Women Fit For Forties



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    As a lot of you know from other posts, but I have to tell you Forties gals in person:
    I DID IT!!! I JOINED THE FITNESS CENTER!!!!! And guess what? ALL OF THE MACHINES HOLD MY WEIGHT!!! They wouldn't have 82 pounds ago, but they do now! I am so happy! Going tomorrow for a free fitness evaluation. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Life is good. :happy: I'm exhausted, but life is indeed good. :happy:
    GOOD FOR YOU! It took me awhile, but I love going to the Y now .. it's as much a social event in my day as it is good exercise. :drinker:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning everyone....was up early (5am) on my day off.....couldn't sleeep....so up and about early this am......Getting stuff ready for tomorrows yard sale......again good exercise fighting my 3yr old off the toys she doesn't play with anymore.....Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day....finally sunny here after what seems like a week of rain!!! Good luck with exercise today, and drink more water!!!!:happy:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm pleased to report that I've not simply "managed" to exercise daily this week, but I've made a point to do so. Last night, my step-son and I went for that walk (so he know's the mile-route, and so I could get it done); good times. I know the shiney will wear off of being helpful and interested, etc, but I'm going to enjoy it as it happens right now.

    Great job on the exercise, and getting your step-son to go with you! I always count it as a minor victory when I get my teenage daughter to exercise with me - even if we aren't really communicating - at least we are spending time together doing something good.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I had a deep thought about my profile picture habits ... I put a picture of me for my profile pic when I'm feeling good about my weightloss efforts and put other pictures when I'm not ... then I got to thinking about why I do that - and I think it's because I don't want to 'face myself' when I'm not staying on track... hmmm - that's deep.

    question for you guys - about 3-4 weeks ago I started having right shoulder pain - not a lot, just kind of dull almost 'pinched nerve-like'. Shortly after that an ugly bruise about the size of a baseball appeared on my right arm - I didn't remember running into anything - but had been gardening and carrying pots and boxes - so thought I might have done something and just forgot. Well the bruise is gone but the shoulder pain is still there, and now there is a very hard lump the size of a small marble where the bruise was and sometimes my whole arm feels a little numb. After doing a little googling and self-diagnosis - I think I probably have a partial bicep tear caused by the shoulder injury putting strain on my bicep. It sounds like they rarely do surgery unless you are an athlete or you have severe loss of movement. I can still do everything, just with a little pain. So I guess I'm going to wait a few more weeks and see if it goes away with icing it, ibuprofen, and trying to not 'overuse' it. Have any of you experienced anything like this? have any ideas? If it doesn't go away or gets worse I suppose I should see a doctor - just hate to if they are just going to say I need to rest it.
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    lstpaul - If massage therapists are licensed in your state, you might go see one who has training in Sports Medicine. S/He would be able to help with the pain management and by increasing the circulation and working the muscle fibers you may experience more relief than with just heat/cold therapy and ibuprophen alone.

    As a formerly licensed massage therapist, if you were on my table, after hearing your experience and making sure the knot was, indeed, muscular, I would recommend massage and then contrast therapy - that's a cold pack for 10 minutes, heat for 20, and then cold for another 10, always ending with cold.

    Stretching is good for it, too - I'm most concerned with the nerve symptoms you've described. Nerve entrapment can be tricky, so seeing a professional (doctor, LMT, chiropractor, physical therapist) is a very good idea.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Solandra - Thanks for all that great advice! I came to the right place! I'll try your suggestions, and will look into a massage therapist in Sports Medicine and/or going to a Sports Medicine doctor - especially if the numbness in my arm continues. Thanks!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, what an eye opener about the profile pic. This is all part of this journey trying to figure out every aspect, not just the eating and the exercising, but the emotional part of it all. I think you should keep your profile pic up!!!

    Solandra, yay on that stepson of yours I think it is pretty amazing that he is so open and willing to be helpful.

    Blue, I love hearing about your accomplishments you are doing so well. You are always there to help everyone else and you make us laugh. We want to be here for you on your journey as well. I think that it is really wonderful that you are not letting any obstacles hold you back. You keep going getting stronger and doing more. Pat your self on the back today and know that I am doing the happy dance for you:laugh:

    timbotina, hope the yard sale goes well. I can so relate to children who believe they need to keep something they have not even touched in 6 months.

    Just wanted to let everyone know, so that my good buddies would not become alarmed when mfp started letting them know that I have not been around and suggesting encouragement may be needed for me. I am leaving Sunday-Saturday to church camp. No computers so no momma for all those days. When I return on saturday I have to get my 13 yo ready for Tech Trek and we will be driving her to that on Sunday(fathers day) So I will pop in tomorrow but I am going to be busy making meals for my hubby to eat all week. I know he is grown and can make his own meals but I have kinda spoiled him over the years and so I personally like to do this for him. He always says "you don't have to do this" but you can tell he is happy that I am. His sister gets annoyed with him because I do so much for him. He went out to eat with her to a buffet and she very snottily asked, if he would be able to get his plate since I was not there. My smarty husband says "Oh, I thought that was why you came" She did not find that funny. Besides I do NOT make his plate for him at a buffet . He also does a lot for me , like give me pedicures, although he has said that if anyone finds out he is quitting so please don't tell him I told you or I will get calloused heels:laugh: )
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I think you are right Momma2four, I need to keep my profile pic up to 'face myself' every day - at least for awhile. p.s. I love that picture you have up now ... still can't believe it's your son and no special effects - how incredibly special. We will miss you (glad you told us you would be gone though so we don't get worried). I think it's wonderful how much you and your husband do for each other, I think you have been a good influence on me because I've been trying to find ways to be less critical and more appreciative of my hubby lately. :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks I love that picture too. I tried to print it once but it was taken on a cell phone and it just does not come out that great. I guess if I knew how to use a computer I could make it work. It tries to take up a whole 8x11 sheet of paper.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    As a lot of you know from other posts, but I have to tell you Forties gals in person:
    I DID IT!!! I JOINED THE FITNESS CENTER!!!!! And guess what? ALL OF THE MACHINES HOLD MY WEIGHT!!! They wouldn't have 82 pounds ago, but they do now! I am so happy! Going tomorrow for a free fitness evaluation. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Life is good. :happy: I'm exhausted, but life is indeed good. :happy:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bluenote I am sooo happy for you !!! YIPPEEEE!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Pfft... is seems I suck at reading comprehension. I'm supposed to rest a day between each challenge! I went to do them tonight & realized I was on week 2. Soooo... I skipped tonight & will do w1d3 again tomorrow & Sunday... then officially start week 2 on Monday. Silly me! :blushing: I guess I was just a little excited about them!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Oh & ACK... I burned 666 calories today!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh & ACK... I burned 666 calories today!
    :devil: Hurry and eat some "deviled eggs" so you can walk another five minutes to change the score! :devil: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Went for my fitness evaluation today. The diagnosis? I am out of shape! :laugh: Big time! :laugh: Hell, I knew that before going in there. :tongue: It will be interesting to see how & when I will improve my scores. Gotta start somewhere! :drinker:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Had a great day out picking up my son from Engineering State. The banquet was a buffet and I was so proud of mysealf only taking veggies and salad with the turkey breast. No mashed potatoes, roll, and only a bite of cake, but.... by three hours later I was starving and we had a ways yet to travel, with no towns big enough to have stores, my son had a package of M&M's, devoured them, my husbands secretary gave him mint chocolates that melted a bit and was like fudge heaven until later. Yuck, I feel gross from all the sweet. One extreme to the other. It didn't even occur to me to pack a few snacks. Still learning.

    bluenote I need your brain. I am always a day late and dollar short when it comes to good comebacks. Oh how I enjoy you! Thanks for keeping me smiling.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning ladies.. today is yet another busy day in colorado. I did not exercise yesterday and because I lost some weight my calories are lower again. However, I did just get in over 1200 calories and was a good girl yesterday. I did not drink quite enough water but, I am hoping to day will go better.

    This past week I lost 1.5 lbs. I am 2lbs away from 50. i can't wait!

    My goals for today are
    drink 100oz of water
    70 situps
    finish week 6 day 3 of c25k
    stay within my calories
    AND not to let people put too many requests on me. I am terrible and trying to do everything for everyone and leaving myself last in line. Today, i am going to take care of me first! I have a couple of BIG clients today so, today will at least be a profitable one. So, I will check back in when I get the chance.

    Like mama we are leaving for our annual family camping trip with like 30 people next Friday. That means I have 1 week to get the rest of my stuff done around here, take care of the family, take care of the clients that can not come in while I am gone, get ready for camping and well you ladies know.. Take care of EVERYTHING else. So, if I am not here much between now and Monday June 21st, you will know why. I am not falling off the wagon!

    Well... I better get going.. got to get my workout in before I go to work
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Yesterday was an "off" day, more from circumstances than intent, but I've been dramatically under my calories all week, and I was very tired at the end of the work day. One day over the calories by less than 100 with no exercise isn't the worst thing that could happen. Back to it today; my husband is taking the stepson with him to a boy scout camp photo shoot tonight, so I will have the evening to myself. :)

    Last night we had dinner out with friends, and my friend M, in talking to my stepson, referred to me as his mom. That's been a 400 pound gorilla in the corner for us; I don't expect him to call me mom, don't expect anything other than cooperation and the respect due to an adult member of the household (anything over and above that, including friendship, is a very welcome bonus, but he's been through a lot). Nothing was said, but it's out there, now.

    It takes a lot of energy, being hopeful and cautious, yet confident and friendly, and keeping under wraps a fair amount of anger and outrage over how his life has gone so far and how his mother dealt with him. He's been hurt so badly, and he's only been in my care for a little more than a week - patience is a virtue, and I'm not feeling terribly virtuous right now. I just want to heal him, right now thank-you-very-much.

    Any way, today is back on the wagon, and we shall see what happens as the day unfolds!

    Maite Zaitut!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    good morning ladies.. today is yet another busy day in colorado. I did not exercise yesterday and because I lost some weight my calories are lower again. However, I did just get in over 1200 calories and was a good girl yesterday. I did not drink quite enough water but, I am hoping to day will go better.

    This past week I lost 1.5 lbs. I am 2lbs away from 50. i can't wait!

    My goals for today are
    drink 100oz of water
    70 situps
    finish week 6 day 3 of c25k
    stay within my calories
    AND not to let people put too many requests on me. I am terrible and trying to do everything for everyone and leaving myself last in line. Today, i am going to take care of me first! I have a couple of BIG clients today so, today will at least be a profitable one. So, I will check back in when I get the chance.

    Like mama we are leaving for our annual family camping trip with like 30 people next Friday. That means I have 1 week to get the rest of my stuff done around here, take care of the family, take care of the clients that can not come in while I am gone, get ready for camping and well you ladies know.. Take care of EVERYTHING else. So, if I am not here much between now and Monday June 21st, you will know why. I am not falling off the wagon!

    Well... I better get going.. got to get my workout in before I go to work

    That means I won't see you for 2 weeks?:sad: :brokenheart:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Yesterday was an "off" day, more from circumstances than intent, but I've been dramatically under my calories all week, and I was very tired at the end of the work day. One day over the calories by less than 100 with no exercise isn't the worst thing that could happen. Back to it today; my husband is taking the stepson with him to a boy scout camp photo shoot tonight, so I will have the evening to myself. :)

    Last night we had dinner out with friends, and my friend M, in talking to my stepson, referred to me as his mom. That's been a 400 pound gorilla in the corner for us; I don't expect him to call me mom, don't expect anything other than cooperation and the respect due to an adult member of the household (anything over and above that, including friendship, is a very welcome bonus, but he's been through a lot). Nothing was said, but it's out there, now.

    It takes a lot of energy, being hopeful and cautious, yet confident and friendly, and keeping under wraps a fair amount of anger and outrage over how his life has gone so far and how his mother dealt with him. He's been hurt so badly, and he's only been in my care for a little more than a week - patience is a virtue, and I'm not feeling terribly virtuous right now. I just want to heal him, right now thank-you-very-much.

    Any way, today is back on the wagon, and we shall see what happens as the day unfolds!

    Maite Zaitut!

    this all seems very wise. I think you are taking on a huge responsibility and I feel very proud of you as well as in awe of your attitude towards this young man who has entered your life and home. :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    mama I will still check in when I can. I am just crazy busy and think I should be exercising when I get the chance instead of sitting in front of the computer. :wink:

    Plus I don't think I will have access to the internet where we are going next weekend. We can still stay in touch as much as possible! I will be thinking of you!

    Heck I will be thinking of ALL of you!!!