mrsburghart Member


  • First thing I did was figure out WHY I was binge eating. For me, it was a physical response. I was either not eating/delaying breakfast which caused my body to play catch up once I got home from work. It was uncontrollable, and no amount of measuring/logging/not buying snacks was going to stop me. I tried hiding food from…
  • Are you picking out the dress or going somewhere where you have to order? Keep that in mind, too. Don't get ahead of yourself and order a size smaller. Alterations can be done! Protein will keep you fuller longer and fat will help with that, too. There's all sorts of options for both. If you do balanced meals with fat,…
  • ART! I have achilles tendonitis in both achilles (sucks, I know) and it helped a ton. I took a couple of weeks off with anti-inflammatories as my general practitioner suggested, and then got back to it. It happened again a few weeks later, so I went to see someone that specializes in Active Relief Therapy. I went 4 times…
  • about 6 months ago :smile:
  • This happens to so many people, and for me its proceeded by the "last supper" where you eat everything you aren't going to allow yourself for the next however long, just to wake up and not "start." I think I gained more by trying to start my diet then by just eating like I normally would. If you drastically change your…
  • Woohoo! You are awesome. Congrats to you :)
  • I have to eat more than that to feel full. If you are still feeling hungry, it's because you probably are. If you aren't feeling hungry but want to eat, that's a different story! In those cases I do things like take a warm shower, take a walk, play with my dog, read a book, etc. The feeling will usually pass in 15-20…
  • I was binge eating 5-6 days per week (and sometime well over 1500 calories in a sitting) and I felt like CRAP physically and emotionally. I went to see a therapist who sent me to a nutritionist. She recommended I try Intuitive eating. Now I don't follow the principals exactly, it's more of a day to day thing, but overall…
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? This happened to me last fall. I was doing great, and felt great, then I hit a wall. I was sleeping 12+ hours at night and was still tired, and I wanted to go to the gym, but couldn't find the energy. I was cramming food in my face to try to give myself energy, but that wasn't helping…
  • My success story has nothing to do with weight, although I wish it did, and I'm almost certain it will eventually. I first started seeing my nutritionist about IE because I was binge eating 5-6 days a week and putting on weight like a crazy person. It wasn't necessarily the weight that had me bogged down, but the…
  • That the piece of fat in the top of the Pork and Beans was actually a marshmellow...figured that one out real quick. BLEH
  • For me, walk/jog intervals were what worked best. I would start with a 1:2 interval (1 minute running, 2 minutes recovery). This allows you to run faster during the run intervals because you do have that recovery in there. I built up slowly (adding run time, but not decreasing recovery time), until I could run a full 60…
  • That is an awesome NSV! That's exactly how I started. It took me forever to work up to that first mile without stopping (at 4.5), but when I got there it was the best feeling. You will get there, and probably sooner than you think. Congratulations and keep up the fantastic work!
  • I live with my fiance, his cousin, and a friend. None of them eat the way I eat, so I feel you and, yes, it's HARD. The best thing I've done so far is arrange my kitchen so my "trigger" foods aren't in plain sight. Out of sight, out of mind. I've had a conversation with them about making sure these things stay hidden, and…
  • My current favorite is the sports bra line from Old Navy! They aren't too expensive (just got my last one for $10) but the girls definitely stay in place. Not only do they have fun colors and designs, but they ship pretty fast if you don't have a store near you (which I don't).
  • Nexercise is another one like that
  • --> not an app, but if you link your apps to it you get rewarded for healthy activities ($25 check when you earn enough points) and I love gympact. I've made like $50 off of it this year.
  • What I've been told is to avoid calcium and vitamins within 4 hours of taking your pill. I usually split mine up. I'll take my vitamin at night and my thyroid meds in the morning. Then I prepare breakfast and eat it at work so I make sure to avoid food long enough for the medicine to be absorbed. I try to wait 1 hour,…
  • Olivia Wilde
  • I usually put my chicken covered in seasoning on tin foil and close the foil around the chicken (like a tin foil baggie) and bake that way, directly on the rack. I've never had it come out dry this way.
  • That's not only huge for you, that's huge for your kids, too! It's easy to get in that habit of "convenience" and teach that to our kids. Now they see you making smart choices, no matter the situation, and it will help them make smarter choices as they grow up. That's probably the best gift you can give them even if they…
  • DL photo is me at 242, the middle pic I was about at 215 (not a huge difference) and the last photo was me at 187. Got some more work to do, but definitely getting there!
  • I really like the flavored vodka mixed with water. Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka is only 66 calories/ounce and mixes GREAT with water. Tastes just like sweet iced tea. The UV vodkas mixed with sprite zero are pretty good, too.
  • I have been taking levothyroxine since 2002. I, too, was on again off again with it, mainly because I was lazy and didn't realize that the pills were there to help! I didn't want to be a slave to it for the rest of my life. But now I've had it regulated (and take my pills religiously) for the last 5 years, and it has made…
  • ^^^This is my brain at work...I completely missed that part! I'll edit mine if you edit yours :)
  • Love Alcide without a shirt on (Magic Mike anyone??) but he is doucher so far this year. Jason is good looking, which is only accentuated by his HOT accent when he is out of character. But hands down I have to say Lafayette is my favorite. He's the comedic relief :) Sookie...never really liked her, although I heard they…
  • I boil water on the stove, cut the squash in half, take the seeds out and boil for 20 minutes. I then drain it and let it cool. After it cools I scrape out the "spaghetti" with a fork. It's really simple and doesn't heat up the entire house! I use it with my regular spaghetti instead of noodles. I LOVE it!! Another friend…
  • Sending you a request. I've had anxiety problems since I was 15 (multiple visits to ER with panic attacks!) and I definitely agree that exercise does help.
  • Congrats on a great run! I'm still trying to bust through the 30 minute barrier, which I hope to do here in a couple of weeks!
    in 5K NSV Comment by mrsburghart July 2013