Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Whoa, looks like we were all posting at the same time. Too funny!

    Can't wait to hear about the spin class tomorrow!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    I use 3 different scales...I have a dial scale in my bathroom...usually it seems pretty close. I use the digital scale at work to confirm the readings on my dial scale :-) & then I use the scale on my Wii Fit just for a third confirmation & the Wii Fit also graphs it results for me.
    It is aggravating when the scales don't match up.
    I was weighing everyday but then i was getting super depressed so i just stopped for about 2 1/2 weeks & when I got back on, I had lost :-)

    My mood has also improved a TON since this morning...I realized that there is no way for me to work AND get all of my masters homework done...soooo...I am taking a mental health day tomorrow & getting all of my homework done. If I get everything done tomorrow, then I will reward myself by going to the teachers' union mixer tomorow afternoon :drinker: I think I am feeling some motivation coming back :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    KDubMommy-What do you teach if you don't mind me asking? My roommate is currently a 7th Grade Science teacher and is in the process of getting her masters as well! So glad to hear you are in better spirits this afternoon!!

    Okay so I need to walk away from Amazon!! :blushing: I definitely took advantage of my free shipping!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    elmox - I tried a different kind of elliptical machine today - it was weird and looks like something that should be in the Avitar movie! I loved it and got one of those "can't quite walk afterwards" workouts! Tomorrow I'm going to do the Spinning Class!:smile:

    OK did you all read that? If I come on the boards tomorrow and I haven't done the spinning class I want you all to kick my not sore butt! :huh: I hear the seats hurt pretty badly so if I've gone to class I'll feel like you all kicked my butt :tongue:

    mstahl: Was it an Arc Trainer? (http://www.arctrainer.com/) They have one of those at my gym and it kicks my butt!! It's a legit workout and I know I burn so many calories (thanks HRM!). Go get that spin class! My gym (Planet Fitness) is too cheap to have classes, so no spinning classes for me, but I would LOVE to try a class. A friend of mine goes to New York Sports Club and she goes to their spin classes. She might be able to get a guest pass for me, so I'm hoping I can try it soon.

    You are all making me want to buy a new/nice scale sooooooo bad. The one I have at home is pretty basic and flucuates so much. Since I live in a NYC apartment, space is at a premium. Does anyone know if it matters how you store your scale between uses? Does it always have to be flat on the ground, or can I stand it up vertically/leaning? If I need to keep the scale flat at all times, then it explains the fluctuations AND tells me I need to find a new home for my scale (which I may cave in and buy new...).

    Oh, and Cris....AMAZING!!!! I'm tempted to make you a badge and send it your way so you can wear that sucker all over town.
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Jess: I teach 6th grade Lang Arts & Social Studies in Southern California...

    I have never been the type to can motivate myself to go to the gym...I had an LA fitness membership for a couple years & basically threw away the money because I was always too embarrassed to go by myself and now there isn't a good gym close by & now I have a kid the child care issue is challenging when it comes to gym time.
    I really like having a personal trainer come to my house because then I have no place to hide...but it is pricey...I am a week away from my 3 month contract ending & am trying to figure out a way to convince my husband that I really do need to stick with 3 days a week...I am thinking that if he insists on the 3 week roadtrip this summer then I for sure get to keep my 3 days a week of personal training :happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I am check in early today because i am/might go walking later and not sure if i will be back later...since Biggest Loser it today..can't wait!

    calories: under 100, that good because i was over yesterday
    water: 6 cups...but i will get it in
    exercise: yup, burnt some calories...that was needed from what i ate yesterday
    proud: i stated on the plan and did my exercise...
    sodium: 1328 mg..good
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Jess: I teach 6th grade Lang Arts & Social Studies in Southern California...

    I have never been the type to can motivate myself to go to the gym...I had an LA fitness membership for a couple years & basically threw away the money because I was always too embarrassed to go by myself and now there isn't a good gym close by & now I have a kid the child care issue is challenging when it comes to gym time.
    I really like having a personal trainer come to my house because then I have no place to hide...but it is pricey...I am a week away from my 3 month contract ending & am trying to figure out a way to convince my husband that I really do need to stick with 3 days a week...I am thinking that if he insists on the 3 week roadtrip this summer then I for sure get to keep my 3 days a week of personal training :happy:

    I live in Northern CA. I live near Modesto Ca. in a small town. Where are you at in S. CA.? We go to Anaheim every year, to Good old Disneyland.

    Edit to say I guess we are actually Central CA, but hey it is north of you!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    elmox- LOL on the badge!!! I'd sooo wear it!

    everyone- thanks now I want a new scale too!!!! I just bought an HRM today so, yea cant buy the scale

    lost 2.2lbs since last Tuesday's weigh in at the gym...uhm thats not what my scale at home says but ok I'll take it!!!

    Ok going ot my bodypump class then home to watch BL!! YAY!

    I'll check in later...I just ate chicken cordon bleu, with a baked potato soooo yummy!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay this is the second time TOM has visited me this month:noway: I caved to my cravings, I am retaining water and really having a bad day. But you know what it is going to be good for me to check in so that everyone can see!!!!!:embarassed: :embarassed:

    Calories: Over by about 600:embarassed:
    Water: 7 cups and 3 diet pepsi's:embarassed:
    exercise: None:embarassed: :embarassed: (planning to change that we will see though I am very lethargic and feeling blah)

    I am proud that I only went over 600 calories:laugh: :embarassed: because I could have gone over by 1800, let me tell ya I wanted to:embarassed: :embarassed: Okay that is over tomorrow is a new day. NO MORE execuses (like TOM) Just shut up and put up!! (pep talk to myself)

    Edit: My 2 tickers need to reach the end together. This is one of my mini goals and I do not think it too unrealistic.

    Edit:Edit: My day can't get any better, I have an abcess on my Right breast, I know TMI but c'mon what else can I have today, I know maybe a hemroid would just make it all perfect!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Cris - WELL DONE with the sit ups!!!!!
    I made it to 200 myself this past weekend and I would never have done that without your encouragement. Thank you :flowerforyou:

    Jess - stop exercising now!!! My fiance is an endurance athlete and I have a friend who does triathalons (sp?) They both always hold off on any serious training about 2 weeks out from any race. During that time they just do some light training, a slow short jog for you perhaps? Wishing you the best of luck for the race, I'm so impressed that you are going for it!!!

    Awestfall + everybody - I'm so over my scales as well, I ordered a new Tanita scale this week and I'll let you know how I like it. Chose it because it got perfect accuracy ratings. My current scale is more than cheap, I didn't even buy it. It was just already in our house when we moved in :laugh:

    So the topic for the day really stinks :laugh: :tongue: :laugh: I'm with you all on the weighing before and after, it's fascinating to me.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in
    calories - good, ate about 200 of my exercise cals
    water - still have a bit to go, but I will get at least 2 L
    exercise - walk to the gym, did 30 there, and then walked around town with Lilly in the stroller 3 hr (did a little shopping)

    help me talk myself into some new running shoes. There is a pair of Nike's I tried on today, and they were so bouncy and comfortable! They are $99, and I might need to get the iPod thingy too..which is another $40 to track my running and walking...
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Oh, and I completed the challenge this week, I having been using the elliptical machine at my gym for the first time this week. It is so hard! I can only do like 3 mins so far!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OH MY SOUL AND BODY you girls have been talkin' up a storm today!!! :laugh: :noway: :laugh: I had to open two windows to keep up! :tongue:

    cris - you look absolutely beautiful in your dress! You are a hot momma! :devil: I'm also playing the graduation song for you right now as tribute to your sit-up success! :flowerforyou:
    elmox - the secret to weight loss is learning from your mishaps. Good for you! You're gonna make it! :happy:
    Jess - wish I could give you advice on the workouts before the run, but I know absolutely nothing about running and plan to keep it that way! :laugh: And I do have the Amazon Prime, and yes, I do overspend because of it. :grumble: It's hard not to!
    onederland - so glad to see you back! I hope everything worked out. I had a stalker (actually a friend irl who followed me here) and had to change my profile name so she couldn't follow me. I don't know if this is what you went through, but nevertheless, glad you're back! :flowerforyou:
    momma - brag away, girl! Those kids are cuties! :wink: Sorry you're having a yucky day. But please do not wish for hemorrhoids!
    mstahl - love your enthusiasm! Yes, you will lose this week! :drinker: <---one hand water; the other, green chai
    COGirl - make sure to show us pics of all that landscaping! Sounds beautiful! :flowerforyou:
    litspy - ROFL about the home visit! :laugh:
    jenn - YIKES that's a killer shake! :noway:
    KDub - God bless you for choosing 6th grade, is all I can say! I teach K-6 now, but used to teach 6-8. Actually, I loved it but whew they can be challenging! :mad:
    jesyka - purple's not too bad. :noway: I'm sure you can match it? :ohwell: Sorry to hear your little one is sick. :flowerforyou:
    pos_me - good job exercising even when you were reluctant! :drinker:
    lstpaul - staying the same is better than a gain, is what I say! :drinker:
    heather - I don't put it past the cat to do it. :wink:
    mari - congrats on the numb butt! :laugh:
    meokk - congrats on making the 200!!! :flowerforyou:

    Scales, scales, scales. I had a digital speaking scale once. The woman speaking was Chinese and I used to love to hear her say, "Please wait. OK. You can step on the scale." Until one day I stepped on the scale and she said, "Please, only one person at a time." :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    EVERYTHING'S FINE, FINE, FINE!!! :tongue: (Can you tell I am listening to Alanis Morisette? :laugh: )

    proud: My fifth grade said I was getting too small today. SOOOOO not true, but it was cute! :blushing: It made me feel really good. I love that my students are encouraging me. :love: I love my students! I know, I'm a dork, but I do! :heart:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm cracking up Bluenote :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Did your scale really say that or are you a comic genius ???
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    checking in
    calories - good, ate about 200 of my exercise cals
    water - still have a bit to go, but I will get at least 2 L
    exercise - walk to the gym, did 30 there, and then walked around town with Lilly in the stroller 3 hr (did a little shopping)

    help me talk myself into some new running shoes. There is a pair of Nike's I tried on today, and they were so bouncy and comfortable! They are $99, and I might need to get the iPod thingy too..which is another $40 to track my running and walking...

    What kinda Nike's!? I bought a pair that were $99 and love them. If they are the same ones I'm the girl to sell 'em to you! LOL My cousins husband manages a comfort shoe store I can tell ya all the benefits!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bluenote did your scale REALLY say that!? You have me cracking up over here!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Bluenote, you are so funny. I hate it when the scale is rude like that.:laugh: :laugh: I knew that my spelling of hemorrhoids did not look right. Glad you were able to understand what I meant!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I know a few of you watch Biggest Loser. I couldn't help but giggle when they had their little bit for Greek Yogurt! :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    make it through dinner at the in-laws. I'm making the black bean brownies for work tomorrow and I'll let you know how that goes... I added peppermint and vanilla and extra chocolate... and a banana and baking powder... OK I suck at actually following recipes!

    Uhg wanted to be asleep right now! But I'll get to the gym in time for the 6am spinning class yes I will!!!