Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Miranda-Great work on your BL competition!

    Momma-Glad to hear you're alright!

    Jess-That Sex in the City screening event sounds like a lot of fun [though I am a total girly girl :laugh: ] P.S You look so completely different than you did in that picture, like unrecognizable!:noway:

    Cris- I think you really need to set a rule of NO drinking while he's home with the baby alone. Your sons well being needs to come 1st regardless of how sorry hes feeling for himself...how sorry would he be feeling if something had happened to your little one? Stupid mistakes happen, and so long as he learns from it it's one of those be grateful nothing serious happened. I've had a few times when I've fallen asleep for 10-15 mins when my 3yr old is running rampant in the house [non napping toddlers and a newborn can be rough sometimes] and I hate myself for it:mad: ...luckily the only damage done was nail polish to the stair case:indifferent: it's a scary thing to come home to though
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - So sorry about the drama regarding your daugther, i had teachers like that in school, everyone is not doing good but it "isn't" the teacher..

    Jess - YOu have came such a lonnnnng way. I can't wait to see that new picture. I wish i could go to the sex in the city thing...but probably not with the kiddos...but i am dragging DH with me to go see it :smile:
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    The scale was good this morning. 198.2, so I met my birthday goal! Woot! That's 3 pounds down from May 7th (I was up last week) which makes me soooo happy. Ladies -- I'm FINALLY losing what I should be losing based on the calorie deficits I'm creating!! That makes an entire month of it! I have a normal metabolism again!

    I hope to lose an average of 1.5 pounds a week for about 25 more pounds (about 4 months) and then 1 pound a week from there for about 25 pounds and then half a pound from then on down until I'm happy. At this rate, I think I'll be at an ultimate goal weight this time next year. I think it's going to be 140-something size 6. :happy: I'm pretty much ecstatic from here on out tough. It's awesome being the smallest I've ever been.

    Funny and embarrassing bragging story. Last night I was lying in bed and my fiance got in bed and completely straight-faced seriously said "You have a NICE BUTT!" :laugh: :blushing:
    I mean, he's said that all silly before but this time he said it in a way that made me feel like he was completely and utterly trying to convince me that my rump was the most awesome thing in the world. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Good job and awesome compliment! I just noticed Eugene Hutz in your ticker - party! I saw Gogol Bordello two years ago out here - best concert of my life!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    You are all so sweet with the compliments! :blushing: I have come a long way. Which is why I would be excited to get all dressed up and go to something like this. She has that ugly picture framed in her room and I want it to go away!! We're going for sure. And I never get to spend time with just my roommate anymore. We've been friends since 1st grade, LONG TIME! I found the perfect dress online at Macy's...yep...nowhere around in my size :explode:

    Cris-I like the idea of no drinking while he's home alone with the baby.

    Momma-Gotta love High School girl drama! I love hearing that she would never date her best friends ex...I know that caused lots of problems with my friends in high school. She has a good head on her shoulders at a young age. Sorry to hear she has a good for nothing teacher though. That's frustrating! Hope she's able to get into the other teachers class. It's hard to get a good teacher that really cares. Hope it gets better for you and for her! How is your son doing? Is he still going to his classes at night? I don't remember what they were called!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Congrats on being the Biggest Loser! I don't think I have as much advantage on the race to the 180s as you think, since I keep fluctuating from 191-196 and you're a weight-losing machine. It looks like I won't finish C25k until Saturday because now I'm going to the horse races with my friend tomorrow, which should be fun since I've never gone before. Oh, and with your rotisserie chicken, I shred the chicken and heat it in a pan with bbq sauce, served on wheat hamburger buns. Yum!!

    Bluenote: I'd love to stick around with you while you get to 180!

    Velvet: Welcome to this awesome group. I love that you've just jumped right in.

    Spy: You do whatever you need to for yourself to get to the 180s. I just know competition motivates me and makes me more likely to get my workouts completed. Your honeymoon sounds like a blast...I love mini golf!

    Awestfall: I'm so glad you've become such a wonderful role model for your family and that your hubby is losing weight, too. It's so much easier and more fun to have a supportive man who wants to be active with you!

    Elmox: A beer release party? That's right up my alley! What kind of beer was it? Great attitude, too, about having a blast then moving on. These are the things that make this journey a life style rather than a diet!

    Snowflakes: Thanks for checking in! Hope all is going well with you!

    Jess: I just got an email today about a Sex & the City party like the one you're talking about, but it's being held at the Mall of America. They're going to have Cosmos, appetizers and gift bags. I'm really thinking about trying to get my sister to go. I'm not sure I could find any friends girly enough to go.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 119
    Sodium: Under by 116
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: Walking at volunteer work
    Proud: That I stayed under my daily sodium for the first time in a very, very long time!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-That's exactly what it is here too! It even has a pink carpet! I'm not gonna lie, I'm really excited! Is yours next Thursday too? You should totally do it!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi Ladies!! Okay, So I had soooo much to catch up on. Man when I don't check the board in the morning I miss a lot. I have been reading posts for the last 30 mins and still haven't caught up. Hope I remembered everything. If I didn't I am sorry. I did read everything!

    Lildeb – That is a great accomplishment on the scale!! Way to go!! So happy for you with the 3 lbs weight loss so far this week!! All that working out is paying off! I hate my scale for that very same reason.

    Julie – Let me know how those enchiladas turn out! It does sound weird. A pedicure sounds like a great treat. I miss getting pedicures but that just means when I get one again it will be so much more enjoyable. Sorry about your ring not fitting. I would just get a ring cozy until you get to your final weight if it is going to cost you. LOL!! You are so funny with the WIFI. I am sure I would be the same way.

    Velvet – Great job on almost completing the Pilates DVD! You took the first step and actually did the workout!! Glad that you decided to take care of yourself. You and your baby will be much happier!!

    Momma – Glad to hear from you! Great accomplishment with the 4 pounds lost! That is AWESOME!!

    Miranda – CONGRATS on finishing your BL completion! You did great!!

    Cris – Thanks for the idea. I will have to try that! Sorry about you and your fiancée. I would totally be the way you are if that happened to my husband. Hopefully he will get his act together very soon and help you out.

    Jess – You don’t look as bad as you think you do but at least you know that you look better now. You are beautiful no matter what size but you have done a great job so far on your weight loss! When you put your two pics side by side it is going to show how well you have done!!

    I will be back later! Hope everyone has a great rest of the day!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Cris, that is pretty scary. I would not even know what to say. If this is the first time and he regrets it then forgive him. I know I know it should have never happened and it was pretty dumb on his part. NOt making light of it. I am just saying we have all made some pretty stupid mistakes. Thank God this turned out okay. I am sure he feels terrible and regrets it. His regrets will probably make him never want to do it again. I guarantee you he is beating himself up more than you are:flowerforyou:

    Jess:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: Are you stinking kidding me? You have transformed into a beautiful butterfly since then!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, I am going to vent myself. I have been feeling pretty stressed!!! My 16yo is taking pre AP Pre Calculus with a very negative, nothing nice to say teacher. She said she is not going to allow Miranda to go on to AP Calculus!!! Miranda is barely getting a C and this has really hit her ego!!! She is an A,B student in math. Any how she was getting a B then this teacher began to work on her self confidence about her math abilities. She got a 98% on a math test and the teacher acted like it was a fluke. Okay Mrs. D your entire class of usually top math students are barely getting C's in her advanced classes more than 1. She swares that it is because they have "ALL" been taught incorrectly!!!:noway: What and now you are doing it the right way and they are all struggling. C'mon you are a math teacher lady what is the common denominator Yeah You!!! Anyways spoke to the AP Calculus teacher who knows my daughter he said. Wrong!!!!! Miranda can do calculus and he will insist they put her in his class especially if she gets a C or better in this other Teachers class!! So I have that to deal with this last week and in addition to that MIranda's best friend whom she adores just let her know that "She rubs her the wrong way!!!" (High school girl drama) Don't know if it is just a coincidence but this has all occured after her best buddies ex has expressed an attraction to Miranda. Miranda does not think so because she would never like her bff's boyfriend. But I remember the jealousy surrounding being 16 and ex-bfs
    Anyways sorry with boring you with the highschool soap opera it just hurts to see my girl so hurt. And in addition to all of this she has not been logging her cals and she has gained a few more pounds which is making her feel down on herself. My poor baby:brokenheart: Well thanks for listening and I will be back later
    Momma I know all to well what you are going through with your 16 year old.My soon to be 16 year old brings drama home everyday and its just sad how mean children are today to other children over stupid junk!! Every other day its something new with Samantha.I am at the point that I am too stressed out by it and I just don't want to hear it but I would never tell Samantha that because it would hurt her feelings.I know what you are going through though and I empathize for you.If you need to talk about it always feel free to message me.I don't know how much help or how much advice I can give but I will be here to listen.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - where are the having the one here in dallas at???

    So i went to the gyrm at lunch and i got to the gym and realized i forgot my HRM...:grumble: :grumble: I felt naked working out without it :smile: I did pretty much the same thing i did on tuesday so i think i got pretty much my cals burned

    Then came home to eat lunch my lettuce that i haven't evened unwrapped yet was all brown ..uck...so opted for ham and cheese sandwich and a fiber one bar instead.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-It's at AMC North Park. Here is the link for it. I will warn you, it's expensive! I think this might have to be my 50 pounds lost reward! :laugh: I'm only 2 pounds away as of this morning.


    raiderape-You are so sweet! I always loved myself no matter what size I was. I just didn't have the confidence. If that makes any sense. Comparing pictures now though does make me dislike old pictures. I still have them hanging in our apartment and at my parents house though. That's who I was and I'm not going to hide it. I still have them all up on my facebook too. I just would love for my roommate to replace the pic of us from Vegas with a more current one.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Wow, I had to read so much since i last logged on 4 hours ago.
    I hope I remember everything...If I don't sorry..not intended.

    Cris: I agree with the rest of these girls. have a talk with him and let him know that what he did was not called for...and THank GOD nothing happened. I forgot who mentioned this but i like the NO drinking while watching the baby rule. Good luck!

    Momma: nice to see your around. About your daughter; she does have an unfair teacher...but all i can say is if all the student's are failing than the teacher is NOT teaching the material correctly. And about soap opera drama...hang in there girl...my daughter is in Middle school and this kind of stuff happen theire too. stupid silly stuff that girls fight and majority of the time it's about a boy..

    jess: you ahve come a long way...CONGRATS girl! what an amazing accomplishment! :flowerforyou: And good luck on your 50 pound mark..:heart:

    Miranda: Congrats on completing the Biggest loser compitition:flowerforyou:

    I am starving, be back later
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member

    Just checking in before I jump back into my pile of research papers...

    Calories : 1322 :-) & that included a piece of yummy carrot cake at lunch - but only had 1 chicken nugget & 2 glasses of wine for dinner :-(
    Exercise: major hardcore elliptical time & crunches...I managed to punch out 1 1/2 miles in 30 minutes yesterday which is the best I have ever done! And I am super sore today too
    Water: 64 ounces :-)

    Ok back into the pile of 6th grader writing...yucky!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    9 Tips to get a flat belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Copied and Pasted these Tips to share with you!!!!!!

    1. Calm down!!! Stress causes weight gain in the mid section

    2. Skip the alcohol for a week or so. That glass of wine with dinner may be part of the reason your jeans are too tight. Alcohol also tends to raise cortisol levels, sending fat to your belly, Seidell says. (Don't be mad at me mstahl I did not make this up:laugh: )

    3. Stop smoking. “It keeps me thin,” proclaim many smokers. But the truth is that smokers tend to have more abdominal fat than nonsmokers, says Seidell. (The stress hormone cortisol seems to be the culprit here too.) "When people stop smoking, the amount of abdominal fat actually decreases," he says.

    4. Eat more fiber. Not only is fiber great for overall weight loss (it fills you up so you don't eat as much), but it also prevents constipation, which can cause your tummy to bulge, says Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center in Baltimore. To stay regular, aim for 22 to 25 g of fiber a day by eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables

    5. Drink up. For premenstrual bloating, drink lots and lots of water. This will actually help flush away bloating, not make it worse

    6. Keep bones strong. Osteoporosis can lead to fractured bones in your spine, causing you to slump. That shortens your abdominal cavity, giving your belly no place to go but out, says Willibald Nagler, MD, physiatrist in chief emeritus at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in New York City. Be sure to get 1,000 mg of calcium every day from the foods you eat and/or from supplements.

    7. Get your heart rate up. All the ab exercises in the world won't do a thing unless you get rid of the fat hiding your abdominal muscles. The best way is to do aerobic exercise for 45 to 60 minutes, 5 times a week.

    8. Tuck your tummy. Imagine there's a magnet pulling your belly button back toward your spine. Practice the tuck until it becomes comfortable, and soon it will come naturally--like breathing. Do it every chance you get.

    9. Get a bonus ab workout. Stand as much as possible when doing weight-lifting exercises. That way your abs work too. “They help to balance and stabilize your body,” says Tammy Strunk, an Emmaus, PA, fitness instructor. Concentrate on keeping your abs tight and maintaining good posture, but don't hold your breath
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Momma ! :-)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ugh, I have a lot of those to work on Momma (so happy to see you back and posting)

    I forgot some important things that happened to my girls! HERE IT GOES:

    Julie- nice comments from your partner is THE BEST! I am glad that your fiance can appreciate a nice piece of *kitten* :laugh: :wink:

    Jess- like I said before your transformation has been amazing. I couldnt believe how different you look! It does seem though that you were always happy with who you were, always smiling and always looking cute, no matter what size you were wearing:heart::flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Ahhh Momma - I'll forgive you - I won't "shoot the messenger"! And I do cut out alcohol when I need to cut extra calories :wink: I'm probably drinking my wine 3 nights a week now... :cry:

    Chris - SO HAPPY FOR YOU WINNING BL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love::flowerforyou: :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :love: :flowerforyou:

    As for your man... I have a friend who's husband is a decorated military man and he's kinda a hero in her small community. He did the same thing when the Cleveland Cavs lost their last game. I'm not sure what happened that night but he passed out and their 3 year old got herself out of bed (there is a 1 yr old too) and I think the 3 yr old called my friend at work (nurse). I didn't ask for details but the outcome was that the county social workers got involved and she and her husband have to go to parenting class and if there is another event (like an injured child or what ever) they could lose custody. THANK GOD no one was injured but now they're basically a broken arm away from having to fight to keep their kids! And this is a very middle class, respected family with no criminal records etc... I think that there are some things our significant others can do that are dangerous enough that we're justified in staying angry for awhile. Some things we aren't supposed to "get over" right away.

    Checking in for Wednesday -
    Calories - over by about 450 (*coughWINEcough*)
    Water - GREAT!
    Exercise - not so much :frown:

    Proud- I was off site for training with lots of cookies and sweets - I didn't do great but I did OK concidering! I'm also proud that when my husband had a little tantrum last night I let it go and ignored it because I get he's over-whelmed right now. Part of what set him off was that he went out on the deck and shut the sliding glass door - Mrs. Fig saw him and trotted out to say hello - head first into the glass door. She's fine - the door's fine - I was pee'ng myself laughing so hard :laugh: Ken was not amused and made some comment about her knocking over his Dad (who was asleep in bed) and stormed upstairs. I took Mrs. Fig outside and finished weeding the front garden.
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Ok have made it through about 5 papers since my last posting....
    But I am becoming obessesd....all I can think about is figuring out what I can do to make sure I reach my mini goal in two weeks which is to loose at least 5lbs by June 3rd....
    I have even been looking at heart rate monitors that also track calories...anything that will get me that extra edge...
    I think i am totally stressing because I leave tomorrow to go to my grandmother's memorial service & stay at my family's lake cabin for a week...so I will totally be off my normal routine & really do not want this to back fire on me.
    I also have a TON of work to do before i leave tomorrow afternoon like write sub plans & pack & all that...but all i think really think about is how to lose the weight fast & NOW....
    I got on the scale this morning & was rather incessed at it dared to show I was almost 1/2 a ound heavier than Tuesday.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Momma - Thanks for that. I definitely need to work on some of those.

    KDub - You are working like a mad woman on those papers!! You are doing great and remember not to stress to much because that definitely won't help you lose weight. And now that Momma has posted things we need to do to help with our mid sections this will help get you there. :happy: I know that this is a very difficult time but you will make it through it. Hope your grandmother's memorial goes well this weekend.

    mstahl : Great job on staying away from the sweets for the most part. As long as we remember portion control then having one or two occasionally can be okay.

    It is much easier to keep up with all the posts when you read them more often!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Wow, your event is a bit expensive. The one at the Mall of America has a red carpet instead of pink, but is only $30 per person. I forgot to look at what the date is. I'll have to ask around to see if anyone would be interested in going with me because it sure sounds like fun and something a bit out of my normal routine.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good job and awesome compliment! I just noticed Eugene Hutz in your ticker - party! I saw Gogol Bordello two years ago out here - best concert of my life!

    Party! :laugh:
    I'm going to see them August 1st. I'm driving 6-7 hours to see them because they haven't come anywhere near me in the 4-5 years I've loved them and I'm tired of waiting. :indifferent: At least my best friend lives like an hour away from where they're playing so I don't have to make the drive back the same day.