Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Whew, caught up!

    Jess -- I added you on facebook. If anyone wants to add me (and I won't be offended if you don't :laugh:) my account is under blantojl@mailbox.sc.edu. I'm sorry you didn't have a great day -- go take out that frustration & emotion at the gym!

    Cris -- so glad your little man is feeling better. My coworker's grandson got hoof & mouth disease at daycare just about a month ago. :ohwell: You need to post pictures of you in that size 12 dress!! Woot!

    Momma -- I'm glad your son is okay! I love your new picture! You have some gorgeous children (but I know you already know that!).

    mstahl -- Wow, you're on week 6 already?! You're making amazing progress!

    Heather -- glad to hear you & your bf played tennis! And congrats on getting him to jog a lap with you. Running is something I have yet to get my bf to do. Even though HE was the one talking about getting "back into" running last AUGUST. We split the cost of the treadmill in November and he has yet to step foot on it. I wish there was a *rolls eyes* icon because I would definitely be inserting it here. :laugh:

    I finished W2D2 for Freeway to 10k this evening. My knee started hurting again in the same place it was hurting last Thursday about halfway through. It wasn't so bad so I finished the workout strong (at 5.0mph!) & I've had ice on it for about 30 minutes now. It's irritating, but at least this time it's just one knee and not both like it was when I first got serious about C25K. I know it's just because I'm working on my speed & my stride and pace have both increased. It'll strengthen up, I just have to take it slow. I think I'll repeat week 1 to give my knee time to adjust. We'll see. Week 2 isn't much different, just a little shorter recovery time so we'll see how it feels Thursday. Something I realized during the last run interval was that my catch-my-breath speed is 4.2mph. That was my FAST speed as I was going through C25K. Progress!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm just gonna say "ditto" to everything litspy typed because it is exactly what I was gonna type, so let's save space! :laugh:

    KDub - I am so sorry to hear about your former student. I am also a teacher and I know how devastating that is. Take a deep breath - you can do this.

    litspy - you are so beautiful! I've never really seen a close-up of your face - you are so pretty! You look wonderful and happy! :flowerforyou:

    momma - your pic of your four angels is also beautiful! Wow, such beauties from a beautiful momma! :happy:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 90
    exercise: my usual plus I am going to try a portion of a new exercise video out tonight. If I don't come back on here tomorrow, someone call 911! :tongue:
    proud: I tried on one of my 6x skirts to wear this morning and it fell straight to the ground! No more wearing that puppy! :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I know its been explained a million times but I cant post my pic on here cause I dont know how. But I put a pic of me in the dress in my profile

    It was the only one that you could semi see my whole body...I was holding the baby most of the time
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I had my weigh-in tonight at Jenny Craig and I've maintained. While this is a definite bummer, when I reflect on my week, I see the meals where the entire meal/day was a spulrge day! It's very good that I didn't actually gain anything! I'm probably retaining a lot of water at this point. My sodium intake for Saturday and Sunday was ridiculously high. High like DOUBLE on Saturday. I don't seem to recall this when I entered my food on Saturday...likely thanks to the 5 glasses of wine at dinner. I'm hoping that increasing my water will help flush out my system and I'll be back on track to my May 3 goal of 200.

    The good news is that I'm down 3.75 inches in the past month, for a total of 10.5 inches in 8 weeks. I'm not feeling super great about myself right now and am trying really hard to not beat myself up over poor choices this weekend. It's a new week and I can commit to staying on track.

    Checking in...
    Cals: Under - 1459, 246 exercise left
    Water: 96 oz
    Exercise: 28 min of the Shred, level 2 (249 cals) + 2 miles of walking (176 cals)
    Proud: The 3.75 inches lost!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic night!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I did it and I struggeled too!! It was absoultely brutal!! I think I was sweating beer. Kudos to you for getting through it as well. We will do this together!! Thank you for the motivation!

    LittleSpy-I got your friend requested and added you! Wow your recovery speed is 4.5!? That's my fast speed! You're my hero!! I wanna be just like you when I grow up! HAHA!

    Momma-I love the pics of your kiddos! They look so precious!

    Bluenote-Congrats ont he skirt falling to the ground! I love reading your posts. They just make me giggle!!

    Well I did my challenge for the week. I attacked the stair master. AFTER I completely and utterly struggeled through w6d1 of c25k. I did 10 minutes on the stair master. Equavalant to 26 flights of stairs. KILL ME NOW!! When I finished I realized maybe I shouldn't workout as intense this week. I do have my 5k for the Susan G Komen this weekend! Not sure if I need to back off on exercising this week. Any thoughts?

    I'm going to have to half way check in for today..

    Calories: 1377 before dinner...I came to my parents for dinner and my Mom made bourittos out of ground turkey beans. Not sure how to calculate all that and I'm feeling pretty lazy but I have 311 calories left after exercise...so it would probably be pretty close. Arby's killed me!!
    Sodium: Out of control
    Water: 15 glasses and counting. I need to flush all this junk out!
    Exercise: w6d1 of c25k and 10 minutes on stair master
    Proud: That I dragged my butt to the gym thanks to all you gals!! It took everything in me to go!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    elmox-That's some great progress! You should really be proud! Don't let your spluges get you down. I try and loook at this change as a lifestyle change and not a diet. You have to learn to incorporate those bad days into your routines. You desreve one every now and then. A maintain is better then a gain. You will just work harder this week! Bask in your accomplishment!!

    Cris-I love that dress!! You look beautiful!! Compliments were well deserved! Don't let this rough patch of a plateau get you down!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Well I did my challenge for the week. I attacked the stair master. AFTER I completely and utterly struggeled through w6d1 of c25k. I did 10 minutes on the stair master. Equavalant to 26 flights of stairs. KILL ME NOW!!

    Hooray!! Way to go!! The stair master scares me too - I'm super proud of you! 26 flights of stairs?!?! That's incredible!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks Jess! I know I need to be proud of myself and realize that splurges will happen in life. Thanks for reminding me of this super important point.
    Hi guys...
    I hope it's ok to come back to the team. I'm sorry that I left the way I did (my old user name was Onederland)...but I had good reason to and needed some time to figure up what to do about a particular situation that I found myself in here on mfp.

    I thought my best move was to leave but the problem followed me to another forum that I was a member of and then to my own website/guestbook. Well, I'm hoping that the problem is taken care off and I can once again start being "my goofy self" on here.

    I missed all of you guys...:flowerforyou:
    Thank you ALL for the messages that you sent me via my guestbook.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    WiiOnederlandWii, so glad you are back. We missed you!!!

    Bluenote, glad that skirt fell off

    Cris, you looked so pretty and the dress is really cute

    Littlespy, you are simply amazing. You are my weightloss hero!!!!!

    Thanks Guys for saying my kiddos are cute. I took that today and my little Ry was not happy so I am going to take another one when he decides to smile. My pretty girls looked good so I put them up.:blushing: :blushing: I can say that can't I?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    WiiONDERLAND - :drinker: :flowerforyou: Welcome back! I was thinking of you today and hoping you were doing well!!! Sorry bout the *coughtrollcough* situation :grumble:

    Jess - WAY TO GO! How fun is it that you me and Chris all did W6D1 today? Is that right? Of course I just had two 12 minute runs but after going longer last Friday I'm OK with that :wink: Today I did the first 12 minute jog at my western pleasure sloooow n easy pace, then the second 12 minutes I alternated between slow and medium and slow and medium fast.

    LilSpy -I bet my fastest isn't over 4mph. Today a walker passed me who WASN'T a race-walker :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: I'll have to get myself onto a treadmill to find out how fast I'm going... that or actually time a lap and do the math!

    Chirs - you look GREAT in that dress!

    Over 200 buddies - feel free to friend me on facebook - but I'm on here a lot more:blushing: my email is mstahl@gte.net and I've made a MFP list so I can spare all of you guys my torrid guilty pleasure Harry Potter fandom stuff :tongue: Just tell me your screen name from MFP so I know who you are!

    Checking in - (dinner's in the oven but I have it all planned out!)
    Calories - around 1350 so I have spare exercise calories!
    Water - great - I'm alternating a 12 oz. glass of water between each 12 oz. cup of green chai :)
    Exercise - 45 minutes walking at lunch and then W6D1 of 5K101and another 15 minutes of walking tonight!

    Proud - I'm super proud that after weighing myself at work and seeing a number that looks like I have gained about 9 pounds I didn't faint or over react. I'm assuming that my home scale and daily reads are a better guide than the work scale which has been moved all around. And an afternoon weigh in after drinking lots of water and exercise is bound to be high....

    I'm going to lose weight this week. Oh yes I am!:devil: Because I am determined.:glasses:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm just gonna say "ditto" to everything litspy typed because it is exactly what I was gonna type, so let's save space! :laugh:

    Bluenote I'm cracking up right now because I was just reading littlespy's post thinking.... would anyone notice if I just copied and pasted from hers? Then I saw your post and it made me laugh.
    So, I third all of that!!

    I love that your skirt fell off (strange thing to say taken out of context I realize) I just love it when pants are unwearable big even with belt cinching :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Momma your kids are beautiful. I hope that some day I can have a family as lovely as yours. Glad your son is OK. Oh boy would you have felt bad if he were really hurt, like forever. I broke my leg when I was 6 months old and my mom still has such guilt about that to this day because she just turned her back for a second.

    Cris - super cute dress, looks like a Liberty print. You look fab. Hope you son gets better really soon and you can find a better daycare.

    Elmox - Don't sweat it, it will take days for that sodium to leave, just keep up the good work. I need to do your challenge this week and open up a DVD I am scared of. That Jillian woman one called no more problem zones. I'm scared of it so it's been in a drawer still wrapped in plastic for over a month. This is the week !!!!!

    Mstahl - many congrats on the running :drinker: :drinker:

    Awestfall - hope your little girl gets better soon :heart: :sick: :heart:

    KDubMommy - Deep breath in, deep breath out and repeat over and over again. I'm so sorry to hear about your former student. Your life sounds so stressful and when something like that happens it's so hard to concentrate on anything else. Here's the thing though, DON'T beat yourself up if you don't lose those 2lbs this week. We all have ups and downs but if you stick with us, we are a very strong group of ladies, we will get you through this. How many pounds you lose this week is of no consequence. What matters is that you are committed to a healthy lifestyle and diet forever, not just until you reach your goal weight. We are here for you, let it all out, have your good days and your bad but just keep going. :flowerforyou:
    Hi guys,
    Thanks for the welcome back :flowerforyou:
    I should probably do a little update and get back into the swing of things...

    Actually, not much has been going on rofl. Same old stuff...different week.
    I'm still doing my "wii" thing and reach a few milestones with my Walk It Out game. I have walked over 80 miles now with it and logged almost 23hrs of exercise time on there and with my added strength training (using stretch bands) this workout is awesome.
    WiiFitPlus and Just Dance is going well too. Still getting my butt whooped on Super Hula Hoop..hehe

    I just bought a couple of more Wii games this past weekend, 'The Biggest Lose plus 'Mario & 'Sonic at the Winter Olympics'
    I have added 'The Biggest Loser' to my monthly exercise routine....and customized a 37 minute cardio circuit training as well as a 10 minute upper body circuit training routine using dumbbells.
    I did this workout today...boy it kicked my butt, lol.

    The Winter Olympics game is alot of fun to play, but sadly...it's not one for getting the ol' heart beat up...but I did whoop my sons butt in curling this evening, hehe and more than likely, this will be used for family fun...rather than exercise.

    I also bought me a Altas 65 cm Earth Fitness ball w/ sand fill......tried using this today, rofl. I rolled back to far and went head over heels...lol (gonna have to work on my balance, but this is going to be a great workout for my abdominals, lower back, butt and obliques. It came with a DVD that has both a workout and individual exercises. I plan on doing this on Mon, Wed & Fridays.

    I threw a BBQ/Birthday party for our nephew this past weekend...needless to say, I wasn't paying much attention to my calorie intake on Saturday (didn't even bother logging it, lmao) but no worries...i'm sure it will all burn off during this week.

    My proud moment was hitting my first 10% total body weight lost goal on the 10th and then reaching my 30lb weight loss goal this past weekend.
    My weigh-ins are going to be scheduled every two weeks from now on...still on a saturday morning though so my next weigh-in is May 1st.

    Hope your all having a good evening :)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good Morning ladies...

    check in

    lately.. calories have been a little over .... because
    I have been working in the yard. I find it hard to gauge what I am burning out there.
    my weight has platued.. but, I think I am gaining muscle, so I guess that is good. :wink:

    My son's prom is this weekend... my step daughters graduation is in a month. My youngest daughter is looking into activities for next year (high school). :happy:

    We finally got the flagstone laid, multch in the flower beds, roof on the bbq cover, garden tilled, and ready to plant, dog area cleaned up and redone for 2 dogs. Now I am pulling grass out of my dry creek bed. Oh what fun... and then we are onto the BIG project.. We are redoing the pond with a two layer waterfall. Should be beautiful when we are done.. but, boy do I feel all the work. I actually got tan lines on my wrists where my gloves were.. looks kind of funny. :laugh:

    Well... I am off and running this morning.. need to get some work done before I go to work. :smile:

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    meokk & bluenote, you 2 are too funny. :laugh:

    Cris -- you look GORGEOUS in your dress! And your son is *too cute!*

    Onderland -- Welcome back!! We missed you!

    Cogirl -- when you're done with your yardwork, you're welcome to come work on mine. I've been doing a lot this year (way more than usual...) but you're really really rocking! I bet it looks fantastic!

    mstahl -- don't even worry about your speed right now. When I first started running the 28 & 30 minutes at a time runs with C25K, I would start at 4.0mph and slowly decrease to around 3.6 for the majority... then back up to 4.0 for the last few minutes, but ugh, it kicked my butt!

    My right knee is really not feeling so good today. It's not so much my knee as it is right under my knee in the middle of my shin. The worst part is that it even hurts a good bit when I'm riding my bike. And I thought I was going to cry walking up the stairs at work this morning. I'm pretty sure I have patellar tendonitis which is so much better than the other things that could be wrong (stress fractures, meniscus tears, etc). :laugh: I know what I need to do to fix it but I don't wanna! :sad: I so already have the stupid runner mentality that I can keep training and it won't get worse.:tongue: Giving it a rest means not only can I not run for a week or 2, but also that I can't play tennis & those are my 2 favorite forms of exercise. Argh!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Also something funny I noticed this morning:
    I have 2 scales -- an old dial scale and a new digital scale. Both cheap. :laugh:

    I started at 270 on my digital scale and 255 on my dial scale. That's all well and good, because I could track my weight on either scale. Except... the amounts each scale says I have lost are different now. The've been the same up to this point... yet, now I'm stuck on my digital scale but I'm continuing to lose weight according to my dial scale!! How effed up is that?

    This morning I was 206.2 on my digital scale. Yep, 2.2 pounds over last Friday. That would be 64 pounds lost. I was 187 on my dial scale... yep... 68 pounds lost. The last time I weighed on my dial scale, I was 192. I was 206 on my digital scale then, too. Where'd that 4 pounds go, eh? I'm wondering if I should get some fresh batteries for my digital scale.

    Oh, and also, my digital scale thought it would be really funny on Sunday. I weighed in the evening, fully expecting a 209 or so because of all the sodium & steak I had eaten and it gives me a 199.4. I almost DIED! And then I stepped back on and it gave me 207 like 20 times in a row. :laugh:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Renea_Kay - Glad to see you back!

    LittleSpy - Go get some new batteries for the digital, hopefully that will help. I weigh myself on my Wii Fit, and it seems to get wonky when the batteries are low.

    Cris - The dress is so cute!

    Checking in -
    calories - over by 325, did you know that a medium Turtle Pecan Cluster Blizzard from DQ has 1076 calories? Well I do now.
    exercise - burned 368 calories at the gym
    water - 3 L
    proud - I when to the gym even though it is TOM and I just want to sleep!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in for yesterday
    Calories 1592 eating about 1/3 of exercise
    Water - over 100oz
    Exercise - 90mins brisk walking

    Proud that there were cookies in the office and I only ate a tiny little one and didn't go back for a 2nd

    Wow jennbarrette that is one scary ice cream drink!!!

    Welcome back renea and onederland
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Checking in for this morning...
    Calories yesterday was 1450...250 over :-( it was those 2 glasses of chardonnay I had
    The lack of exercise didn't help any either...
    But today food & exercise is looking good...
    I have some oatmeal for breakfast, leftovers for lunch & gonna make super garlic shrimp with grilled veggies for dinner since my hubby has class tonight.
    My trainer is also coming to kick my butt for an hour today & its a cardio day so i will be sweating it out on my elliptical in between the torturous forms of crunches she comes up with.
    Mood today is not that much better from yesterday...I still have 3 weeks of masters homework to catch up on :-(
    You guys are very addicting :-) I spent most of my time on here yesterday instead of doing my homework...My plan is not to check in again until i have at least half of my work done...and somewhere in this crazy day, I have to make sure I remember to teach the 65 sixth graders i am in charge of :-)
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    So apparently I've taken to lurking the past couple days. I'm beginning to realize I'm the mother of a toddler [who so kindly stained my bathroom purple with the genitian violet we have for her little sisters bout of thrush...never going to come out] and the mother of a 2 month old[who well, is awake a lot more now and keeps me quite busy] So every time I go to write on here...my efforts get stalled :laugh:

    Both girls are awake right now so I won't have time to catch up, but I will tonight! Hope everyone is having a great day and get to enjoy some of this beautiful weather :love: