Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls:)

    I was a very bad girl yesterday....i am confessing i ate way too much and didn't exercise enough to compensate for a deficit....I am being honest with you all and myself...so here it goes..

    Check in for Monday (again)
    calories: over my 1200 by 400 calories ( i had an ice cream cone and a half a slice of pizza)
    exercise: 30 day shred...and i was suppose to go walking but my hubby didn't feel like it..ugh...i feel guilty that i ate so much and didn't burn it off
    water: not really, about 5 cups, 40 oz.

    proud: that i confessed I ate too much instead of hiding in denial...i feel weight lefted off my chest...hopefully TOM will be gone tommorrow...i resisted all weekend ( junk) to cave in on Monday....what happen to my willpower..

    Today is a new day and i will stick to 1200 calories..

    be back later...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am 224 this morning.I couldn't believe my eyes.Turns out me not thinking about losing weight promotes me to lose more.I know now what I can eat and how much I can eat to lose weight.I haven't logged a single thing of food for a whole week now and I am losing weight again.And I know that I have ate a bit more than 1200 calories and all the cleaning and gardening I have been doing lately is helping me shed the pounds too.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I am 224 this morning.I couldn't believe my eyes.Turns out me not thinking about losing weight promotes me to lose more.I know now what I can eat and how much I can eat to lose weight.I haven't logged a single thing of food for a whole week now and I am losing weight again.And I know that I have ate a bit more than 1200 calories and all the cleaning and gardening I have been doing lately is helping me shed the pounds too.

    That's good awestfall...Keep it up girl!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awstfall-Wow that is so great that you saw 224!! You will be out of the 220's before you know it!!

    POS-Don't worry girl. I was so good while TOM was here as well. As soon as he left I went out of control with popcorn yesterday. AHHH!!! One day isn't going to hurt ya. Now that it's behind you, you can start today off great!!

    Well..I finished day 2 of week 5 last night. I'm doing the 20 minute jog tomorrow after work....I must say. Hit Me With Your Best Sot is quite a motivational song to run to!! I managed to do the first 8 minute run at 4.5 and the second at 4.6. I was very proud of myself. I may have to slow it down for the 20 minute jog. And listen to that one song over and over and over! :happy:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Pos_me- Admitting your problem is the first step to recovery :laugh: In all seriousness, going 400 over ONE day isnt really that big of a deal. You will be ok, if anything you might retain water for a few days. You have been doing so awesome, dont let yesterday derail you!

    I have my biggest loser weigh in tonight. Its always scary. I'll let you all know how it goes. Right now Im in 5th place in our gym.

    Yesterday was supposed to be my 'run' day but I was 7 mins into a run and my phone started ringing and it was my son's daycare. I hopped off the treadmill to take the call (they usually call when something is wrong :frown: ) and someone took my treadmill by the time I had gotten off the phone. So instead I just did my bike workout which is what I was supposed to do today. So today I am going to attempt my straight 14 min run, and a couple of squats.

    (Oh my son was ok- he climbed on top of the table and fell off getting a black eye...pretty typical for a 1yr old:laugh: He does look pitiful with that little bruise thoug, so sad)

    be back later to stalk :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: I giggle when I think about you jogging away from the evil walkers. You're doing awesome!

    Jesyka: Congrats on the gym membership for the family and getting everyone active again. That's great!

    Littlespy: What website are you using for Gateway to 8K?

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 59
    Sodium: Over by 6369! (Mexican food!)
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: 1 hour, 13 minute walk with the boyfriend
    Proud: I felt cute in my workout gear!

    For dinner, my boyfriend and I had Mexican food (naughty!) and then went for a long walk by the river to burn off some calories. I love that when we got to the hilly part, we lost all of the other people who were walking in the area. Most people either slow way down at the hill or they turn around. We felt pretty good that the "chubby couple" could out-walk the skinny people by the river! After our walk, we sat on the back patio and had a beer while looking at the stars. It was a great evening overall, even though dinner was full of sodium. The scale says 192.8 this morning, which I'm not too worried about since I know my muscles are retaining fluid from still being sore from Sunday's horseback riding.

    If the rain stops by the time I'm done with work tonight, I plan on jogging outside again. I've found a bit of determination again, I think.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    forcing myself to check in since maybe that will make me feel more responcible for my slip ups and less likely to repeat...

    For monday

    Calories: Over by 500
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: Some stairs here and there. Was going to bike but my butt hurts
    Proud: I tried on some new jeans at a store yesterday and I now fit into size 20. These 22s are falling off of my @$$ already, which is exciting despite my plateu!

    I'm just snacking too much at night. I'm going to go home and clean the kitchen tonight and put all the snacks away where It makes it difficult to go get them. Ugh, this has got to stop.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Hi Hi,
    I'm back in the swing of things today.
    Check in for yesterday - over by just 6 calories, water 100oz, exercise just a little walking

    I hate my scale this morning because it shows a 1.5lb gain since Saturday so I think/hope I'm retaining water due to sodium yesterday and heavy, muscle-ache-inducing yard work on Sunday.

    My mini mini goal was to get to 190 by the end of this week. Looks like I'll be at least 192 or 193 though but it's close. I still think I can do 175 by July 1st.

    Send me all of your spiders, while I don't always love them in the house, I do love them in general and am interested in all sorts of bugs and creepy crawlies. :bigsmile: Just as long as they don't crawl on me.
    I love snakes and lizards too!! :bigsmile:
    I lived in california for a while and got excited when we found black widows in the garage. I would carefully check to see if they were male or female. I once saw a tarantula in the wild and that was pretty amazing to me.

    For all you c25k and similar running plan runners:
    Do any of you do it outside on the road or do you all use treadmills??
    I'm thinking about doing it but would have to run on the sidewalk and wondering what I need, a special watch or HR monitor or just any old timer???

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mornin' ladies! Quickly tagging the new thread.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Mari: Congrats on the new size 20s! It won't be long and they'll be falling off, too!

    Meokk: It looks like we have about the same goals right now. I'm hoping to be 185 by April 24th (192.8 now) and would love to be 175 by July 1st. We can do this! As for the running, I do both treadmill and outside running although my stamina is much better on the treadmill. I use my Polar F6 HRM to just watch my time using the workout time. Sure, I have to do a little math as I'm working out, but it's good for the brain!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi Hi Hi,
    I'm back in the swing of things today.
    Check in for yesterday - over by just 6 calories, water 100oz, exercise just a little walking

    I hate my scale this morning because it shows a 1.5lb gain since Saturday so I think/hope I'm retaining water due to sodium yesterday and heavy, muscle-ache-inducing yard work on Sunday.

    My mini mini goal was to get to 190 by the end of this week. Looks like I'll be at least 192 or 193 though but it's close. I still think I can do 175 by July 1st.

    Send me all of your spiders, while I don't always love them in the house, I do love them in general and am interested in all sorts of bugs and creepy crawlies. :bigsmile: Just as long as they don't crawl on me.
    I love snakes and lizards too!! :bigsmile:
    I lived in california for a while and got excited when we found black widows in the garage. I would carefully check to see if they were male or female. I once saw a tarantula in the wild and that was pretty amazing to me.

    For all you c25k and similar running plan runners:
    Do any of you do it outside on the road or do you all use treadmills??
    I'm thinking about doing it but would have to run on the sidewalk and wondering what I need, a special watch or HR monitor or just any old timer???


    I have an app for my iphone. I know they have them for the ipod or as well I think. If you don't have one of the two I would think you would need a stop watch. I also have a HRM to monitor my heart rate and make sure it isn't going too out of control! I also use a treadmil. Running outside makes my shins hurt. I hope to work up to that! Good luck!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Meokk - I run on an indoor track so I have no idea of what speed I'm moving. I figure that as I get better I'll work on speed by timing my laps and doing the math :tongue:

    Mari- I was over yesterday. I went back and found a smoothie with the same calories and it put me over by around 75 calories - however I use a lot of estimates so I am pretty sure I did worse than that :ohwell:

    Today I've been to the rec center. I walked for 15 minutes, fast enough to be sweating, then went and changed for swimming. I'd like to just say that I HATE HATE HATE swimming because of the TIME it takes to get changed, shower, get my swim cap and goggles on, and get into the pool - then to the same in reverse, adding in shampooing out any chlorine that slipped in under my cap and trying to get some of the water out of my hair!

    I managed to swim the crawl the length of the pool (25 yards) and part way back without stopping! Then I had to switch to side stroke and finally after a total of three laps, I did the back stroke for most of the rest of it. I lucked out and had a swim lane to myself, which is the only reason I did the back stroke - I zig zag still so I wouldn't chance it if it meant crashing into another swimmer!

    I tire out quickly or at least can't breath fast enough to keep up the swimming more than a few laps (5 down and back trips) even with the backstroke! I spent the rest of my time (about 25 minutes) walking laps about shoulder deep doing strokes with my arms. I can feel it in my arms so I hope I was doing some good! All in all it was a lot of effort (getting ready and then getting dressed) for a mear 300 calorie burn. AND YES I WOULD LIKE SOME CHEESE WITH THIS WHINE!:angry:

    As a little treat for my tired whiny self I took ten more minutes and sat in the sauna. I haven't been in one for years - it was like a hot flash but cooler (seriously) and it felt nice. :smokin:

    I also tried actually doing something with my hair by putting in some "big hair" stuff and using the blow dryer to try to get my natural curl to work - then I twisted the front sections into "pin curls" and pinned them up until I got to work. Usually the front of my thick hair is strait and the back is curly - today the front is curly and the middle is strait and back under part is curly and it's a VERY VERY VERY BIG. I'm kinda amused by it actually:wink: I'll give the rest of the product stuff to our house mate. At least I only bought the trail size! I would have pretty amazing hair if it was the same front to back! I like the curl and I like the strait... but it looks goofy with it half and half!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- what iphone app do you use? I jsut bought one this weekend and Im LOVING it! Let me know

    Hey Meook! :flowerforyou:

    I was reading the success thread and did everyone go look at "twilight" something? She started out at like 236 and is not 136!!! AMAZING! I can never imagine being that small...I want it I want it!

    Oh and she did it in 11 months!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I use the c25k app. I LOVE IT!! You add your playlist into the app and so it will randomly play your songs. It counts down how many minutes you have. It doesn't do it every minute on the longer runs. I think last night on the 8 minute run it started counting down at 5 and then 2 minutes. I love love love it! And then of course the MFP app. I love the iPhone. I am an addict! :blushing: How do you like it so far?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-Way to go on all the swimming in the pool! That's one of the best workouts you can get!! I'm so envious! I can't bring myself to do that quite yet! :blushing: You deserve a little treat after all your effort!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris-I use the c25k app. I LOVE IT!! You add your playlist into the app and so it will randomly play your songs. It counts down how many minutes you have. It doesn't do it every minute on the longer runs. I think last night on the 8 minute run it started counting down at 5 and then 2 minutes. I love love love it! And then of course the MFP app. I love the iPhone. I am an addict! :blushing: How do you like it so far?

    Im still trying ot figure out all that it has to offer...I went from an ancient phone to the iphone and its taken some getting used to. I did get the MFP app the same day :laugh: ...how do I get the c25k app? I tried to do it and could only find ones that I had to pay for..is that what you are using? I dont think I'll pay for it...hmmm let me know cause I really want it to maybe I will pay maybe not haha
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Jess- what iphone app do you use? I jsut bought one this weekend and Im LOVING it! Let me know

    Hey Meook! :flowerforyou:

    I was reading the success thread and did everyone go look at "twilight" something? She started out at like 236 and is not 136!!! AMAZING! I can never imagine being that small...I want it I want it!

    Oh and she did it in 11 months!!!

    I just checked out the thread and boy does she look good. I can't see myself that small but i would like to be 150...hopefully in the near future..right girls...

    Thanks girl for the motivation i was lacking this morning....it can be done, our goals will be reached with each others inspiration and motivation:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I wont pay for my apps usually but I do think I paid for this one. And to me it's worth every penny because I can't sit and keep track of my time. This way I just push go and it tells me what to do. I bought the one that was 2.99 it's green and has a lil guy on the front and the background is green. It is a very complicated phone. I had a Blackjack before and when I got this one I was all sorts of confused! Luckily my manager had one and so he showed me all the cool tricks. It's dangerous with the apps and iTunes though. I've spent $20 on iTunes before without even realizing it. :blushing: I like music and I justify it with...I need good tunes to workout to and have to change them up on a regular basis. Small price to pay. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Awesome job Awestfall on 30 pounds (and now 32!) ... woo hoo! :drinker:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 50 ... I'm actually very happy with that ... it was a non-exercise day
    exercise: only a leisurely 20 minute walk ... I meant to do the challenge squats and lunges ... totally had it planned to do while my son took his bath - but I forgot and put away clothes instead :ohwell:
    proud: I threw away most of my lunch because it wasn't good and I wasn't hungry (throwing away $9 in food was tough) ... I also had a little binging problem when I got home because I was too hungry from not eating lunch - but I stopped after a little and didn't keep eating all night
    water: low ... I can really tell I need to work on my water, I'm not sweating as much as normal when I work out and I am more red in the face and don't feel as good ... I think it's due to not getting enough water ... need to work harder on that.

    Still need to make my meal plan .... WHY do I have such a mental block about it??? :grumble: I want to plan some healthy meals for my whole family! I will try very hard to take the time tonight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, lunch break.

    Calories: 1462 (trying to make up for Sunday a little...)
    Exercise: g28k w1d2 = 29 minutes running, 13 minutes walking/jogging
    Water: over 100oz I'm sure
    Proud: I was so tired, but I did g28k anyway & got through it. I'm trying to pick up my pace a little more than I was doing on c25k.

    Heather, I "Googled" to find the running schedule for g28k & this is where I found it: http://www.djsteveboy.com/gw28koutline.html

    I haven't used any of the podrunner podcasts but I will be from now on because apparently, the "BPM" on the schedule that link takes you to is supposed to be the BPM of the music (and the BPM of your steps) and is actually the whole point of the g28k schedule -- you need the podcasts to pace yourself correctly. http://prmac.com/release-id-1782.htm

    I'm also considering doing One Hour Runner instead if I absolutely *hate* the g28k podcasts. http://mindplunge.com/c25k/one-hour-runner.html