Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I do not know how accurate this is but I saw on a show recently that if you are trying to lose weight and you do not want to lose muscle you should eat half your weight in grams of protein. I would check that out and make sure that is actually healthy. I also know that a lot of people of complained that mfp has protein set too low. All things to consider. You have to do some research. I also know littlespy swears by her protein.

    Thanks for all the sweet comments about my son. He is very precious and loves people. He is just struggling right now. I at first was sad and dissapointed then I realized, would I have asked God for any other son? NO!!!!!!!!!!! So what if he needs extra help. He is healthy and beautiful and sweet!!!! He brings me joy daily and he thinks I am beautiful:tongue:

    jess I agree with awestfall, you look smaller than what you are:flowerforyou:

    littlespy, I only gained 18 -25 pounds during all of my pregnancies (because a throwup for 5 months) and I usually lose it by the time they are 6 months old and I believe it is because I breast feed and because I have huge babies, my premature baby weighed almost 7 pounds, my 2 weeks early baby weighed 8.5 pounds, my week early baby weighed over 9 pounds and my ontime baby weighed 9.4 pounds. I am an overweight "small person" !!!! Delivering big woman babies:laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think I changed mine manually and mine is set at 94 a day and I always go over too. I don't see protein as being bad. But then again I haven't done much research on protein.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma's right about me swearing by protein! :laugh: Keeps me full & keeps my blood sugar in check for sure.

    MFP has macronutrient levels set according to USDA recommendations. It can be perfectly healthy to alter them. From what I understand, most people *need* more protein than MFP initially recommends!

    I eat 100-120 grams most days, which is actually usually a little less than MFP recommends that I eat (My macronutrients are set to 45% carbs, 30% protein, and 25% fat right now). I feel like I'm going to die on days I eat less than 70grams my blood sugar goes so wonky. I've had some blood sugar issues in the past. I had a tendency to be hypoglycemic back when I was a vegetarian & not getting enough protein so I knew increasing my protein intake would help me (& it definitely did).

    I think keeping it the same or even increasing it should be fine as long as your kidneys are healthy. If you wanted to check with a doctor to be sure, you could. The general consensus is more protein and fewer carbs (to a very reasonable point, of course -- nothing extreme like Atkins for me!) aids in physical performance & weight loss. I've often read endurance athletes try to eat their body weight in grams of protein each day (so, 130g for a 130 pound person). Of course, strength-based athletes generally eat *WAY* more than that. I was concerned because I so often hear that "Americans eat way too much protein." But... the thing is with **athletes** like us, our muscles need the extra protein! :wink:

    Edit: I feel the need to explain the fewer carbs & higher protein thing goes for day-to-day when you're training -- building strength & endurance. People actually carbo load the day before they have a big physical event like a marathon, because your body needs those carbs then (carbs = immediate energy source).

    And then there's the disclaimer that this is all just my opinion based on things I've read & research I've done for myself & my own experience. :laugh: I usually assume that goes without saying, though.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks Jess, Momma and Spy, but where do I change my allowance for protien? I calculated that I actualy need around 80-90 grams a day which sounds reasonable. I want to try to eat more protien so that I dont stay hungry in the evenings.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Go to "My Home" then "Goals" then "change goals" then select "custom" and click "continue" & you can change your percentages there to whatever you think is best for you.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    So my day's been shot to hell. I got a call from daycare saying my son may potentially have foot and mouth disease. WTF! Every single week they are calling me telling me he caught something. I was cussing up a storm on my way to pick him up but when I walked in I calmed down. They had 10+ kids set up in an 'isolation' room...so Brayden wasnt the only one who potentially has it, there have been 2 confirmed cases at the center. Anyways, the poor teachers looked so flustered and upset that I couldnt yell at them. One even thanked me for being so understanding, apparently other parents had walked in screaming like I had planned on doing!! Anyways, I am takign him out of that center as soon as I find him a new place to go, hes just getting sick there waaay too much. Hes had numerous ear infections, pneumonia, a throat abcess caused from a sore throat infection, and not this. All in like 6 months- note that there were 2, count them 2 hospitalizations since hes been at this center. He was never sick before going there.

    So there goes my dinner with my friend and potentially my psin class too, although I may get bobby (fiance) to watch him while I do that!

    Momma- you've got some really big babies! My son was 8.9lbs, and I hear each one you have gets bigger so Im concerned, lol. I gained 60lbs with my pregnancy. I used it as an excuse to eat everything in sight! I was around 205 when I got pregnant so I am 5lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight! That will be a big milestone!!!

    Gotta check on the kiddo! be back later

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have to agree with LittleSpy. It definitely makes me feel fuller and gives me way more energy! And since we are putting our muscles through so much from what I have read it's good to have more protein then what is reccomended! I don't see any harm in increasing it! Try it out for a few days and see how ya feel!

    Momma and awestfall y'all are so sweet! Saying I look smaller then I am!! :blushing: Y'all made my day! :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall -- hope your little one feels better soon! I love the name Amelia, by the way!

    Momma -- Your son sounds so precious! Your post had me giggling. "Evil spawn." :laugh:

    Oh dear, maybe I really do have baby fever. :noway:
    Even if I do, TOO BAD. I'm going to reach my goal weight and I REFUSE to immediately gain 30 pounds back because of some stinkin' person growing in me. :laugh:
    Hey you don't necessarily have to gain 30 pounds when your pregnant.I only gained 10 pounds with my first.But I totally feel you about losing some weight first because I want another baby and I want to be thin this time when I am pregnant and have that cute basketball belly that all these skinny women that I am jealous of have when their pregnant.LOL
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I think I changed mine manually and mine is set at 94 a day and I always go over too. I don't see protein as being bad. But then again I haven't done much research on protein.
    I go over everyday on FIBER AND PROTEIN because it keeps me full and focused.I get 40 grams of fiber everyday at the very least 40grams and then protein at the very least 100 grams nothing less than that and it helps my food cravings and hunger pangs.I think protein and fiber both play an important role.I have researched it alot so trust me when I say its not bad for you.ITS A GOOD THING LOL!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have to agree with LittleSpy. It definitely makes me feel fuller and gives me way more energy! And since we are putting our muscles through so much from what I have read it's good to have more protein then what is reccomended! I don't see any harm in increasing it! Try it out for a few days and see how ya feel!

    Momma and awestfall y'all are so sweet! Saying I look smaller then I am!! :blushing: Y'all made my day! :bigsmile:
    Its true you do look smaller than your actual weight.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    littlespy: Cris might be right you know. Maybe the bf is just feeling things out...maybe he's *gasp* considering proposing? I'd be jealous but happy for you at the same time! On a different note, I'm confident that you'll be able to run the half marathon in February. Look how far you've gotten in the past few months!

    Cris: I can't wait to hear the results of your BL at the gym. Sounds like you do need to find a different daycare for your son. I'm wondering if they don't disinfect often enough?

    mstahl: Great job continuing with your 5K101! Those darn walkers will never catch you now!

    Although I don't have any children (that aren't four-legged and furry), I'd like to mention that I was my mom's first kid at almost 9 lbs and my sister (mom's second) was only 6 lbs. They don't necessarily get bigger as you go along! Good news, right?

    I used to think that I wanted to have two kids, but I'm thinking now that I might be selfish enough to not want children. I really like being able to travel whenever I want and being able to do what I want. I love kids, which should show in the volunteer work that I do, but I think I may have been meant to help others rather than having my own. My mom is seriously disappointed that I would even think this way, but it is what it is. Committing at least 18 years to being 100% responsible for another human being is a really scary thought (and so expensive!).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello all..

    back from doctor...

    Good news -- not a spider bite (most likely)

    The doctor (and another doctor that came in) said it looks like shingles....I am WTH are shingles..so she explained it is pretty much chicken box coming alive (or non-dormant).

    So YAY me...see i am turning 35 this weekend and i am falling apart.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hello all..

    back from doctor...

    Good news -- not a spider bite (most likely)

    The doctor (and another doctor that came in) said it looks like shingles....I am WTH are shingles..so she explained it is pretty much chicken box coming alive (or non-dormant).

    So YAY me...see i am turning 35 this weekend and i am falling apart.

    Supposedly shingles happens in older people (like way old past 35) but I was dating a guy once that had it, I think we were about 20-21 at the time so you arent old!!!:flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hello all..

    back from doctor...

    Good news -- not a spider bite (most likely)

    The doctor (and another doctor that came in) said it looks like shingles....I am WTH are shingles..so she explained it is pretty much chicken box coming alive (or non-dormant).

    So YAY me...see i am turning 35 this weekend and i am falling apart.

    Hey lildeb,
    I'm glad it's not a bite but shingles can be very serious especially if it's not treated right away.
    My Aunt ignored her symptoms and ended up with painful shingles for months and scars from the blisters. Another work friend was off work for about 4 weeks. I think you are also contagious and should avoid contact with pregnant women. Sorry, I don't mean to scare you but I wouldn't want you to go through what my Aunt went through.
    Hopefully the doc put you on meds.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Wow that daycare sounds awful! That does seem a bit weird that he is getting that sick. I'm with Heather. They may not be disinfecting enough! Good luck finding a new daycare. Hope you at least get to catch your spin class!

    Heather-I don't think that's selfish. I'm one that's undecided on if I want kids! HAHA!

    lildebbie-Glad it's not something more serious! Did they tell you anything to treat it or make it heal?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    They said that stress can cause them to come out ...which i am like 99.9 % sure that is my case and not may age :) They said old age like 60's not 35...i feel like i am older than 35 some days.

    I have a tendancy to stress out about everything so that seams plausable.

    Yes I gots me lots of drugs. She gave me a steriod, antibotics, and some other medicine she gave me that is all supposed to help. The antibotic was just in case there was an infection or really was a bite or something. She said if gets worse come back tomorrow.

    She had another doc come in and look at it too incase i come back tomorrow and she is off tomorrow afternoon.

    She said put a warm washclothe every few hours for like 10-15 min. The swelling is already done a whole lot so that is good.

    The last time i was at the doctor i weighed 309 on their scale and today a 284...Not as low as i like but still i sure liked that 284 better than the 309
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey Cris, Awestfall,
    Sorry your little ones are sick, hope they get better soon.
    There seem to be some uncommon diseases affecting this group today!!

    So I think I'm going to take everyone's advice and up my protein as well. MFP only has my goal at 45 grams per day. I usually end up eating about 60-70 but I'm going to change it and try for 90

    Bluenote - sorry about the mold situation, it really sucks
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie: I'm so glad you went to the doctor! It's a bummer you have shingles, but at least you've caught it early and can start working on getting better.

    Jess: I'm glad I'm not the only "unconventional" woman here! Everyone new I meet always seems so surprised that I'm not married and/or don't have kids. I chose fuzzy ones, a house and not settling for guys who weren't right for me! I definitely want marriage, but undecided about kids. I'll probably end up without either, but at least I'll have my fur babies!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I never wanted kids. Unitl I met my fiance....his son was 2.5yrs when I met him. Bobby loved his son so much and he was sooo cute with him, thats what made me fall in love with him. His son is the love of his life. Eventually helping to raise his son made me want one of my own so here we are and planning on #2 for next year...post wedding!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm not going to lie. When my sister got divorced I swore I never would get married. All the hurt she went through and everything my poor innocent niece had to go through. I never wanted it. I never wanted to be married before that either but it made it worse! And I never wanted kids. Everyone kept telling me my mind would change as I got older. Well. When I met my now ex boyfriend then I had some how "changed my mind" and decided that yeah I could maybe get married some day. If the right guy comes along. But this girl right here always seems to attract the losers. YAY ME!! :bigsmile: But I'm still undecided about kids. I have my 6 almost 7 year old niece and lots of friends with kids to play with. I'm okay with it just being me and my dog for now! :tongue: Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! :laugh: