS they threw in a free fitness evaluation (having it done tomorrow) and two 1-hour personal training sessions with the girl who showed me around (I think I made her laugh so much she gave it to me out of pity! :tongue: I don't care! I'll take it!).

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you, sisters, for convincing me to go!!!!!! I love you all!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Blue you just made my day!! you are such and inspiration to me.I love ya so much Blue keep inspiring and keep moving
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blue - glad you went and joined..you will get stronger and stronger ..today i was increasing resistance and a crossramp of 10 and i did it , upt till now i couldn't do it all...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Blue.. loved your adventure at the gym.. I am glad you joined and thank you for making me giggle!

    Ok... so today went very well! I doubled up on my workout
    65 min elliptical
    60 situps
    100oz of water
    stayed within the calories
    and even though I am seriously tired.. I had a GREAT Day!

    Proud I stepped it up today. I may just try this wednesday skinny challenge again next week!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- so glad you found things you liked at your gym & that you were adventurous enough to try so much equipment!
    I'm *so* glad I joined a gym! It's been 3 weeks now and I still love love love it!

    Calories: Will be 1511 if I ever get around to cooking & eating dinner (rotisserie chicken was a no-go AGAIN even though I went in search of one earlier today. BAH!) My goal was 1724 but I'm just not going to make it. Truth be told I'm sitting at 919 as I type. :ohwell:
    Exercise: 33 minutes elliptical (5.25K!!); 5 measly minutes on the chest press machine before I realized it was 2 minutes until 10pm (when the gym closes) and I was the only one still there.
    Water: I forgot to track today but I know it was well over 8 cups
    Proud: Busted my *kitten* to get to the gym even though we were busy at work again and I got off my 2nd job after 9. I have never washed dishes so hard and fast before. I swear I got my heart rate up so high washing them so fast I could consider it my exercise warm-up. :laugh: Yes, washing dishes -- it's the glamorous life I lead as a part-time pizza delivery driver. :embarassed:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi friends,

    Just popping in to say hello. bluenote you just made my day!!! And Jess I LOVE your boots. Keep up the great work you all are the greatest!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Had a decent day yesterday until dinner... then it went all down hill. Disgusting, greasy, delicious hamburger... then we went to get ice cream. (At least we have to walk about a mile to get to it?) As soon as we got back (and watched the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup!!) I felt bad about eating so terribly. Usually, this is the point were my brain melts down and I convince myself I can't do it, but the only thing to do is get up and get back at it again today.

    I wasn't able to feel badly too long about it, my sister called me while we were out (darn me for forgetting my phone!); they took my mom to the hospital last night. She was having really bad pains in her leg and she was afraid it may be a blood clot. Thank God for my boyfriend, or I'd have had a complete meltdown. Hopefully, I'll hear some good news today about mom.

    After all of that, I am one tired girl this morning. So here's to coffee and laundry --and work-- in hopes that they keep me awake!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    PS - Jess! The boots are ADORABLE!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning Gals!!!

    WELCOME HOME HEATHER!!! WE missed You!

    Blue: you make me smile. laugh, and cry reading your post...keep on keepin on..:heart::flowerforyou: .
    I am glad you enrolled in a gym..Let us know your first *workout* experience.

    Snowflakes: where have you been we miss you too... I think your doing great alone based on your ticket..Great job!!

    Tstout: One bad day is not the end of the world, get back on and stay focus. I know you can do it! Congrats to the Blackhawks beating the good old Flyers...I think it was ment to be they haven't won a game in 49 years so it was well deserved.

    I hope your mom is in good condition. Please keep us posted. she will be in my thoughts:heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Today is the last day of school...wooohoo...i am glad to get a break from everythign with that...she is going to have fun at summer camp.

    Check in for yesterday -

    cals - 1700 something
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - 30 arc trainer + 15 in elliptical (370 cals burned)
    Proud - that my 15 min on elliptical i actually did it with resistance and cross ramp..i increased the resistance every 2 minutes and had a 10 crossramp the whole time...usally i have like no reisstance or maybe a little and always 0 cross-ramp.

    My sodium yesterday was way over ...we ate at home having chicken fajitas, calorie rise great , sodium not so good...my total was almost 4000 yesterday ...so no wonder my weight this morning was up back to where i was on last friday..i was royally ticked off...so loading up on tons of water today in hoping something of a loss tomorrow.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    tstout- Forget yesterday and move on....I hope your mother is doing ok, please keep us posted!

    Scale was back up to 198.8 this morning,:explode: I want to blame the sodium from my panera's bread but I dont think thats what it was. Regardless I do feel bloated this morning (my engagement ring is super tight and its usually flying off my finger) but I dont know what the culprit was. Loading up on water today, and have spin class tonight.

    I have been feeling really achy and tired lately. My body is just sooo tired any movement seems like a huge effort. I also have bad period like cramps.(TOM was last week) I googled those symptoms and everything comes up saying Im pregnant :laugh: Do any of you know what it could be? Im really tired of feeling crappy, I've been trying to let my body rest..but thats not doing much either...just thought maybe one of you went through this?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - Sorry you aren't feeling good...not sure what it could be, i know when i am ovulating sometimes i get bad cramps...but with TOM being last week for you i am doubting it is that...hope you feel beter soon.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks everyone :) So far so good today! Mom is home from the hospital this morning and I've had (much needed) coffee and some yogurt.

    Cris - I feel like regardless of the symptoms if you research symptoms they always add up to being pregnant hahaha. I do hope you feel better!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    tstout- Forget yesterday and move on....I hope your mother is doing ok, please keep us posted!

    Scale was back up to 198.8 this morning,:explode: I want to blame the sodium from my panera's bread but I dont think thats what it was. Regardless I do feel bloated this morning (my engagement ring is super tight and its usually flying off my finger) but I dont know what the culprit was. Loading up on water today, and have spin class tonight.

    I have been feeling really achy and tired lately. My body is just sooo tired any movement seems like a huge effort. I also have bad period like cramps.(TOM was last week) I googled those symptoms and everything comes up saying Im pregnant :laugh: Do any of you know what it could be? Im really tired of feeling crappy, I've been trying to let my body rest..but thats not doing much either...just thought maybe one of you went through this?

    Cris I have been feeling the same way and yesterday was really bad. I'm not going to lie I pretty much ate everything in sight yesterday. I felt like a bottomless pit and I just felt like crap. I couldn't sleep and had a killer headache. I drank a ton of water and woke up this morning feeling better. I have no clue what it is. I was just thinking it's really bad allergies. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

    I just got on quick to try and catch up but I don't have time to make comments on everyones posts. I gotta shower and get to the dr. YUCK!! I'll be back this afternoon!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning!

    Blue - You are our heart and soul girl. Congrats on joining the gym and a great first session!
    Jess - Love the boots, you are such a Texan girl. Also thrilled to hear things are going well with the boy. Hope you get to feeling better today.
    tstout - So glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital.
    meokk - You are making my mouth water with all the delicious French food talk. Enjoy yourself!
    Heather - Congratulations on passing your test!
    Anne - I'm glad the ladies were able to set you straight. So much wisdom on the board!
    LilDeb - Congrats on upping the resistance on the ellipitcal. That's amazing and it's so exciting to see what more our bodies can do.
    CoGirl - DANG! That workout was legit! You worked it so hard. Well done!!
    LittleSpy - Amazing dedication as usual. I hope you get your rotisserie chicken tonight. :wink:
    Cris - Hope you get to feeling better. I also loved tstout's comment that if you look online, all symptoms seem to lead to pregnancy!

    Cals: Under, with exercise = 1232
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: 1 hour of Exercise TV OnDemand = 525 cals burned
    Proud: That I exercised when I got home. Jonathan (hubby) has a class he's taking (to become a beer judge - I know some of you will love that!) every Tuesday night, so it's the perfect time for me to work out at home.

    Cals: Over, by 48 = 1248
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: Not so much - I wore heels yesterday (a rare occurance) and managed to get a big old blister on the pad of my right foot. I was hobbling around the house!
    Proud: I was CRAVING Chinese food last night, but after thinking hard about my wallet and my waist, realized that I did not need all the extra calories and expense. Sometimes I make such "grown-up" decisions. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I have been feeling really achy and tired lately. My body is just sooo tired any movement seems like a huge effort. I also have bad period like cramps.(TOM was last week) I googled those symptoms and everything comes up saying Im pregnant :laugh: Do any of you know what it could be? Im really tired of feeling crappy, I've been trying to let my body rest..but thats not doing much either...just thought maybe one of you went through this?

    My boyfriend (edit -- oops... fiance.. holy crap I'm getting married in a week) and I have both been feeling like this for the last 2 days. I thought it was just me overdoing it as usual on Tuesday and Wednesday. But since he feels like that too (and trust me when I say he has NOT been "overdoing" anything, lol), it made me think it's some kind of weird bug going around. We both keep saying "I feel like a zombie." I think I'm more crampy/achey than thim though. But maybe that's because I worked 27 hours over the last 2 days and still made it to the gym to run 5k on the elliptical & strength train... twice. Also, like LilDeb said, I think I'm ovulating, so I just assumed that's what the crampy things were all about. But, now that I think about it, I've been getting them since Sunday and normally I only get them for a day or so... so... maybe we're just all pregnant. :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    tstout: I'm glad to hear your mom is home.

    cris: thanks for the comment about my picture ... it's kind of telling that you haven't seen my face before - I tend to change my profile picture to 'me' when I am feeling good about how I am doing, and change it to something else when I'm not feeling good about how I'm doing ... and it's been quite awhile since I felt like I was doing well!
    About how your are feeling - might just be a virus ... but if the cramps are bad and don't go away - you may want to see your obgyn, I had bad cramps and felt cruddy and it turned out to be ovarian cysts ... I also had bleeding because they had burst. They are pretty normal and typically go away on their own - but you are still supposed to see a doctor if you have symptoms.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: pretty darn good ... 31 calories over (and on a basically non-exercise day that is very good for me)
    exercise: not as good - just a 20 minute walk, had also hoped to fit in some sit ups/push ups
    water: good but didn't keep track
    proud: that I didn't have that bedtime snack that I really wanted
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Littlespy: You are getting married in a week! Holy cow! I didn't realize it was coming up so fast! Good luck!
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