Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I am getting better on staying on track :) I plan on exercising tonight :)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I am getting better on staying on track :) I plan on exercising tonight :)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I am getting better on staying on track :) I plan on exercising tonight :)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I am getting better on staying on track :) I plan on exercising tonight :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- thanks for asking about my son, how sweet! He seems to be doing much better but not at 100%. He wasnt eating much and was really lathargic but as of yesterday he was eating more, was really active, and didnt have a fever, so I am thinking about taking hom to daycare tomorrow even though I want him away from that place...he needs to stay there until I find a new center :grumble: :brokenheart:

    heather- Thanks!!:happy: I felt really uncomfortable...I am so used to big sweats and jeans but after getting so many compliments I actually started to feel good about myself. It was really rewarding!

    Im going to go clean the basement while my son sleeps but I'll be back on to check in later.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mari-Congrats on the bike ride. I bet that was very rewarding!

    Heather-Congrats on finishing week 8! You will be graduating this week! I just know it!!

    elmox-Thanks for the challenge this week. I look forward to it. I most definitely plan on pushing myself to the max this week. Especially after the weekend I had!!

    LittleSpy-Kudos to you for not weighing everyday. You see that it gets you down a little bit when you don't see it move so rapidly so you fix the problem. You are such an inspiration. Glad you aren't going to give up!

    Today has been an absoulte nightmare! Needless to say I made a horrible lunch decision! :angry: Very ashamed! I have a pounding headache and feel like I may pass out. It's been an awful afternoon!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    pos_me- thanks for asking about my son, how sweet! He seems to be doing much better but not at 100%. He wasnt eating much and was really lathargic but as of yesterday he was eating more, was really active, and didnt have a fever, so I am thinking about taking hom to daycare tomorrow even though I want him away from that place...he needs to stay there until I find a new center :grumble: :brokenheart:

    heather- Thanks!!:happy: I felt really uncomfortable...I am so used to big sweats and jeans but after getting so many compliments I actually started to feel good about myself. It was really rewarding!

    Im going to go clean the basement while my son sleeps but I'll be back on to check in later.


    So glad he is feeling better! Hope you are able to find a new daycare for him soon!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Chris - I'm glad to hear your little man is starting to perk back up! And I too am SO impressed with your wearing a size 12 to the party! I bet someone got a picture of that - find it so you can share!!!

    I hate having my picture taken, but I have to admit that I was kinda wishing that I could have a picture of me with Joey on my shoulders!

    (my fellow nerds - a moment of stream of conscious commentary - just took a sip of my tea and there's a perfect Pi symbol in the bottom of the cup from my extra cinnamon - had to laugh)

    Renea_Kay - it is SO NICE to see you back on these boards! You can do this just try to get Mom to help you by getting lots of GOOD QUALITY healthy foods around so you don't have to starve! Fresh apples and strawberries! Or a bunch of bananas! I hate thinking of you going without any food for so long. A bunch of us have become HUGE fans of low-fat Greek style yogurt :bigsmile:

    I didn't get to the gym this morning because of my late night last night, but I did walk at lunch for 45 minutes and I'm going to the rec center after work to start WEEK SIX!!! Of the 5K101 - I'm so excited! Now that I know I can 'trot' for 30 minutes there's no way I won't finish up the two 12 minute runs! Whoot whoot! I might even do a third 12 minute run just to keep up on the gains I've made!

    NEW Exercise - I have TWO DVDs at home that I haven't ever used. One is the beginners kick boxing that Heather inspired me to buy, and the other is a Palates DVD from our challenge a few weeks back... I'll use one if not both of those for sure this week! I'm excited because the more options I have for aerobic exercise - the less I'll be able to beg off for lame reasons! Whoot!:laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Jess, sorry today is turning out so badly. Don't beat yourself up over lunch!!! It is done and over.

    WOW Mari, good job on the bike ride.

    Heather, thanks for the suggestion. I never would have thought about yoga but it does require him to follow directions.

    Renea-Kay, it is really nice to see you back here!!!!!

    Okay so I just had a horrible scare. I was doing some exercises/activities with my son and he is not really following along to well. I am on my hands and knees, he is on the ground. I am getting my self up he rolls under me and my big heavy self stepped on his ankle. Thankfully, I do not believe I put all my weight on him. I think I caught it on time to jump off. but I hurt him. :brokenheart: I was so afraid that I might have broke his ankle. The little guy is skinny and then to think of my over 200 pounds right on his ankle. I checked to see if he was swelling, (after I was done comforting him, he cried real hard) Then I got him to get up and walk around. At first he was acting funny on it. (you know he can't really tell me anything other than it hurts) So I held him and once he was calm I said let's go take the garbage out, so I could see how he walks without him realizing it. He was kinda putting on a show when I was trying to get him to walk so I could see. Anyways, Thank GOD he is walking fine and it is not hurting. Man did that scare me. How horrible," yeah my fat mom stepped on my ankle and broke it. " I am just so glad that was not the case.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-I'm so glad to hear your son is okay!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    pos_me- thanks for asking about my son, how sweet! He seems to be doing much better but not at 100%. He wasnt eating much and was really lathargic but as of yesterday he was eating more, was really active, and didnt have a fever, so I am thinking about taking hom to daycare tomorrow even though I want him away from that place...he needs to stay there until I find a new center :grumble: :brokenheart:

    heather- Thanks!!:happy: I felt really uncomfortable...I am so used to big sweats and jeans but after getting so many compliments I actually started to feel good about myself. It was really rewarding!

    Im going to go clean the basement while my son sleeps but I'll be back on to check in later.

    Glad your lil man is feeling better.Sounds like your son and my daughter had the same thing.She was constantly puking and pooping (sorry if it TMI) but is feeling much better today .
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma-I'm so glad to hear your son is okay!!
    don't worry about your lunch today just try to eat light at dinner and drink lots of water.This is all trial and error for us all.YOU GOT THIS!!!!!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    My day started well enough with the scale saying I was down another 1.5lbs...
    but then i got to school & was notified that one of my former students passed away this morning...so now I am totally bumming & all motivation has been zapped out of me. I can barely think about how I am going to teach the next 2 periods. What I really would like to do right now is to eat & drink some wine...good thing I am at work & can't.
    I am such an emotional eater...i have been trying to do better with at least making healthier stuff when I do get upset. I really don't know how i am going to get through the rest of the day....i have a TON of homework that is already late for my master's program & now I am hungry cuz i am upset even though I just ate lunch
    I absolutely HAVE to make my personal goal of 219 by next tuesday....i feel like if I don't then i am never going to get the rest of the weight off....
    Now only if wine & chocolate mousse were calorie free...
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    My day started well enough with the scale saying I was down another 1.5lbs...
    but then i got to school & was notified that one of my former students passed away this morning...so now I am totally bumming & all motivation has been zapped out of me. I can barely think about how I am going to teach the next 2 periods. What I really would like to do right now is to eat & drink some wine...good thing I am at work & can't.
    I am such an emotional eater...i have been trying to do better with at least making healthier stuff when I do get upset. I really don't know how i am going to get through the rest of the day....i have a TON of homework that is already late for my master's program & now I am hungry cuz i am upset even though I just ate lunch
    I absolutely HAVE to make my personal goal of 219 by next tuesday....i feel like if I don't then i am never going to get the rest of the weight off....
    Now only if wine & chocolate mousse were calorie free...
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    How sad!!!! I am so sorry to hear about your student. The childs poor parents. I know this is a difficult time but you gotta try to stay focused. It is really sad and I would probably want to eat too. I just think that the fact that you are aware that you are an emotional eater is a good step towards NOT doing that today. Not much you can do at work. But once you get home I would drink a big glass of water and take a brisk walk before you decide to eat something. Again I am so sorry about your student.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    KdubMommy-You must've joined while I was away! Welcome to this fab group! I'm sorry to hear about one of your former students passing away. You sound overwhelmed! I'm with you about being an emotional eater. My lunch was all about emotional eating today. AK!! Try to find other things to comfort yourself. That's what I'm working on as well! Try to keep your goal in mind

    Thanks POS me and awestfall and momma...I'm going to try and eat a really light dinner tonight. And I am feeling like crap but want to hit the gym soooo bad! It's a running day so we will see! Hopefully I can find some energy way down in here somewhere!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Jess, you can do it!!!! YOu can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My little guy is balancing on things and jumping around :smile: Just further confirmation that he is okay!!! Just got done doing some gardening. I use to know a skinny lady that all she did was work in her yard. I think I will force myself to work in the yard and you all already know about my housecleaning story. So hopefully, I have the nicest yard, cleanest house and skinniest butt on the block.:noway: :noway: :noway: (if I really follow through with this):laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: I think it's funny you had a Pi symbol in your beverage today. I notice odd things like that too, but most people just look at me like I'm weird when I mention it! So with all of your horse terminology lately, I'm wondering how close you are to riding again. I have six weeks to be prepared for my riding instructor certification, which includes memorizing a riding pattern for the riding test. So much to do and I know the time will go so fast! Way to go on Week 6, by the way.

    Jess: I doubt I'll graduate this week because I'll be volunteering both Wednesday and Thursday, Friday I'll be at the MN Horse Expo and Saturday is my birthday. I'll graduate next week, I'm hoping, but that's a super busy week too!

    Momma: Glad your son is okay. Accidents happen so don't read into it more than that! He knows you didn't mean to hurt him.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather - I think I'm going to set aside the first weekend in May and try to dig through all my tack! I'm sure that I have leather in there that's still strong! Once I've found all the various items I'll have to set a few days aside to clean it and clean up Dreamy too! It's so weird to think I can ride her even with her cracked hoof! I'm so used to being too heavy! The last time the farrier was out he felt she'd be fine for light riding around the pasture even if I was still 200 lbs! She has a quarter crack that's pretty much always there unless we keep shoes on her...

    I just signed up for a meeting on May 4th - to meet with a bunch of other BRCA positive women for a support group. I kinda feel weird about using services at the cancer center since I'm cancer free - but this will be with a bunch of women, most of whom haven't ever had it (yet) either. The speaker is the plastic surgeon who will perform my reconstruction surgery. I'm really interested in my options and how my weight loss will impact using my own tissue if I decide to try it that way. When I last saw him I was around 215, and he said my weight and high blood pressure would make me a poor candidate for the longer surgery. I'm still planning on waiting until January- I'm not even half way to my goal weight!

    KdubMommy - I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your former student. I know you can take care of yourself while you grieve - you've got all the right tools!

    OK I'm going to pack it up and head for home! Hopefully I'll be able to run in, change into my work out clothes and get to the rec center for my 5K101 workout! I'm pretty excited to get through the session! Whoot! Plus I am already excited to eat those calories (I logged it earlier today). Lunch was healthy but not too filling!

    I'll try to check in tonight to let you all know how I did!
  • sweetrevenge
    Thanks Anne
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls- thanks for the well wishes!

    Jess- You better get your butt to the gym. I was dreading w6d1 today and the only thing that got me there was the fact that we agreed to do it today and I didnt want to let you down. I really struggled but I got 'er done!! I even increased my speed a little. GO TO THE GYM! K THANKS!

    Momma- How scary! I know sometimes I will accidently scratch my son or something and hurt him and its like a knife going through your heart knowing that YOU inflicted pain on your child! I know how you feel! Just remember it was and accident and he's alright!!! Just give him extra hugs (it helps YOU feel better, hehe)

    kdubmom- sorry about your former student. I hope you make it through the day alright.

    checking in (I have it all set):
    calories-1165 (trying to make up for overeating yesterday)
    water- will get my 100+ by the end of the night
    sodium- 1900+? Ive been doing so badly with sodium, gotta watch it!
    excercise- week 6 day 1 C25K....I struggled with it more than I thought I would, but I was also really dreading gonig to the gym, just not in the mood. Im glad I went and I got it done. I am also going to try to do my 200 situps to "graduate" that challenge
    proud- that I increased my run speed to 4.5 (from 4.2) and that I went to the gym even though I had an awful night and didnt feel like going

    Be back to chat later!
