Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I was just looking at pics from last year's bday and this year's bday. Sorry I don't have a better picture of me standing up this year but here is last year and this year's bday comparison pic

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Looking good Jess!

    Check-in for today:

    Cals: Under, with about 500 exercise left over (I hadn't logged some candy - I was all about candy today :grumble: but did and realized that it was less cals than I thought.) I was over on carbs - thank you candy!
    Water: 72 oz (you all are amazing with your 90+ days!)
    Exercise: Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred, walked 3.5 miles
    Proud: I had Peeps left over from Easter (my favorite!) and I only ate one of my two remaining packages when I realized that they were stale. I threw out the second package (and cried for the lost Peeps) Some people love them when they get stale, but I want them fresh!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Jess - they are the "Nike Zoom Structure Triax+" they were so comfortable...and they are pink and grey and pretty darn cute. LOL
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today
    calories - just under 1450
    exercise - not really just a little walking
    water - 100oz

    elmox - you'll get used to consuming more water over time. The first few days that I drank 100oz I was so bloated and taking potty breaks every 10 minutes but......my body started getting used to the new, greater amounts of water. Now, if I don't get my 100oz in, at least, my thirst mechanism kicks in big time and bugs me to DRINK MORE!!!!!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Momma2four: I am about 30 miles west of palm springs on the 10....i have a general idea where modesto is...i have family in the bay area & sacramento.

    I do have to pat myself on the back a little....I wanted to do something nice for my husband because he has class tonight & has to go to work very early tomorrow morning so I decided to change burned out light in my walk-in closet :bigsmile: The ceiling is about 10 feet up so I barely reach it with my 5'4" on a step stool. The light is one of those that is flush to the ceiling & i couldn't figure out how to get to the light bulb. I of course called my dad to help me...he said that the light should spin one way or the other to release...I did this & managed to get to the wire that actually connect it to the ceiling. At this point I stopped because I realized the switch was still on & I almost touch the live wires. I've seen my husband electrocute himself doing the same thing :laugh: So I disconnected the light & once I examined it more closely I realized that of course it doesn't take any of the regular bulbs we have around the house:grumble: but i did remember that we had some extra similar fixtures in the garage :smile: So after breaking one light bulb, I managed to successfully rewire the light fixture & get it reattached to the ceiling :happy:
    I sent my husband a text that said "Let there be light" & all I got back was LOL

    I have tomorrow set aside to finish all of my masters work for this semseter & my trainer shelly will be here at 8:30am to get my day off to a kick butt start!
    I actually kind of excited about my possible level of productivity tomorrow!:happy:

    I have to figure out to get all that water in...i consider a good day 6-7 glasses...How do you 100oz'ers do it?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jenn-I have the same shoes and they are wonderful!! Best investment I have made in a long long long time! I have a lot of foot problems and was starting to have shin pain and these shoes have made those issues non existent. They have such good arch support. I bought mine from my cousins husbands comfort shoe store. He always tells me to hold the shoes and try to bend the ends up (if that makes sense). If they bend at the toe they are good and if they bend in the middle they have poor arch support and are bad for your feet. That are most definitely worth your money. I say go for it only because your feet are very important when working out and so are your legs and knees. Take care of 'em! :bigsmile: How was that for convincing!? HAHA!

    KDubMommy-I start first thing in the morning!! I use to have a really hard time with it. Now I'm use to it and I feel dehydrated when I don't get that much! I hadn't had hardly any water all weekend and I felt it come Monday. Especially in my workout! Hope your productive day goes as planned!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good Morning all!
    Cris - how did body pump go?
    momma - I really hope today is a better day for you ... sounds like yesterday was not so hot

    checking in for yesterday:
    food - BAD, BAD, BAD .... over by 500 calories even with using up all my exercise calories - I ate lunch too late so was really hungry, and made bad choices (DQ cheeseburger and onion rings) ...
    exercise - good - step at the Y
    water - bad - forgot my water jug at home
    proud - back to 2 risers for step
    ok, I am a smart nerdy woman ... WHY can't I make better food choices! Because I'm not using my brain when I choose food! - I'm letting my cravings dictate all my meals. aaargh! I spent some time yesterday morning reading the article mstahl posted about how exercise increases appetite for most women, and then researching hormones and metabolism ... but I STILL chose a cheeseburger and onion rings at lunch!
    allright, today is a new day. I need to make some food changes, that is clear. This isn't a food, but today I'm going to try to kick my diet pepsi addiciton ... I'm hoping to replace it with green tea, but this morning I started with a Chai (but too much sugar in that) and a green tea drink called 'enviga' ... it still has aspartame but I'm taking baby steps away from diet pepsi anyhow.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning!

    Momma- Hope today is better, Im sorry you were so upset but the hemmroids thing killed me :laugh: :laugh:

    Bluenote- OMG PLEASE DO NOT EVER LEAVE US, I WOULD MISS YOUR HUMOR SO MUCH! I was literally cracking up about your scale and my fiance just kept looking at me like I was an alien. I tried to tell him the joke but yea he didnt find it quite as amusing as I did. :laugh: :wink: :noway:

    Jess- When I saw the greek yogurt tidbit I was like OMG the over 200 club has made an inpact on the BL! :wink: :laugh: We are such trend setters right?! Wow youve come such a long way in your pics!! You look awesome!:flowerforyou:

    Istpaul- Bodypump was PAINFUL, I hate hate hate strength training and it kicked my butt. I am going to keep going though, I think it will really help my flabby arms. I burned 420 cals according to my HRM :drinker:

    So I was down 2.2lbs at the biggest loser thing at the gym making my loss in the competition so far- 5.13%!! I am super happy with that!!

    The scale said 209.6 again this morning- I hope hope hope this means its good bye to the 210"s for ever...

    Today is a holiday in Brazil so we are shutting down early- I plan on doing c25k w6d2 and maybe the bike, and hoping to get a couple daycare tours in also. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Forgot to check in for yesterday 4/20 (no I did not celebrate:wink: ):
    calories- 1115 (uhm way under...I suck:grumble: :explode: )
    water- yes 100+
    sodium- cal logger says 2122 but prob higher cause I put a lot of salt on my bake potato
    excercise- bodypump
    proud- that I fixed a good dinner, I havent cooked for the family in a long time.

    Istpaul- Maybe you could try planning out your day the night before. Sometimes I do that so that I know what Im supposed to eat, then I dont have to make a last minute choice- ending up in a poor decision. Also, I find it helpful to always keep some kind of protein or meal bar in my purse so IF Im running late getting a meal in then I eat that so that when I get to the meal Im not totally starving. Hope that helps you some!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So I was down 2.2lbs at the biggest loser thing at the gym making my loss in the competition so far- 5.13%!! I am super happy with that!!

    The scale said 209.6 again this morning- I hope hope hope this means its good bye to the 210"s for ever...

    Today is a holiday in Brazil so we are shutting down early- I plan on doing c25k w6d2 and maybe the bike, and hoping to get a couple daycare tours in also. Hope everyone has a great day!


    Awesome job with your BL challenge Cris, you lost a lot in a short time :drinker:

    So I looked it up and I think we should all take a Brazilian holiday today. Just read this off to your manager:

    Tiradentes Day (April 21) – This holiday commemorates Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier’s execution. In 1789 Xavier, a dentist, helped lead the revolt against the Portuguese who had colonized and exploited the country. The holiday is called “Tiradentes” because the word means “tooth-puller.”

    Sorry boss, I have to leave early for tooth puller day :bigsmile: I want a holiday!!!!!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I'm so excited that you bought a HRM. I love mine!

    Momma: Sorry to hear about your crummy day. I hope things get better for you soon. We're here for ya!

    Meokk: I love that your scale came with your house. Mine was super cheap, too, considering I got mine as a present. Don't worry, I asked for the scale, so I wasn't offended.

    Jenn: I absolutely recommend buying new running shoes. My old ones were worn down and were starting to give me ankle pain. I bought a new pair and all pain is gone and I can run longer! It's worth the money just to avoid injury if nothing else.

    bluenote: Don't feel dorky about loving your students. I love the riders I work with at the therapeutic riding program and am SO excited to see them tonight after not seeing them for six months. Woo hoo!

    Jess: When they were talking about the Greek yogurt on BL last night, I told me sister "product placement!" We both giggled over it. Oh, and thanks for the tip on bending the shoes to see where the support is. I'll have to bend mine after work and make sure I picked them right (other than they feel great!) I have a high arch, so I definitely need the arch support to avoid problems.

    lstpaul: We're in the same boat when it comes to making bad food decisions even though we know better. Last night was better, but still full of sodium. I can't seem to get away from it!

    Last night I rode my horse again (she's going to get tired of seeing me so much!) and we now have our pattern memorized for my test, just need to perfect it. I also have to find time to practice in an English saddle, as that's what the testing site has available. I haven't ridden English since college...yikes! Oh, well, it's a good challenge.

    I got an email from the lady running the certification class and testing and I"m much more at ease now. It sounds like they want to focus on learning and fun and will try not to make the mock lessons too difficult. Making a lesson plan is going to be my biggest challenge because I haven't done much of it, other than for able-bodied riders who rode independently. Oh, I'm so nervous and excited at the same time and I KNOW time is going to fly (only 6 weeks away!).

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 145 left over
    Sodium: Over by 1784 (hot dogs, bad!)
    Water: None :-(
    Exercise: Catching, grooming and riding my horse.
    Proud: That I got my horseback riding AND laundry done last night. Whew!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    KdubMommy - 100oz how I do it.
    Drink about 16 oz straight away after I get up. In the office I sip on water constantly throughout the day. I use a 16oz glass so I know that if I refill it 4 times during the day I've downed 2/3 of my intake just at the office.
    I ease off in the evening drinking 16oz with dinner and then just a few sips later in the evening trying not to drink at all after about 8:30 or 9pm That's it! 100oz done.

    1stpaul - don't beat yourself up. It's not your brain's fault it's a physical craving that is very hard to control. I second Cris' suggestion, I do the planning out a lot too. e.g. for today I have already logged what I'm going to consume. I might make some tweaks but I'll know approx how many cals I plan to eat for dinner and snacks so I can make a lunch choice that is withing my remaining calories for the day.
    You can do it !!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    In training again all day today. :yawn:

    Calories: 1278 Not sure how that happened... I'm supposed to be trying to eat *more* here.
    Exercise: 15 minutes stationary bike. It hurt my knee/shin, so I stopped... :ohwell: Can I just say I'm freaking sick of being injured? It seems like there's always some part of me I'm trying to not injure more.
    Water: 80oz+
    Proud: Yep...! ?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks guys for the encouragement ... I know I need to plan ahead, and I have to make it a priority. I am going to go shopping today and pick up some 'good' foods to have around. I know I've asked you for this before - but any suggestions on good snack proteins to bring to work and have on hand? Cheese is my fallback ... but I eat way too much of it. I plan to pick up some of that greek yogurt (after seeing it advertised on BL last night I was finally convinced), and I know that has some protein. Other suggestions? I tried salmon but then my breath was really 'fishy' the rest of the day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-I buy the weight watchers string cheese (i have to buy the portioned already packaged stuff other I over eat it to). I also have the South Beach Diet Mixed nuts..they come in little packages as well. You could always have a piece of toast with peanut butter and maybe a small portion of a banana cut up on it. That's very yummy! I just had some! :bigsmile: I like the Greek Yogurt but I have to put some kind of flavoring in mine otherwise I can't eat it.

    Cris-So glad you enjoyed your Body Bump class and it kicked your butt!! You guys have inspired me to try some fitness classes. Even if it is on my own. Going to try for next week after my 5k. Good luck finding a daycare! Sounds like you have a busy day!

    Heather-I just love hearing you talk about your horse back riding. I so wish I was involved in something like that! Hopefully I can do something similar when I have some more free time! If that ever happens. I feel like all I do right now is run run run! Yeah my cousins husband taught me that trick for shoes. He's a shoe guru! Makes me laugh when he talks about feet. He informed me I have a fallen arch. Wonder if that has to do with my weight! :laugh: He put me in several different pairs of shoes to show me the difference in the support and comfort from 49.99-199.99. The $200 ones felt like butter! If I had that much to spend on shoes I would!!

    I must say this is my first season watching Biggest Loser and every week I love the show more and more. It is truly an inspirational show! I feel I may cry at the season finale! :blushing:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    istpaul - Try boiled eggs too. Nuts for me are a little high calorie, but I've been putting a scatter of nuts in my greek yogurt for extra protien and its kept me satisfied. i broke through my plateu by eating only protien before bed, such as the yogurt with nuts, so timing is important to. A friend of mine doing body for life told me to cut out the carbs before bed, and its working! You could also get those little Jif to go packs, a little serving of peanutbutter on the go. I like to just eat it but you could use something to eat it, like a couple fat pretzel sticks. Just keep fighting! :flowerforyou:

    mstahl - I hope you're doing good too, needed to check in with you and see where you're at to keep you motivated! :heart:

    Jess - omg I'm loving the biggest loser too, did you see how well victoria's doing? I'm really glad she got a chance on the ranch, even if it didnt last that long. Every week it gives me so much energy and drive to do well for myself in the week. Yes, its full of stupid commercials and product placement which I hate, but all the emotions and seeing the journeys of others is a really awesome thing for motivation.

    Anyway, here's my check in for last night:

    Calories: Right on
    Water: A little under
    Exercise: stairs? Hehe
    Proud: I BROKE MY PLATEAU THIS MORNING I'm at 233.4 and eager to go down more! I cant wait to see that 30 lbs lost on my ticker! WOOOOO! :bigsmile: cutting out that snacking did wonders for me. :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot to check in yesterday...I've been horrible with this!!

    Calories: 1129
    Water: 13 Glasses
    Sodium: 2178..wasn't pretty!!
    Exercise: None...trying to take it easy this week in prepration for the 5k
    Proud: That I forced myself to NOT exercise...that sounds weird! But it took a lot. I wanted to workout soooo bad last night!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    great ideas! I'm going to try to eat a snack ,with protein, every couple of hours during the day .. which of course will require planning which I think is the key that I am always missing.
    I was emailing my husband about the new drink (enviga) that I am trying today instead of diet pepsi, and I told him I didn't know if it was really a good choice because it's expensive, really high in caffeine and has aspartame. He emailed this back ... thinks he is quite a comedian (but it did make me laugh:laugh: ):
    ' There's a new drink I heard about that is supposed to be really affordable and good for you. Has a strange name... WATER. ;-) '
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, you are still here so you are not giving up. Be really proud of your workout ethic it is amazing. Focus on what you are doing good. Start realizing that you can really make what you are doing even better with the diet. Take baby steps as you said and do little things here and there. Take this one meal at a time one snack at a time and it will eventually become habit. I am with you on this I go through the same thing. I drank my last diet pepsi yesterday and I was sad cause I wasn't going to buy anymore. We are here for you.

    Girls, thanks for all the encouragement. My abcess drained!!! Gross and Happy all in one :laugh: And if I did not get hemorrhoids pushing out my second daughter I will probably never get them. It was a pretty safe threat on my part:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    KDub, I was actually born in the bay area and raised in Stockton. We moved near Modesto about 7 years ago to a small town that noone in CA has ever heard of unless you live around here:laugh: My brother and his wife are still in the bay area.

    Jess, you look so good!!!!! I would be very proud!!!!
    Well I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Proud: I BROKE MY PLATEAU THIS MORNING I'm at 233.4 and eager to go down more! I cant wait to see that 30 lbs lost on my ticker! WOOOOO! :bigsmile: cutting out that snacking did wonders for me. :drinker:

    Congrats Mari, I am really happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!