Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Raiderape and Jess: khol's and target are my New favorite stores, especially the clearance department!

    I have a question about protien.

    I have been using slimfast protein shakes, but only when i do my c25k or hardcore exercise. for some reason it makes me even more hungry when i use it. It says that it's suppose to curb your appitite for 4 hours..but more like 3 and i am so hungry to the point i want to eat anything that is in front of me.

    Does anyone use protien powder mix? if so, does it help you during/after the workout? and does it taste good?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-I have tried the Kelloggs protein bars and such and didn't like them. I have noticed that don't have all that much protein in them and are loaded with sugar and carbs. I have used a powder protein. Just the Whey Protein from Kroger and put it in shakes. I found that it filled me up but only for about 2 hours. I recently started using Muscle Milke Light. I drink them after a workout and I find that it REALLY fills me up. It's lactose free, no sugar, and low in carbs. I have tried the Vanillia Creme and Chocolate Shake. I bought the strawberry creme that I will be trying tonightI don't drink regular milk because I'm lactose so compared to regular milk I'm not sure how it would taste. I like it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Raider - I have Att&t and i coudln't find any exercise stuff...if you find it let me know !!!

    Jess - WTG on the bathing suits..I just bought me a new one, i am surely hoping that i won't wear it past this summer

    Chris - WTG on being in onderland and 10+% that is awesome ...Hope they don't screw up the calcs and get it right and put you right on TOP!!!!!

    Littlespy - Wish we could go to east coast beaches...we are going to gavelston, it is a beach , i guess technically but the water is soo nasty not sure if i actually will get in :smile: but my sistger in law lives like 5 min from the beach, so cheap little family vacation.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    POS Me-I have tried the Kelloggs protein bars and such and didn't like them. I have noticed that don't have all that much protein in them and are loaded with sugar and carbs. I have used a powder protein. Just the Whey Protein from Kroger and put it in shakes. I found that it filled me up but only for about 2 hours. I recently started using Muscle Milke Light. I drink them after a workout and I find that it REALLY fills me up. It's lactose free, no sugar, and low in carbs. I have tried the Vanillia Creme and Chocolate Shake. I bought the strawberry creme that I will be trying tonightI don't drink regular milk because I'm lactose so compared to regular milk I'm not sure how it would taste. I like it!

    Thanks Jess for your help!

    I tried the kellogg's water mix, bars, and cereal but too much of emptiness and not filling at all. I wanted to try the "whey protein" but not sure of taste or fullness. I will go to walmat to checkout different protien powder mixes.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I have eaten the kellog's protein bars, they are the only ones that looked decent enough to eat...but didnt fill me up and def too many carbs and sugar in it. I want to try that Muscle Milk...sounds delish! Thanks Jess!

    Oh yea, I tried slim fast and the special k protein shakes too...they tasted ok...but I didnt feel much of a difference when working out. Not that much protein in it
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just want to throw in there that I love the Luna Protein Bars. If you try them you gotta make sure they say Protein on them. They have just regular "Womens Health Bars" or something. The protein bars are really filling for me. I usually have a Protein Bar about an hour before my workout, do my workout (this is when I go at night), after my workout I have the muscle milk and then I go home and eat a light dinner. This is helping me boost my calories up since I was having a hard time going above 1200 and it gets me lots of protein that I need.

    Cris-Let me know what ya think of the muscle milk!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I just want to throw in there that I love the Luna Protein Bars. If you try them you gotta make sure they say Protein on them. They have just regular "Womens Health Bars" or something.
    I haven't tried the protein bar ones, but the regular ones also have protein, just not as much. There's 8-10g of protein in the regular ones depending on the flavor.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just want to throw in there that I love the Luna Protein Bars. If you try them you gotta make sure they say Protein on them. They have just regular "Womens Health Bars" or something.
    I haven't tried the protein bar ones, but the regular ones also have protein, just not as much. There's 8-10g of protein in the regular ones depending on the flavor.

    I use to eat those. They are sooo good! The actual protein ones do have more protein and that's why I switched to those. Just really depends on what you are looking for.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Raider: What exactly is Bollywood dance?

    mstahl: Poor George and his "dribbling!" All I could think is that Millie was a brave woman to deal with the extra inches. Bless her heart! Like Spy, I read faster when I see a TMI alert!

    Julie: Congrats on setting a wedding date! Wow, you move fast when you decide to do something! I love Hilton Head Island, so I'm a bit jealous about your getting keys to the beach house. We should throw a Over 200 party there!

    Cris: Congrats on Onederland! You worked so hard, so you deserve it. I'm crossing my fingers that you'll be the winner!

    lildebbie: I did Zumba once through Community Ed and thought it was fun. I burned 700 calories in the hour long class. My sister was frustrated because she was having a hard time picking up the dance moves but no one cares whether you get them down the first time or not. I'm sure if I would have had time in my schedule to go more than once, I would have learned them fairly quickly and had even more fun! You should definitely try it!

    Pos_Me: I've used the protein shake powder by Herbalife and had good results. At one time I started feeling nauseated after having one, but after further research, found that it was the flavored coffee powder that was causing problems. I plan on going back on the protein shakes because having one for breakfast as a meal replacement kept me full until lunch time AND I lost weight. I usually mixed mine with different coffee flavorings in the morning and with fruit for lunch.

    So last night I failed (I think) on the 600 calorie burn challenge. I did walk for an hour, attempting to catch my horse then worked up a sweat while grooming and saddling her. After that, I rode for about 40 minutes, mostly trotting. My horse is so funny because she thinks posting the trot means either speed up really fast or stop dead in her tracks. We're working on getting past that and she did great last night. The weather was perfect for riding at 75 degrees and sunny, and should be again today. Woo hoo!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 252
    Sodium: over by 422
    Water: None
    Exercise: See above horse activities.
    Proud: That I stayed within my calories even with the McDonald's Big Mac, which was the first one I've had in my life! Weird, I know.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Holy Cow ... it took me FOREVER to catch up on posts since last Thursday ... and I'm sure I missed some.

    Littlespy: CONGRATS!: :love: I LOVE your ring ... if I could get a new one - it would be just like that!

    Mstahl: CONGRATS! ::flowerforyou: on the new job! I hope things go well with your FIL staying with you.

    Cris: CONGRATS! :drinker: on your biggest loser weigh in and being in Onederland! Good for you!

    LilDeb: You can definitely tell that you have lost weight, and gotten more toned from your pictures ... good job!:happy:

    What is our challenge for the week? I didn't really do last week's challenge :ohwell: so want to try for this week. I once again stayed exactly the same 237.4 ... but at least I'm not gaining. I would really like to get my eating act together and get into the 230's soon ... I'm wearing some 22's but still some 24's too, so would also like to be on some 20's in the summer. I know what I have to do ... and I have been making some slow postivie changes to my bad eating habits, but need to get a little more serious with controlling what I put in my mouth.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 171
    exercise: ok - 30 minute walk
    water: short
    proud: that I walked during my daughter's sax lesson - even though I didn't want to
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Does anyone use protien powder mix? if so, does it help you during/after the workout? and does it taste good?

    I use a vanilla flavored whey protein powder. I mix a little bit into my oatmeal each morning and sometimes I make protein smoothies (either after a big workout or for breakfast).

    The last time I made a protein smoothie I was STUFFED to the point I couldn't even fit dinner in my belly & ended up being way under my calories for the day.

    I've never just mixed it with water & drank it. I don't think it would taste very good that way.

    Oh, and as far as protein bars go. The only ones loaded with protein that I like are the Clif Builder's bars. 20g of protein, 270 cals. Luna & regular Clif bars are freaking DELICIOUS but only have 9-10g each and usually have 180-240 calories. I like the Clif/Luna brands because the ingredients are a little better than a lot of others... BUT... I recently discovered Snickers Marathon bars and OH MY GOD they're so good. 150 calories, 11g protein, 7g fiber and they freaking taste like Snickers. Especially the Dark Chocolate crunch ones. They're full of all kinds of crap but MAN they're so tasty. :laugh:

    Edit: Oh, yeah, Jess I love the Luna protein bars, too. They still only have 12g protein but the cookie dough ones are super tasty!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok now I feel dumb because I think I've been doing it wrong the whole time...I used to eat/drink protein BEFORE a workout for energy, are you supposed to drink it afterwards as a recovery thing? And if so, what are you supposed to drink BEFORE a workout to give you energy?

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ok now I feel dumb because I think I've been doing it wrong the whole time...I used to eat/drink protein BEFORE a workout for energy, are you supposed to drink it afterwards as a recovery thing? And if so, what are you supposed to drink BEFORE a workout to give you energy?


    I think it's a before and after thing. But, I think generally before strenuous/long-lasting cardio, you want a little protein (at least 6g) and some carbs. If you've done a lot of strength training in your workout, you'll want a good bit of protein after the workout. At least I think that's how it works.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Like I said I try and do the bar before and the drink after. I have found it most helpful with my spin classes at night. I don't want to eat that early so I eat one before to give me energy and hold me over. Afterwards I'm STARVING and what I have read is you need a good amount of protein in your system within 15 minutes after your workout to help rebuild your muscle and build the lean muscle up. That's what I've read. Don't know how true it is. And this way the shake holds me over till I can get home and make dinner. It never fails I'm starving after a good workout. The Muscle Milk Light is only 100 calories. Most of my exercise calories go to things like this.

    Edit: LittleSpy-I have tried the Snickers ones and you are right. They are sooooo gooood!!! I have never tried the Cliff bars though. I did try the Lara Bars they advertise on Biggest Loser. I can't stand them. The ones I have tried all taste like cardboard. So bad I couldn't even finish 'em!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: My boyfriend eats the apple pie Larabars because his Men's Health diet recommends them for snacks.

    Cris: I typically try to have protein after a workout for muscle recovery, but I wouldn't think there would be anything wrong with having it beforehand. It's all in preference!

    I just read an article the other day about how chocolate milk is the ultimate muscle food. Um, my name is Heather and I'm a chocolate milk addict. The article absolutely made my day (or week)! I've always craved chocolate milk after a hard workout and never knew why until a personal trainer told me it was one of the best things for muscle recovery. Who knew she was actually right and not just trying to get me to feel better about my ridiculous chocolate milk intake.

    The other great thing about drinking chocolate milk is that my boyfriend's son thinks I'm awesome, but sometimes he worries that I'll drink it all. And I would if he weren't around to ration me!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi my name is Cris and I am also a chocolate milkaholic....

    :laugh: :laugh: that's why the muscle milk sounds so yummy to me, I looove grilled cheese and choc milk,...so good!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: My boyfriend eats the apple pie Larabars because his Men's Health diet recommends them for snacks.

    Cris: I typically try to have protein after a workout for muscle recovery, but I wouldn't think there would be anything wrong with having it beforehand. It's all in preference!

    I just read an article the other day about how chocolate milk is the ultimate muscle food. Um, my name is Heather and I'm a chocolate milk addict. The article absolutely made my day (or week)! I've always craved chocolate milk after a hard workout and never knew why until a personal trainer told me it was one of the best things for muscle recovery. Who knew she was actually right and not just trying to get me to feel better about my ridiculous chocolate milk intake.

    The other great thing about drinking chocolate milk is that my boyfriend's son thinks I'm awesome, but sometimes he worries that I'll drink it all. And I would if he weren't around to ration me!

    I have heard this too about chocolate milk! I wish I could drink it. Would be so much cheapter!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OK since people have been asking - I'm declaring myself winner for last week and I'll announce my challenge shortly! (must THINK first!)

    I do most of my vigorous exercise in the AM, and on an empty stomach not because I believe that I'll burn fat like some suggest, but rather because I get nauseated when I'm up in my heart range and I'm less likely to stop (because of the nausea) if I'm on empty. After my workout I have a protein smoothie and half a banana.

    I know you're supposed to have your recovery foods right after you work out (15 minutes) but I just pretend I'm still working out while I shower and dress - heck getting pantie-hose on a wet body IS a workout!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    OK since people have been asking - I'm declaring myself winner for last week and I'll announce my challenge shortly! (must THINK first!)

    I do most of my vigorous exercise in the AM, and on an empty stomach not because I believe that I'll burn fat like some suggest, but rather because I get nauseated when I'm up in my heart range and I'm less likely to stop (because of the nausea) if I'm on empty. After my workout I have a protein smoothie and half a banana.

    I know you're supposed to have your recovery foods right after you work out (15 minutes) but I just pretend I'm still working out while I shower and dress - heck getting pantie-hose on a wet body IS a workout!

    Mstahl: congrats on the new job position..Good Luck!

    thanks everyone for your help with the protien powder. Since i went to sam's club for other things i picked up the 100% whey protien powder mix, in chocolate flavor. I mixed 1/2 a scoop with 2% homemade plain yogurt. It was good.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello again girls.

    I am check in early today. I have a lot to do before i can rest and watch biggest loser.

    Calories: under, but not by much
    Exercise: yup! 30 minutes on each treadmill and elliptical
    Water: 4 cup but i will get more in by tonight

    Proud: I am so happy and proud that i didn't cave in and have Micky D's chicken nuggets, my daughter wanted them so badly so she wanted me to stop and buy er some..and i did but i didn't have not even one piece or a bite. it smelled so good and i wanted to cave in and have it but i said no...i had a bad weekend and this is not going to help me on friday's weigh in...so i stood strong and said I DON"T WANT ANY!!! Big accomplishment for me! If only i can do this when i am with my hubby.

    600 challenge: done! burned 632
    sodium: 809
    fiber: 30

    Have a wonderful evening girls! I wil check back tomorrow...