Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15

Well here is the new post .Sorry I have been MIA this week my daughter Amelia has been so sick.I think she is finally getting over it this week and I hope I don't get it .


  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Awestfall: Thanks for the new thread! And I hope your daughter get better soon...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    thanks for the new thread and I hope your daughter continues to do well!

    Off to more yard work here!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I wasnt very good this weekend. I only went over on Sunday (ate about 1600-1700 cals) but my choices on Saturdya werent very healthy even though I did stay within cals. I didnt excercise at all...

    So I am at 211 this morning with my BL weigh in tomorrow. I am going to drown myself in water today hoping to at least maintain on their scale tomorrow.

    Lots of posts this weekend- just know I read them all

    jlb- sorry about your family. The others are right, we can sense the sadness through your writing. An WOW your new pic is amazing, no wonder you keep getting hit on and honked at! You're hot girl!:wink::love:

    I had my step-son's 1st communion yesterday and ended up over eating at his party. I wore a dress to the church and reception (SIZE 12!!!) and I got sooo many compliments, it really made me happy.

    Gtg still home with the baby

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good morning! I have had breakfast and a snack this morning...but worked off all those calories at the gym already! I have a busy day at home today, but I hope to fit in an extra walk and some house cleaning today.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I wasnt very good this weekend. I only went over on Sunday (ate about 1600-1700 cals) but my choices on Saturdya werent very healthy even though I did stay within cals. I didnt excercise at all...

    So I am at 211 this morning with my BL weigh in tomorrow. I am going to drown myself in water today hoping to at least maintain on their scale tomorrow.

    Lots of posts this weekend- just know I read them all

    jlb- sorry about your family. The others are right, we can sense the sadness through your writing. An WOW your new pic is amazing, no wonder you keep getting hit on and honked at! You're hot girl!:wink::love:

    I had my step-son's 1st communion yesterday and ended up over eating at his party. I wore a dress to the church and reception (SIZE 12!!!) and I got sooo many compliments, it really made me happy.

    Gtg still home with the baby

    I know the feeling Cris !! I made good choices Saturday but poor ones Sunday but I still managed to maintain my current weight (223) so I was happy about that.I know you are just going to rock your weigh in tomorrow.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning. Thanks for the new post awestfall, hope your little one is better today!!!!!!

    Pos, thanks for the game suggestion!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I am up 3 pounds today but my ring is tight so I believe it to be water weight we will see on Friday. Husband use to be a hockey coach and he would make the kids go through obstacle courses that he made out of things he found at the ice rink. He says he is going to make one for us to go through (me and the kids) IT will be fun and good exercise.
    See you all later, got to get the kiddies to school!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Monday! Hope everybody had a great weekend! I wasn't very good this weeekend...so much going on that I didn't have time to stop and think! Stil maintained my weight as of this morning though! Realized this morning by 5K is Saturday!! Be back later to catch up!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello every one!

    LIttleSpy - your picture is amazing - you look great!!!

    We had a really nice weekend. It was a little weird with a mix of family and friends that don't normally mix but all went well! It was different being at the farm and having energy and knowing I have enough cardio capacity to do what every one else was doing. What a concept!

    I was horrible on Saturday - but what's really crazy is that I probably ate less than a third of what I would have eaten in my previous life :ohwell: I made a healthy frittata for breakfast but ate three pieces of bacon while I was making it :embarassed: And I had coffee with cream not Baileys (only because I couldn't find it at the time :tongue: ), for our main meal my sister and her wife made crepes! I had a savory one with spinach, mushrooms, fresh asparagus and goat cheese (OMG GOOD) and a sweet one with nutella and strawberries - and then a half sized sweet one with lemon curd and strawberries... For dinner we had hot dogs and hamburgers. I ate a hot dog without a bun. But around these meals were yummy little treats like veggies to dip into Ranch dressing (I put out some light Ranch beside the other dip but would forget to use it.) I made a crab dip which I avoided pretty well... but drank plenty (PLENTY) of micro brews and good wine. OH MY.

    Sunday I was much better - I took some friends on a long hike to wear out a hyper 3 year old. We explained that the difference between a nature hike and a walk was that you get dirty when you go on a nature hike! We tromped up the creek bed turning over rocks and logs looking for bugs and crawdads and snakes (uhg!). We were out for about three hours and just hiking back out of the back hollow was a big work out! Joey was worn out and whining when we headed for home and I ended up volunteering to give him a ride on my shoulders. I was over heating (as usual) but I felt fine walking up the hill with thirty extra pounds - what I've lost so far... hmm.....

    I'll probably go back and try to enter approximately what I ate. My sister-in-law kept notes so that she could enter every thing into MFP - she rocks:flowerforyou:

    I'm getting pretty excited about the mini tri I'm going to do this summer. I'm even looking for some 5Ks to run in the mean time... and I'm actually EXCITED to buckle down and get my eating back on track!

    Mari- how did you survive your weekend? Do we have to do some extra cardio this week to help work off the calories? How about an extra 30 minute DVD work out MWF?

    Next weekend I'm in Kentucky for the 'Rolex' event (Equine 3 Day event) and that will be another test - at least it involves a lot of work for me lugging my camera equipment across the hills!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-That obstacle course sounds like fun!! Take pictures for us!!

    mstahl-That sounds like quite the hike you took! Awesome job at pushing yourself and carrying the 3 year old on your shoulders! Pretty weird thinking that's how much you have lost. Really puts it all into perspective for you!

    LittleSpy-I love your new picture!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Litsyp: great pic...and far as family members, it is very hard to tell them what to do, bu hopefully once they see you and your accomplishment ( what you could do now oppose what you couldn't do before) it would make them motivated to get healthy. And my prayers goes out to your family, including you mother, take care of yourself:heart:

    Momma, an obstacle course sounds fantastic!!! like jess said take pictures so we can see the end result.

    Mstahi: sounds like you had quite a workout hiking, and a rewards afterwards...lol..I love crepes..itls nice to hear you had fun

    Cris: i hope you come close to being the biggest loser @ the gym...good luck..and by the way, how is your little man..take care of him girl..be safe!

    Coloradogirl: I have to do something with my front yard...it looks a mess..any tips? Happy gardening!

    Hey Jess, how are you doing this morning?

    be back later! i have to fill in my food diary..i just ate 2 oz of cashews...scare to even see the results...
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    It's noon here in New York and I've already had 6 cups of water. Hooray for hydration!

    Did Level 2 of the Shred this morning and will be walking 2 miles today to my Jenny Craig meeting. I'm getting measured today, so I'm excited to see where I have shrank in the past 4 weeks!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-I am absoultely EXHAUSTED!! LOL I did sooooo much this weekend it's crazy! But it was a blast! I needed a weekend like that.

    Elmo-I never got to welcome you! I was so busy Friday! WELCOME TO OUR GROUP!! :bigsmile:

    If anybody is interested in seeing pics of the birthday madness feel free to add me on FB. You can find me by searching email lilboh02@gmail.com (I THINK!)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma-That obstacle course sounds like fun!! Take pictures for us!!

    Why? So you could get a good laugh:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I will if he does it. It is suppose to rain the next few days:grumble: I hope he will do it on Sat. If it is nice.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :yawn: Do we have a challenge for this week yet? Did I miss it. I'm good at that!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    mstahl - yes...we might have to do more cardio, i was bad and didnt log this weekend :embarassed: :cry: But its okay, on friday evening I rode a 7 mile round trip to dinner and to run errands on my bike. It was so hard, and so rewarding!! :bigsmile: I felt so good and accomplished. But I'm going to try to buckle down again, still stuck in the mid 230's. UGH, GO AWAY 230's! :explode: :explode: Check in later
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess- Our challenge is to try a new kind of exercise! Emolx - did I get that right? Working from memory here :tongue:

    Mari - GREAT JOB on the bike ride! I'm signing up for a mini Triathlon in August and I have got to start getting on a real bike!

    All - this link to an article on exercise and weight loss is interesting and explains a lot :laugh: Like lstPaul and my getting in our exercising but still over eating. Knowledge is power!!!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good day, ladies!
    Thanks for the new thread, awestfall! I'm glad to hear your daughter is starting to feel better. I'm hoping you don't catch it! Not the way you want to go about losing weight, for sure!

    I'm in training again all day at work today. I'm checking in during my lunch break, so that's why no stalking from me today.

    I haven't weighed in the morning for 2 days now!! :noway: I think that's the longest I've gone without weighing myself in the morning since September. :laugh: The reason is I know I'm retaining water because my sodium intake has been kind of nuts over the last few days (between 2500-3000mg most days, so not unhealthy, just not weight friendly) and I know I have to be full of crap. :embarassed: I ate like... a 16 oz steak on Saturday. :tongue: That's going to take a while to make it's way through my system so I'm just going to give it time.

    Weighing every day has worked really well for me so far, but now I'm just feeling like I'd like to be a little less focused (obsessed) on my weight so that I can focus more on my fitness. Of course I still want to lose quite a bit more weight and I'm still logging everything I eat (even 16oz of steak. :laugh:) but since the scale doesn't want to budge as much as I want it to budge, I'm kind of planning to ignore it for a while.

    I still have about 30 minutes before my lunch break ends so I'm going to go out and walk since I slept in this morning (I didn't have to be here for training until 9 so I took full advantage of that by sleeping in until 8. :tongue:).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Mstahl is CORRECT! The challenge of the week is to try a new exercise - new DVD, new machine, or just pushing yourself harder at something you already do. I ran for 4.5 min straight on Sunday, which may be a new record. In the past, I've been huffing and puffing after 2!

    Littlespy: Good luck with training today...hope you get in lots of water so you can have lots of bathroom breaks! If it's anything like my day-long meetings, a few bathroom breaks are totally necessary for the time away from the meeting,

    Jess: Thanks for the welcome! I am already loving this group. I pulled up the board last night and my husband asked, "So you talk to people online?" I told him all about the accountability and challenges and he thought it was pretty great. :happy:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    mstahl: I love the "western pleasure jog" comment, especially because I got to spend time with a few different western pleasure horses this weekend. I'm a bit envious that you get to go to the Rolex event in KY! Have a blast!

    Meokk: I think your idea for the change in calories sounds good. Hopefully it will be a good thing for you. As far as joining sports as an adult, have you looked in to community education in your area? Where I live, they have adult sports leagues that anyone can join and some of them are "pick up" nights, where you can just show up whenever you want without having to commit to anything long term. I did volleyball at a pickup night and met some neat people.

    Elmox: Congrats on being this week's Biggest Loser. I look forward to completing your challenge of trying something new!

    Littlespy: My thoughts go out to your family. Know that you're an awesome example and being encouraging is about all you can do for your brother. Hopefully he'll get on board soon!

    Momma: I'll also try to think of some things you can do with your son. We have a lot of games we play at therapeutic riding that could be transferred to being on the ground. One thing to think about in the meantime is yoga. For some reason, all of our riders love doing yoga and they have to follow the directions (verbal or pictures) to do the poses.

    Cris: Way to rock the size 12 dress this weekend, you hottie!

    I was naughty with my eating this weekend and know I underestimated how many calories I burned. We had volunteer training weekend for the therapy program, which consisted of being there from 7:30am-6pm both Saturday and Sunday, mostly being on my feet in the arena. There was food around constantly, much of it sweets but I didn't do too bad considering. It was a blast, though, and I'm looking forward to riding starting on Wednesday. Lots of new people to get to know and have fun with!

    My boyfriend actually wanted to play tennis, so we did that on Saturday evening after dinner and we had so much fun. I even convinced him to RUN a lap around the courts with me when we were done playing. This from the guy who used to say cardio is a four letter word! Progress...

    Now for the exciting part...I completed Week 8 of C25k this weekend! I finished day 3 on Friday after work. When my calves were burning toward the end, I just told myself that I needed to be able to tell you gals that I did it! Being a part of this group has been the key to keeping me focused and motivated. Even though my weight loss has stalled, I know it will pick up again soon, so I haven't lost the motivation like I would have in the past. I'm so very excited to start Week 9 (the last week!) in the next few days. I've even started looking at the 5k schedule for my area and am debating whether to enter one in June. There would be the potential that I'd know a lot of people there, so on one hand I'd love people to see me succeed at running but on the other hand I'd be bummed if they saw me not be able to run the entire thing. So many things to consider.

    Hope you're all having a great Monday so far!