NRBreit Member


  • I agree with this. Make sure you get your protein in and then eat whatever you want. Trying to eat 3,000+ 'clean' calories will drive you crazy. Milk, peanut butter, nuts/trail mix/dried fruits are great bulking tools.
    in Bulk up Comment by NRBreit August 2016
  • Try adding in more nuts, peanut butter, ice cream, and dried fruit/nut mixes. Works like a charm.
  • in Re-Feeds Comment by NRBreit March 2015
  • in Re-Feeds Comment by NRBreit March 2015
  • in Re-Feeds Comment by NRBreit March 2015
  • Every time I've done an extended cut (10-20 weeks) I eventually plateau out and stop losing even on very low calories. As soon as I refeed....boom, I lose weight. For me, I try for once or twice a month, well above maintenance, eating whatever I want for a day or 2.
    in Re-Feeds Comment by NRBreit March 2015
  • Sounds good man. Some people feel better with higher carbs and others like higher fats. Whatever makes you feel the best and helps you achieve better workouts.
  • I'm 172 lbs. and maintain on 2,500-2,600 cals working out 3-4 days per week (no cardio). If you are new to lifting, you can make some good gains without bulking. If you've been lifting for awhile and your strength has leveled out, you can continue to make strength gains by beginning to eat at a surplus. But you say you…
  • You'll know when you've exhausted SL5x5. You'll get to a point where you repeatedly fail the lifts and quit making gains. 5x5 is super hard to do on a cut. I'd try it on your calorie surplus for awhile and see if your gains continue. Your macros look good. I'm a similar weight with similar goals and have done several bulks…
  • I am very close to your height and weight. 3,000-3,200 cals/day gets me from the 160's to the 180's at about a pound per week. Be consistent, log everything accurately and you'll get there. Nuts, nut butters, trail mix, and ice cream are your friends for bulking.
  • It's not going to happen. If you gain weight you WILL put inches on your waist unless you are one of the very few who are genetically gifted.
  • I think a year at maintenance while lifting heavy would do wonders. Then bulk.
  • All that I can say is that when you're 15-20 weeks into a bulk, pushing hard in the gym, sore as hell, eating your face off, and the scale still isn't consistently going up, you're not looking to push away from the table on your non-workout days.
  • My experience has been that you'll need to play with 5-15 lbs. up/down to see where you feel the best. I think that I 'feel' the best in the 10-12% BF range, but most people say I look the best about 10-15 lbs. heavier. Lots of people bash the BMI scale, but for the majority of people, you will fall somewhere in the that…
  • 260g of protein is over twice as much what is normally recommended or needed. My experience has been that your body will tell you what is too much and if OP is truly eating that much protein she is probably a constant fart machine.
  • Yes, you'll really need nearly as much time to cut as you are putting into bulking. For example, if you bulk for 15 weeks, you'll likely need 10-15 weeks to cut.
  • Get on a good training plan and stick with it for at least 3-4 months. Commit to either bulking or cutting for this time period. You can't do both. Eat around 1g of Protein per pound of LBM. If you're bulking maintain a 250-500 cal surplus. If you're cutting maintain a 250-500 deficit. Constantly changing your workout…
  • Hey, NDJ I've done 2 bulks over the past two winters. 1st bulk was 15 lbs. doing primarily 8-12 rep range eating 'clean' with good macros. 2nd bulk was 16 lbs. doing 5x5 style workouts eating IIFYM with the same good macros. Similar results both times. You're gonna gain fat, but honestly the cut is the easy part. Your…
  • You will absolutely gain fat on a bulk. On average, half the weight you gain will be fat. I put about an inch on my waist for every 5-7 lbs. I gain. It's a mind game. You have to measure your success by strength gains and measurements of the body parts you actually want to grow. You've lost the weight before, so take…
  • ^^This. At 5'9" 175 and 10% BF fat, you're already carrying a ton of muscle. If it turns out you're a bit higher on BF%, a small cut could really help those muscles pop.
  • 1g per pound of body weight is more than enough. You'll know when you've gone too far on protein (especially the protein shakes) as you'll get 'gassey'.
  • PB&J or ice cream. Nuts are another easy choice.
  • Go to the free weights section and ask for a spot.
  • You can pick up heavy things all day long, but if you don't eat more calories (surplus) and gain weight, you will not get bigger/bulk up. It really is that simple. However, lifting heavy will do amazing things for your body shape. You'll love the results.
  • 45 years old here. I do strength training 3-4 times per week and I run when I feel like it. I follow IIFYM and try to get 1g Protein per lb body weight.
  • The burrito bowl how I order it is about 850 cals. Chipotle - Chicken Burrito Bowl - Double Chicken, Brown Rice, Pinto Beans, Medium Salsa, Corn Salsa, Cheese. I don't get any gaucamole or sour cream and I think that 850 cal estimate is pretty close. The standard meat serving is about 3-4 oz. max. With double meat I think…
  • The stats you provided are about the same as Cristiano Ronaldo's. Very nice work if you've been able to achieve that. [url] [/url]
  • Why drink all that milk when there's ice cream?
  • Congrats to you and best of luck with your treatments. I did Adriamycin/Cytoxan and then Taxotere a few years back and regular exercise and along with good eating habits really helped during that time.