Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    uh...a little dissappointed this scale is still stuck on 284 this morning...i have been eating super good this week and exercising everyday...but too i haven't been eating anywhere near my cals and maybe that is the culprit.

    now i have this thing on my neck..looks like a bite, at first i thought it was a mesquito, then maybe a spider bite. It hurts, and i went to bed, woke up this morning and there is a big lump on my neck above the bite...I am contemplating on going to the doctor. If it was just the bite i woudln't but this big lump is concerning me.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Uh oh LilDebbie -- looks like we've got you all paranoid talking about spiders a few days ago. :wink:

    I'd keep an eye on it & only go to the doctor if it continues to swell or if it looks infected or if you have a high fever. I wasted my money after I was bitten by a brown recluse. I didn't have health insurance then & all the doc did was give me antibiotic ointment & told me to watch it & come back if my skin started rotting off (and if it did start to rot off, which is a reaction that happens sometimes with brown recluse bites, all they could do is try to prevent infection... he was a very reassuring doctor :tongue:).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yall jinxed me :smile:

    Luckily i have very good insurance, costs me about 10.00 to go to the doctor...I love my doctor!!! She is great, so hope she won't say anything like that, i have such allergic reactions to things i just get parinoid...It started a little bitty bite, then looked like a big hickey on my neck and now it is all swollen, and now i can't move my neck that much to the right side...uggggg
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, then you may as well go to the doc. Better safe than sorry. :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie: Get to your doctor! Swelling and limited motion would be a bad thing, in my book.

    jesyka: You're making me blush! Honestly, though, I love the fact that in the process of changing my life I'm helping to change other people's lives and perspective. Thank you for being so supportive!

    snowflakes: Congrats on those size 14s! That's a huge accomplishment.

    littlespy: You look amazing in your skirt! No wonder your boyfriend has baby fever...I think he just wants another excuse to get his hands on you!

    Cris: Way to get through Week 5. I knew you could do it!! You're too determined not to succeed. As for that marathon...that's why I suggested we do it next year. Then we have a year to train for it!

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories, but went way over on the sodium again due to eating Mexican with a coworker. But, instead of eating a whole skillet of fajitas with fixings AND chips and salsa, I had two small enchiladas and chips and salsa. It was good, but I could tell last night that I was retaining water. I always get a line where my socks touch my leg when I'm retaining fluids. So, today I got a coffee to help flush, then I'll drink a bunch of water after that. It always seems to help and it's an excuse to get myself some Caribou Coffee. Sounds like a win-win to me!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 364 (exercise calories)
    Sodium: Over by 3341 (Mexican food...again)
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: Core Rhythms and Dirty Dancing Workout DVD (I felt like dancing, I guess!) With the Core Rhythms, I don't feel like I'm doing the moves right but then when I do them in front of the mirror, they look right. Weird.
    Proud: That I ate less at dinner than I normally would!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Yall jinxed me :smile:

    Luckily i have very good insurance, costs me about 10.00 to go to the doctor...I love my doctor!!! She is great, so hope she won't say anything like that, i have such allergic reactions to things i just get parinoid...It started a little bitty bite, then looked like a big hickey on my neck and now it is all swollen, and now i can't move my neck that much to the right side...uggggg

    Off to the doctor for you!!!
    I looked up your symptoms and it says for a stiff neck or signs of infection See a Doctor Immediately.
    Please go
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have an appt a5 10:45,....may not be anything but guess better safe than sorry...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie-Good luck at the doctor! Keep us posted!

    Heather-I'm right there with ya. I've been goodon calories all week but over in sodium and I'm most definitely retaining water. GO AWAY WATER!!! And I'm having mexican food tonight for my birthday dinner with my 2nd family. YUM YUM!!

    Cris-Good luck at your spin class today! When do you get your biggest loser results? Or did I miss them!? Doesn't seem like something I would do. Me and my stalker self!

    Hope everyone has a good morning! Be back later!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning Girls!!!!

    Blue- Im seriosuly starting to question people's common sense. I mean seriously why treat a mold issue that causes health problems for those in the room, with a chemical that causes health problems for those in the room, idiots! I hope you feel better soon!

    jlb- You look amazing in that skirt! Look at your belly! or lack there of! I know what you mean about being anxious about being under 200. I am about 10-12lbs away and its likea big weight over my head. You'll be there so soon, and Im cheering for you! Can you please not leave us when you get there though? I need you around for motivation! Plus I consider you a friend, and Id miss you! As for the bf and baby fever thing- Supposedly when a man is ready to take the next step, be it marriage or kids they start talking about it to see your reaction and see if you are on the same page. Maybe he's feeling you out? Seems like hes ready to make this really serious! Congrats!

    Snowflakes- congrats on the new clothes!!!

    lildeb- ewww on your bite! Im glad your going to the Dr, please keep us posted

    Jess- the BL results come out sometime today, I hope I make the top 8 but if not...it will only make me work that much harder next week, you know I dont like losing hehe

    checking in for yesterday 4/14/10"
    calories- 1170 (this is bad cause it was supposd to be a hi-cal day)
    water- yup
    sodium- 1900-2000
    excercise- c25k w5d3...still cant get over it!!!!! YIPPPPEEEE!

    I am going to do my spin class tonight - but right beore it I have a dinner date with that old friend from MS so Im pretty sure it will balance out

    Back later!!!

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lilDebbie - Glad you're on your way to the doc now! We must have the same build because I was a size 20 between 215 -220 and I'm between a 16 and 14 now at 180. Some 14s are too big but all 12s seem to be WAY too small:ohwell: I don't think I was in a size 12 past about 155 ish so I'm guessing 14s will be it for awhile! I'm only 5'3" and I have small bones (damn it! :angry: )

    Chris - WAY TO GO on W5D3 you OWNED it! WHOOT!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: :smile: The 5K101 is not so cruel during week 5- it's just three 8 minute jogs with 2 minutes in between for recovery and I'm having problems getting the last 8 minutes in! I can do it I just take longer to recover (5 minutes instead of 2). I'm hoping I can get through it tomorrow AM without the extra few minutes so that I can move on to Week SIX! (week six is two 12 minute jogs).

    Checking in for last night-
    Calories - OVER way past exercise cals
    Water - OK
    Exercise - I did W5D3 of the 5K101 and about 15 or 20 minutes of the bike!

    Proud - I'm proud that even though I had problems sleeping last night and I think I'm getting a bladder infection, I didn't allow myself to cop out when the alarm went off. For the first time ever we got to the Rec center at 6:05 AM! WHOOT!:bigsmile: I see a spinning class in my future!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mstahl- Good for you on your run! If you are struggling with the last 8 mins just try reducing the recovery period by like a min and re-do it several times.

    I was a size 14 at 180 too it sucks! I dont ever remember being a size 12- EVER
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My butt hurts just at the thought of a spin class. :laugh:

    I've decided to ditch Gateway to 8k. I think it's a good program, but I'm "advanced" (HA) enough to start Freeway to 10k. And I think I'm actually going to skip week 1 because I *think* I feel comfortable with the pace of the podcast for week 2. :smile:

    So, I could be running 8k in 10 weeks with G28K or I could be a little more aggressive & go for 10k in 10weeks with F210K. That decision was pretty easy! :wink: I just didn't know F210K existed before now.
    Just the thought of running for 60 minutes at a fast pace makes me naseous. :laugh: I don't expect to ever be running at a 6mph pace. That's incredibly fast for my incredibly short legs. :laugh: 5mph is my goal. So, 10k will take me about 75 minutes at that pace. Whew. That's twice as long as I can run now at 4.2mph! It's good to have aggressive goals. :bigsmile: :drinker:

    I'd love love love to be able to run my city's half marathon next Feb. :heart:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Eveyone.

    WOW littlespy, you are really doing good with your running and you looked great in that skirt.!!!!!

    Lildeb, if it only costs 10 bucks I would go see my doctor for a broken finger nail.:laugh: My husband always says that the insurance company makes it where that we pay monthly premiums but still can't afford to go to the doctor. I go once a year for my female check up.

    All this talk of babies. I had a little bit of baby fever last year because I have been having babies every 4 years since I met my husband so one was due last year:laugh: . This is the longest we have ever gone in our relationship without me carrying one of his evil spawn ooops I meant children.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Off to speech. My praying friends pray for me this week. My son is going to a kinder class next week. I worry because he is so far behind other children, but I know this is what he needs. Some kids were laughing at him and the way he talked, they were NOT being mean they were just being children but it still made my heart hurt for my sweet little man. He will come in to a room and say Wow momma you are beautiful. I have to lose weight, he saw a big woman the other day and said she was beautiful, I hate to say it but I don't want my little man to be a chubby chaser:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I had to catch up on last nights posts...so here goes!!

    bluenote-The mold issue sounds awful!! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I really hope they can get a hold of it sometime soon!

    Momma-That workout looks intesne! I'm not going to lie. I'm a little intimidated! A baby every 4 years? Wow! I'll keep your son in my prayers!

    LittleSpy-That's so cute that your boyfriend has baby fever! Made me giggle reading your post! Congrats on fitting into the skirt again. It looks great! I don't remember when I could wear a 14 so I must of been before High School! A 8K!? WOW! That's all I have to say! You go girl!

    Jenn-Congrats on joining a gym! You will love it! Does it offer different fitness classes you can try out? I'm wanting to follow in Cris' footsteps and try out a spin class soon.

    Snowflakes-You are in 14's too!? That's amazing!! Congrats!!

    Meokk-Glad you didn't reach for comfort food last night. We're all coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself!

    Jesyka-Don't let yesterday get you down! Today is a new day!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted for a day or two my baby Amelia was sick with some sort of 24 hour bug that kept her puking every 30 to 45 minutes all day yesterday.So I was cleaning puke and I didn't really eat anything yesterday because I was worried about her and then when I went to the grocery store at 11pm last night I started feeling so weak and dizzy so I ate a candy bar and drank a soda ( i know it wasn't good for me but its what I grabbed) and I felt fine after that.I guess I just let my blood sugar get to low from not eating and as soon as I ate something I was fine.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning Eveyone.

    WOW littlespy, you are really doing good with your running and you looked great in that skirt.!!!!!

    Lildeb, if it only costs 10 bucks I would go see my doctor for a broken finger nail.:laugh: My husband always says that the insurance company makes it where that we pay monthly premiums but still can't afford to go to the doctor. I go once a year for my female check up.

    All this talk of babies. I had a little bit of baby fever last year because I have been having babies every 4 years since I met my husband so one was due last year:laugh: . This is the longest we have ever gone in our relationship without me carrying one of his evil spawn ooops I meant children.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Off to speech. My praying friends pray for me this week. My son is going to a kinder class next week. I worry because he is so far behind other children, but I know this is what he needs. Some kids were laughing at him and the way he talked, they were NOT being mean they were just being children but it still made my heart hurt for my sweet little man. He will come in to a room and say Wow momma you are beautiful. I have to lose weight, he saw a big woman the other day and said she was beautiful, I hate to say it but I don't want my little man to be a chubby chaser:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Momma-I know you said you don't want your little man to be a chubby chaser and I can't blame you either I wouldn't want that for my son either but look at it this way he sees the beauty inside and out of people no matter what they look like and I think that is so sweet.You have a charming very smart young man on your hands there lady.I will continue to pray that God will guide you into helping your son adjust to kinder class.I am sure he will be fine and have faith that God will see the both of you through this.Love ya Gal
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Okay I had to catch up on last nights posts...so here goes!!

    bluenote-The mold issue sounds awful!! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I really hope they can get a hold of it sometime soon!

    Momma-That workout looks intesne! I'm not going to lie. I'm a little intimidated! A baby every 4 years? Wow! I'll keep your son in my prayers!

    LittleSpy-That's so cute that your boyfriend has baby fever! Made me giggle reading your post! Congrats on fitting into the skirt again. It looks great! I don't remember when I could wear a 14 so I must of been before High School! A 8K!? WOW! That's all I have to say! You go girl!

    Jenn-Congrats on joining a gym! You will love it! Does it offer different fitness classes you can try out? I'm wanting to follow in Cris' footsteps and try out a spin class soon.

    Snowflakes-You are in 14's too!? That's amazing!! Congrats!!

    Meokk-Glad you didn't reach for comfort food last night. We're all coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself!

    Jesyka-Don't let yesterday get you down! Today is a new day!
    Jess are you sure you are only 220 cause in your photos you look alot smaller than 220.Anyways you look amazing and keep up the hard work.I wish I looked that good when I was 212 last summer but my tummy has issues from so much surgery (2 csections and gallbladder removal) I hope it flattens back out and tightens up some more as I lose more weight but if it doesn't I guess I will live with it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall -- hope your little one feels better soon! I love the name Amelia, by the way!

    Momma -- Your son sounds so precious! Your post had me giggling. "Evil spawn." :laugh:

    Oh dear, maybe I really do have baby fever. :noway:
    Even if I do, TOO BAD. I'm going to reach my goal weight and I REFUSE to immediately gain 30 pounds back because of some stinkin' person growing in me. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I had to catch up on last nights posts...so here goes!!

    bluenote-The mold issue sounds awful!! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I really hope they can get a hold of it sometime soon!

    Momma-That workout looks intesne! I'm not going to lie. I'm a little intimidated! A baby every 4 years? Wow! I'll keep your son in my prayers!

    LittleSpy-That's so cute that your boyfriend has baby fever! Made me giggle reading your post! Congrats on fitting into the skirt again. It looks great! I don't remember when I could wear a 14 so I must of been before High School! A 8K!? WOW! That's all I have to say! You go girl!

    Jenn-Congrats on joining a gym! You will love it! Does it offer different fitness classes you can try out? I'm wanting to follow in Cris' footsteps and try out a spin class soon.

    Snowflakes-You are in 14's too!? That's amazing!! Congrats!!

    Meokk-Glad you didn't reach for comfort food last night. We're all coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself!

    Jesyka-Don't let yesterday get you down! Today is a new day!
    Jess are you sure you are only 220 cause in your photos you look alot smaller than 220.Anyways you look amazing and keep up the hard work.I wish I looked that good when I was 212 last summer but my tummy has issues from so much surgery (2 csections and gallbladder removal) I hope it flattens back out and tightens up some more as I lose more weight but if it doesn't I guess I will live with it.

    In my profile pic I was about 219 or so. I'm at 215 right now but haven't taken any pics lately. I'm sure there will be some after this weekend! Thank you though! :bigsmile: I definitely agree. It's how you carry your weight and it's crazy how the sizes different. I can fit into an 18 now. Still have a little "muffin" top. My belly seems to be what's shrinking the slowest!! I'm hoping all this cardio and running will help with that. The probelm is my butt is too big for the pants! :blushing: Pros and cons I guess!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Check in for yesterday....

    Calories: Under
    Water: Over
    Exercise: 20 on the..well, its like a stair-stepper eliptical thingy. and also 35 minutes of weight training. I'm pumped!
    Proud: I realized a couple days ago something cool...I have to renew my drivers lisence this year. I looked at it and it was issued in 2006...it listed my weight as 230. I'm 235 now, and the best part is....When I had my lisence renewed, I remember specificly feeling ashamed about my weight and lying to the clerk, saying I was 230 when I was well past the 250's. I weigh less than I did 4 years ago! I'm so proud!

    I have a question about Protien...

    I work out like, 2-3 times a week for an hour each, half cardio half weights. I work my muscles to exaustion, or atleast try to..I want to always leave the gym feeling like I strained some muscles to know that I worked myself to the extreme. Now, my profile has my protien set around 50 grams per day, but I notice that I constantly go over. Is it okay to continue eating more protien since I'm working my muscles out alot, or should I try to back off? I only eat two servings of meat a day, I guess all the rest of it comes from dairy or something. i dont know. but its frustrating to see that red number every day.
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