

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome back, Pen2U. Gaining only 8 lbs back after maintaining for 3 years is actually a huge victory. I'm glad you got on it so quickly. Yay you!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kim, I have not been able to walk much (or at all) with the rash on the bottoms of my feet. But I walked the kids to school this morning and that went OK, so hopefully I'll get started now. Are you doing the challenge? How's that going?

    Here is today's joke of the day. It's a long one:


    Computer Problem Report Form

    1. Describe your problem:


    2. Now, describe the problem accurately:


    3. Speculate wildly about the cause of the problem:



    4. Problem Severity:

    A. Minor__

    B. Minor__

    C. Minor__

    D. Trivial__

    5. Nature of the problem:

    A. Locked Up__

    B. Frozen__

    C. Hung__

    D. Shot__

    6. Is your computer plugged in?

    Yes__ No__

    7. Is it turned on?

    Yes__ No__

    8. Have you tried to fix it yourself?

    Yes__ No__

    9. Have you made it worse?


    10. Have you read the manual?

    Yes__ No__

    11. Are you sure you've read the manual?

    Yes__ No__

    12. Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual?


    13. Do you think you understood it?

    Yes__ No__

    14. If `Yes' then why can't you fix the problem yourself? __________________________________________

    15. How tall are you? Are you above this line?


    16. What were you doing with your computer at the time the problem occurred?


    17. If "nothing" explain why you were logged in.


    18. Are you sure you aren't imagining the problem?

    Yes__ No__

    19. How does this problem make you feel?


    20. Tell me about your childhood.


    21. Do you have any independent witnesses of the problem?

    Yes__ No__

    22. Can't you do something else, instead of bothering me?


    Thank you for taking the time to fill out our Computer Problems Form. Please allow 1-week response time so that the problem will resolve its self or you will reboot your computer, most likely resolving the issue.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Just came across the quote,"Even during a tragedy the sun is shining somewhere." It helps me keep my perspective.

    Just came back from lawyer to work out details of our trust. Overall went fairly smoothly.

    Today I will continue to work on portion control so tomorrow I will be closer to maintaining my weight.

    2014 word: contentment
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Sylvia - I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE the joke of the day. Made me laugh out loud and share it with DH. When I get on my laptop I'm going to send it to my depressed son!

    Yanniejannie - big hugs for you! ((((((((HUGS)))))))) My mum used that saying. :bigsmile: The past is OVER you know. DONE. FINISHED. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Now just about to eat delicious dinner and wait for my gorgeous family to arrive. I even did my nails!:bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • ECfromSJ
    ECfromSJ Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes! Here’s what’s going on in my neck of the woods today:

    There’s a lot of sweet autumn clematis vine growing around our neighborhood, and it’s blooming now. It smelled so nice when DH and I took our walk this morning. And, my feet didn’t hurt during the whole walk, which was a nice surprise. I’ve finally learned to give the feet a break, and alternate walking with other aerobic exercises like the stationary bike at the gym, or one of my DVDs. I don’t know whether it’s an age thing or I need better sneakers.

    It occurred to me that I could try using bottled fat-free ranch dressing in my tuna salad, instead of mayonnaise. It’s only 25 calories for 2 tablespoons, vs. 120 calories for what I usually use, Hellman’s Olive Oil Mayonnaise. I tried it yesterday for the first time, and had the leftovers today. It was just fine. :smile: The only other ingredient I used was a little chopped onion.

    Heather in Hampshire – Thanks for mentioning the spinach pie recipe; I’ve bookmarked it. My mother loves the filling in spinach pie, but never eats the crust anyway. I should make some of this and take it over for lunch at her house sometime.

    Kayak_Kutie - I remember seeing ads on tv for the Bodyblade years back, but completely forgot about it. Now you’ve made me google it! Their website mentions using it in group exercise classses, so I wondered, do you use it at home by yourself, or do you take a class?

    To those who aren’t feeling well, or have family members or pets who are under the weather, hugs to all.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello from a very warm evening in Staffordshire in UK. Just got in from walking Charlie and it is so warm - I should have just worn a t shirt and left the gilet at home! I have walked the dogs separately today and clocked up 18500 steps! Feet won't do the 1500 to make it 20,000!

    Loved reading your posts - thanks for the recipes - sound yummy! Loved the joke - how real is that! Hugs to those who need them and those with dogs - enjoy walkies!:smile:

    My SPIES goals for September are:

    Social - to log everyday, to see my sister twice this month, to contact friends who I've lost touch with recently with the time spent with my dad;
    Physical - to log at least 70,000 steps on my fitbit, to make use of the gym membership I've taken out by swimming 4 times a week, to start to use the gym itself by the end of the month, to weigh less at the end of the month than I did at the start;
    Intellectual - to read a classic novel instead of/as well as my favourite murder mysteries;
    Emotional - to stay chilled even when life gets crazy, to support dad as he is no longer housebound, to have a drink of water instead of emotional binging;
    Spiritual - I'm starting a pathways to ministry course at the end of the month, so to prepare myself for studying for the first time in 7 years.

    Down in black and white - let's see how September goes.

    MA in UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    evening ladies~ home from work, and it went fine.. got 16,000 steps today after my walk this morning and work today so that is good.. having my slimming tea,my DH calls it something else and he said he was going to start charging me for water use:laugh:
    we have been getting along well lately:love: which is a good thing.. just texted my SIL and my poor DB is nasty and snapping at them, but they understand why.. he just lost on of his best childhood friends and I give him alot of credit he hasnt picked up a drink...
    going to get my hair cut tomorrow and drop Homer off at the groomers, then to bring up my DB birthday card... we will do something at a later date with this sad news no one is in the mood for a party
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Did an hour of yoga and then an hour of the deep water class. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jari Love's Slim & Lean DVD

    Alison - I'm so distressed when I read how your hubby treats you. You're such a good person, you don't desrve that. So sorry about your friend. That's so nice of you to arrange something for your db

    Cindy in OK - sounds like Brian is fitting in so well. So happy for you

    softblonde - way to go getting bf to go to the gym with you!

    Heather - maybe you have some ideas for casseroles that are lactose free? The spinach and feta sounds great, but not the cheese. Oh well..... Update: I'm thinking of making stuffed cabbage and using egg substitute instead.

    tere - I just got my notice that my license is up for renewal. To me, one of the things you have to do is identify signs, they don't have any words on them. How often do you see a sign without any words? Some signs can have multiple meanings. Maybe your SO can use that Ivy Block. It really does work.

    Kim - I remember when we were training the service dog, I would take it to an area that was fenced in for school children, only I'd go on the weekend and let him off lead. He loved it!

    pen2u - so glad you came back. Yes, we CAN do it. It may take us longer, but we can just the same and we will.

    I have to tell you about this one woman in my deep water class. I remember when she started. To say she was large was putting it mildly. We usually wear these floation belts in the deep water. She couldn't get hers on herself, she needed someone to put it on for her, she couldn't reach all the way around her. About a year ago I remember saying to her "Maggie, you need to get a new bathing suit, that one's sagging". She always (and still does) wear a coverup over her bathingsuit. But if that makes her feel comfortable, that's fine. Today for the first time (actually, she'd probably been doing it for a while I just never noticed) I noticed that she put her belt on herself! We were talking and I asked her if she was on any special medicine or diet. She told me that she wasn't, it was all portion control and watching what it was that she was eating. She said that she almost never goes to a fast food place any more. She's just such an inspiration!

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. Still struggling with the depression but it is not as bad as it could be. I did my J Michaels workout today, have 13,000 steps so far, and have been exceptionally good with eating this week. I'll need it since I'm going to visit my parents this weekend!

    My open house is this Saturday so I've got to come home tomorrow with enough energy to do some cleaning. Nothing is in bad shape since it's just me, but this house seems to breed dust! I'm thinking that a good dusting, vacuuming, and sweeping should do it. And, mopping the kitchen...

    Off to eat my evening snack and then make an early night of it. Sleep has been elusive.

    Well wishes to those who are sick or struggling and kiddos to those finding success!

    Carol in stormy NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Mon – glad you are feeling better

    YannieJannie – breathe…. Relax :glasses:

    Pen2U – 8 lbs should come back off; you know the drill ! I am accepting that I will be logging from the nursing home!!! LOL:bigsmile:

    Sylvia – LOL - love the joke ! yes I did sign up for the challenge and as of last night I’ve done the first 11 miles….

    Denise (right?) ECfrom SJ – I have never heard of sweet autumn clematis… sounds great! I walk a lot and try to afford new athletic shoes (of a good brand with support) every 6 months…

    MA - loved it had to google “gilet” ahhh a vest in US English… small world with so many
    variations! 18,500 steps is awesome! I broke 15,000 for the first time last week and felt it.
    I had not heard of spies goals – what a great idea….hmmmm

    Michele – Give Maggie a “good job” from us… and you have been asking about a dairy free casserole for a while… I will sit down and look at my recipes… one is not popping out of my head… but I must have one… stay tuned. :smile:

    So all of you were with me today;:smile: as I am working at another embroidery shop helping out – we team do things occasionally and they got stuck so I am working for them 3 days this week and 3 days in 2 weeks…. Anyway the designer there, who is a good guy – but what a perfectionist – and if you don’t do it his way it is wrong and he does nothing wrong… I like him in really TINY time amounts:laugh: … so today he was glued to me for some unknown reason and I just in my head played a song that’s only lyric was don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good – and kept biting my lips together so I did not say something stupid - like I’m out of here A**hole. He’s off tomorrow – breathe!!! :drinker:

    I don’t have many calories left – I made some dumb choices… so may go over as a glass of wine may be in my evening plan. :drinker: :drinker:

    Carol - we were posting at the same time :smile: glad you are feeling better! thinking of you

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times
    Walk 100 miles -11.43 = 88.57 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 1 done

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, I took a deep water class when I was at my biggest, and I didn't even need a float belt. I just floated like a bobber all by myself. There wasn't a belt big enough anyway. I floated with my complete head and shoulders out of the water. Now, after 115 pounds, I still float but now the water comes up to my lower lip, so I am sinking a little bit. I gave up the deep water class because I was embarrassed about it, so kudos to the lady in your class.

    Kim, I put my shoes on and walked with the kids this morning but by the time I got back to the car my feet were itching. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I'm falling WAY behind. By the way, I have always wondered about your "momsamodel" profile name. Have you explained that and I missed it? Is your mom really a model? I'm just being nosy. You don't have to answer.

    Carol, I hope you get some sleep. Good luck with the open house!

    MA, congrats on 18,500 steps! I'm in awe!

    Gotta go finish some laundry and go to bed early. Goodnight friends!

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Just checking in. Thank you for the comments, they made me feel not so alone.
    Today was a really bad day, emotionally. I ended up walking over 100 minutes.
    It would've been more but it got dark. Walking makes me feel better physically
    But also gives me too much time to think. Thank God for cell phones, normally
    I love walking without any music or phones but tonight I had to talk to someone
    to keep my negative thoughts from taking over.

    Carol- thank you for sharing about your depression, you gave me the courage to
    share about mine. It does help to share but at the same time it's a little scary to
    open up.
    Brenda from Md
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: Every day in my e mail I get a happiness quote from “The Happiness Project” website. Several days a week I get a posting from “Gratitude and Trust .com” so my day is filled with positive thoughts that set me on the right path for the day…that, along with hearing from all of you gives me the tools to meet the day.

    :explode: :angry: The internet was down from here to Seattle all afternoon so I got way behind on my projects…..this evening I am doubly grateful for my Smart Phone and for the return of the internet.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, when I was a teenager I could go anywhere in the woods with my friends and never have to worry about the poison oak that was everywhere so imagine my surprise when we bought property in the country when I was in my 50’s and I got poison oak----not as bad as what you have, but bad enough to make me bonkers and itchy for many days.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: .21,000 steps today ----an awesome line dance class


    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    Well I did not loose any weight and I was hard on myself. :frown: I have been struggling with my weight all my life. I would go to WW, Nutria Systems. diet pills, ex lax, shots anything to keep my weight off. It worked for a while but it always came back and then more. I live in fear that four letter word.:laugh: and it turns from fear to procrastination. I have failed so many times. So, this time I am going to work thr my fear and stop living in the past and not base my current efforts on past results. I ask for help now and do not see it as a sign of weakness. it is a sign of strength. I try to look at food addiction as an illness and not a personal attach on my self worth, or self control. Today I am trying to treat my food addiction like I need to take care of it and myself so I do not get complacent and not do what I did to do. I have a addiction to food I am not a bad person because I am over weight. I am worth it. I am worth choosing the right foods, walking even if the house has dust:laugh: I will not put work, or stress or the kids before what I need to do. I am a care taker and It is very hard to put myself fist. I know that to be true becasue I know people all around me who have no problem making sure they take care of themselves. It not selfish as I learned growing up it is actually the most unselfish thing to do because if I do not take care of myself who is going to take care of the kid, grand kids. my work WEll I have opened up enough for tonight I may not be able to reach everyone with my thoughts but I hope all of us find peace with good cause we deserve it 381 annie
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    Im so glad u joined our group. Good luck and keep in touch
    :love: :flowerforyou: 381 annie
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. Nothing much to report today. Quiet day at work. I did call CPS and made a preliminary report. I couldn’t stand the thought that DD thought living with a bunch of drug users was acceptable either while pregnant or after the baby is born. They took the report and said they wouldn’t do anything now, but if another report came in, even from me, they’d investigate because it was a second report. Now she is saying everything is just a misunderstanding and nothing ever happened.

    Gail: yummy dinner!

    Anne: yes Tanya is DD#1 who is nearly 22 but developmentally/intellectually about 14 on a good day.

    Sylvia: pick the favorite child! LOL I think you have poison ivy! So sorry about the reaction!

    Carol: glad you are adjusting to your son being gone

    Kayakcutie: wow that’s one long commute

    Beth: I too am suffering from the fluctuating hormones and the weird weight changes!

    Michelle hooray for Lexi! I am trying my best to keep my health and needs first and foremost!

    Joyce: my cure for facial hair is electrolysis! Expensive and not comfy but well worth it. With the hormone issues I had, I had quite the beard! Now it’s gone and my face is “baby behind” smooth! Yes I know I overdosed you all on drama!

    Kim: looking forward to the eggplant recipe

    Amanda: hope you start really feeling better soon!

    Alison: you win the drama contest….holy cow! That must have been traumatic all around! Sending you all my extra (((hugs))). Hooray for the smaller scrubs! I’m sorry for the hurt from your husband

    Heather: I appreciate the good wishes!

    Brenda: so glad to see you are back. I’m sorry about your depression. I think you are right though; keeping in contact is so important

    Vicki: glad to see you back safe and sound! Sorry about the trike issue

    Sylvia: later…..so is was poison ivy! Now at least you have medications for it

    Yanniejannie: so jealous of your hummers! I got some great photos of them all over a feeder in Colorado. I even got a couple of shots of a bee/hummingbird fight!

    Cynthia: sending get well wishes to puppy dog!

    MA: wow that is really sad about the arson!

    Annie: yes you are worth it!

    DeeDee: yes it’s a mess alright and I so appreciate your support. I think Benny was missing daddy and alena. I want to see pictures of your house!

    Margaret: I do feel better after acting on my feelings and calling in that report. Now I’m done with it until I see something else that needs reporting.

    Lesley I hope you get rid of your cough soon

    Diane: your animals sound like they need as much medical care as mine do! Blessings to you for taking care of them

    Mimi: it’s weird how we start worrying about our parents like they worried about us! I feel like the bacon in a club sandwich; I have way more that the usual sandwich generation stuff…dad in nursing home, daughter still living here, and of course DD#1 and her soon to be baby Nikita.

    Lesley chev: yay for swimming ! Great exercise

    Kitty: just keep plugging away!

    Tere: what a great idea to have a positive reflection each day

    Mon: glad your headache is gone now

    Sylvia again: I had to laugh out loud because I actually called our help desk once to report an error message on my pc screen and was asked “Is your computer plugged in?” um, yes, I am seeing something on the screen. The next question was “Is your monitor turned on?”. So I hung up

    Brenda: good job!

    Newbies: welcome to all of you!

    OK I have been reading posts for over an hour now, so I need to get a shower taken and some laundry finished. Take care! Meg from Omaha where it was gorgeous today!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Annie, this is for me a rest of my life journey and I will do it one hour at a time, and celebrate what comes my way, seeing a new 'hood because of a walk, trying a new recipe, weight loss, toning.... hang it and you will also be able to celebrate a great group of new friends....

    Brenda - great walk! and so glad you used your phone to reach out and continue your walk!

    Sylvia - you did not miss it and you are the first to ask.... My mom when she was in her 20's and 30's was a bra and girdle model for Warner (then it was called warner bros) and back then you modeled on a runway for department store buyers, they modeled the undergarments OVER other clothing so as to not show off anything and she wore a perfect size 4 -on top of her first layer of clothing... and she rubbed that fact in my face - In fact just the other day she said how glad she was I had lost weight but reminded me I still was not pretty, and was very fat. She is 85 and considers herself fat at a perfect size 6.... When I was trying to find a screen name; her "you know I was a model and if you just wanted to be you could be nice looking too, instead you are fat and ugly" the mantra I heard from about 6-7 years old till today.. And I thought - I am putting it out there to expose it to the light of day and the mean spirit it is and change that to just a nothing... And I will never look like my mom; I am my dad's look; but I am not an ugly duckling, just not her.

    Kim in N. Cal
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Kim - thanks so much for looking for a dairy free casserole. See, I'm going to have Rummikub here next month and one of the ladies is lactose intolerant. She also doesn't eat (or at least tries to limit) gluten, but that's not a health issue for her so I'm not so concerned about that. She is lactose intolerant so I do try to make something that she can have. Last time I made a tofu mousse since that's something she can have. Then she didn't come. If she doesn't come this time, part of me is saying that I won't bother to worry so much about her lactose intolerance. Right now I'm thinking that maybe I'll make stuffed cabbages and use egg substitute instead of the egg. Actually, I may wind up making them healthier and using ground turkey instead of ground beef.

    Sylvia - you shouldn't be embarassed about the deep water classes. One thing I've found is that the women in that class don't care at all what you look like. I cared about Maggie because she's so much fitter and I remember when she first started, the struggles she encountered. I'm thinking that Kim is the model, or was one anyway.

    This talk about poison ivy reminded me of an episode of "Private Practice" where this lady went in the woods to take a pee and she got poison ivy guess where?

    annie - great post, opening up the way you did helps tremendously

    Got a call from the vet's office earlier today. Lexi's thyroid numbers are in the normal range. Just what we were expecting.

    Kim - I can't believe your mom said something like that to you! How I wish I was a size 6!

    Success - I managed to sneak the insulin into Lance. I truly question his diabetes. I know his blood sugar numbers are all over the chart, and he gets a pretty big dose of the insulin, but when he doesn't get it I don't see his water dish going down a lot nor do I see a lot of urine in the litterbox. Oh well...... Jess will be here not this weekend, but next.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, I am so sorry about you having to call CPS, that's not a Mom or a grandmas dream. But I am proud of you in doing it.

    Momsamodel, thank for opening up and telling us the story about your username. No, you are not your Mom, You are you, God made you and loves you. Keep your head up high.

    Anyone have an extra dose of will power for me?????? Those boxes of cereal are calling my name again.

    Got to really meet a new lady that joine dthe choir last week. She is a 2nd year nursing student. One of my good friends in the choir is a nurse also so we stayed after practice and had a good chat. This young girl has been through many health problems herself. she had stage one melanoma removed form several places and got MRSA afterwards. Had to go throgh the standard 6 week antibiotic treatment only to get it later on and they only gave her 9 days of treatment. Of course it didn't work so she had to go through the 6 weeks of treatment again. She seems like a vivacious young women with her eyes fully open about what nursing can really be like. I'm not sure if it is profession I can recommend to just anyone. Sorry Meg. We were talking about having to use the dummies in training. The dummies are quite high tech now. She said they talk to you, groan when you are inflicting pain, breathe, heart goes lub dub, etc. Creepy to have intelligent dummies

    Did I mention I need an extra dose of will power form some one????? I really do.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    STILL coughing but cough medicine from chemist and Ivy leaf spray are helping and I am sleeping better. NO training just walking the dog.
    Went to hairdressers' this afternoon and she did a good colour, lighter than last time, and a great cut. Feel human again now.
    I am finding it hard NOT to send a birthday card to granddaughter, but abiding by what husband says is best for US. I have NO idea where she is living and she does not answer emails or phone, sigh!
    Budget finally sorted after 2 months, breathes sigh of relief
    Hope to get back to training next week again, missing it.
    Lesley in Tasmania