Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk-I just started watching Biggest Loser this season and I am hooked! It really is a great motivational show. It keeps me going. They do see results a lot faster because that's all they do. But it just goes to show that you can lose that weight. It also helps me to see the struggles they have with being over weight their whole life. I have always been over weight. It's theraputic for me. You should really check it out!!

    LittleSpy-That chocolate cake sounds soooo yummy!! Enjoy it for all of us!:bigsmile: Enjoy your non healthy meal. It's your mans birthday. Enjoy it while you can!

    Positively_Me-I'm with you on the stair master girl. I can't believe I got on it. I plan to continue using it maybe once a week from here on out! I definitely felt it!

    So I went to the gym last night where c25k kicked my *kitten*! I was watching a fitness class that was going on. I don't know what it was but it looked SCARY!!! :sick: I wont be trying that one!! 25 minute jog tomorrow for Cris and I! Cross your fingers for us ladies! I know we can both do it!! :flowerforyou:

    I realized something yesterday. When I use to get frustrated with life I would always result to snacking to make myself feel better. And for the first time I couldn't wait to get to the gym to let my frustrations out on my run! OMG!! :blushing: What a huge accomplishment! I have decided running is my new therapy and my new comfort. However, I do sometimes swing and punch while I run because it makes me feel better. Whoever monitors their cameras must get a good laugh out of watching me! :bigsmile: I don't really care. They can laugh at me all they want!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I realized something yesterday. When I use to get frustrated with life I would always result to snacking to make myself feel better. And for the first time I couldn't wait to get to the gym to let my frustrations out on my run! OMG!! :blushing: What a huge accomplishment! I have decided running is my new therapy and my new comfort. However, I do sometimes swing and punch while I run because it makes me feel better. Whoever monitors their cameras must get a good laugh out of watching me! :bigsmile: I don't really care. They can laugh at me all they want!

    ROTFL....Good luck to you and Cris..c25k run... Let out your frustration girl :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- def check out the biggest loser! I find it so motivational! Its still a tv show though so dont think you are gonna lose like they do

    Jess- I may hold off on d3 for saturday, I am soooo sore from bodypump and the run yesterday. Plus tonight its spin class...Im in a world of hurt :sad:

    pos_me- aww how sweet of your hubby...:love:

    jlb- that cake sounds AMAZING...yumm thanks now im hungry! :laugh: :wink:

    I SAW 208 ON THE SCALE TODAY! OMG OMG SO EXCITED! I hope it lasts......

    Gotta go do lots of work today, be back later to stalk :tongue:

    SPIN CLASS TONIGHT...I hope I make it between bodypump and my c25k run yesterday I am HURT
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello girls,

    Just wanted to say a quick hello. I have been much busier than I like to be! My life if full of great things, but I feel like I'm spinning and can't keep up. I will be gone till after the fist May. I wanted to say thanks for all your encouaging words and support that has helped me get this far. Still a ways to go but I'm confident that I will get there. So far I am maintaining on my own and I plan to focus more on good cardio exercise when I have more time at home.

    Keep up the great job you are all doing!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    elmox: I'm with you on the week going slow. I also have tomorrow off, but we're getting there!

    Cris: Whether you do w6d3 today or Saturday, you'll do great! Once you get past this workout, the rest seem pretty easy! Just go at a slow pace so you can get the entire time done. I'll be doing w9d1 tomorrow, most likely in the morning with the dog.

    Pos_Me: It's so great that you talked yourself into continuing your workout even though you wanted to quit after 10 minutes. Stair steppers are hard! Happy birthday to your hubby on Saturday...he's my birthday buddy! It's so cute he just wants to spend the day with you. I love when married couples are cute like you two!

    Snowflakes: We'll miss you while you're away, but we'll be right here waiting for you when May 1st rolls around!

    So yesterday I was doing great on calories all day until I was a little hungry last night when I got home from riding at 9:30pm. Even though we both know better, my boyfriend and I ended up ordering a pizza and I ended up going 400 calories over for the day. Ugh, why do I do this to myself?

    Tomorrow, for my day off, I plan on getting up close to my usual time to take the dog with for w9d1 of C25k. Then I'll shower and head down to the Minnesota Horse Expo to meet up with some ladies I volunteer with. The owner of the barn already gave me a wristband for the weekend, so I don't have to pay admission! The challenge is going to be in staying away from the corn dogs at the Expo. The plus side is that I'll be walking around all day.

    I'll probably check in a few more times today, but I won't be on MFP at all tomorrow. So, I'm giving my official weigh-in for tomorrow's stats.

    hajohnson24....-0.8 lbs = 0.41%

    Yes, there was a loss, but I'm not really considering it one until I get back down to the 190 that I was last month. I officially have not met my birthday goal and I'm a bit frustrated with myself. I know what I need to do, just need to find the motivation to work through it and give up the bad food choices. This is about the time of year I gave up on all of it last year, but I will NOT be giving up this year!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    Here's the link to an article someone posted on another thread, but it makes sense. Now I can see why my boyfriend doesn't keep track of his calories but keeps losing weight!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Girls, I will be back later to read everyones post. I am very excited. Ryan went to his class last night and he did his usual jumping off of furniture and wandering. Here is why I am excited, they did NOT kick him out and they made him stop. They made him stay focused and when I came to pick him up I asked how he did. They said he did pretty good. I am like did he jump off furniture? Yes, but we made him stop. What a concept every other program I take him to rather than make him stop they come get me and embarass me and tell me that it has become a saftey issue. Okay Make HIM STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the grammer and spelling I have to run to speech for Ry then water therapy for my neighbor busy busy busy.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 240 ... but for a non-exercise day that was a big improvement for me
    exercise: unfortunately none ... was chauffeur after work, made supper, and then ended up working until late. I sat at my daughter's golf tournament from 4:30-5:45 ... expecting her to be done any minute - wish I would have gone for a walk instead. NEXT time I'll have to figure out a way to walk around but still be able to see when she is at the last tee (or whatever you call it - I'm not a golfer).
    water:good - about 100oz
    proud: of the food choices I made, I made a couple of mistakes in the evening ... got too hungry because we were running around much later than I expected so I had 1/2 scoop of ice cream when I treated the golf girls to ice cream cones, and I also snitched a little of the kid's supper while making it - but not too much. Not perfect - but definitely an improvement and no mindless binging or snacking. I have lots of protein snacks packed today, but still need to plan dinner.

    cris: Congrats on 4th for BL!
    snowflakes: see you in May!
    momma: how did the kinder class go last night?
    jlb: enjoy your bf's birthday! you've been doing such a terrific job, good for you for planning around the cake and meal.
    Have a good day everyone else! (I already forgot all the other comments I was going to make ... old age! :grumble: )
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi Girls, I will be back later to read everyones post. I am very excited. Ryan went to his class last night and he did his usual jumping off of furniture and wandering. Here is why I am excited, they did NOT kick him out and they made him stop. They made him stay focused and when I came to pick him up I asked how he did. They said he did pretty good. I am like did he jump off furniture? Yes, but we made him stop. What a concept every other program I take him to rather than make him stop they come get me and embarass me and tell me that it has become a saftey issue. Okay Make HIM STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the grammer and spelling I have to run to speech for Ry then water therapy for my neighbor busy busy busy.
    How do you get him to stop hugging strangers because my 3 year old has started that and it has me frightened that someone may try to take her if she hugs the wrong stranger.You know what I mean??? I don't want someone taking my baby so how do I get her to stop without making her think everyone in the world is bad?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi Girls, I will be back later to read everyones post. I am very excited. Ryan went to his class last night and he did his usual jumping off of furniture and wandering. Here is why I am excited, they did NOT kick him out and they made him stop. They made him stay focused and when I came to pick him up I asked how he did. They said he did pretty good. I am like did he jump off furniture? Yes, but we made him stop. What a concept every other program I take him to rather than make him stop they come get me and embarass me and tell me that it has become a saftey issue. Okay Make HIM STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the grammer and spelling I have to run to speech for Ry then water therapy for my neighbor busy busy busy.
    Yeah! That is so great, it sounds like there are some good teachers in this program! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- Yay! I'm so happy for you and Ryan. Sounds like he's got some great teachers on top of a great momma!
    Istpaul -- sounds like you're on the right track! It's good about the protein -- as Momma says, I swear by it! :laugh: I sacrificed about 20g of protein that I would've gotten in my normal snack yesterday (which I skipped to try to make up for eatin the cake...) I was SO HUNGRY all night at work. It was still a small price to pay for that cake. :laugh:
    Heather -- have fun with the horses! And you'll do just fine avoiding the corndogs. Ew. :tongue: Personally, just thinking about what's in a hotdog wiener keeps me from wanting one in any form. :sick: :laugh:
    Snowflakes -- Enjoy life! See you back here the first of next month!

    Well, my bf has officially ruined his surprise of a clean house! GAH! :grumble: He has postponed taking one of his exams instead of staying to take it today like he was planning. So, now he'll be home when I get home which means not only will it not be a surprise, but I won't be able to get nearly as much done because he's like a 4 year old when he wants attention. :laugh: At least I'll get to spend more time with him! :smile: At least it will still be a surprise when I walk in 4 hours early. And really, am I not the best surprise ever? :wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- Thats great news!!! I know how stressed out you must have been, this certainly should lift your spirits!:flowerforyou:

    Snowflake- See you soon! We will miss ya! Make sure you come back though or we'll come after you! :wink:

    Istpaul- Great job staying on track...little treats here and there if portioned correctly shouldnt hurt you. It would have been worse to deny your craving and then binge/snack later...kudos!!!:drinker:

    jlb- Im pretty sure he would rather have you paying attention to him then a clean house :wink: :tongue: Bobby's like a 4yr old when he wants attention too...last night he kept talking like a excited little boy then started pouting when I wasnt "listening" to him, then decided to come sit "next" to me aka- on top of me so I could hold him. Seriously, who is the girl in this relationship?? :laugh: :laugh: I love him :love:

    So I just had like an 800 cal (estimated cause I have no idea really) sandwich at panera's. Ive been trying to alternate my daily intake from low (1100-1250) to high (1300-1450). I figure since I've been busting my *kitten* this week that I deserved it, plus I will burn most of it off tonight in spin class. :happy: That'll leave me with about 400 cals for dinner and I can make something really yummy with that many cals!!! The sodium from it may not look pretty at tomorrow's weigh in tough....:grumble: :explode: lol so much for my 208!!!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Littlespy: Yes, you are the best surprise! I'll try really hard to stay away from the corndogs but I just love them! Usually I don't eat hotdogs unless they're all beef because the thought grosses me out but the batter is awesome. I'm going to try to focus on the grilled porkchop stand during lunch because that's about the best option when it comes to fair food. Or, I might be able to find a grilled chicken sandwich.

    Momma: I'm glad that Ryan had a success at Kinder. The teachers seem to know what needs to be done for him so I'm sure he'll do great this year! He sounds like so much fun. If it makes you feel better, we had a rider in our program who likes to leap of the horses and BOLT away, but we manage to keep her on the horse and engaged for 45 minutes of horseback riding (even though we have to hold on to her the whole time!) Ryan definitely sounds easier to handle than our rider!

    So, I'm sitting here at my desk being totally grossed out by my co-worker on the other side of the cubicle wall. He's gross anyway because he picks at scabs and digs in his ear and then studies it...but today he's congested and keeps inhaling deeply so the mucus rattles around. I don't know why a grown man can't figure out how to blow his nose! The worst part is that he's a manager. Unbelievable. I liked it so much better when his cubicle was on the other end of the building from me. Eww!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I just got my scale in the mail that I ordered from Amazon. It wil set my weight but then it gives me an error message when I try and get my body composition. What's the deal? Does anybody know?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I know with my scale you have to be barefoot and stand still...dunno if any of those are the problem

    Also, I was looking at your pics on FB and OMG girl you have came such a long way!!! GREAT JOB! Keep it up! In some pictures I truly had no idea it was even you , I had to click my mouse over it to see if you were tagged as the person!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    PS- Is your weight showing higher, lower or the same? Lol, Im kind of scared to buy a new scale in fear that it will tell me I weigh more!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    No worries I think I figured it out! I had to squeeze the handle thingy dealy whopper really hard and then it worked! YAY!!

    Cris-It's showing about 3 pounds up from what mine said this morning. But then again I do have clothes on and about 6 glasses of water. I'm giong to compare tonight when I get home! That's too funny about not recognizing me. That made me feel so good! Thank you! I like looking back to see my progress. That's what keeps me going. I showed my cousin the birthday pics and she goes "Oh my goodness Jessica look at your face and neck!!!" I use to pick on myself because it never looked like I had a neck. But I do now!! YAY!! :blushing: Stupid thing to be excited about I know!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-Sorry your suprise was ruined! But at least you get to spend some quality time with your bf! That's great!:smile:

    Momma-So glad to hear your son did well at his class last night! Who would of thought just telling him to stop would of worked? You would think the previous teachers would of done the same!

    Snowflakes-We will miss you! See you in a couple of weeks! Hope all is well!:flowerforyou:

    lstpaul-I agree with Cris. If you deny your cravings only bad things result. Moderation is the key!

    Cris-I was actually thinking of doing the same thing with the calorie alternating next week. I'm going to start a fitness class or too. I think if you are going to be burning that many calories it's probably a good idea. You try it out first and let me know how that works out! HAHA!:bigsmile: :laugh:

    Heather-The grilled porkchop sounds so yummy...and the corndog...mmmm...and your co workers just sounds nasty. I feel for you girl!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Cris-I was actually thinking of doing the same thing with the calorie alternating next week. I'm going to start a fitness class or too. I think if you are going to be burning that many calories it's probably a good idea. You try it out first and let me know how that works out! HAHA!:bigsmile: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: GEE THANKS!!! No wirries, I'll take one for the team :wink:

    Seriously so far its been working I guess, like I said I was down to 208 (was stuck at 210.4) and thats WITH TOM!!! So hoping that next Tuesday I show a big loss!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    So, I'm sitting here at my desk being totally grossed out by my co-worker on the other side of the cubicle wall. He's gross anyway because he picks at scabs and digs in his ear and then studies it...but today he's congested and keeps inhaling deeply so the mucus rattles around. I don't know why a grown man can't figure out how to blow his nose! The worst part is that he's a manager. Unbelievable. I liked it so much better when his cubicle was on the other end of the building from me. Eww!
    My manager is totally gross too! (he also sits next to me ... but at least we are in offices - so a little more separation). I don't know if you were here when I was complaining about him one day ... but he routinely picks his ears with pens while talking to me, passes gas often when walking by my office, I thought he was going to die yesterday from coughing up phlegm ... oh yeah, and once he clipped his nails in my office and left the clippings on the floor. TOTALLY GROSS! He wears the same clothes every single day too ... but I tell myself they must be several pairs of the same style and color ... at least I HOPE. :sick: