Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Littlespy: Thanks for the info! I'll check them out, but I probably wouldn't be into podcasts. I don't really have the means of downloading them right now with my computer at home being an absolute dinosaur!

    Cris: I'll have to go check out that success story. I love reading those because they're regular people who did it while working, juggling family and friends and having real lives.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm using the 5K101 podcast so it's a little different but they sell an ap through iTunes (or it's free not sure which) that lets you use your own music play list with the 5K101 over top. It works with iPhones and the iTouch (I have neither).

    One of the things that (I think) is different about the 5K101 is that it only has one podcast per week so it's the same workout every day. On the up side it does offer some basic coaching like how to breath and what to work on...

    Uhg - just sent a note to the manager for the spot I interviewed for (bad sentence structure - I know!) I asked for an update on the timing for the decision on the position and expressed interest again. I've waited so long I had to give up an opportunity outside but it would have involved (AMAZING) travel that I really can't see working while having Meghan living with us. At the same time (almost exact same time) I got a call to set up an interview with a really cool company that's a little closer to home. Life is interesting isn't it?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: Things happen for a reason whether we know it or not, so hang in there and the right opportunity will fall in your lap without working too hard to make it happen. Something great will come your way soon because you deserve it!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Just a quick hello,

    Been doing well with tracking calories, water, and exercise.

    Mari: Love Japanese food now I am craving it. In the next week or so Hubby will have to take me to get my fix. lol

    Cris: I haven't seen the inspiring post you referred to. I will keep looking.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Cris: I haven't seen the inspiring post you referred to. I will keep looking.

    Everyone have a great day.

    snowflakes- heres the link! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/90808-11-months-later
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    just ate a delicious sushi rolll.......
    spicy tuna & cucumber inside, avocado outside, drizzled with spicy mayo and the sauce they put on eel rolls.....
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies, just rushed through all the posts and now i have to go back to work ugggggg.

    aWESTFALL - wtg on loosing more !!!

    Cris - good luck at bL tonight..you will do it... It is funny my 3 yr old is a monkey and at day care i got a call once , she stood on the chair it flipped and hit her in the head cutting her ear. She was fine, but oh how she likes to see what she can do.

    mstahl - hoping that job that closer to home work out.

    jess- unforutnely i am actually 4 lbs away from 30 lbs...i haven't changed my ticker i really don't want to...was hoping most of it was water weight and didn't want to have a good loss :) i think i am fooling myself though. But this friday, i am recording whatever the scales says...it has been going down like a lb a day from my bad eating this weekend...So we will see...

    well off to work, i will try to catch up later !!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Littlespy: Thanks for the info! I'll check them out, but I probably wouldn't be into podcasts. I don't really have the means of downloading them right now with my computer at home being an absolute dinosaur!

    I'm sure it works just fine doing it like I have been, which is running the fast intervals & jogging or briskly walking the 1 minute intervals. I may continue it that way, too. Just depends on whether or not I can stand the podcasts & whether or not I can actually keep up with them, too, I guess. :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    Still need to make my meal plan .... WHY do I have such a mental block about it??? :grumble: I want to plan some healthy meals for my whole family! I will try very hard to take the time tonight.

    Hey 1stpaul,
    I love getting recipes off the martha stewart website. She has a healthy living or whole life section or something with loads of healthy recipes many of which are very easy to prepare and they are all tested thoroughly. I've never had one go wrong or taste bad.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl - way to go on that jogging! And congrats on your new interview! Close to home is always good.
    cris - I am glad you saw the need to increase calories. I think this will be good for you.
    lildeb - great job with that ea active, although every time you post those words I think of activia yogurt. LOL
    awestfall - hey you! 32! Congrats!
    pos_me - honesty is the way to go. The hardest way, but the best way. I am proud of you for being honest with your food.
    mari - I am glad you checked in and great job in those size 20 jeans!
    meokk - glad you're back in the swing of things!
    lstpaul - good job with not eating all night. Please give me your secret! Night time is hard for me.

    check in:
    calories: much better today
    water: 96
    exercise: 40+10 bike, arms, bed pilates
    proud: Today has been a good eating and exercising day.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    mstahl - way to go on that jogging! And congrats on your new interview! Close to home is always good.
    cris - I am glad you saw the need to increase calories. I think this will be good for you.
    lildeb - great job with that ea active, although every time you post those words I think of activia yogurt. LOL
    awestfall - hey you! 32! Congrats!
    pos_me - honesty is the way to go. The hardest way, but the best way. I am proud of you for being honest with your food.
    mari - I am glad you checked in and great job in those size 20 jeans!
    meokk - glad you're back in the swing of things!
    lstpaul - good job with not eating all night. Please give me your secret! Night time is hard for me.

    check in:
    calories: much better today
    water: 96
    exercise: 40+10 bike, arms, bed pilates
    proud: Today has been a good eating and exercising day.
    Thanks Gals!! I am going to go nap for a bit because I am suffering from a horrible migraine.I have ate well despite this migraine all day and I cleaned house again (but I do that everday) NO EXERCISE today but I am ok with it because even if the scale moves up a bit I know I can move right back down.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Checking in

    Calories: over:frown:
    Water: Not enough
    Exercise: Yes, lots of walking

    Proud, that my 10 yo cockerspaniel just came from the vet and they said he was one healthy looking 10yo. We walked to the vet and he drug us there. He is so funny!!! The vet laughed when I told him my "old" dog was dragging me and my 13 yo girl to the vet.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good evening all!!!

    Momma - Glad your 10 yo dog is doing great!!!

    awestfall - i hope your migrane goes away

    blunote - that is funny :smile: I have some activa yogurt in the fridge too...so many next time i need to say i worked out on ea active while eating activa just to confuse you :smile:

    I don't know what the deal is this week, i am just not eating enough. Before dinner i started feeling nausea , i am sure it is becuase i had only had like 500 cals and burned like 160 of them at lunch time.

    It is soo odd, as i am usual the complete opposite

    We now have a trip planned on 4th of july to my hubby brother's. He lives right outside of Galveston. I have to loose before we go..i got like 2 1/2 months. I would like to loose another 20lbs by then. My sister in law was always skinny then she had twins and she got up probably low 200's , she kicked but in the gym and eating and lost like tons , she is tiny tiny now....

    so i got to get my but in gear :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- youve got a household full of health nuts, including your dog!

    Lildeb- Im glad you have something to look forward to that will drive you to succeed, 20lbs in 2.5 months it doable but you really have to stick to it! And I have no doubt that you can!

    checking in for tonight 4/13/10:
    calories- under (by too much, so Im making tomorrow a high cal day)
    water- yup
    sodium- 2500?? booo
    excercise- some weights, 422 sit ups, and 18 mins on the bike
    proud- that I am trying to figure out a way to get back to losing decent numbers

    I lost 1.2lbs according to the scale at the gym, I wont know until Thursday if thats good enough to keep me in the top 8. When I gave them my name at the weigh in the trainer smiled at me and said "yes, Cris, I saw your name on the top 8" it made me soo happy and it makes me want to stay there!! Cross your fingers for me!


    Mstahl I miss ya girl its no fun stalking without you

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in for today
    Water - 100oz
    Calories - 1249
    Exercise - 20 mins walking & 60 squats

    Proud that I ate less chocolate than usual today.

    Thanks everyone for the C25K tips.

    Um, Chris, 422 sit ups....WTF?!?!?! That's incredible :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Calories - 1300
    Water - nada
    Exercise - 25 min of ea active (including lots of squats and lunges today)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, I haven't had a chance to read all your posts this week but I'll get to it!
    1st things first. Breyers Dark Chocolate Velvet ice cream is AWESOME! I'm sure it contains HFCS & other unspeakable things (I haven't even looked at the ingredients -- I'm that bad), but yum. 110 cals for 1/2 cup (67g) is worth it. Cut up some fruit on top & it's absolutely blissful.

    Calories: 1500
    Exercise: Only official exercise was 20 minutes on my stationary bike. But I kicked BUTT on it, averaging a speed of about 18mph.
    Water: Over 80oz
    Proud: I can look at myself in the mirror now & see that I'm looking better. I know that doesn't sound like much to be proud of, but it's a big deal for me because I pretty much have always had some crazy body image issues. I told my bf that now, when I look at myself, instead of seeing a humongous morbidly obese person I pretty much just see a normal chubby person at this point. "Chubby" is so much better than "humongous morbidly obese person." :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sorry I kinda disappeared early in the afternoon...it's been an emotional day to say the least and it only continued. But that's life right? As far as checking in not really sure where I stand. I didn't eat what I had planned for dinner...wasn't in the mood to eat so I just ate some ramen noodles..how awful huh!? But I know I didn't get my 1200 calories. Tomorrow will be better. I think I'm going to go in the morning and attempt my 20 minute run. Maybe all this anger will help push me. So I'm going to skip checking in for tonight ladies. Hope everyone had a great Tuesday. See you all tomorrow!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    LittleSpy - Isn't that an amazing moment? I was walking past a store, and saw my reflection in the window the other day, and was like "Wow, I look like a normal fat person." LOL Much better then walking by and thinking "Seriously, I am that huge? Ugh!" It wont be long before you are seeing yourself as a healthly normal person. We will all get there!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Littlespy and jenn - WTG on seeing yourself as a "chubby" person !!!

    Just spent the last 45 minutes chopping up veggies for my salad..i nibbled on some but any calories they were i am sure i worked off by chopping them up :)