Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ate 1500 calories today which I don't guess is all that bad and I am off to go exercise for 45 minutes on my elliptical machine
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hi All

    I am here...I haven't logged calories or anything since last week...but that is pretty much the only bad thing I did besides not exercising...
    But I am feeling pretty good today!! This morning I was able to comfortably zip some prepregnancy pants! I had my son in March of 2008 & am currently still 8 lbs heavier than I was before I got pregnant but the pants fit :-)
    And...my principal let me know yesterday that I will definitely be department chair for social studies at my school next year & I may be moving back up to 7th grade to teach social studies & technology! I am TOTALLY stoked because I am working on my master's focusing on educational technology :-)
    Thanks Jess for asking about me! My only struggle right now is getting motivated to get on my elliptical machine...I can burn about 600 calories in 40 minutes on that thing & there is no reason not to do it but I just go home & stare at it as I drink my chardonnay :-)
    Will check in later...now I am off to my first dept chair meeting!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OK I know this is a repeat - but I think it's very valuable and now that we've got even longer days... let's make sure we're getting enough sleep!

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Most of us have read how getting enough sleep is a key part of losing weight (and general health and well being) but it seems like it's one of the first things we sacrifice when our lives get more hectic! Since I'm having a definite increase in chaos this week (this Month?) I know my sleep has suffered! :frown:

    8 hours is recommended for most - but 7 hours seems to be the minimum we really need and people who think that they are exceptions generally:grumble: AREN'T:huh: !

    We need to exercise:flowerforyou: , we need to watch our calories:ohwell: , we need to drink water:drinker: and we HAVE to SLEEP!!!:yawn:

    I think the article below might be restricted so I copied in the Abstact -

    The Obesity Connection

    In one such study, Sanjay R. Patel and colleagues analyzed data from the Nurses' Health Study and found that women who reported sleeping 5 or fewer hours per night were at greater risk for weight gain and in general weighed more compared with women who slept 7–8 hours per night. These findings appeared in the 15 November 2006 American Journal of Epidemiology. Because this type of study relies on self-report of amount of time slept—which people tend to overestimate, according to a study by Diane Lauderdale and colleagues in the 1 July 2006 American Journal of Epidemiology—the magnitude of the effect may actually be greater than estimated.

    Other epidemiologic studies have measured actual sleep time with wrist actigraphy, which involves attaching an instrument that measures physical movement to participants' wrists and using lack of wrist movement as an indicator of actual time slept. These studies also showed a link between reduced sleep and obesity, with weight gain attributed to increases in fat, not muscle mass. Sleep apnea was ruled out as a cause for the association through the use of recordings of brain waves and other physical measurements (polysomnography) in a portion of the study participants.

    In a November 2009 special issue of Obesity Reviews devoted to the role of circadian biology in obesity and metabolism, sleep epidemiologist Jim Gangwisch of the University of Columbia and colleagues also pointed to the need to explore how quality of sleep affects obesity. Some studies have shown, for instance, that it may not be the total sleep time that matters but how much time is spent in the various stages of sleep—in other words, your sleep architecture. In the 1 April 2009 issue of Sleep, Madhu Rao and colleagues reported using poly-somnography to find that men who got less slow-wave sleep (a stage considered the deepest sleep, which occurs just before "rapid eye movement" sleep) were more likely to currently be obese, even after controlling for total sleep time.

    Several studies have linked weight gain associated with short sleep to changes in appetite-regulating hormones such as leptin and ghrelin. Among this work are reports from Karine Spiegel and colleagues in the 7 December 2004 Annals of Internal Medicine, and from Shahrad Taheri and colleagues in the December 2004 PLoS Medicine. But a study led by University of Chicago endocrinologist Plamen Penev that tried to approximate long-term sleep deprivation in everyday life suggests the relationship between sleep and appetite regulation may be somewhat complex.

    As they reported in the January 2009 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Penev and colleagues had 11 middle-aged, sedentary participants slumber in a controlled sleep laboratory, sleeping fewer than 5.5 hours a night for one 14-day period and more than 7 hours a night during a different 14-day period. The order of the sleep periods (whether the short-sleep period or the normal-sleep period came first) was randomized. The participants were served meals made up of foods they reported eating at home, and they had free access to snacks. "The food they received was served in excess so they could determine their portion sizes themselves," Penev says.

    During the sleep-deprived period, the participants ate more calories—mostly from carbohydrate-rich snacks rather than meals—but their leptin and ghrelin levels did not change. In contrast, participants in previous studies were fed a controlled amount of calories via glucose infusion, and that may have made the difference, Penev says.

    "I think the changes in leptin and ghrelin in controlled laboratory experiments have been seen mostly at times when the food intake of participants has been limited or mildly restricted," Penev says. "But when the subjects have recently consumed excess calories, then sleep loss does not seem to trigger those changes." Still, the effects on food intake in Penev's study, although modest, were enough to cause increased weight gain in the long run. Larger and longer studies are needed to confirm these findings, he says.

    Other preliminary findings from Penev's research group, presented in an abstract at the 2009 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, suggests lack of sleep may make it harder to lose fat. In a small experimental study, people on a reduced-calorie, nutritionally balanced diet were sleep-restricted to fewer than 5.5 hours for one 14-day period and in a separate 14-day period were allowed to sleep more than 7 hours a night. The two study periods were several months apart, and again, their order was randomized. The participants lost similar amounts of weight during the two periods, but during sleep restriction, fat made up only 26% of the weight loss, while during the normal sleep period fat made up 57% of the weight loss.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    elmox - are you in STL now? I thought you lived out of town for some reason...?
    jesyka - great job with that Tae Bo! Do you like that? I have a friend who loves it.
    cris - I know it is going to stick! Hallelujah, onederland!!! Holy schmolies on the BL weigh in! You rocked it, girlie girl!
    openheaven - great job resisting the snacks at work!
    raider - I would love to do a Bollywood class! I can't believe no one would do it with you. But Yoga rocks, too!
    COGirl - yeah, isn't it amazing that the kids get older but we don't? LOL
    litspy - Woohooo on setting the date and joining a gym! This month will fly by!
    jess - that is great news about the swimsuits! You go, girl!
    pos_me - you and I both had overindulgent weekends, eh? I am paying for it, too. Bleh.
    KDub - congrats, dept. chair! That is fantastic!

    Oh my word I am gonna fail the challenge! LOL But I will try my best to get over 7 hours each night!

    I gained 5 pounds over the weekend. Knowing that it probably is mostly water retention, I am breathing a little easier. But still, 5 pounds, girls. Ugh. Well, the Lord giveth, and the cheetos taketh away. :ohwell: Off to the bike. :embarassed:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    bluenote, i've been in stl for about a week visiting my family. I'm at the airport now headed back to NYC. Which brings me to my UGH!

    UGH! My flight was delayed for 2 hours so I'm sitting at the airport waiting. I'm also feeling really crappy because my allergies finally kicked in (I thought I was going to get away with coming home and not getting sick...apparently not). So I am a snotty sneezy mess. Like snot dripping out of my nose and onto my shirt if I don't catch it in time. Gross, I know. So I'm at Chili's atthe airport and it is a smaller menu, so no Guiltless Grill here. I can't tell you how much I wanted a burger and fries. A LOT! But, I ordered a grilled chxn sandwich w/o bacon and got a side salad instead of fries. I will still be over in calories today, but I'm proud that I didn't cave and go for the burger and fries.

    Ok, time to eat...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey girls checking in real quick before I got watch BL (its on DVR)

    Calories- 1350
    water- yup and still drinking
    sodium- 2670 (again, thank you panera)
    excercise- 25 mins bike and 40 mins bodypump
    calories burned- iffy 600 (recorded 400 on mfp)
    proud- that i made it through the day

    so apparently my HRM was set for a 30 year old male so I dont know if my excercise calories have been accurate, luckly I rarely eat them...now I have it set up right so I'll find out tomorrow how many calories I ACTUALLY burn during spin! Prob around 600 like you all said

    did bo
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well, I am a sweaty mess!! I just finished my workout on the elliptical. Burned 371 calories!!! I am glad that I came upstairs and got on the elliptical instead of sitting on my but downstairs on MFP and FB! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well I can definitely say that i will succeed at this week's challenge. If I don't get more than 8 hours usually I am a mess. I get made fun of because I try and be in bed by 9 pm every night but I get up at 5:30 so I have to get to bed to get my sleep. I don't know what I am going to do when I do have kids. My sleep is so precious!

    elmox- Hope you start feeling better. Allergies suck!! Sorry for your flight delay but great job on the not eating a hamburger and fries!!!

    So many of you watch BL is it all that good? I have never watched it.

    Here is a bollywood workout video if you don't know what it is all about. I might have to get the DVDs!! Looks like so much fun!!:love:

    check in
    calories: UNDER!!! For the first time!!! :love:
    Water : 100 oz at least
    Exercise: 45 mins (walking and elliptical) burned a total of 471 calories!!
    Proud: That I got on the elliptical and didn't lounge around!

    Hope you ladies have a great night! Talk to you in the morning!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    raider - WTG on the elliptical. I love BL..I had stop watching it for a few season's...It is part of my tuesday night..i hate when it goes off :sad: but can't wait for it to start up again :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Raider - awesome choice to get on the elliptical machine!

    BlueNote- I'm going to struggle with this challenge too! But I KNOW it's an important part of losing weight AND it's the healthy thing to do!

    So what network is the BL on and when is the next season? Now that we have TV again... I'd might as well find these things out!

    George did really well last night and seemed happy when I got home from work. He and Ken were down in the family room... watching old re-runs... Ken has that house trapped look of a Mom home alone all day with 2 year old triplets. :laugh: (shouldn't laugh) :laugh: (oops) :laugh: (really shouldn't laugh):indifferent: No accidents today, no falls, they had a field trip out looking for a used TV. We put our housemate's TV in his bedroom but we can't find the remote for it. She was bummed that we didn't have TV when she first moved in, but now she wants NOTHING to do with it! I love it!

    I made creamed chicken with toast for dinner. Having George here may negatively impact our menu for a couple of weeks. Soft foods that are easy to chew and digest yet filling and low calorie. hmm. kay. I'll think on that :tongue:

    I haven't logged all my food but here's my check in!

    Calories - guessing I'll be over by about 350 (had a stress moment with bread too handy)
    Water - FINALLY got it in and then some!
    Exercise - first day back since before Millie died - 30 minutes on the elliptical but only 10 was hard effort. None the less my heart rate stayed up high!

    Proud - that I got up and got on the elliptical machine!

    I'm off to bed! If I get into bed at 10 I can get up at 5:30 and know I had at least 7 hours :bigsmile:

    Elmox - You get home safe you hear?

    Chris - I'm so happy you're in Onederville! Excellent job!

    every one - GET TO SLEEP!:yawn: :huh: :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - BL is on NBC...next week is the finale thought (my favorite part thought to see how great everyone looks)...

    Glad George did good today :) Good luck on the soft food low cals menu.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    check in
    cals - 1569
    exersice - 33 min arc trainer + 5 min bike - 310 cals burned
    Water - only about 46 oz to today
    Proud - i am proud i am pushing my self to work out and to do this...working out every day and my cals good everday..haven't gone (net) over cals 1 time in 1 1/2 week. and that i am doing good bumping my cals up to 1200 at least this week.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    quick check in....another crazy week so far. I'm still at work at 10:40pm

    calories - good - 1120 ish
    water - 90oz
    exercise - none sat on my computer lovin butt all day!
    proud - too tired to think.....

    Mstahl - love the challenge, I like 9 hours myself! :bigsmile:

    Elmox - hope you feel better and got home safely. being sick on a plane is awful :cry:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 90
    exercise: 40 min light bike, 40 mins medium bike, 10 mins hard bike, arms, PT exercises (yes I know - too much, but the 5 lbs. is haunting me)
    proud: I ate clean and I worked my *kitten* off riding my bike!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I failed at the 600 calorie burn challenge goal today! :mad: I got to spin class and was pumped and ready to go and bam!! I start coughing, couldn't breathe...yep...still congested in the chest! :explode: I went ahead and finished the class but didn't push myself REALLY hard. I kept my heart rate between 150-160 most of the time. I haven't read all the posts but I will go back in the morning..

    Checking in
    Calories: 1493
    Water: 13 glasses
    Exercise: Spin class.
    Calorie Burn: 565
    Proud: I didn't just quit the class even though I was still obviously very congested...just took it down a notch.

    Goodnight ladies!

    P.S. The Strawberry Creme Muscle Milk is pretty much awesome!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Cris-10+% gone is awesome!!
    Bluenote-I am LOVING Tae Bo :love: Its not overly challenging but it is at the same time it's a great work out. I'm exhausted by then end of an hour, and I'm becoming more flexible which is awesome:laugh:
    Elmox-Hope you have a safe flight!

    Checking in..

    Calories-Most of my exercise cals left
    Exercise-60min Tae Bo
    Proud-That I accomplished another 700+ cal work out burn again :D
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    :) I had such a delightful day today!! I hope everyone else can say the same!!!

    Check in:
    cals - just under without using exercise cals
    water - I don't really track ounces or anything.....hmmm....note to self!!! I was drinking all day so I think I am good!
    exercise - day 7 of the shred complete!!
    Proud of - Simply in general I am really proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone (really doesn't directly relate to physical health, but I am proud of myself!!!)

    Goal for tomorrow - I am doing the skinny Wed thing tomorrow - double exercise and double water (am I forgetting anything...??) With that being said, I should keep track of water! I haven't decided how I want to double my exercise yet (two morning workouts vs one morning and one evening) so I will see how the morning goes!

    Gotta get to bed - I need all the sleep I can get!! (good challenge by the way - something that I have been really trying to work on for the past two weeks!!!

    Night all!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OpenHeaven - congrats on stepping out of your comfort zone! :flowerforyou: I track water by checking the oz. size of the glass I use - then just counting refill trips to the cooler. I'm not exact but I'm getting pretty good! I'll count the water at a restaurant (just estimating the oz. - usually around 10 or 12) and I also allow myself to count my green tea :huh:

    I ended up being OK for calories yesterday! It's amazing what happens when I get "real" exercise in! (that's as opposed to walking at lunch which is totally exercise but not the 100 calorie/ten minutes burn).

    I'll be off site in training today - I'll carry my laptop in but I'm guessing I'll not get a chance to check in :( I'm looking forward to the training though - it's a good speaker who is really engaging! I don't remember the specific subject but it will be along the lines of creative problem solving! Last time he had us trying to juggle which was FUN and FUNNY at the same time (FYI I can't juggle):ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Good news and bad news...good news the scale was at 197.4 this morning and I def rehydrated myself yesterday and ate lots (panera, yum!) but within calories. Bad news is that TOM is on its way. I started cramping up this morning, so Im afraid TOM will be here for weigh in day and I wont get to celebrate onderville...boo!

    Ok be back to check in later

  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!! Hope everyone got at least their 7 hours of sleep!!

    Sounds like everyone had a good day yesterday. Lots of exercising going on! That is great!!!

    Well, I got on the scale this morning and I am down 2 lbs from Friday!! Hopefully I will be able to stay there or lose more and not gain any of it back! :happy: Well yesterday everyone that was going to the Lunch and Learn with me chickened out so we didn't go find out how much it was going to cost. :grumble: But that is okay, I will still try and walk on my break and then exercise when I get home.

    Lildeb and other AT&T users- I did find Exercise TV. Go to Menu - On Demand - Free - Fitness and Health. If I remember correctly that is how you get there. I have slept since then! :laugh: I did find the Bollywood workout!! I will have to try that. Maybe on Thursday I will check it out! Thanks Julie for letting us know about Exercise TV on Demand!! :flowerforyou:

    Well, I gotta get back to work. Talk to you ladies later!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WOW! Okay I think I'm caught up...here goes

    POS Me-Awesome job on resisting temptation! I'm a chicken nugget happy meal kinda girl! Yes I still buy happy meals. Not going to lie. My favorite part are the toys. I collect them! You will gain that control with your hubby too. It's a process!

    awestfall-WOW! So proud that you hit 1500 calories today! Great job!

    KDubMommy-Way to go on the pants! Even though you aren't losing weight doesn't mean the weight isn't shifting around. I have most definitely seen that happen. Don't worry. You will find your mojo. I know I get burnt out from time to time. You will find it. Just be patient.

    Mstahl-Great challenge! I think sleep is a good focus for us. Seems George is adjusting well! Hope it continues to go well for y'all!

    Jesyka-Tae Bo? You re my freaking hero. I'm so uncoordinated. I fall all over the place trying to do that. Great job!

    Bluenote-Don't sweat the 5 pounds. I had the same thing when I came back from vacation. It'll be gone in no time!

    Elmox-Amazing control with resisting the burger. That's so great! It's so easy to be so naughty on vacation food wise. Sorry your flight was delayed. Hope you made it home safely. I feel ya on the allergies. I think I'm at the tail end of my allergy attack from vacation. Never fails to get sick at the end huh?

    raiderape-I've never watched Biggest Loser till this season. I love it!! I find it really motivates me. When I'm lacking motivation it always seems to pick me up!

    Cris-So glad to hear onederland is sticking around for you!

    I'm down more weight this morning. So close to my 50 pound mark. I hope I hope I hope I can get there for Friday's weigh in!! I'm feeling better then yesterday. I think the congestion is almost all gone. Going to go to the gym this afternoon and try to finish week 7 of c25k. I'm looking for a 700 calorie burn today I think. :smile:

    I forgot to share my moment from my spin class last night. There was a girl there with her friend (She had a guest pass). She was probably in her 20's and maybe weighed 130 pounds...the class absoutely killed her. It was very clear she was struggling. Everytime she had to stop to take a breath she would look back at me and give me this look like "Are you freaking kidding me!?" I just wanted to be like "Yeah, that's right. Fat girl is showing you how it's done!" Really goes to show that just because you are smaller doesn't mean you are in better shape. I think she looked at me and giving me those looks about 40 times throughout the hour long class. Made me laugh everytime. :laugh:

    Happy Wednesday!
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