Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul, you are still here so you are not giving up. Be really proud of your workout ethic it is amazing. Focus on what you are doing good. Start realizing that you can really make what you are doing even better with the diet. Take baby steps as you said and do little things here and there. Take this one meal at a time one snack at a time and it will eventually become habit. I am with you on this I go through the same thing. I drank my last diet pepsi yesterday and I was sad cause I wasn't going to buy anymore. We are here for you.

    Girls, thanks for all the encouragement. My abcess drained!!! Gross and Happy all in one :laugh: And if I did not get hemorrhoids pushing out my second daughter I will probably never get them. It was a pretty safe threat on my part:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    KDub, I was actually born in the bay area and raised in Stockton. We moved near Modesto about 7 years ago to a small town that noone in CA has ever heard of unless you live around here:laugh: My brother and his wife are still in the bay area.

    Jess, you look so good!!!!! I would be very proud!!!!
    Well I hope everyone has a great day.
    Thanks momma for the encouragement ... it is nice to know I'm not alone ... sometimes I feel like I am the only one struggling with food. I'm happy with everyone else's success, but wish I could get back to losing too - you know what I mean?
    Glad your abcess drained!
    I'm also glad to hear I'm not alone in trying to kick the diet pepsi habit. That is going to be a tough one too. I have quit several times in the past (both times I was pregnant), but end up going back to it. I know there is a lot of debate about whether diet drinks are actually unhealthy - but I do know that I feel better whenever I've been able to stop drinking diet pepsi... AND I tend to crave salty foods to snack on while I drink it - so it will hopefully help with that bad habit too. After finding out how much caffeine is in this 12oz can of enviga green tea, I'm trying to drink it slowly at my desk and am drinking water in between each sip.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-Dont worry you aren't alone in the food department! I struggle as well. Some days are better then others. The last two days I haven't prepeared ahead of time and have had to make last minute decisions. It's a constant struggle for me!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    BL makes me cry every single week. It is a really emotional show for me. It is so awesome to see these people over come their issue with their weight; totally motivating!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I think we all have struggles with the food part of things. Lets face it we did not become members of the over 200 club because we hated food!!!:laugh: I think "we" as a society use food to make us feel good, to satisfy hunger, and even just to socialize. Think about church when ever there is a get together it is a potluck or a luncheon. The hard part about the food thing when you have a family with kids is we all come together to eat. Eating is so much part of our lives we can never get away from it. Every time I sit down to eat I am struggling not to over do it. I like to cook and make things my family likes to eat. It feels good to have everyone saying how wonderful something you created is. I don't know just my 2 cents. I think we have to just take this one bite at a time. Sometimes I want to be discouraged because I have been at this a year and I am at 37 pounds lost (I use to be at 44) But I know that I CAN"T quit and I am NOT going to quit and I need to forgive myself and move forward. Lstpaul, forgive your self. I really think that you are upset with yourself right now and discouraged. First forgive yourself. IT is okay to be human and make a mistake. :flowerforyou: Now that you have forgiven yourself (and you better) Let's move towards our goals. I just got done telling my husband that I think I have lost my determination to lose weight. I have lost my excitement for it. Let's try to find our motivation again and our excitement for losing. Let's steal some from littlespy while she is at training today:laugh: :laugh: We can all do this. I think we are all weight loss sisters. Our friends and family know us better but they don't know what it feels like to be the biggest girl in the room. They don't know what it feels like to be over 200 pounds. We all know what that feels like I think that makes us weight loss sisters.:cry::laugh: I got all biggest loser emotional speech on us right now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    BL makes me cry every single week. It is a really emotional show for me. It is so awesome to see these people over come their issue with their weight; totally motivating!

    I get choked up too. Especially when they sing that song at the beginning "What have you done to make yourself feel proud" I just want to cry. I was laughing because I must have been typing while you posted and I just commented on the emotional biggest loser speech I was giving:laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I love your biggest loser emotional speech Momma!! You know something that helps me when I start to get discouraged. Espeically since it has take me 2 years to come THIS far. I put comparsion pictures together. I did my birthday one last night. I thought last year at a 20 pound loss I was looking pretty darn good. Now that pictures almost disgusts me and I'm way more pleased to see this years. Now I can't wait to see where I am at again in a year! It's a very emotional and exhausting process I have to admit. It takes a lot of energy. I completely agree with you that it's hard espeically when everything is center around food. My family doesn't get to see eachother much but when we do it's always Sunday night family dinner! Since I started this journey my family now tries to make it a whole day event on Sunday's and we now try and play sports with all the kids outside. Try to counteract what we're about to eat. And I love cooking as well and enjoying my own creations and having others enjoy it. I don't know if you are big into seasonsings like I am but I use Mrs. Dash. It doesn't have any sodium and there are SEVERAL different flavors. I use Mrs. Dash on everything now!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Great BL speech momma! Thanks, I needed that! You are probably right that I need to forgive myself and move on, I've been paying more attention lately to my 'self-talk' and I sure spend a lot of time feeling guilty about EVERYTHING that I don't do exactly the way I wanted to. I don't know why, just ingrained I guess. I'm working on it though. I've been thinking alot lately about how I wish I had never let myself gain the weight in the first place - but there is no sense dwelling on that since it is already done.
    I like your idea of stealing some of littlespy's motivation today while she is away ... :wink:
    We WILL do this! 'What have you done today, to make you feel proud!' (or however it goes)... love that song too!:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I love your biggest loser emotional speech Momma!! You know something that helps me when I start to get discouraged. Espeically since it has take me 2 years to come THIS far. I put comparsion pictures together. I did my birthday one last night. I thought last year at a 20 pound loss I was looking pretty darn good. Now that pictures almost disgusts me and I'm way more pleased to see this years. Now I can't wait to see where I am at again in a year! It's a very emotional and exhausting process I have to admit. It takes a lot of energy. I completely agree with you that it's hard espeically when everything is center around food. My family doesn't get to see eachother much but when we do it's always Sunday night family dinner! Since I started this journey my family now tries to make it a whole day event on Sunday's and we now try and play sports with all the kids outside. Try to counteract what we're about to eat. And I love cooking as well and enjoying my own creations and having others enjoy it. I don't know if you are big into seasonsings like I am but I use Mrs. Dash. It doesn't have any sodium and there are SEVERAL different flavors. I use Mrs. Dash on everything now!
    Thank you for sharing Jess ... you are an inspiration and I will be extremely happy if after 2 years I am at 45 pounds lost like you. I have to remember that it isn't a race and every small step will eventually add up.
    I will try more Mrs. Dash too ... I used to us it, but somehow salt snuck back into my daily routine instead.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Sometimes I want to be discouraged because I have been at this a year and I am at 37 pounds lost (I use to be at 44)
    Momma ... be VERY proud of yourself for being at 37 pounds lost.:drinker: That is fantastic, I have been at it for over a year too and am just at 17, but it is 17 pounds lighter and healthier than I was before ... so I will focus on that and keep on trying. Thanks so much to all of you for being here! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    You gals are the best. We can do this!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Tonight my son is going to a kinder facts class. It is more for the parents and since I have attended them before it is not like I really need it. C'mon now this is my 4th kg. I know what they need. But I like the idea that the kinder teachers take the kids away and have a craft or story time while the parents make a craft they can do with the kids. It is a 5 night program. I am however concerned that he will not cooperate and they will kick him out of class. Ryan is not mean or bad to other children. He is very sweet and affectionate (which also worries me, he hugs and kisses people he does not know) The problem is He jumps off furniture and he will not stop and so every where I take him they kick him out for that. :embarassed: :cry: So tonight we begin and I just so bad want him to be successful tonight. Pray that he will!!! I also signed him up for kinder camp this summer. I am trying so hard to help him. He is my sweetheart. When I get dressed up he will say " Wow momma your beautiful" I know I have already told you that but I like to repeat it.:love::love: :love: :love:

    Edit to metion what ever woman gets my son will be lucky. He is handsome and knows what to say. He is like his daddy:love:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Amen to the all of us struggle with food choices comment. I have to be completely conscious of every single thing I eat otherwise it gets out of hand -- fast! Just a couple days ago I was weighing out a serving of light ice cream & my boyfriend opened a bag of salt & vinegar potato chips (yeah, leading by example hasn't worked so much in his case). And my mind immediately went to the thought of grabbing the rest of the container of ice cream (about a pint left) and that bag of potato chips & setting up camp in front of the TV. :noway: Seriously? I'm still having thoughts like that?!
    But nope, I just scooped out my 3/4 cup (who can eat 1/2 cup of ice cream at a time?!) of ice cream & sliced a few strawberries on top & the thought of those potato chips left my mind pretty much immediately. For me, it's just about being completely aware of what I'm doing and making conscious decisions rather than just impulsive ones. Easier said than done, but after a while I think I must've gotten the hang of it pretty well because I don't feel as focused (obsessed) about it anymore.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woohoo! I just got my refund check from my health insurance company (and it only took 4 months to get it!). My coworker screwed up my paycheck deductions at the beginning of the year & of course, I had to go back behind him and correct them (just like I had to do for like 20 other employees. But, seriously, I can't believe he didn't pay at least a little bit of extra attention to not screw up mine :noway:). Anyway, the check is almost exactly the amount I spent on the scale yesterday. Fate! :laugh:

    Edit: And the other woohoo is that a trainer on MFP has informed me that Patellar Tendon support straps exist! I had no idea, but yep, they do! Seems like they're mostly referred to as "jumper straps" (because patellar tendonitis is aka "jumper's knee" because a lot of people get it when doing activities involving a lot of jumping... which was running with a much longer/faster stride than usual for me). So, I'm going to go to Target to buy one tonight. Yayyyy! She said it should significantly reduce the amount of pain I'm in while I'm doing activities that strain my tendon (like running). She also said to keep running while it's painful, just just ease up -- no more running 5.0mph for long periods of time until I let my body get used to the speed increase.

    Lesson learned -- too much too soon. AGAIN.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mari- congrats on breaking your plateau!! Im going to try the no carbs thing, usually thats what I eat before bed! Thanks

    Biggest Loser- Jess!! I can not believe this is your first year watching it! I love love that show, it motivates me so much. During my attempt at w5d3 I kept thinking of Jillian making Vicky run those intervals..and I said she can do it, so can I. O'Neal is my fave this year, at his age and with his body pretty much already falling apart its amazing what he does! I cried when he did those push ups last night. I also love how much he cares about his daughter its so sweet. Ok now Im teary...

    Lacking motivation and bad food- When I was doing well and losing big numbers I rarely had issues eating well. When I got stuck at 210 is when motivation and bad choices kicked in. It started with "lets shock my metabolism" to well the scale isnt moving so I might as well eat this is pointless. So I started caring less about making good choices. It took me giving myself a long pep talk to realize that the scale WILL start moving, and not in the right direction..if I kept it up, and if I ate well and excercised eventually it would go down. So now I feel refocused and ready to kick this plateau's *kitten*!!

    Momma- you speech was beautiful, especially the part about others not knowing what we go through as "fat people". I've always been the big one in the group and its hard to talk to people that dont struggle with weight how exciting it is to be able to run for 60 seconds straight. Everyone I told wasnt very impressed but I could always count on you guys, my weight loss sisters to understand how hard it is and to congratulate me! Thank you!!!

    Already did 1 load of laundry, went to the gym and did w6d2, ate lunch, now about to start packing up my son's outgrown clothes to put into storage. I plan on going to the daycares after 3 since usually nap times last until then!

    be back later

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I would spend $200 on shoes if I had the money to do so as well. Oh, and I'm sure you will cry at the BL finale. I always do!

    Mari: If I won the lottery, I would immediately give myself a trip to Fitness Ridge to have the Biggest Loser experience without having to be on television!

    lstpaul: I love your hubby's email. How cute!

    Momma: I also live in a town that most in Minnesota haven't hear of, even though it's only 30 miles northeast of the Twin Cities. I think people need to leave their houses more often and explore the state they live in!

    Cris: I love Sunshine and O'Neal too, but I could be biased since they're from Minneapolis, MN! I love when Sunshine keeps up with Sam and the rest of the guys on challenges. You go, girl!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Check-in for yesterday
    calories: good...drank about 300 of my exercise calories in wine so technically over but not a super bad day
    exercise: 30 mins of hard super sweaty elliptical & 300 crunches
    water: 1 liter & then about 24 ounces

    today so far:
    35 mins of hard elliptical & 400 crunches
    24 ounces of water down :-)
    one semi bad food choice - had half of a bacon ranch tortada from taco bell - 285 calories
    about 1/3 of my homework done too!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm taking it one meal at a time ... very happy with my choices so far today:
    chai (ok - too much sugar)
    regular oatmeal for breakfast ... (no sugar ... I usually do 2 packets)
    1/2 serving dry roasted peanuts for snack
    1/2 serving triscuits (probably not the best choice .. but it was what I had before shopping)
    vegie pizza on a pita for lunch
    24oz water so far, filling up my 2nd jug now
    ... I'm excited about my grocery shopping trip at lunch, lots of fruits, veggies, light string cheese sticks, crackers for peanut butter , yoplait greek yogurt and green tea packets ...I've got my snacks and dinner planned out for today, and I'm excited to plan my meal for tomorrow. Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I hadn't checked in all week...7 pages later...oh my you girls been some chatty cathy's.

    I feel horrible...stupid steriods and antibotics caused me to have a yeast infection...those of you who never had one before ..consider yourself lucky they are one of the worst things...I just don't fee like doing anything..>I haven't exercised all week...not being eating bad but not great...my house is a mess...I hope i feel better soon.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I hadn't checked in all week...7 pages later...oh my you girls been some chatty cathy's.

    I feel horrible...stupid steriods and antibotics caused me to have a yeast infection...those of you who never had one before ..consider yourself lucky they are one of the worst things...I just don't fee like doing anything..>I haven't exercised all week...not being eating bad but not great...my house is a mess...I hope i feel better soon.

    I am on antibiotics for a sinus infection, and got a yeast infection now too. It sucks. To top it off, I got my period this week too. Hope we both feel better soon!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Momma - I LOVE IT :happy: :love: :happy:
    "one bite at a time" is a great little motto weight loss sister !!!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hmm, I think a song could come from "One Bite at a Time..." Perhaps sung to the tune of George Strait's "One Night at a Time"