Need help...far under calorie needs tonight

I just ate dinner. 2 grilled tilapia fillet, broccoli, cauliflower mushrooms and stirfry all cooked on foreman grill without any oil.

I'm full. I don't know what to eat to get 300 calories. I'm actually 1300 calories below calorie needs right now. I'm freaking out.

I wasn't thinking..both my breakfast and lunch were about 200 calories... then I did about 200 calories of cardio exercise and 200 calories of strength training. Am I screwed?


  • WhimsicalX
    Maybe I should eat PB&J before bed? That's 360 calories to at least get me to 1000 calorie deficit, which is ok. Right?
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    Go ahead and eat PB&J. Or just eat PB with a spoon.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    PB&J or ice cream. Nuts are another easy choice.
  • PaperKranes
    PaperKranes Posts: 9 Member
    I'd say don't stress it too much today if it was really unintended. If you're full, you're full. Pay attention to if you might be able to nibble a bit more later, but don't sweat it. Tomorrow though, you might want to plan out a meal or something? You might even plan tomorrow's meals tonight. Planning ahead can help you make sure you're eating enough. I'm glad you're working to make sure you're consuming enough to be healthy.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    A piece of bread is about 100 cal, 2T peanut butter is 190 cal, so there's almost 300.
    Add a cup of skim milk for 90 cal & you're at 380.
    Add a medium banana (6") for another 75 cal.

    BTW, it sounds like you're really seriously undereating.
    Ignore exercise calories, those are just a bonus toward weight loss.
    But eat 10x your healthy goal weight in calories.

    And if you have about half your calories for breakfast, it helps lose weight.
    Big breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner.
    See the last half of my blog post here for 3 studies (with quotes & links) supporting that finding.