Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    LIldebbie ......-0.4.....0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0.... 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 ... 0.59%
    Pos_me..........0.........0.00% ONE BIG FAT ZERO
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    LIldebbie ......-0.4.....0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0.... 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 ... 0.59%

    Up until Wednesday, I was rocking the 272 number still, which would have been like a 3 lb loss. But then I gained 3 lbs overnight, and another 1 lb for good measure last night. :angry: Thanks, TOM! So glad you could join me yesterday! Oh well, I know it's not real weight gain, next week will be better. :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    check in 6/10/10
    Calories: OVER by 1000...yea homemade chicken tender got the best of me. I don't normally eat time when i make them for the kids but I said " what the heck let me try them" they were raving they were so tasty...Ugh. Why do i do this to myself!?!?
    Exercise: 30 minutes walk ( outside in the heat - i was sweating up a storm) + 30 minutes elliptical. Burned 600 calories, but ate 1000..I screwed it up!!
    Water: yes, finally, but it's because I washed down all the junk food I ate.

    Proud: nothing really, I am one misrable mess..I should be so guilty..which i am. so I know don't let it get me down. Picking myself up and moving towards a new day.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    LIldebbie ......-0.4.....0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0.... 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 ... 0.59%

    Well I am back down to 220 this morning so I am happy with that now I need to drink alot of water to get back to 216 were I left of until TOM hit me hard this month but I know the weight will come back off.I won't be around this weekend because I am going to Dollywood.So I am going to get tons of exercise this weekend and I have already mapped out my nutrition for this weekend to so that I don't go crazy.I feel really good about myself today and I am happy to see myself doing this by myself with no meds. Sure it may take me longer than my mom and sis but I am sure to keep it off this time.I am going to keep going until its all off ( the weight that is).I feel so good about myself today too.I have to share that the other day I tried on a pair of shorts in Cato and slipped them right on and the were loose around the waist and butt area.I am proud to say they were 16's and I was shocked to see them loose fitting on me around my waist.Usually 16's are a bit tight and I tried them on while TOM was still around.So I ended up buying them and tried them on again yesterday after TOM was gone and still loose around the waist.So I guess I should be proud because what I am doing is working even if the scale doesn't always reflect it.

    Blue-you crack me up with your stories but I do want to say you are doing an amazing job with your workouts.
    Momma-Super proud of Ryan and I am sure you are too!! Your a great Momma
    Jess-Congrats on the 16's
    Cris-Hope you feel better soon hun!!
    Tstout-Nice job on -4 pounds
    CoGirl-Hope you have lots of fun on your camping trip and congrats on losing -1.5 pounds this week
    Miranda-I know how hateful TOM and the scale can be but you'll be back down before you know it
    Elmox-Good Luck with your singing
    Julie-So excited for your upcoming wedding.I hope all goes well and you must post pics
    KDub-Your new pic is wonderful you can see a huge difference
    Mstahl-Miss you so much and glad to hear George is doing well
    POS-I always love seeing you post you are such a SWEETIE
    Snowflake-We miss you and keep popping in to let us know your doing alright
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    As soon as I woke up I knew I wouldn't show a loss today. My muscles feel fatigued and puffy from my workouts Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday & Tuesday morning, before my crazy workouts, week of no sleep, and rotisserie chicken meltdown chicken nuggetfest I was at 196.6. This morning I was 198.6 which is my lowest weigh-in weight in 3 weeks (which is when I started going to the gym -- no coincidence there. :wink:) but is not my lowest official weigh-in ever so I record no loss again this week. That's fine with me! There's just a catch-up period because my muscles were completely used to my workout routine before the gym. So, when I started going, they started retaining water which caused my weight to go up 3-4 pounds. When I don't go to the gym for a couple days in a row, I see my weight drop dramatically so I'm 100% sure that's what's going on. IMO, shocking my muscles is a good thing! Also, like I mentioned above, I'm sure the sodiumrific nuggetfest last night didn't help in terms of my retaining water. :tongue:

    LIldebbie ......-0.4.....0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0.... 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 ... 0.59%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- You have told me a million times so its my turn...dont let yesterday defeat you, just move on today!!! Youve been kicking butt and taking names...dont be discouraged because you had one bad night of eating..and hey at least you excercised most of the damage done away!!! You are so close to Onderland dont stop now!!!

    ...now if I would only take my own advice :grumble:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    aawwwwwwwww Ann, You made me:blushing: :heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    pos_me- You have told me a million times so its my turn...dont let yesterday defeat you, just move on today!!! Youve been kicking butt and taking names...dont be discouraged because you had one bad night of eating..and hey at least you excercised most of the damage done away!!! You are so close to Onderland dont stop now!!!

    ...now if I would only take my own advice :grumble:

    Awwww, Thanks Cris, I needed that. I :heart: you gals:blushing:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    When I don't go to the gym for a couple days in a row, I see my weight drop dramatically so I'm 100% sure that's what's going on.
    I never put 2+2 together, but that may be why I had such a crazy loss on Monday after a weekend of being not-terrible but not-great. I didn't go to the gym at all Fri-Mon, but my muscles had been all beat up by my trainer on Tue/Thu. Maybe that is also part of my issue today along with TOM. :smile: I am SO SORE from this week's workouts with the trainer. She killed us on the arms/shoulders/upper back this week.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-So sorry to hear about George! I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

    snowflakes-Glad to see you are still around, even if you aren't posting all the time.

    lildebbie-Wow that's great results!! You've got to be building some good muscle there girl!

    tstout-4 poudns!? WOW!! You go girl!!

    pos-Do not beat yourself up! You are working your booty off!! Just move on and make today a better day. It's old news.

    awestfall-I'm proud of you for not taking the meds route. The guy I was previously dating that I still kind of talk to is taking that route and is trying so hard to get me to do it. I just don't feel right about it. Before I might of tried to take that way out of it but definitely not now! I'm so proud of you! Have fun at Dollywood!

    I got home last night and tried on the 16 mini skirt. Not sure if I'm comfortable wearing that in public. It's SKIN tight...definitely shows off some curves I feel naked! :laugh: SO! I have a black dress that I think I may wear tonight instead.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    is it really sad that Im crying like a baby because I looked up father/daughter songs for the wedding???:sad: :blushing:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    No that's not sad! What did you find!?
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Cris.. father daughter songs are special.. you can cry all you want.. I did and my dad even cried when we danced! Enjoy all these fun moments
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris.. father daughter songs are special.. you can cry all you want.. I did and my dad even cried when we danced! Enjoy all these fun moments

    I agree! That's one of my favorite parts of a wedding. The Dad tries to be so manly and tuff and they are usually bawling like babies. I know my Dad did when my sister got married. I've seen my Dad cry twice in my life.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    As soon as I woke up I knew I wouldn't show a loss today. My muscles feel fatigued and puffy from my workouts Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday & Tuesday morning, before my crazy workouts, week of no sleep, and rotisserie chicken meltdown chicken nuggetfest I was at 196.6. This morning I was 198.6 which is my lowest weigh-in weight in 3 weeks (which is when I started going to the gym -- no coincidence there. :wink:) but is not my lowest official weigh-in ever so I record no loss again this week. That's fine with me! There's just a catch-up period because my muscles were completely used to my workout routine before the gym. So, when I started going, they started retaining water which caused my weight to go up 3-4 pounds. When I don't go to the gym for a couple days in a row, I see my weight drop dramatically so I'm 100% sure that's what's going on. IMO, shocking my muscles is a good thing! Also, like I mentioned above, I'm sure the sodiumrific nuggetfest last night didn't help in terms of my retaining water. :tongue:

    That's always my favorite part. When I work out hard and then take two days off and the numbers just drop!! :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning! Thank you for all the love. I feel silly and know you're reading...think I was just feeling over sensitive.

    Last night went.....OK. I'm essentially a "back-up" singer so it's all about harmony. The bummer part of this, it they do everything by ear, so there's no music to follow along with, so even though I'm hearing where the harmony should be, without having the notes on the page to visually see the jumps between the notes, it's causing me some trouble. I'll keep practicing and hopefully it goes well. I didn't feel super comfortable, which is never fun, but it will get there. And really, if I don't feel like I have it, I'll just back away from the microphone! We get to be pretty rocking, so I'm pretty sure you won't be able to tell if I'm not full out singing!

    Jessica.............0 = 0.00%
    LIldebbie ......-0.4 = 0.14%
    tstout............ - 4.0 = 0.97%
    cogirl............. -1.5 = 0.59%
    cris20056.......0 = 0.00%
    Pos_me..........0 = 0.00%
    Miranda...........0 = 0.00%
    Awestfall..........0 = 0.00%
    julie..................0 = 0.00%
    Elmox............. -2 = 1.04%

    Cris, I danced to "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra. I knew that I needed something fun and fast to dance to with my daddy or I would have turned in to a blubbery mess! This is us: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=32084440&l=271155514f&id=15902971
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1467 Goal was 1270; I ate dinner at 6pm and then stayed up until 3am... so yeah... I got hungry. And 1/2 a sandwich was truly necessary. :tongue:
    Exercise: Walked around a good bit but nothing official.
    Water: I've been losing track of this lately being busy so at work and at home but I know I'm drinking enough because that's mostly all I ever drink except when I'm eating.
    Proud: I finally finally finally decided on a new ring. It's not an engagement ring because... well, there's no engagement left. :laugh: It's not a wedding band because it's not a band.
    It's the ring I fell in love with the first ring shopping go-round but I decided against it because quite honestly it was a lot more expensive than the ring I decided on (and you all know how cheap I am. :tongue:). And because I thought I really wanted a diamond wedding band which is the reason I was looking for a cheaper engagement ring. The diamond wedding band ended up being too big as well so we had to return it, too. Ridiculous, right? Scott really wants me have a ring I love. He even told me yesterday he felt bad about the ring I got and was actually underwhelmed with it. :frown: I did love the rings I originally chose but it made me feel bad that he felt bad. :laugh: Afterall, a ring is certainly not why I want to spend the rest of my life with him. It all seems silly to me. But I want to make the man happy so I seriously agonized over rings for hours and hours yesterday.

    Then at about 2.30am I remembered *the* ring. I looked it up and now it's on sale (woot! I *love* a good sale!). Scott's calling the jeweler today to see if it's in stock. If it is, we'll be driving to Charlotte tonight to get it. I do like the traditinal 2-ring look so I may get a really small white gold or silver band to pair with it.
    I love love love love love it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris, that is so cute. I would have been balling too. In our traditional wedding we don't do "father/daughter dance," but i wish we did. The closes I got to dance with my father was towards the end of the wedding when the whole family (brothers, sister, uncles, aunts, mother, and new hubby) all dance in one big circle. But I like your traditon better.

    Elmox: so cute the both of you..precious moments indeed
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Julie.. you should get the ring you want.. I love that ring to! It will be something you wear forever and will be special! You are worth every penny and then some! Enjoy it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I havent found the perfect song that describes my relationship with my dad....we have a sort of love/hate relationship (mostly love of course:love: ) but I'd say between my sister and I, I am more of daddy's little girl. :tongue:

    My dad is special to me in so many ways, he's a big reason I am the way I am. He's brought me up to be independent, work hard, and competitive. He never let me "being a girl" stop him from raising me like a boy...haha. He wants me to take over his business when he retires and looking back now, he's been 'breeding' me for this role for quite some time :noway: :wink:

    This morning I heard the new Bucky Convington single "A Father's Love" and it def descries my dad....but its not a wedding song by any means. I always wanted to dance to Sara Evan's "Always be my baby" but there is a part of the song thats kind of inappropriate...but that song describes ur perfectly...maybe we can blurb out the inappropriate part...