Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in for yesterday

    CAls - 1545
    Exercise = 300 cals on arc trainer
    Water - 64 oz.
    Proud - That even though i don't see huge movement on the scale i am sticking to this, eventually it will pay off.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Well today for lunch me and a few coworkers are going to go to a Lunch and Learn on Yoga. Hopefully if I can afford it we might start doing it once a week (or how ever often they are) during our lunch! I really wanted to do the Bollywood dancing class but no one wanted to do it with me.

    Cris - Congrats on seeing your first ONEderland weight! I hope you have a great weigh in today for your BL challenge.:love:

    Meeokk - It is definitely hard to eat well on any vaction let alone Vegas. I am so wanting to go back to Vegas. I went for my first time last year for my one year anniversary and we don't plan to go back until November 2011 (Husband's Bday 11-11-11). Great Job on fitting into those 14's!! :happy:

    lildeb - Doesn't it feel good to know that you can eat more instead of knowing you can't eat more.

    colgirl - Congrats on your step daughter's graduation! Also great job on holding yourself accountable and feeling good about it!!

    OpenHeaven - WOW! And I thought my office had sweets way too often. Your's definitely is worse than mine. AWESOME job on staying away from the temptation. Today is a coworker's birthday and we are suppose to be having something and then tomorrow we all go out to lunch. It never seems to stop!! Good Luck with continuing to stay away from all that and great job on the 6 days of working out!

    Well, I guess I should really start working now. Stalk to you girls later!! Have a great Tuesday!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-Great job on eating more of your calories! You will see the scale move soon, I know it!

    raiderape-Yoga on lunch!? That sounds awesome!

    OpeanHeaven-WOW! Your office is awful with sweets. Good job resisting temptation!

    ColoradoGirl-Congrats on the graduation. Way to hold yourself accountable! Proud of you.

    Checking in for

    Calories: 1252
    Water: 96 oz
    Sodium: 2186
    Exercise: None
    Calorie Burn: None
    Proud: That I'm going to admit my fault on going over my calories yesterday. I was craving popcorn and made some at work in the afternoon yesterday. I ended up eating the whole bag! :mad: So that's why I'm over on my calories. The good news is it didn't seem to affect the scale in a negative way.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- Onederland IS awesome! I sooooo hope it sticks around for you!! I mean, even if it doesn't when you're rehydrated, you're sooooo close! I hope it doesn't tease you like it did me. I don't care -- I'm finally seeing onederland again after a week of being back in twoderville.

    OpenHeaven -- your office sounds an awful lot like mine. Especially this time of year when we have 5 birthdays in 6 weeks. And we have to have a cake and chips and doughnuts and cookies and dips for every single one. :noway:

    Raider -- I'll so do a Bollywood class with you!!! :laugh: I LOVE Bollywood dance. There are a couple of workout vids on Exercise TV on Demand that are Bollywood dancing. I do them. I'm such an awful dancer, being that I lack both grace and coordination, but I have so much fun doing it I dance all the time anyway. :embarassed:

    I JOINED A GYM. I refused to let me talk myself out of it because of gas money. It's $10.00/month. Cost me $1 to join. And there is no contract or minimum term. If I cancel before October, I don't even have to pay the annual membership fee of $29. So I figured I"ll try it for two months. That's $20. If I'm not using it enough or if I hate it, no big deal, I've only lost $20. It's on the same side of town as my part-time job so I'll just have REALLY long Tuesdays and Wednesdays and work 2 jobs & then go to the gym afterward if I get off work early enough to save gas money. I think df is going to join, too. He goes to school on that side of town.

    We set a date. June 18th. Know what I just realized? Today is May 18th. :noway: I'm excited but it's taking me a second or two to adjust to thinking we'd get married a year from now at the earliest before he proposed to deciding to get married in a month. But, you know, we don't have anything to plan anything except where we're going to go after. Can't decide if I want to go hiking in the mountains or to the beach. If we went to the beach, we could stay a couple nights in his dad's beach house. If we went to the mountains, it'd have to be a day trip because we couldn't take our dogs. I mean, either way we'll do both, I just don't know which I want to do first. I was all for mountains yesterday. But this morning I'm feeling lazier and I'm thinking beach. :laugh:

    Calories: 1566 (goal 1573)
    Exercise: 32 minutes walking/sprinting
    Water: At least 14 cups but I'm betting more.
    Proud: I didn't let me talk myself out of joining the gym and I joined online last night so I couldn't try to talk myself out of it again. :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Julie - That is sooooo exciting!!! You are giggling at calling him your fiancee and in a month you will get to start calling him husband!! That is going to be weird too! :laugh: I have been married for two years and sometimes it is weird calling him husband. Good thing he doesn't know that! :laugh: Congrats again! The countdown has begun.......
    With the Exercise TV is it just through your cable provider or does everyone get that? You did great by joining a gym that is only $10!! It is definitely worth trying!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - congrats on the gym and on setting the date :smile: Beach or the mountains sound good!!!!

    They have a zumba class at the gym , i have no cordination at all but curious how it is..has anyone taken that??
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    With the Exercise TV is it just through your cable provider or does everyone get that? You did great by joining a gym that is only $10!! It is definitely worth trying!

    My understanding is that a lot of cable providers have Exercise TV on Demand for free when you have the digital tier. I have Time Warner, but I know I've heard people talk about it with Comcast and Charter & another cable company on the west coast that I can't remember. So, I'd think most if not all digital cable providers offer it for free but don't know for sure. There are several channels that have free on demand channels like Exercise TV, A&E, Oxygen, etc.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    With the Exercise TV is it just through your cable provider or does everyone get that? You did great by joining a gym that is only $10!! It is definitely worth trying!

    My understanding is that a lot of cable providers have Exercise TV on Demand for free when you have the digital tier. I have Time Warner, but I know I've heard people talk about it with Comcast and Charter & another cable company on the west coast that I can't remember. So, I'd think most if not all digital cable providers offer it for free but don't know for sure. There are several channels that have free on demand channels like Exercise TV, A&E, Oxygen, etc.

    Thanks! I will have to check it out. We have AT&T so hopefully I will be able to find it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie congrats on setting a date! Are you going to get married at the court house? If you go to the beach can I go too? JK! I've never been to a beach! :laugh:

    LilDebbie-I have never tried one. From what I understand they are pretty intense.

    Last night I went through old swimsuits with my roommate. She's never really said a whole lot on my weight loss before. I was trying this sarong on that she bought in Hawaii when we were 18 that has never fit around and last night it fit, with room to spare. She was so excited. I had swimsuits ranging from size 22 to 24. All in the garage sale pile now! I now have 1 swimsuit. YAY!! Thought I would share my happy moment of last night.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I AM SOOOO HAPPY! The gym scale showed 197.8 (my house scale said 198.2) so according to the gym I lost 24.4lbs during the 8 week competition, making it a 10.98% loss!!! I hope thats enough to win!

    I wasnt really hungry, I ate my dinner at 5pm and stopped drinking water at about 9pm. I was more thirsty than anything. This morning I made sure to have food and water ready in the car so I could eat something as soon as the weigh in was over :laugh: :laugh: I didnt rush to the food but boy did that water disappear quickly!!!

    So now that the insanity fo the competition is gone I can focus again on eating properly, working out and drinking my water. I hope to be under 200 on Friday so I can REALLY celebrate!

    cogirl- 200 isnt bad at all!

    jlb- congrats on joining the gym, I hope you like it! Argh you have a date already!? lol you are way ahead of me

    jess- Congrats on not being able to fit into your bathing suits! Hooray!

    lildeb- My friend keeps begging me to do zumba...I have heard nothing but good things about it, but seeing as I am really uncoordinated and lack rhythm I refuse to go :tongue:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Jess.. congrats on the new swimsuit and the sarong fitting! :smile:

    Julie... enjoy the moment! The best piece of advice is to take note in how you feel right now so, you can reflect on it in a year or so! I am so happy for you and your "fiance"

    lildebbie.. my cousin just got certified to teach zumba.. between running and zumba she managed to loose over 100lbs in about 8 months and looks and feels great! It is a great workout. You can start by just going through the steps and as you learn the steps and get better add a little more hip movement to burn even more calories... Just take it slow and you will get there! It can be lots of fun!

    Well.. I am off and running for the day.. busy day ahead of me. I will check in later this afternoon! Have a great day ladies!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    YAY!!! That's so exciting Cris! I've been lurkin gall morning waiting to hear the news. 10% that is awesome!!! WOW! I hope you win. You deserve it! :drinker:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Julie-Congratulations on setting the date, This time next month you'll be a married woman!! Hope you enjoy the new gym membership :happy:

    Jess-Never been to the beach?! You MUST go! You should make that a reward for a mini goal:laugh: The beach is awesome and quite relaxing :smile: That's awesome about the sarong and being able to put those 22/24 swim suits in the garage sale pile great work!:drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yeah I know, pretty crazy that I've never been to a beach. My family didn't have much money growing up so the only "vacation" I got to take was to go to Wisconsin to see my family in the summers. I have one planned with my cousin and her husband next year. They go every February with a big group of friends. I have taken the liberty to invite myself! :bigsmile: Not sure where we are going but they have been to Jamaica, Costa Ricca and Cancun. So I know it will be somewhere awesome! I hope to be pretty close to my goal weight by February of next year.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls!

    Kids are home ( well 2 out of the 3, youngest is going to preschool) we might go to khol's and stuff ( well me and my daughter might go, older son might go to a friend's house).

    I did pretty good yesterday on calories and stuff. I weighed myself and i am down 2.5 pounds of the 4 pounds gained over the weekend..YAY!!! I watched/wrote down every single morsel I put in my mouth!

    Julie: Have fun with your gym membership. Congrates on joining the gym and setting your wedding date. Beach or mountains whatever you feel is right for you and your man, both sound nice.

    Jess: congrats on fitting your new bathing suit(s)..doesn’t feel awesome!

    Cris: OMG, I am happy you reached ONEderland..and hopefully you win the Biggest loser challenge and Onederland sticks through Friday. Congrats!!!

    Litdeb: I heard a lot of great things from zumba..never tried it ( but one day I will when I have a gym membership). I am also one of the ones who are uncoordinated, I have two left feet..LOL! Have fun in whatever you do!

    Coloradogirl: 200 calories is NOT that bad..oppose to 2000 calories…like what I had over the weekend.

    I will be back later. Have a great day girls :)!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris!!! 11% is BADASS! I'll be crossing my fingers those mathematically challenged folks at the gym calculate correctly & you're the winner! Oh, and I'll wave to you in Baltimore. My best friend's sister lives in Maryland right outside of DC & so does her boyfriend so I'll be right there less than an hour away from you

    Jess -- yay for your swimsuits not fitting! I bought a boy's swimsuit to wear when I thought we were going to the beach last September (yes, you can definitely still swim in September here) and never took off the tags. It's HUMONGOUS. :noway: I'll probably wear it some this summer playing tennis & doing yardwork. I'll look like such a clown. :laugh: And, sure you can come on to the beach this summer! Df's dad just bought a new beach house on Hilton Head Island. So I said "Um... you know what would be a really awesome wedding gift? A key to the beach house!" :laugh: I think we're actually getting one! His dad's family lives near DC so they're 9-10 hours away from Hilton Head. We're 2 hours away. Awesome. :devil: The beach is awesome -- especially SC beaches south of Myrtle Beach (Myrtle Beach is kind of trash-touristy :sick:) Charleston & the barrier islands of SC and the Outer Banks of NC are where it's at -- GORGEOUS!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Before I forget, Did I miss this week's challenge? If so, can someone fill me in and who was the biggest loser. ANd has anyone heard from MOMMA and Mari? Hope both are doing well.

    Thanks girls!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - Great job on the being able to get rid of those swimsuits!! I can't wait to fit into the ones that I use to be able to fit into. Hope you get to go somewhere exciting next year! That would be a great way to celebrate you meeting your big goal!

    Cris - Congrats on your weigh in!! Hope you win your BL Challenge, even if you don't you did an AWESOME job losing all that weight! Over 10% lost!!!:drinker:

    Pos_me - Hope you have fun at Kohl's! Maybe you will be able to fit into some more smaller clothes!!!

    Colgirl - I am usually over anywhere from 100-200 calories a day. I am working on it and trying to start exercising more. Don't sweat it too much. It is still better than what you use to eat, I am sure!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris!!! 11% is BADASS! I'll be crossing my fingers those mathematically challenged folks at the gym calculate correctly & you're the winner! Oh, and I'll wave to you in Baltimore. My best friend's sister lives in Maryland right outside of DC & so does her boyfriend so I'll be right there less than an hour away from you

    Well, actually....lol you know I've been having issues with these idiots doing the math the entire time but today they were trying to do someone's hip to waist ratio and I swear they blew a fuse, smoke was almost coming out of their head..I was rolling my eyes and laughing really hard on the inside. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LitleSpy-A key to the beach house? I would be in heaven!! I've heard Myrtle Beach is pretty trashy. My sister went 2 years ago for a girls get away...her ex mother in law let her use her condo for free. She said it was fun but way too touristy.

    POS Me-Have fun at Kohl's!! I love that store!!

    I've actual set too many rewards for when I reach 199 pounds. :laugh: That would be a huge accomplishment for me. Seeing as how I haven't seen those numbers since...hmmm...middle school maybe!! I have been bugging my roommate to throw away the pic of us all dressed up in Vegas because we were both fat! She said when I get to 199 were gonna buy new dresses get dressed up and go somewhere nice and take a new pic. Then she will throw it away. My cousin wants to have a mini beach vacation so we have talked about going to Galveston or something for a weekend when I hit that goal. So who knows!

    Has anybody heard from KDubMommy? She was struggling last week but haven't seen her. I hope everything is alright. We may need to stalk a few people!

    I think mstahl was the biggest loser. Has she set a challenge?