Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Little Spy
    I just needed to say that I am so impressed and a little jealous of the swift action marriage plan.....:smokin: :smokin:
    One month after being engaged we hadn't even begun to contemplate a date or a location. We just booked our date (5 months after proposal). Good for you and nice bonus that you have a better man than last week :laugh:
    The beach house sounds dreamy and I hope that works out for you.:flowerforyou:

    Well, when you're semi-eloping, you don't have anything to really plan. :smile: We're just getting married at the courthouse, basically, then driving to the beach to hang out for a few days. We've lived together for 3 years so it's not like there is any adjustment on that front (except that now we can FINALLY get rid of all the doubles we have of so many things. Our guestroom has been packed full of boxes of double stuff since we moved into the house from my old condo nearly 3 years ago).

    I think my fiance actually wanted to get married BEFORE my birthday -- like this week. :laugh: I have to admit that made me a little nervous because I wanted to take more time to adjust and actually plan out some fun. He had been thinking about it for months, whereas I was completely caught off guard with the timing so.. yeah. I need a minute. :laugh:

    The beach house is a GO!

    Edit: I just remembered something ridiculous. Last night we were talking about what we were going to do at the beach (apparently we're on for pirate mini-golf at least 2 nights. OMG, we're dorks. What a romantic honeymoon. :tongue:) but I freaked out when he said there was no longer any wifi in the house. All I could think was "OMG -- I'll have a 180 day streak on MFP at that point. I cant mess that up even for a honeymoon!" Seriously. :indifferent: But he said there are wifi hotspots everywhere on the island so I'm covered. WHEW! :laugh:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Congrats, Cris!

    We had our BL final weigh in, measurements, and tests. Our program was 6 weeks long, and I didn't lose as much weight as I wanted/hoped to, but I am pretty happy with the other numbers!

    Here are my final numbers:

    Weight: 9.1 lbs
    Body fat: 2.1%
    Upper arms: 0.5" one, 0.75" other
    Waist: 2.25"
    Hips: 2.0"
    Thighs: 4.0" one, 3.75" other :noway:
    1 min pushup test: 12 (6 the first day)
    1 min situp test: 22 (17 the first day... not sure how that happened, I shouldn't have tried so hard the first day :laugh:)
    1 mile run: 13:50 (15:48 the first day)

    A couple more teams still need to do their final stuff tomorrow, so we won't find out until tomorrow at the earliest but probably Monday what team won. There are also some individual prizes too but I'm not sure exactly for what. The winning team is determined about 50% weight/body fat loss, but also 50% inches lost. So, even though we might not have been in first in weight loss (all the %'s posted at the gym until now have been based on weight loss only), I think we rocked it on inches.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Miranda - WTG on the BL competion..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Miranda-Awesome job on your Biggest Loser competition! :drinker:

    LittleSpy-Close call on missing your MFP time on your honeymoon! WHEW!! Beach house sounds awesome! I'm sure you two will have a blast.

    Momma-So glad to hear you are doing well! We have missed you! :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning... Yet another crazy day around here. all week long people have had things come up and cancel, change or make apts at the last min. I can certainly tell it is on the cusp of summer as it is pretty normal to be like this the end of may and beginning of June.

    I did manage to get my exercise in 1st thing this morning.. ate some oatmeal and now I am off to get some work done. I will check back in later.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Sheesh...its 2 pages of posts since I asked my rotis. chix question so it took me a while to get here!

    First of all, thank you all so much for the congrats! I know, KNOW, I couldnt have done it without your support. You girls drive me to succeed to so much, thank you thank you thank you! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    JLB- Enjoy your first pedi! I didnt get my first one until college or something and I used to get one maybe like once a year, but now I go a lot more often like once a month! lol. Thanks for the chicken info, I logged 7.5oz (I ate the entire breast meat on one side) and it gave me 425 calories...I dont eat the dark meat either, but Bobby does. As for your ring Id get the next size down, the less you have to size it the better.

    Lildeb- congrats on your first water aerobics class! I used to do it when I was younger and its def hard work! PS- whats the steamcleaner you have called? Hubby and I were just talking about getting one. We have so much crap on our carpet from the baby

    Jess- I didnt get to finish wk7. I got to the gym too late and the treadmills were taken and I only had like 20 mins or so to workout so I opted for the bike instead. Going to go finish it today hopefully! Oh and I HATED the muscle milk, its so gross!! Im glad I only bought one! :laugh: :laugh: Def did not cure my choc milk craving..oh and how do u text while you run?! You are amazing me with how easily you do these runs! I struggle so much!

    Velvet- Welcome! I had the same problem with my son not wanting ot be held by anyone else or being put down but I just stopped doing it...he eventually stopped crying for me but is still super clingy. Its nice but annoying when Im trying to get things done. Like jesyka said, there are plenty of workouts that incorporate the baby into it. I used to lay my son on the ground when he was little and do push ups with him under me..that way I can NOT fall or Ill smush him and i give him kisses when i come down and looking at him drives me. The babies are also used as weights a lot...try it out

    blue- Yay for losing 2 out of the 5 lbs already! it will be gone in no time. Im so proud that you jsut go right back into the swing of things!

    Raider- I dont know if this will help but every sunday I take a few mins to schedule my workouts for the week. I actually go as far as to write them down...so when its monday I look at my paper and do whatever it says. It usually helps me stay commited to doing it.

    Elmox- Im glad you went with your hubby and had fun. Sometimes its important to have those special days with the ones you love...good choice!

    ok checking in on a different post this one is already long enough...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I cannot text and run! LOL I would fall all over the place. Plus the app shuts down if you close out to text. The runs aren't pure cake for me. The first half I felt amazing though. I was so pumped and ready to go! The second half was a struggle. My pants kept falling down and my HRM was slipping all over the place because I was pouring sweat. Was rough! :laugh: Glad you didn't buy the whole box of milk! I'm not a milk drinker so it tastes okay to me!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi my friends!

    Love seeing your continued progress.

    On the home page when I logged on this morning I was shocked to see a NUDE man. If you are offended or think that it is not appropriate. Please join in getting it removed. The user name is Phunkydi's. I started a new thread titled "No nudity on MFP".


    edit: Within three minutes of posting my thread it had been taken off. Keep being strong ladies!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey girls.

    I can't chat for long. I have to go drop my son off @ preschool. then go to the community park for 7 laps around in 30 minutes. I think it's about 2.5 miles. I have already finished my 40 minute treadmill walk (with and without incline), and 30 minutes on the elliptical.

    I tried ( yesterday) the protein powder EAS 100% whey protein, chocolate mix. It was good and it keep me full for 4-5 hours. Thanks girls for all your help about the protein powder mix. I will be drinking another one when i come back from my walk.

    Check back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Chris - it is a hoover steam vac.. it works pretty good...thre are some areas i don't think anything could help it just is worn so much as a main walk through from our lving room to kitchen...but i keep trying , it was like 200 but worth every cent.....I really do HATE carpet. i don't mind it in the bedrooms but anything else i do not like it...but it is a rental house and i cant do anything about it....i wish our landlord wasn't coming this week...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I'm not a girly girl but I love Sex and The City and for some reason I actually LIKE getting dressed up from time to time. My roommate sent me this and wants to go...she can finally replace the fat picture of us in Vegas dressed up! :laugh:

    Carrie Bradshaw and her fabulous friends are back!
    Event Details:
    After two years we catch up with the fashion forward women of Sex and the City as they take Abu Dhabi by storm.

    Come see all the style, glamour and drama on Thursday, May 27, and experience opening night Hollywood style with a private screening and VIP after party. Grab your girlfriends, slip on your favorite pair of stilettos and walk the pink carpet with other fashionable and fabulous ladies in Dallas. Must be over 21 to attend.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I wrote another pretty long post but my work internet keeps cutting in and out so its gone. Here is the general gist:

    I am up 1lb since yesterday..at 198.4. I am happy with that because now I know my body is rehydrated and I ate prett well yesterday

    check in
    calories- 1235
    water- yes
    sodium- 2175
    exercise- 25 mins bike
    cals burned- 350...failed miserably this week, gotta take it up a notch next week
    proud- that I won biggest loser

    fiance and I are fighting. he lost his job temporarily because his company has no work for him right now (electrician). So hes been sitting at home all week doing nothing, I come home and the house is a mess and he has done absolutely nothing but sit on his *kitten* watchign tv and drinking beer. Theres plenty he could have done, laundry, cleaned, shopped, cat litter, etc..you know all the stuff I do after i work all day and go to the gym...but nooo he didnt do any of it. The stress of him not having a paycheck for the next 2 weeks is bad enough, he could at least be productive! ok vent over..thanks for listening
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess that sounds fun! Go for it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Aw Cris -- it'll be okay. He's just in a funk. My bf did the same thing a couple years ago when he realized he just wasn't going to get a decent job in this city without a degree or a certification (he had never had a problem before in other cities because he has a TON of experience and he really knows what he's doing... but this is a huge college town so employers expect degrees no matter what). I thought then there was no way it was going to work between us because he just had no motivation at all. He finally went back to school & is almost finished & now the being married & starting a family thing has totally ramped up his motivation to be awesome.

    But yeah, I remember times when I'd come home after working 2 jobs and he had been home all day and the house was a complete disaster. Then I'd start to cook dinner and he'd have the freaking audacity to complain about the house being a mess. I don't know why I thought it was worth it to stay with him then but I'm really glad I did. :laugh:

    Edit: Oh, I reread what you typed & maybe he's not in such a funk if he's going to have work again in 2 weeks. Kick his butt! :tongue: :devil: Or take him out for dinner Friday night so he can see a ton of guys hit on you so he remembers what a freaking hot incredible woman he has. Sometimes they need a reminder. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Vent away! That would frustrate me too! I was actually laying in bed last night completely exhausted. All I did after work was workout. I don't know how you all do it with kids and school and everything else! You are my heros!

    This is the god awful picture my rommate has of us in Vegas

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: Thank Julie!

    I just called him to talk about it. He told me he knows why Im mad and hes going to try to be more productive. I dont even mind if he goes out with his friends all day, just get the hell out of the house and do something for god's sake. Today he has plans to go golfing and tomorrow he is going to keep the baby and take him on an "Adventure". Well see......

    Ok so I didnt add this before but I know you guys care about me so I need to vent about it to someone! On Tuesday when I got home from Bodypump he was passed out on the couch. He had been drinking all day and having himself a pity party about not being at work (uhm its 2 weeks suck it up!) anways. He passed out while I was at the gym and he was supposed to be watching the baby....he left my (fine, our) precious one year old by himself unattended because he wanted to be a drunken idiot! I swear at that point I wanted to kill him and break off the engagement. I was so angry. The baby was crying hysterically when I walked in and he didnt hear anything he was totally out of it!! So yea..thats been adding to the stress and ights through out the week....he apologized and stuff but it will never be enough. What if the baby had gotten seriosuly hurt? I would never forgive myself or him.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ok so I didnt add this before but I know you guys care about me so I need to vent about it to someone! On Tuesday when I got home from Bodypump he was passed out on the couch. He had been drinking all day and having himself a pity party about not being at work (uhm its 2 weeks suck it up!) anways. He passed out while I was at the gym and he was supposed to be watching the baby....he left my (fine, our) precious one year old by himself unattended because he wanted to be a drunken idiot! I swear at that point I wanted to kill him and break off the engagement. I was so angry. The baby was crying hysterically when I walked in and he didnt hear anything he was totally out of it!! So yea..thats been adding to the stress and ights through out the week....he apologized and stuff but it will never be enough. What if the baby had gotten seriosuly hurt? I would never forgive myself or him.

    Yeah, you definitely have every right to be upset! I'm glad he was able to recognize what a not-good thing that was to do. And I'm glad you guys were able to talk about. Sounds like he realizes he's been a less than doting fiance' this week so I bet he gets his sh** together now. If not, totally take him out to watch other guys hit on you, though. :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ok so I didnt add this before but I know you guys care about me so I need to vent about it to someone! On Tuesday when I got home from Bodypump he was passed out on the couch. He had been drinking all day and having himself a pity party about not being at work (uhm its 2 weeks suck it up!) anways. He passed out while I was at the gym and he was supposed to be watching the baby....he left my (fine, our) precious one year old by himself unattended because he wanted to be a drunken idiot! I swear at that point I wanted to kill him and break off the engagement. I was so angry. The baby was crying hysterically when I walked in and he didnt hear anything he was totally out of it!! So yea..thats been adding to the stress and ights through out the week....he apologized and stuff but it will never be enough. What if the baby had gotten seriosuly hurt? I would never forgive myself or him.

    Yeah, you definitely have every right to be upset! I'm glad he was able to recognize what a not-good thing that was to do. And I'm glad you guys were able to talk about. Sounds like he realizes he's been a less than doting fiance' this week so I bet he gets his sh** together now. If not, totally take him out to watch other guys hit on you, though. :wink:

    I agree. That's totally uncessary. I would have been just as upset. That's y'alls precious baby. He needs to be more responsible when he is watching him. Thank God nothing happened to him though. And luckily he is only without a job for 2 weeks. He should feel fortunate for that. I'm glad you were able to talk about and he realized that he was being a big butthead! If he comes come around I agree with Julie. Make him take you out! :laugh: Let the guys hit on you!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Chris - YOu have every right to be furious ...he is a little baby and needs constant supervision, i would of been beside myself if i came home and my baby was crying and dh was passed out...Seems like he does realize that he does not need to be that way, 2 weeks hurry up huh :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Cris, that is pretty scary. I would not even know what to say. If this is the first time and he regrets it then forgive him. I know I know it should have never happened and it was pretty dumb on his part. NOt making light of it. I am just saying we have all made some pretty stupid mistakes. Thank God this turned out okay. I am sure he feels terrible and regrets it. His regrets will probably make him never want to do it again. I guarantee you he is beating himself up more than you are:flowerforyou:

    Jess:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: Are you stinking kidding me? You have transformed into a beautiful butterfly since then!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, I am going to vent myself. I have been feeling pretty stressed!!! My 16yo is taking pre AP Pre Calculus with a very negative, nothing nice to say teacher. She said she is not going to allow Miranda to go on to AP Calculus!!! Miranda is barely getting a C and this has really hit her ego!!! She is an A,B student in math. Any how she was getting a B then this teacher began to work on her self confidence about her math abilities. She got a 98% on a math test and the teacher acted like it was a fluke. Okay Mrs. D your entire class of usually top math students are barely getting C's in her advanced classes more than 1. She swares that it is because they have "ALL" been taught incorrectly!!!:noway: What and now you are doing it the right way and they are all struggling. C'mon you are a math teacher lady what is the common denominator Yeah You!!! Anyways spoke to the AP Calculus teacher who knows my daughter he said. Wrong!!!!! Miranda can do calculus and he will insist they put her in his class especially if she gets a C or better in this other Teachers class!! So I have that to deal with this last week and in addition to that MIranda's best friend whom she adores just let her know that "She rubs her the wrong way!!!" (High school girl drama) Don't know if it is just a coincidence but this has all occured after her best buddies ex has expressed an attraction to Miranda. Miranda does not think so because she would never like her bff's boyfriend. But I remember the jealousy surrounding being 16 and ex-bfs
    Anyways sorry with boring you with the highschool soap opera it just hurts to see my girl so hurt. And in addition to all of this she has not been logging her cals and she has gained a few more pounds which is making her feel down on herself. My poor baby:brokenheart: Well thanks for listening and I will be back later