ECfromSJ Member


  • Congratulations to all of you energetic ladies who worked so hard this month! Thanks to AnnofB and Texasgardnr for your support on my knee issues. And to 2jayjaysmom, I'm sending positive thoughts to you and your dad. I know caregiving isn't easy even when things are going smoothly, let alone after a complicated surgery.…
  • Have you tried fat free half and half? My husband says it's fine in his coffee, and I've used it on berries. Land O Lakes makes it, but I've also found store brands at Shoprite and Aldi.
  • Trijoe, could you post more details? Is this something you mix up yourself, or a product you buy?
  • Music. I've been trying to listen to music in my car, on the way to and from work and a caregiving situation. I made a really long playlist on my ipod touch to last me a week, so I don't have to make decisions about what to play after I'm already in the car. Music seems to turn off the verbal part of my mind and help me…
  • I haven't given up or forgotten about this--I've been having a knee problem. Some days I've had trouble bending and lifting my leg enough to go up steps, get in and out of the bathtub, or pull my left leg into the car. Marching in place and doing kickbacks have been out of the question. :s Mostly, I've been stretching. (I…
  • I'm a couple of years past menopause, and I did see a big change in my hair. I'd find hairs in my comb, and also a lot in the tub drain. Also a couple of winters ago, I had the worst case of dry, static prone hair I ever experienced. It just seems to be brittle. I've had good success with using Infusium 23 shampoo,…
  • Wawa has a premade turkey and cheese sandwich on a roll that comes with apple slices, for 300 calories. You can't miss it, it has a big sticker on the top that says 300 calories!
  • Sam, on the knee sleeve--I see there are some that have a opening at the kneecap, and some are solid. Do you know when one would be better than the other? Thanks.
  • Weightliftingdiva, I'm in NJ, too. The SJ in my name is for South Jersey. Diner capital is about right! Some have easier menus to deal with than others. Thanks for all the ideas. I'll definitely keep eggs and broiled fish in mind. I never thought about the fried/poached vs scrambled/omelette issue, but it's a good point.…
  • I can't really say how this compares nutritionally, but it sure is convenient and tastes good--we use packets of True Lemon crystallized lemon. You can add it to water or tea, use it in recipes calling for lemon juice if you add a little water, even carry the packets in your purse. They also have packets of crystallized…
  • Hi, Stacy--I'm new, too. Nice bunch of folks here, very motivating! 10/10 - outdoor walk, 1.24 miles, 26 minutes AND Evening Mile, 1 mile, 21 minutes 10/11 - outdoor walk, 1.77 miles, 38 minutes Total so far for October - 16.98 miles, 360 minutes Erica
  • 10/9 - outdoor walk, 1.79 miles, 37 minutes Total for October so far, 12.97 miles, 275 minutes
  • Thanks so much for mentioning this. I've added it to my Amazon wishlist.
  • 10/7 - Evening mile, 1 mile, 21 minutes. This one is "comfort food" for days I can't face a challenge. ;) 10/8 - 2 mile fitness walk, 2 miles, 30 minutes. Total so far for October, 11.18 miles, 238 minutes. Thank goodness the forums are back in business!
  • Hi, all - 10/4 - Sculpt your arms, 1 mile, 28 minutes 10/5 - Outdoor walk, 3.34 miles, 71 minutes Current total 8.18 miles, 187 minutes Erica
  • 10/1 - Outdoor walk 1.25 miles, 27 minutes 10/2 - Classic mile 1 mile, 28 minutes 10/3 - Outdoor walk 1.59 miles, 33 minutes Total so far 3.84 miles, 88 minutes @texasgardnr, I have a Fitbit Zip, and if I remember to a) put it on, and b) record the beginning and ending mileage reading, I can see how far I walk outside. So…
  • Nestle dark chocolate instant hot chocolate packets, 100 calories. Yummy with fat free Reddi Whip and a couple of gingersnaps. Lots of people swear by Vitatops chocolate muffin tops, but I haven't tried them yet. Single serve bags of chocolate covered pretzels. I just had some 100 calorie ones from Aldi that were pretty…
  • I know the diet is well thought of, and it might help some people. But my experience was that my blood pressure did not go down, and I actually gained weight on it. I also thought it was very strange that the diet had me eating fewer dairy products than I had been--which didn't seem like a good idea, as I am concerned…
  • Hi - I just discovered your group the other day, and signed right up. I have quite a collection of Leslie's DVD's, plus at least one VHS. This summer my husband and I have been doing a lot of outdoor walking together, but I know I won't want to keep that up as it gets colder out. I'm hoping your monthly challenges will…
  • I'll be watching this thread as I can always use advice on this, too. Even after being married over 30 years.:noway: I've known people to use one of two approaches. Have something really quick and ready to go, so you can eat dinner very soon after arriving home, or, have a planned appetizer-type snack ready to go, and cook…
  • I have a Fitbit Zip, which is working out well for me. I found mine for under $60 on Amazon--but if you shop there, be careful because different colors are going for different prices. I went with the zip for two reasons; the price, and the fact that I could wear it invisibly, on the waistband of my slacks. I didn't want…
  • Egg yolks are also a good source of nutrients that may prevent macular degeneration, an age-related cause of blindness. My grandmother lived to 98 but was blind from this for about the last 20 years of her life. I prefer to take the risk of…
    in Eggs Comment by ECfromSJ September 2014
  • Hi, ladies - it's been a great day overall, and the only problem I've had today is a good one to have. Autumn must really be coming, because it was cool enough to wear a windbreaker for our walk this morning. It's beautiful out, and my husband and I were out for over an hour. Had an NSV today! :happy: I decided to go out…
  • I'm in about the same situation; I've been aiming for 100 grams of protein a day and don't want to use special protein shakes either. I've been relying a lot on cottage cheese. If you can't stand to eat it plain, there are tons of ideas online for making it more palatable. Several discussions will come up if you search the…
  • Thanks for all the welcomes! Here’s what’s going on in my neck of the woods today: There’s a lot of sweet autumn clematis vine growing around our neighborhood, and it’s blooming now. It smelled so nice when DH and I took our walk this morning. And, my feet didn’t hurt during the whole walk, which was a nice surprise. I’ve…
  • Hi - I'd love to join your group! I'm a soon-to-be-retired librarian, hopefully retiring in a little over two years, if not sooner. That's one big reason why I'm motivated to lose weight and get back in shape. This summer my husband and I went on a short vacation, and I was so wiped out by one day of fun that we came home…
  • Hi - I just started using this myself, so I can't totally vouch for it, but there's a DVD from Gaiam on Amazon that got good reviews: Strong Knees. UPC 018713533517. Some of the exercises seem easy to me, but there's one I can hardly do at all, so I'm concentrating on that one. I figure it's the one I need. The DVD is…