Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LilDebbie - I'm glad you went into the doctor! I've been nagging my husband to get his shingles vaccine (he's going to be 70 this weekend - sorry if I've already mentioned this five million times but it blows my mind!) My friend had shingles in highschool - so age isn't required! I'm thinking of getting the vaccine!

    Chris - I'm sorry your little guy might be sick! I hope he's not and you're able to get to the gym! I wanna know if you're on the list!

    LilSpy - I have bumped up my protein too! I'm on a low carb diet... wait... make that LIQUID carb diet :wink: OK not really but I do try to save my carbs for a little wine a few nights a week! Tonight I'm carving down my meal from sauteed chicken breast, roasted garlic red potatoes, corn and home made bread... to half a chicken breast and two glasses of wine :ohwell:

    Mari- WTG on the 4 year weight loss! Look at YOU :love: ! Talk about being on the RIGHT track!:drinker:

    I called HR and accepted the lateral position change - I told them that if there was a condolence prize of a free lunch or something that would be nice :wink:

    KIDS! When Meghan was born, I decided that having grandkids older than their aunt or uncle might be a little weird - but even then I still thought I might have one of my own eventually. Because there are so many late in life babies in my family I never really made up my mind to NOT have kids until I had my ovaries out this past August. Then it was like "oh wow - I guess now it'd decided!" My rule was that I wouldn't get pregnant until I really REALLY wanted a baby for at lest two years. I never made it past about six months. My husband joked that all he had to do was give me a puppy and all baby talk went out the window! Of course puppies house break much faster too!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    You never know how you will feel in a few years youngsters!

    I never had any interest in having children until I got to age 31 or 32 and then somethings just changed or clicked. Seems my maternal yearning just came later than for others. Now I'm eager and what got me started on this weight loss path was the desire to lose weight and not get pregnant before I was in the healthy weight range.
    Marriage was the last thing on my mind before by BF proposed. We have been together for nearly 15 years and I have never been concerned about marriage. We are committed to one another and that's what is important. He just decided to surprise me and propose so here we are.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Fun catching up today ... lots of odd illnesses going around this group though!

    Lildeb - I hope you feel better soon - my brother got shingles in his twenties ... so definitely not just for older people, it sounds like people can have varying levels of symptoms with shingles - I hope you are able to get over it quickly.

    Cris - my daughter was a at a daycare where I was getting calls constantly with one thing or another .. it is very frustrating - you start to wonder why you are bothering to pay them at all when you are home half the time anyhow! It did seem to get better as my daughter got older though - the kids must have all built up strong immune systems by then. Good luck!

    Momma - that workout sounds great! I had a step routine not too long ago that had burpees in it ... I hadn't done a burpee since elementary school - they were not fun!

    Lilspy: You look fantastic in that skirt! Good for you!

    All of you doing running ... you are making me get the itch ... I may have to try again and see if my knees like it better this year, I was trying in the fall and ended up having to quit. I used to LOVE to run (when I was 100 pounds lighter).

    I was just bad :noway: .... the grill at my work cafeteria has been closed for about a month with vent problems, it re-opened this week and I let myself be tempted to buy some french fries with my ham sandwich. But luckily I decided to catch up on all your posts while eating and I just threw away 3/4 of the box of fries! Yeah!:drinker:

    I was also good this morning at step ... I was brave and added that 2nd riser again for the first 4 songs to make it a harder workout (I had gone back down to one riser after I embarrassed myself by tripping and falling face-first over the step a week and a half ago). I concentrated REALLY hard though on not tripping this time ...

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by a little - 2 too many slices of cheese, and a pat of butter
    exercise: not good ... really got no exercise - spent the morning at work and all afternoon being chauffeur for my mom (having cataracts pre-surgery exam) and my daughter and friends to golf practice, and back to get my mom from her exam, and bring her to my brother's house to take out his trash and then home ... was in the car pretty much from noon until 5:30. Then had to sit down in front of the computer at home and catch up with the work I missed. I should have done momma's challenge when I gave my son a bath ... but once again forgot ....
    water: not so good
    proud: I packed a large bag of snacks for my daughter and her jabbering golf friends to eat on the way to practice ... and I was hungry but didn't eat any of them after I dropped them off
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats Mstahl on the new job! even if it's lateral! Good for you! :drinker: :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: Congrats on the new job, even if it is a lateral move. Hopefully you'll be happy in the new position!

    Jess: Reading about you and your dog makes me think of the Carrie Underwood song, "The more boys I meet, the more I love my dog"! Thanks for the giggle.

    Cris: I love my boyfriend's son who is six. Even if things were to go long term with the boyfriend, he's already told me he doesn't want anymore kids. So, it comes down to if I decided I wanted kids, I'd have to find a different guy anyway and that's WAY too much work!

    Meokk: I've always said that if I did decide to have kids, I'd have to have them by the time I'm 32 because I do not want to be older than 50 when they graduate high school. That way, I could travel and have fun when they go off to college. Always thinking ahead. Well, I'll be 28 a week from Saturday so that doesn't leave much time to find a guy who wants to marry me, get engaged, get married and then plan and start a family. I have a timeline to think about! Yep, I know I'm weird but I like things to work out the way I want them to work out (don't we all??).

    I guess I've decided I'm happy with where I'm at right now and I'm not in a hurry for things to change. I think it's the first time in my life I've really been able to say that, so why change?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Yeah I have to comment on the post about your babies gradually getting bigger.In my case it was true but for many others its not.My first one was 6 pounds and 10.1 ounces when she was born and 21 inches long and my second one was 8 pounds 14.7 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long.So its not necessarily true.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    heather- you never know...maybe your bf will change his mind. I know my fiance was kind of against having any more kids because he was so hurt by having to split up his time with his son, but eventually he decided he wanted more kids. He was ready before I was!

    Istpaul- great job throwing out your fries!!!

    mstahl- congrats on the new job! hopefully they will appreciate you more! As for the gym, it doesnt look like I'll make it to spin class. My son's appt is at 445 and the spin class is at 6...it will be really close! I doubt I'll be home before 6 :sad: The good thing is that the BL results are emailed to everyone so at least if they do come out today I'll still get to see if I made it

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    There's baby fever on this thread today!! LOL
    I think part of why I don't want kids right now is because I have my niece and my sisters fiancee has 3 kids of his own ranging from 4-14. Why have my own when I can borrow them!? And they are all great kids!

    lstpaul-Way to go on the 2nd riser! That's awesome! Glad you didn't trip and fall this time! Do you have a good pair of running shoes? I hear the shoes make a big difference. I had shin problems until I got a real good quality pair of running shoes. Awesome job at throwing the fries away!

    Mstahl-Congrats on accepting the other poisition! Hope you like this job better!!

    Heather-I don't think I have ever heard that song but it sounds like my kinda song! I may have to look that up!! I do love my dog. It's quite sad. As you can probably tell from facebook.

    Cris-Can't wait to hear your biggest loser results!! I'm so excited! I have too much energy today I think!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    just got the BL list- I am not on it:sad:

    I started out having a really good day and its gone into the crapper really fast:explode:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Spy- Thanks! I'll go change my protien intake now!

    Jess and Heather - I'm in the same boat as you girls. Not sure if I want kids at all (will probably adopt), and being picky and having high standards is a side effect of healthy self esteem. Other people expect us to be with a man because they cant stand the idea of being alone themselves, because most women are needy and dont like themselves enough to be able to provide themselves with validation, so they find others to do it for them as quickly as possible and this can lead to bad relaitonship choices.... The fact that we dont feel inclined to marry, settle down and have children like everyone else just goes to show we're individuals who love ourselves and know who we are and what we want. Alot of my friends from high school have already settled down and had babies, and it blows my mind to even imagine being already married with children at 22. :noway:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I didn't want kids until about 3 years ago. Now I want one. Much emphasis on the ONE! :laugh: My bf seems to want 2. I guess we'll see how the first one goes *a few years from now*. :laugh: I want a boy. My bf says he doesn't care. Yet we've already agreed on a boy name (Holy crap, it just hit me we've already named our future child. I think this is serious. :laugh:).

    I come from a LONG line of women in my family who have had their first baby at 27. I'm turning 26 next month. *gulp* :tongue:
    My boyfriend will be 31 next week. Not that he's old... but... he's old. :tongue: So, while I know we're not ready to have kids (financially) right now, I think maybe what's happening is that his birthday is causing him to realize that even if I got pregnant *right now,* he'd be 50 by the time the kid graduated high school.

    About the proposing -- my boyfriend pretty much covered that a few weeks ago. Not official proposing & I don't consider myself engaged or him my fiance, but he sat me down and made it very clear to me that he wanted to get married & have a family with me and he wanted to be sure I felt the same way (and of course I do, haha, I don't just date someone for 4 years & not expect it to be going somewhere). He doesn't understand why people just get engaged & then take forever to set a date for their wedding or set a date that is years and years down the road. I completely understand that & I feel the same way. I actually don't expect a proposal until he graduates, if ever. I think we'll probably just elope someday. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well the stupid gym people made a mistake again...I've lost 4.14% since the competition started which would put me in 3rd place!!! I dont know if I am going to call them on it again, this is getting ridiculous they are so unorganized! Apparently they have had numerous other complaints about the competition, at least thats what I hear from other members

    1. a lot of people are getting weird readings on their scale...showing massive losses and gains (not accurate)
    2. the group workouts that was one of the main reasons I signed up are being held on weekends which makes it hard for me and other members with kids to go because it requires a baby-sitter. Day care doesnt run on weekends and the moms that paid for the gym to watch their kids is also only from M-F
    3. Wrongful listing of "winners" weekly- ok thats jsut from me hahaah

    JLB- OMG! I think a proposal is coming faster than you think! hes def got it in his head!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Wow all this baby talk today !!

    Well i am fixed so no more babies from me...but i wanted kids very bad and had a hard time concieving both of them. 1st we were going to talk to the dr about not getting pregant then i got pregant that same month..the 2nd was not as easy, we went through fertility treatments, luckily we had awesome insurance and paid for it all.

    We were done and i had my tubes tied..hubby wanted a boy but didn't want to keep trying for a girl and have like 5 or 6 hahaha

    cris - sorry you are not on the bl this week :sad: :sad: You will do it next week. Sorry your little guy is sick...believe me i know how it is. My little was is always sick, but evenutally they do build up an immunity i am sure of it. My older one doesn't get sick nearly as much and she has been in day care form 6 wks till almost 4 then in school from 5 till now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris I woudl definitely call them out on it again. You deserve to be in the 3rd place! You earned it girl!!!

    LittleSpy- I have to agree. Sounds like it may be just around the corner!

    Okay so I know we have discussed this before and my memory is terrible. What kind of scales does everybody have? Do we like them? I need to buy a scale for home (this scares me that it's going to say something different!). I have been borrowing my work scale. I need to bring it back before they hurt me. I found the same one but it's about $60. It's an Omron. Suggestions? Sorry again for the repeat question!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow all this baby talk today !!

    Well i am fixed so no more babies from me...but i wanted kids very bad and had a hard time concieving both of them. 1st we were going to talk to the dr about not getting pregant then i got pregant that same month..the 2nd was not as easy, we went through fertility treatments, luckily we had awesome insurance and paid for it all.

    We were done and i had my tubes tied..hubby wanted a boy but didn't want to keep trying for a girl and have like 5 or 6 hahaha

    cris - sorry you are not on the bl this week :sad: :sad: You will do it next week. Sorry your little guy is sick...believe me i know how it is. My little was is always sick, but evenutally they do build up an immunity i am sure of it. My older one doesn't get sick nearly as much and she has been in day care form 6 wks till almost 4 then in school from 5 till now.

    Where does one find this wonderful insurance!?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    You youngsters have plenty of time for marriage and kids (anyone under my old age of 46). I had my daughter at age 30 and my son at age 37, and they are the best things in my life - and I couldn't imagine not having them. But for me, I was glad I waited until I was older and felt ready. But I also understand that having kids isn't for everyone, my brother and his wife have decided not to have any of their own. They enjoy their nieces and nephews, but also enjoy their lives the way they are now. Like I said ... you have plenty of time to figure it all out! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, Cris, I guess that's what happens when folks at the *gym* try to do math. :wink: I'm sure they're straining their brains. Numbers are hard! :tongue:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Well, Cris, I guess that's what happens when folks at the *gym* try to do math. :wink: I'm sure they're straining their brains. Numbers are hard! :tongue:

    Hee hee! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Istpaul - I wish my stinkin' brother & his wife would have a baby already! :laugh: I sure would like to be an aunt & get to practice on his kids before having my own! :laugh:My brother will be 31 Saturday and my SIL is 30 & they're both trying to finish school before they have any kids. Smart, but annoying for me.
    I was SO excited when my SIL told me her sister was pregnant at Christmas. I immediately offered to babysit during USC games (I live like 10 minutes from the stadium) & she immediately took me up on it. I was so excited, because she was due in August so that meant I'd get to babysit a tiny little thing this year. But she lost the baby about a month ago. :sad: It's really sad because she and her husband are so ready to have kids & have been trying for like 2 years. I grew up right next door to her husband (Yes, a very lame thing happened where my brother and his lifelong best friend -- the closest thing he has to a brother -- married sisters. :sick: :laugh:)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I agree, call the gym and demand a recount! Err...re-calculation, anyway. You deserve to be recognized for the hard work you've put in!

    Littlespy: Even though I don't necessarily want children of my own, my daughter's name will be Kyla if such a thing ever happened. I decided that when I was in high school and I'm not sure why! I love that you have a specific age in your family that women had their first baby. In my family, the generational gap is 22 years. My grandma was 22 when she had my aunt (the oldest) and my aunt was 22 at the time my mom was born (the youngest), my mom was 22 when I was born. Guess what? I broke the chain. Sometimes I feel a little bad about it, but such is life.

    Mari: I agree with you about being picky and having high standards being a by product of high self esteem. Trust me, I want someone in my life, but I have never felt like I needed someone in my life. Huge difference if you ask me!
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