Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    First, let me say I am loving this group! Thank you so much for including me. It's amazing the support that's here and the true camaraderie that exists with you all. Biggest Loser motivation speech = :heart: :heart: :heart:

    This week feels like it is taking it's sweet time to pass. Probably because I'm taking off Friday and Husband and I are headed to Indianapolis for a wedding (that's going to be a fun challenge...open bar, wedding cake), every day feels like it's extra long. I've also found that I've been super snacky this week. It's like I eat and then 20-30 min later, I'm hungry again! I've tried to space out my meals (sandwich at 12:30, carrots at 1:15, apple at 2:00, etc), but it's like I'm a bottomless pit! I've also been craving sweets lately. I'm currently sipping on an instant hot chocolate (120 cals, but it's hot, so I'm sipping away and making it last), even though it's 70 degrees outside!

    I didn't work out this morning. I claimed a rest day from Jillian. I am going for a walk later today - should be at least 2 miles. This will have to be my light exercise day. I suppose I'm allowed those once in awhile!

    Big congratulations :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: for everyone who has taken on the challenge of trying a new exercise this week. Arc Trainers, Elliptical machines, new videos - these are all great ways to push ourselves. I'm going running (aka running/walking) in Central Park tomorrow with a friend. It's always something that I have associated with "healthy" people before, but I can be one of those healthy people! So we'll mark that as my new thing.

    Have a fantastic day and I'll "see" you all later tonight!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma - I have no idea how to spell hemmorhoid...hemoroid...hemma hemma roid roid. LOL I think you got it right. But then again, how do I know?

    YES, I was joking about the lady on the scale but that is what it felt like! LOL

    To all the yeast infected gals: sorry! I hate those! Get better soon!

    Way to go on the speech, Momma. You gave me some needed hope and a kick in the *kitten*. Thanks!

    check in:
    cals: good - a little under but I'll fix that with oatmeal
    water: 90
    exercise: Gonna try the new video again - the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home. She's a bit too cheery for me. I don't want someone smiling at me while I am being tortured.
    proud: great food choices today
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    So I looked it up and I think we should all take a Brazilian holiday today. Just read this off to your manager:

    Tiradentes Day (April 21) – This holiday commemorates Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier’s execution. In 1789 Xavier, a dentist, helped lead the revolt against the Portuguese who had colonized and exploited the country. The holiday is called “Tiradentes” because the word means “tooth-puller.”

    Sorry boss, I have to leave early for tooth puller day :bigsmile: I want a holiday!!!!!!!!

    What did he lead the revolt with - a retractor? Mouth mirror? I hope he at least took the drill! :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I think we all have struggles with the food part of things. Lets face it we did not become members of the over 200 club because we hated food!!!:laugh: I think "we" as a society use food to make us feel good, to satisfy hunger, and even just to socialize. Think about church when ever there is a get together it is a potluck or a luncheon. The hard part about the food thing when you have a family with kids is we all come together to eat. Eating is so much part of our lives we can never get away from it. Every time I sit down to eat I am struggling not to over do it. I like to cook and make things my family likes to eat. It feels good to have everyone saying how wonderful something you created is. I don't know just my 2 cents. I think we have to just take this one bite at a time. Sometimes I want to be discouraged because I have been at this a year and I am at 37 pounds lost (I use to be at 44) But I know that I CAN"T quit and I am NOT going to quit and I need to forgive myself and move forward. Lstpaul, forgive your self. I really think that you are upset with yourself right now and discouraged. First forgive yourself. IT is okay to be human and make a mistake. :flowerforyou: Now that you have forgiven yourself (and you better) Let's move towards our goals. I just got done telling my husband that I think I have lost my determination to lose weight. I have lost my excitement for it. Let's try to find our motivation again and our excitement for losing. Let's steal some from littlespy while she is at training today:laugh: :laugh: We can all do this. I think we are all weight loss sisters. Our friends and family know us better but they don't know what it feels like to be the biggest girl in the room. They don't know what it feels like to be over 200 pounds. We all know what that feels like I think that makes us weight loss sisters.:cry::laugh: I got all biggest loser emotional speech on us right now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Well put Momma !!! This really motivated me on top of my already motivation.LOL!!! We are all weight loss sisters in this group.Love you gals!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 4/21/10:
    calories- 1340 :drinker:
    water- yes
    sodium- 2305, prob higher
    excercise- week 6 day 2 of c25k- next one is a 25 min run :frown: :noway:
    proud- that I got a lot of stuff done today, when I could have sat in front of the tv and done nothing

    my allergies are killing me its getting old...pollen pollen go away!

    PS- BL results are in, Im currently in 4th place!!!!:flowerforyou:


  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The exercise gods were against me tonight. My walk was rained out, then our neighbor came over and spoiled my plans of a Wii workout tonight. In our one bedroom apartment, I don't see me working out in the living room while he and my husband chat in the adjoining kitchen. We're close, but not that close! However, it is interesting (and exciting) to see how accustomed I've become to exercise. I'm really missing that I didn't get out and move today (and I count a 2+ mile walk as getting out there and moving!). I think this is a step in the right direction!

    Cals: Pretty much right on target!
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: None...so sad :frown:
    Proud: My brother-in-law made some homemade Pad Thai tonight and I decided to stick with my food (to be sure of the cals and nutritional information) instead of eating a full portion. I definitely tried a little bit (it would have been rude not to!), but held myself back from a full portion.

    PS-Congrats Cris on 4th place!! You're going to have all sorts of badges and medals here soon!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    our internet and tv was down from 2 until just now. Sucked this after noon , luckily i had an air card and was able to work , but at very slow speed.

    Jenn - it sucks medicine that is supposed to make us better and makes us miserable in another way.

    ate in my cals today, but no water and no exercise...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Elmox-Glad to hear you are starting to see the positive changes in your progress! Awesome job at just samping the dinner and sticking to what you planned!

    LilDebbie-Sorry to hear you have been sick! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    Cris-Way to go on the 4th place BL!! That's so great!! You are rockin'!

    Checking for today

    Calories:1309(I needed an after dinner snack!)
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: w6d2 of c25k. I started to feel the stair master from Monday this afternoon in my run! My legs feel like JELLO!! OMG!! That's all I could do today!
    Proud:I didn't go passed 2000 in sodium. That hasn't happened in almost a week!

    Hope everybody has a good evening!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I think we all have struggles with the food part of things. Lets face it we did not become members of the over 200 club because we hated food!!!:laugh: I think "we" as a society use food to make us feel good, to satisfy hunger, and even just to socialize. Think about church when ever there is a get together it is a potluck or a luncheon. The hard part about the food thing when you have a family with kids is we all come together to eat. Eating is so much part of our lives we can never get away from it. Every time I sit down to eat I am struggling not to over do it. I like to cook and make things my family likes to eat. It feels good to have everyone saying how wonderful something you created is. I don't know just my 2 cents. I think we have to just take this one bite at a time. Sometimes I want to be discouraged because I have been at this a year and I am at 37 pounds lost (I use to be at 44) But I know that I CAN"T quit and I am NOT going to quit and I need to forgive myself and move forward. Lstpaul, forgive your self. I really think that you are upset with yourself right now and discouraged. First forgive yourself. IT is okay to be human and make a mistake. :flowerforyou: Now that you have forgiven yourself (and you better) Let's move towards our goals. I just got done telling my husband that I think I have lost my determination to lose weight. I have lost my excitement for it. Let's try to find our motivation again and our excitement for losing. Let's steal some from littlespy while she is at training today:laugh: :laugh: We can all do this. I think we are all weight loss sisters. Our friends and family know us better but they don't know what it feels like to be the biggest girl in the room. They don't know what it feels like to be over 200 pounds. We all know what that feels like I think that makes us weight loss sisters.:cry::laugh: I got all biggest loser emotional speech on us right now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Well put Momma !!! This really motivated me on top of my already motivation.LOL!!! We are all weight loss sisters in this group.Love you gals!!

    AMEN!!! Thanks momma...we needed that!!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    checking in 4/21/10:
    calories- 1340 :drinker:
    water- yes
    sodium- 2305, prob higher
    excercise- week 6 day 2 of c25k- next one is a 25 min run :frown: :noway:
    proud- that I got a lot of stuff done today, when I could have sat in front of the tv and done nothing

    my allergies are killing me its getting old...pollen pollen go away!

    PS- BL results are in, Im currently in 4th place!!!!:flowerforyou:



    Congrates on being 4th place...you earned it!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    The exercise gods were against me tonight. My walk was rained out, then our neighbor came over and spoiled my plans of a Wii workout tonight. In our one bedroom apartment, I don't see me working out in the living room while he and my husband chat in the adjoining kitchen. We're close, but not that close! However, it is interesting (and exciting) to see how accustomed I've become to exercise. I'm really missing that I didn't get out and move today (and I count a 2+ mile walk as getting out there and moving!). I think this is a step in the right direction!

    Cals: Pretty much right on target!
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: None...so sad :frown:
    Proud: My brother-in-law made some homemade Pad Thai tonight and I decided to stick with my food (to be sure of the cals and nutritional information) instead of eating a full portion. I definitely tried a little bit (it would have been rude not to!), but held myself back from a full portion.

    PS-Congrats Cris on 4th place!! You're going to have all sorts of badges and medals here soon!

    Good job on staying positive..even though it was a difficult day:flowerforyou:
    when i lived in an apartment building it was very hard to do any kind of movement because of my neighbors...i lived on the second floor so the days i find myself slipping i would walk the stairs..since it not easy to exercise in the apartment...maybe that could be an option when it horrible outside and people are visiting you man...go walk up and down the stairs....that's if you have stairs:laugh: :wink:

    Good Luck girl!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Elmox-Glad to hear you are starting to see the positive changes in your progress! Awesome job at just samping the dinner and sticking to what you planned!

    LilDebbie-Sorry to hear you have been sick! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    Cris-Way to go on the 4th place BL!! That's so great!! You are rockin'!

    Checking for today

    Calories:1309(I needed an after dinner snack!)
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: w6d2 of c25k. I started to feel the stair master from Monday this afternoon in my run! My legs feel like JELLO!! OMG!! That's all I could do today!
    Proud:I didn't go passed 2000 in sodium. That hasn't happened in almost a week!

    Hope everybody has a good evening!

    I did the stepper yesterday. It was 8 1/2 inches off the floor and i used 3 pound weights in each hand..did this for 30 minutes..wow was i sweating. I woke up this morning and boy are my calfs hurting..so today i will take it light...maybe walk while my son is in preschool for 2 hours...
    Good lukc on your 5k on Saturday!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Postivitely_Me-30 minutes WITH weights!!?? Wow!! you are amazing!! I did 10 minutes and wanted to die!! LOL But that is after my c25k!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Postivitely_Me-30 minutes WITH weights!!?? Wow!! you are amazing!! I did 10 minutes and wanted to die!! LOL But that is after my c25k!

    It was hard and i did want to give up afte the first 10 minutes...but i stuck to it...i kept giving myself little pep talks..."I can do it"..."why can't you do it"..."the contestance on the biggest loser camp can do it so can you"...

    thanks girl..and way to go on your c25k... I loved that program...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checkin for yesterday
    Calories - 1463
    Exercise - 1 hour walking
    water - 110oz

    proud that I ate my chocolate ration during the day but I didn't go back for more at night (my usual chocolate time)

    Urmmm, am I the only person on MFP who has never watched the Biggest Loser?
    Should I ? you all seem very much into it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    You gals are the best. We can do this!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Tonight my son is going to a kinder facts class. It is more for the parents and since I have attended them before it is not like I really need it. C'mon now this is my 4th kg. I know what they need. But I like the idea that the kinder teachers take the kids away and have a craft or story time while the parents make a craft they can do with the kids. It is a 5 night program. I am however concerned that he will not cooperate and they will kick him out of class. Ryan is not mean or bad to other children. He is very sweet and affectionate (which also worries me, he hugs and kisses people he does not know) The problem is He jumps off furniture and he will not stop and so every where I take him they kick him out for that. :embarassed: :cry: So tonight we begin and I just so bad want him to be successful tonight. Pray that he will!!! I also signed him up for kinder camp this summer. I am trying so hard to help him. He is my sweetheart. When I get dressed up he will say " Wow momma your beautiful" I know I have already told you that but I like to repeat it.:love::love: :love: :love:

    Edit to metion what ever woman gets my son will be lucky. He is handsome and knows what to say. He is like his daddy:love:
    Momma my youngest daughter has started hugging and kissing people she doesn't know and I am trying to break her of it without making her think all people are bad but it does scare me that she is so friendly with people.We can be out in public and she will run up and hug someone in line or just a random person.Any suggestions on how to break this?She is very friendly and she also jumps off of things too.She sounds so much like your son in that aspect and I fear when she gets into preschool or kindergarten she is going to be a handful for the teachers to deal with.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in 4/21/10
    calories: over regular but under my exercise calories...i ate 1600 calories w/ 448 to spare ( so basically i ate half my exercise calories)
    exercise: stepper ( 8 1/2 inches off the floor with 3 pound weights in each hand), 200 ab crunches using a stibility balll, and dancing for 2 hours ( on and off - while i made family dinner).
    water: more than 8 cups...i lost track
    sodium: 1868...over my norm..but not much
    proud: I tried something new today...the stepper:noway: :huh: :ohwell: . I thought it was going to be easy but no it was so hard..but i stuck with it..yay me!

    be back later once i upload my food/exercise for today...

    Have a great day girl!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1558. I had a 500 CALORIE piece of cake. It wasn't even that big! But, it *was* that good. :laugh:
    Exercise: I got in a couple of short walks. My knee was still bothering me too much to ride my bike & kept wanting to give out while I was walking so I kind of just admitted defeat for the day.
    Water: Plenty. I LOVE seltzer water. I think I may eventually be able to replace all diet soda with plain carbonated water.
    Proud: I didn't turn 500 cake calories into 1000 cake calories, which I could've easily done. I made the cake for my bf's birthday. It's a coconut cake, which wouldn't have even appealed to me before I changed my lifestyle. But OMG it's so good. I had never used cream of coconut before, and that's where the ridiculous amount of calories come from, really. 2000 calories in a 15 oz can! :noway: I've already decided that the cake is too sweet & rich and next time I'll be using coconut milk instead of cream of coconut. Yummmm. I just have to be sure "next time" is a really really really really long time from now. :laugh:

    So, anyway, today is my boyfriend's 31st birthday. I'm leaving work early to go home and clean to surprise him with a clean house when he gets home from class (I'm sure you can imagine the normal state of our house with 6 dogs. Probably about as bad as it would be with 6 small kids plus lots of fur shedding). Then I'm taking him out to eat at a restaurant we love but haven't been to in well over a year because it's expensive, especially for what it is (it's definitely NOT fine dining! :laugh:). Although I'm sure there are healthy things on the menu, I won't be eating them. :wink: So, there's all that, and then that blasted coconut cake, and then beer. Oh boy. I'm trying to pinch calories wherever I can today. I had strawberries in my oatmeal instead of my usual peanut butter (and YUM, by the way). I cut out my morning snack & I'm eating chicken & broccoli for lunch (and mustard potato salad.... shhhhhh. It sabotaged me at the grocery store last night. When I came home, I told my bf "I'm horrible at being a not fat person!" :laugh:).

    Anyway, all this is to say that.. um... I will definitely NOT be showing a loss this week for the weigh in tomorrow. :laugh: And I had FINALLY gotten back down to 204.0 this morning, too! Oh well. :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Calories: 1558. I had a 500 CALORIE piece of cake. It wasn't even that big! But, it *was* that good. :laugh:
    Exercise: I got in a couple of short walks. My knee was still bothering me too much to ride my bike & kept wanting to give out while I was walking so I kind of just admitted defeat for the day.
    Water: Plenty. I LOVE seltzer water. I think I may eventually be able to replace all diet soda with plain carbonated water.
    Proud: I didn't turn 500 cake calories into 1000 cake calories, which I could've easily done. I made the cake for my bf's birthday. It's a coconut cake, which wouldn't have even appealed to me before I changed my lifestyle. But OMG it's so good. I had never used cream of coconut before, and that's where the ridiculous amount of calories come from, really. 2000 calories in a 15 oz can! :noway: I've already decided that the cake is too sweet & rich and next time I'll be using coconut milk instead of cream of coconut. Yummmm. I just have to be sure "next time" is a really really really really long time from now. :laugh:

    So, anyway, today is my boyfriend's 31st birthday. I'm leaving work early to go home and clean to surprise him with a clean house when he gets home from class (I'm sure you can imagine the normal state of our house with 6 dogs. Probably about as bad as it would be with 6 small kids plus lots of fur shedding). Then I'm taking him out to eat at a restaurant we love but haven't been to in well over a year because it's expensive, especially for what it is (it's definitely NOT fine dining! :laugh:). Although I'm sure there are healthy things on the menu, I won't be eating them. :wink: So, there's all that, and then that blasted coconut cake, and then beer. Oh boy. I'm trying to pinch calories wherever I can today. I had strawberries in my oatmeal instead of my usual peanut butter (and YUM, by the way). I cut out my morning snack & I'm eating chicken & broccoli for lunch (and mustard potato salad.... shhhhhh. It sabotaged me at the grocery store last night. When I came home, I told my bf "I'm horrible at being a not fat person!" :laugh:).

    Anyway, all this is to say that.. um... I will definitely NOT be showing a loss this week for the weigh in tomorrow. :laugh: And I had FINALLY gotten back down to 204.0 this morning, too! Oh well. :tongue:
    Little Spy - You are awesome at this weight loss journey even when you do eat what you want and when you want it.You inspire me big time to keep at it .You look amazing by the way and I hope you enjoy your evening with you bf you deserve it for all that hard work you have put in.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Jib/litspy: have fun tonight!!!

    My husband's birthday is this Saturday (he'll be 42 y/o)..not sure what i will be doing...Hopefully i will be good..lol..
    I asked him what do you want but after being married for 15 years...he doesn't want anything...he wants to spend the day together..:blushing: :love: :tongue: :laugh:
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