Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- you know I would never think you were condescending, you know what works for your body and you are doing it the right way, thats admirable.

    I am still in because I strive on competition but I am def not doing it like I did the last day of the BL competition. Im just going to keep doing what I've been doing the whole time, eating smaller portions, counting cals, and excercising...the competition just drives me to go to the gym a little more, especially on those days that I dont feel like going...hmmm like today! :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Mari-Sorry to hear you've fallen off the wagon. I'm not sure about the hamstring injury. Hope you heel quickly and find your way soon!

    Cris-It's okay competition drives me too. That's why I gotta make sure I go to the gym tonight. Can't let you get too far ahead of me! If only I could catch up to you weight loss wise! You are like a machine woman!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Has anyone else pulled their hammies? Today is gym day, what exercises should I avoid? How do you get them to feel better? I read somewhere that it would take me up to 3 weeks to rest them and I shouldnt exercise...Ugh.

    When I pulled mine (It hurt like he**, but I'm pretty sure it was a pretty mild injury) I pretty much just rested my bottom half for about 2 weeks and that worked for me. I tried to keep running/walking and it just got worse. I think I may have been able to bike some -- just whatever doesn't seem to aggravate it more. Try upper body cardio (punching, swimming without kicking) and upper body strength training. A really bad hamstring injury is going to CRIPPLE you. I'm talking severe not being able to walk at all kind of pain. So you want to be extra careful not to make it worse (Well, I mean, duh :tongue:).
    I think icing it and taking ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medication in conjunction with resting it until it feels 100% better for a few days is probably your best bet. But I'm no doctor. :wink:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member

    Has anyone else pulled their hammies? Today is gym day, what exercises should I avoid? How do you get them to feel better? I read somewhere that it would take me up to 3 weeks to rest them and I shouldnt exercise...Ugh.

    Did you recently pull them? If so.. ICE them.. If it has been a couple days alternate ice and heat.. 20 min heat.. 10 min ice periodically throughout the day. Also go get a massage.. working out some of the latic acid will help them heal faster as will drinking plenty of water. Just don't over do it.

    CRIS... ok.. so I was sitting here.. logging my lunch trying to figure out what I was going to have for dinner because I did not have many calories left and had not exercise.. Then checked the board. THANKYOU! I did go and jump on the elliptical for 30 mins and although I am a bit sore and sweaty I am sooooooo glad I did! I needed that motivation today!

    Well.. My honey just came home from work early so.. I am going to spend a little time with him before I head back to work
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks for the tips, Julie and Colorodo, I'll do a little more research and maybe post a topic about it. I'm sure someone on MFP knows what I should do. I want to rest them but theres not alot of upper body cardio at the gym and my friend wants to go. Ugh.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    cogirl- **APPLAUSE** I am so glad you go on the elliptical!!!:drinker: Now you can safely enjoy dinner:wink:

    jess- I went to the grocery store to get muscle milk and I couldnt find it for the life of me, where do you normally buy yours? Off to the gym to get to wk7...I dont even remember the last time I ran:sad:

    still no results from the weigh in.,...im going nuts over here

    does anyone have an "accurate" idea of what a grocery store's rotisserie chicken contains calorie wise? I think I read 280 somewhere but not sure if that sounds right? You know what Im talking about? how grocery stores sell already cooked hot rotisserie chickens? yea....been craving that for weeks (sans skin of course!) any ideas calorie wise would be helpful..I have plenty for dinner (like 700) but would still like to know so I can log properly...thanks for the help!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    does anyone have an "accurate" idea of what a grocery store's rotisserie chicken contains calorie wise? I think I read 280 somewhere but not sure if that sounds right? You know what Im talking about? how grocery stores sell already cooked hot rotisserie chickens? yea....been craving that for weeks (sans skin of course!) any ideas calorie wise would be helpful..I have plenty for dinner (like 700) but would still like to know so I can log properly...thanks for the help!

    I eat them a lot because I don't feel like cooking after working 2 jobs (I'm buying one tonight for dinner actually, lol).

    I log a 4-5oz portion as 2oz "Kroger rotisserie chicken" (which is nutrition for cooked) and 3 oz of raw chicken breast because I only eat the breast part of the rotisserie chicken and I don't eat the skin. I don't think it's fair to charge myself the extra calories and fat for dark meat & skin I'm not eating (df loves dark meat so he takes care of that part for me :wink:).
    The reason I don't just log all chicken breast is that I figured some of the sodium from the seasoning & some of the fat from the skin does absorb into the meat of the breast and I don't want to underlog, either.

    But then, this is still just an estimate. :laugh: But I feel like it's a pretty accurate one.

    Edit: Oh and the reason I use Kroger's rotisserie chicken nutrition info is that I've verified it against the nutrition info on the package before. I think it's something like 170 cals for 3oz (cooked of course). But, again, that's an average of the white and dark meat including the skin.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mari - sorry you are having problems and pulled your hamstrings, i never had personllay but i am sure they are lots of pain..hope you are better soon.

    Chris - I am sooo pulling for you and hope you win !!!!!!

    We have soo much to do but I want to go to water aerobics tonight , so i spent my whole lunch hour steam cleaning one of the kids play rooms (nasty children), but my steam cleaner (my new bff) got ground up poptart, marker and doggie stains all up :) that had to burn some cals now, i did one like 10x10 room for like 30 minutes...should of worn my hrm.

    We havfe a couple other rooms we have to do tonight, our landlord is coming on friday (maybe tomorrow) and didn't want the carpets to look soo bad...between the kids and the dog it looks pretty pitiful..can't wait till we get our own house ...will have very very little carpet!!

    so now i am conteplating on taking the girls to the gym to me, if i take them hubby can work on the house (and needs to mow the yard), if i do and there is a huge line at day care then i may not make my class on time...but if i leave them here, he won't be able to do anything
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I buy it where you can buy the nutrition bars, slim fast, protein bars....all the health food stuff. I have even seen it in gas stations in the big freezers. I have bought mostly at Walmart and Kroger though.

    That Kroger chicken sounds soo good. I sure have a case of the lazies all of a sudden and it sounds so much better then the burgers I made last night. I thought I bought 96/4..nope 90/10. BLAH! :sick:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I WON! I WON! I WON!!!! I GOT FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!! By almost an entire %!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Be back later to see if I can figure out my chicken calories :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    I WON! I WON! I WON!!!! I GOT FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!! By almost an entire %!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Be back later to see if I can figure out my chicken calories :laugh:

    holy crvp. I'm soooo proud of you !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I knew all along you would win :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Hey guys, I am brand new here! Currently a SAHM to a 6 month old and I am also a student in college. Looking for some motivation and some buddies to add! I've previously done South Beach Diet, and was losing on there, but a lot of the sugar substitutes/chemicals just don't feel right to me. I'm basically going for lower cal with mostly whole foods and am doing my best to stay away from refined carbs and empty calories. I'm not vegetarian but I am low meat consumption. Hope you're all having a wonderful week - and please feel free to add me :)

    My main challenge at the moment is having a fairly high needs little one that doesn't like to spend much time being held by anyone but me, and doesn't like to be put down on her own - even to nap! Because of this I can sneak in a brief workout once a day when her daddy first gets home (about 30min) before she's hysterical. The rest of the day is spent studying with her on my lap, or attempting to walk around the house and yard with her as much as possible to get in some activity. Despite that - I know this is possible :)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi velvet,
    welcome to the group. Every one here is really friendly and supportive , and we talk a LOT too.
    We check in every day with calories, water consumption, exercise and something we are proud of.
    Every Friday we do a weigh in. The biggest loser gives everyone a challenge for the week. This week the challenge is to sleep at least 7 hours per night chosen by the lovely Mstahl. Urm.... Good luck with that one having a baby and all :flowerforyou:
    Awestfall is the leader/thread starter and she makes a new thread every week for s because we talk that much. :happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello newcomers!!!
    Cris-WTG Girl I knew you would win!!
    Julie-I am like you with weight loss I really don't like competing because in my mind it means I need to eat less and exercise more.I have actually started listening to my body and I need more food.I am eat around 1300-1500 calories a day now and I love it.Thanks so much for your wisdom.
    Jess-You are to funny!! I absolutely got a kick out of hearing about spin class for you.I actually pictured it in my mind as to what you looked like when she looked back at you LOL:laugh: :laugh:
    Everyone else is doing an amazing job!! I am sort of busy today so I don't have time for a long post.

    Check in
    Exercise-Going right now to burn at least 600 cals
    Water-Not quite yet there but I will
    Proud that I am finally figuring this out and my husband is on the journey with me now.He has lost a* DRUM ROLL PLEASE*43 pounds in 3 months.Don't you just love how men lose weight so much faster than women do lol.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, velvet. You'll love it here. :flowerforyou:

    :drinker: Woohooo cris!!!!!!!!!!!! C_O_N_G_R_A_T_U_L_A_T_I_O_N_S!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go, Biggest Loser! Now rehydrate! :laugh:

    I gotta run - orchestra concert with the 3rd-6th graders tonight. Oh, and I lost 2 of the 5 gained from running sound for the show. Whew. The road trip back to an honest ticker is paved with coulda, woulda, shouldas. Read and learn, girls!!! :frown:

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: 90
    exercise: 50 mins moderate bike, arms, PT exercises
    proud: I got right back on track after the week of bad eating
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm in for the 180 contest. :wink:

    Got three years? :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I didn't get achance in reading the post but that one.

    Check in:
    calories: under but good
    exercise: yup
    water: not much
    proud: that i didn't give into temptations again today
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I know I said on facebook but congrats girl! I am so proud of you!! You earned it!!

    Bluenote-So glad you got right back on track!! Way to go on those 2 pounds lost already!

    velvet-Welcome! You will love it here!!

    Checking in

    Calories:1518..I'm stuffed
    Exercise: YEP! Week 7 DONE!! I upped my speed and ran between 4.8 and 5 the whole time! 28 Minutes on the Elliptical
    Water: 200 oz
    Calorie Burn: 675! I DID IT!!
    Proud: That I wanted to quit when I was 10 minutes on the elliptical, sent my cousin a text and told her I wanted to quit and push me harder and she did. She never lets me quit! :bigsmile: With that said, I'm exhausted! I'm going to park my butt on the couch and watch some of my shows!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi Ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    Jess – LOVE the spin class story! Way to show up the skinny girl, even if it was a cover! Fighting those tortillas was a great decision, way to go!! Great Job on finishing Week 7! Enjoy your shows!

    heather- Sorry that your horse is giving you so much trouble. Great Job on the workout!! That is amazing!! I will so have to look for that Cardioke, that sounds like fun!

    kdub – I am sure it felt wonderful to out do your husband especially since he “should” be more in shape. Great Job on the workout!! Hopefully you will make it through all those papers.

    Pos_me – Great Job on the 2nd day of 600 calories burned!! Good Luck on your weight loss this week! You can do it!

    Mari – Sorry to hear that you pulled your hamstrings. I haven’t done that before but I am sure that it hurts like no other. I hope they get better soon. You will get back on track. Sometimes change is hard and it takes some time to get back on track. We know you can do it!

    Colgirl – Great job on getting on the elliptical during lunch!!!

    Cris – CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well earned massage here you come!!

    Lildeb – Hope you are able to get everything done before the landlord gets there tomorrow. Hope you were able to get to your class.

    Velvet – Welcome to the group. All the ladies are great on here and very supportive!

    Awest – That is great that you are figuring everything out!!! Your husband SUCKS!! I mean good for him but I so can’t stand guys that can do that.

    Bluenote – Great Job on losing those 2 lbs!!

    Check in
    Calories: Over
    Water 72 oz
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Not so much :brokenheart:

    Today, I tried sweet potato fries and they were AWESOME!!! I was bad and didn't workout today. I really need to work on getting on a schedule to work out. Well tomorrow is another day. Talk to you ladies tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    CHRIS - :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That is soo awesome for you !!!!!

    I had my 1st water aerobics class, It was tougher than i thought :smile: We had the dumbells i am like these are light...not so much when she made us to do everything with them under the water. We had to run under the water and all sorts of thing...was a much better workout than i was thinking it was going to be.

    I was soo happy thought i got on the scale at the gym (it is always is like several lbs high , it doesn't even balance at 0), usally i have been sitting at 283 (that is with my shoes on and such) but i got on with no shoes on and i put it to 280 and i had to move the big part down to 260 of course the little one was almost at the end...but it is an accomplishment !!!!!!