Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I weighed myself for the first time since the weekend and my weight is WAY WAY up. I'm going to ignore it for now. I didn't gain six pounds.


    didn't happen.

    Tonight I get to host our regular Thursday Night Dinner (expecting 15 guests from as far away as MI and KY) AND have George there too! I also found out (via my housemates' twitter) that our cat that thinks he's a dog, Malcolm, released a chipmunk into our living room. Malcolm is now soundly sleeping on the floor by the fireplace and our housemate's cat is staring under various pieces of furniture in our living room. Should make for an interesting evening!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I am one of those who almost always a smile on their face. Annoying huh? :laugh: But I just never realized how bad I got till I started losing and compare pics now. But I really do appreciate all the compliments. Y'all are all the best! :blushing: Week 7 is going to be in the dust tonight, right?

    Heather-Yes it is quite spendy to go. Gotta love Dallas! But I really want to go! Happy 50 pounds lost me! Hopefully!! Cross your fingers!

    KDubMommy-You sound like you got a lot on your plate! Hang in there! You can get it all done. Hope the memorial goes smoothly for you. We will miss hearing from ya!

    mstahl-Way to not go overboard with the cookies! Your miss fig sounds like quite the character!

    Momma-Thanks for the info!

    So...I'm going to be bad and skip my workout tonight to go shopping for a dress. My roommate is free and I want her to go with me to find something. She's good at dressing me up! :laugh: I'm like her barbie. She's fancy, I'm not! So I'm going to skip spin class tonight and shop and pack. I'm going to my parents right after work tomorrow to take all my crap and my dog out there, they live about 45 minutes away. We rented a 15 foot inflateable slide for my nieces 7th birthday party Saturday. So I'm going to be out there all weekend and so I'm just gonna stay there. Apparentley someone has big plans for me to assist them in drinking a bottle of Malibu Rum. It's okay to drink rum if it's with coke zero or something, right? :bigsmile: And I'm rambling and not sure if that made any sense but I think I may start week 8 in the morning or catch the 5:45 spin calss. We shall see!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey girls

    If anyone is looking for a sports bra kohls has lots of sport bras ( makers: Filas, nike, tec gear) in the clearance rack/section for only (between) 6 -12 dollars. Some are seamless sport bra and others arepreformance tank. I just bought the preformance tank by Fila for only $6.40 and it fit perfectly.

    Did i mention I love Kohls :-)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- honestly I almost didnt go to the gym myself...I literally had to drag myself..and when I say literally I mean literally...I threw myself off the sofa and said get your butt to the gym. Tonight is my usual spin class but Bobby is golfing with his buddies so I dont have anyone to watch the baby and daycare closes at 630 (class is from 6-7) I did week 7 instead, and it was rough...really rough. Worst day so far! But its DONE!!!!!! Have fun shopping!

    Pos me- thanks for the nice comments on FB, it always cheers me up to see my MFP friends commenting on my posts all my freinds are prob like wow shes got a great support system!! who can fail under those circumstances!!! thanks again!

    mstahl- of course you did NOT gain 6lbs! thats crazy talk! have fun tonight! you need some!

    be back later to check in!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris I'm so proud you forced yourself to the gym! Your always going to struggle if you have to force yourself I have learned. Don't sweat it. You will get your groove back. You've had a stressful week!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Everyone always says if you hate the excercise you wont stick to it...well I HATE running. I thought as I got better at it and able to do more Id grow to like it but nope. I am just going to finish c25k then prob do 10 mins runs as a workout but 30 mins is a little to long for me..I get bored.

    On another note. I know my mini goal says differently but I am going to try to be 190 by June 30. Its my 6 year anniversary with Bobby. My original goal was to be at 200 by then but seeing as that was already met I want to shoot for 190! Its gonna take a lot of hard work but I can do it. It will make me keep up with my workout too so I hope I can reach it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls!

    Cris: I love to comment because i know how it feels to have a support system (whether here or fb), and I know that by reading the comments it encourages/ motivates you to do more..well that might be me..LOL once again congrats on your c25k run! :flowerforyou:

    Check in
    calories: under, but not by much
    exercise: 40 minutes treadmill ( 20 with incline and 20 minutes w/o incline), 30 minutes elliptical and 8 laps around my community park ( about 3 miles) about 40 minutes. Yes i am wiped out! But i considered today as my "last chance workout"
    water: yup! 100oz.

    600 burned: I burned 1100 calories but i only counted 778ish...
    Proud: that i did one more lap to finish a 3 mile walk..I only planned on doing 7 laps but i said what the heck minds well do one more
    sodium: 1057
    fiber: 23g

    Happy weigh in girls!!! Best of luck to ALL!!

    Good nite :-)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    litspy - I get so excited to read your posts because I can feel the happiness of you oozing out. :heart: Congrats on getting the ring and for having a nice butt! :laugh:
    jesyka - I meant to tell you a long time ago that your profile pic of your two kids is adorable!
    miranda - good luck with your BL results!
    elmox - I am glad you went to the event with your hubby. Life is what we make it, and you made memories and a happy hubby!
    jess - LOL on your pants keep falling down! OK seriously, which one is you in the pic? You look like the one on the right, but I don't see what's so God-awful about it...? OK, after reading everyone's posts, I am assuming the one on the left is you. NO WAY! It doesn't look like you at all! :noway:
    pos_me - way to go on the exercise today!
    cris - sorry to hear of the fight with your man. I went through that with my husband. It seems that losing your job can really make you depressed and sort of "shut down" for awhile. I would have been just as mad about the baby situation! I am glad he came to his senses and realized he was an idiot!
    momma - Oy, I remember the teenage drama, too. I hope things work out for Miranda. How much longer does she have class with the grinch?
    snowflakes - I miss you! Yeah, *sigh*, I knew it would only be a matter of time before the real world caught on to MFP and started posting rude pics. I am glad they got on that immediately.
    heather - congrats on staying low on the sodium! That is the hardest thing for me to do. :grumble:
    KDub - isn't "6th grader writing" an oxymoron? :tongue: Take deep breaths - it's going to be OK, sweetie.
    raider - you're right - much easier to keep up when you read the posts more often! Unfortunately, I only come on once a day and so I read like five pages in one sitting! :laugh:
    mstahl - never a dull moment in your house! ROFL You should write a book - I mean it!
    meokk - Friday is almost here! Hang in there, kid!
    openheaven - way to go on those jacks!
    velvet - I, too, had the rude awakening about my sodium. I can tell you that once I got that better in line I started losing steadily.

    heather and litspy - Thank you for telling me that you'll still be on here after goal weight, but it's really OK if you are not. I am starting to see why people "hang" with people around the same weight - they can all get to goal together. I love you all dearly and I know that the reality is, I will be seeing you all go on with your lives much sooner than I. But that's a reality I chose when I decided to "hang" with you 200 girls. Just sometimes it makes me sad. And I DON'T want you hanging around for me. You came here to be with people near to your weight - you didn't expect to find someone who is two times the size of Jess's old pic. I want you girls to get to your goals and get on with life! We'll still keep in touch somehow. :smile:

    check in:
    everything is good. It's all good. :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- absolutely not we will not leave ANYONE behind, I for one would miss your comedy! We will stick together until everyone crosses that finish line!!! This is a lifetime journey...and we are all in it together

    WE LOVE YOU!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blue- absolutely not we will not leave ANYONE behind, I for one would miss your comedy! We will stick together until everyone crosses that finish line!!! This is a lifetime journey...and we are all in it together

    WE LOVE YOU!:heart::flowerforyou:

    Couldn't have said it better myself Cris. We are in this journey together no matter what! Through thick and thin we are all working towards our goals but some might take longer than others and that is ok. We are here to help each other out on this journey.:heart::flowerforyou:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Evening Ladies!!

    Blue - We are all in this together!! I am just being and don't have any plans to go anywhere until I meet my goal (which will be quite a while). So sorry to tell you that you are stuck with me, sister!! :heart: :heart:

    Cris - Great job on getting up and running. I feel you with the running. I HATE running!!! I have never been good at it and haven't ever planned on starting. I don't mind fast paced walking but no running. I know crazy!

    Jess - Go shopping girl!! It is always fun to get something that makes you feel gorgeous! Sounds like your Sex in the City event is going to be lots of fun!!

    Good Luck on weigh ins tomorrow ladies! I can see that we will have several new members of ONEderland! Congrats Julie and Cris!!

    Check In
    Calories: Over
    Water: 100 oz or so
    Exercise : None :grumble:
    Proud: That I didn't over indulge in the root beer floats today at work. I don't like root beer so that helped and then I only had about 1/2 a cup of ice cream. I LOVE Ice cream so that is a definite accomplishment.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue- absolutely not we will not leave ANYONE behind, I for one would miss your comedy! We will stick together until everyone crosses that finish line!!! This is a lifetime journey...and we are all in it together

    WE LOVE YOU!:heart::flowerforyou:


    Sweet potato enchiladas are in the oven. Yeah, they're going to be amazing. I'll post the recipe later. Yes, I'm totally sabotaging my weigh-in tomorrow by eating an insane amount of sodium like 10 hours before weigh-in time. :laugh: I don't even care. :tongue: I was too busy to make dinner earlier with the running and the explaining to the people next door that I don't appreciate them YELLING obscenities for several hours every night. Especially in front of my other neighbor's kids who were playing about 100 feet away. :noway: So classless and inconsiderate. :angry: I feel a lot better now that I've let them know how I feel. Unfortunately there's now a new group of people hanging out there who didn't hear my plea earlier so they're back at it (yes, at 10pm). Ugh.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    blue, we will stick it out together. You can count on us!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :smooched: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Checking in for today

    Calories - Over by 47cals. Not the end of the world, it's my mother's birthday so we did dinner/dessert.

    Water - goal met and exceeded :)

    Exercise - just a negligible amount of work with the resistance bands and a 15minute fast paced walk with the baby :)

    Something I'm proud of - Even though I went over my calories, it wasn't by much, and I was under calories the past two days, so there we have it. I wouldn't normally eat like I did this evening, but I'll be more mindful in the future anyway. Hope all you lovely ladies have had a good one!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blue - Definetly we are all here till the end..

    Check in -

    Cals - 1561 - right on target :)
    Exercise - 33 min on arc trainer - 1 mile bike ride - 310 cals
    Water - 46 oz
    Proud - That i made my goal this week of getting at least 1200 every day, and seems to be paying off...either the exercise thing started kicking in or both..

    HOping that the scale is still nice to me in the morning :smile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    bluenote, it looks like you are stuck with all of us! And I need my STL love!

    Cris, I am SO proud of you for going to the gym and feel you on the loss of your exercise mojo. Mine has been MIA since Tuesday. I'm hoping I can find it quick!

    Oh and for my beer lovers, the beer release party was held at Brooklyn Brewery and it was all you care to drink. They were celebrating the release of two new beers, a saison and a braggot (which my husband tells me is a beer brewed with honey). My hubby is a huge beer geek and really wants to move into the beer distribution/brewing world. He made some good contacts last night, so other than just having fun with me :bigsmile: , he found a lead on a new job. :drinker: :drinker: Thanks to all for the support of my fun night and being there for Jonathan.

    Checking in:
    Cals: Under, with some exercise left over.
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: 1 hour of yoga in Bryant Park. It was so cool! Lululemon sponsors a free yoga class every Thursday evening from 6-7. I went with friends and we really loved it. I was so mellow afterwards. I didn't even rush to the subway. I just took my time, how pleasant. Not a lot of cals, but a good feeling afterwards.
    Proud: I ate on plan today after the all the beer and tacos last night and it feels good.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bluenote-I agree you are stuck with us all! We are all here for each other! Even when I meet my goal I don't plan on leaving this site. I'm going to need it to maintain. We love you and we aren't leaving you behind! You made me laugh, yes I am the one on the left. Like I said before, I never thought of myself as hideous or ugly or anything cruel like that, just comparing pictures now it is quite a drastic change and I love the way I am looking now. The person on the right is my roommate, she's lost about 20 or 30 pounds since that picture...but she's always sucking her gut in during pictures.:laugh: I could suck in and still look big. :laugh:

    Elmox-All you can drink!? That's freaking amazing!! I would of definitely been an avid participant.

    LittleSpy-Can't wait to hear how your dinner turned out! I'm drooling over here! Sounds like you have quite interesting characters as neighbors!

    I'm in a rush so I know I missed a few people, I will try and check back in later. I need to pack still. Just wanted to tell y'all I went shopping and found the perfect dress.. It was so nice to go buy something tonight that I felt comfortable in and looked great in. I didn't have to settle for the one option that "fit". It's a fuisha dress....don't really know how to explain the rest because I'm not fancy like that. You know me I will most definitely post pictures. I had to drop it off at Liz (my roommate) parents house for her mom to stitch up a little bit so my bra is not hanging out for God and everybody to see. Anywho. Off to pack! Happy weigh in tomorrow!!:drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning girls!

    Hapy news to report. I lost the 4/5 pounds i gain over the weekend AND 2 more pounds. I am offically 205.4.. I also noticed that I only need 1/2 lb to have lost 40 pounds. I think I got the hang of things.

    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%

    Good luck girls:happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy friday all !!!

    I am proud to say this morning that I am down to 276.9 !!! that is 3.2 #!!!!!!

    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%
    Lildebbie ........-3.2.......1.14%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well, not a good weigh in morning for me yet again. Another big fat zero! Trying to not beat myself up over it but I'm quite frustrated right now.

    Congrats to POS Me And LilDebbie on both of your great losses this morning! I know you have both been working VERY hard this week! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%
    Lildebbie ........-3.2.......1.14%
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