Advice on buying a Fitbit



  • jopalis
    jopalis Posts: 238 Member
    We are using free app from mapmyfitness that interfaces with MFP for things like walking, biking.... We use it on our android phone. Tracks the calories burned, etc.
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with the poster who said check them all out and decide based on what suits you better.

    I checked a few of them out and ended up getting the JawBone is a wrist one that tracks steps, food (and syncs with MFP), sleep patterns, extra exercise, moods even...

    It's not water proof but is water resistent...

    The UP24 is blue tooth and with the latest update the battery lasts about 2 weeks vs 7 days...mine is not Bluetooth (I plug it into my headphone jack of my android) and the battery lasts about 10 days.

    I love has made me more conscious of my movements esp since I have an office job.

    i almost got that one...but online it made it look like it was only compatible with Apple products. So I got a fitbit. I love my Flex, (even though I normally don't wear a watch, i got used to it very fast.) and i really like the sleep feature. Flex doesn't count stairs, which I wish it did. Fitbit can sync to newer phones, so you can see your data immediately, as opposed to waiting til you are home near the computer with the special wifi/bluetooth dongle thing. Flex is waterproof, so it'll track your movement when you swim.
  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    I have the jawbone up24 and love it. I have it set to vibrate every hour of inactivity. This helps me out as i have a deskjob and get lost in my work a lot. It vibes and i do a lap around the building, get some air, get some sun. I also like the sleep map it has. Its amazing that with 8-10 hours of bedtime how little "sound sleep" you actually get.

    syncs nicely with myfitnesspal.
  • 19vickb87
    I have a fitbit flex and love it. I like knowing how many steps I'm doing but I do agree with everyone there are lots of different ones on the market so look around if you haven't already
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    I have a Fitbit and I love it. But there are some drawbacks. It doesn't track a lot of the activities that I do like my boot camp, weights, swimming. It isn't great for biking either isn't accurate. My question is how do you sync them to allow you to add other activities. When I try to log boot camp into MFP then it changes the Fitbit reading down by that amount. So I find I don't get the benefit of adding all my activity only the cardio that the Fitbit picks up.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    One of the early adopters of the FitBit One and really do like it still. Got tired of trying to track sleep (very punny) but it is usefull as a motivator.
  • ECfromSJ
    ECfromSJ Posts: 31 Member
    I have a Fitbit Zip, which is working out well for me. I found mine for under $60 on Amazon--but if you shop there, be careful because different colors are going for different prices. I went with the zip for two reasons; the price, and the fact that I could wear it invisibly, on the waistband of my slacks. I didn't want something on my wrist that people would see and ask me about.

    It's really nice to have the lengths of my walks logged automatically. I used to forget to check the clock or set the stopwatch on my ipod, and wouldn't have a very good idea of how long I'd been out. It also works well tracking the length of time I spend on the stationary bike at the gym. My Leslie Sansone DVDs not so much--although I've read you can clip the Zip to your shoe if it isn't picking up an activity when worn at your waist.

    It's really interesting to see how active or inactive you are in your daily life. I had no idea how sedentary my job was until I saw how few steps I'd taken at the end of a workday. The only problem I've had is forgetting to put it back on after I shower and change clothes for the day. (I usually get dressed in workout/housework clothes first thing, then shower and dress for work or whatever. At that point I'm usually rushed and I sometimes forget the Zip.)
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    I love my Fitbit One and I highly recommend it. I just clip it to my bra and forget about it - I rarely remember I'm wearing it! This DOES mean that when I'm home I'm typically not wearing it, but if I'm home I am taking maybe an extra 50 steps the rest of the night? I come home, bra comes off, energy level totally bottoms out! :laugh:
  • kimkimcoleman
    kimkimcoleman Posts: 105 Member
    I also have a fitbit one and I love it. Have used it constantly for over a year. I'm a numbers person so I love it and it syncs to MFP. I also got the Aria scale that automatically syncs as well. It clips on my bra which is nice since I don't like to wear anything on my wrist.

    Also, when I'm not wearing a bra I clip it to my shirt. Works just the same for those extra around the house steps. They really add up!
  • mmalo446
    mmalo446 Posts: 57 Member
    I got my Fitbit Flex in August for my birthday and it was eye opening. I work at a desk job and never realized I was only walking 3k steps a day. Since my Fitbit I hate myself now when I walk under 10k steps. After doing lots of research and speaking with sales associates the Flex was the best choice for me. If you do go with the Fitbit Flex I would recommend buying a Bitbelt off of Amazon it made me feel better about the clips. :)
  • Jayma375
    Jayma375 Posts: 60 Member
    I got the Garmin Vivofit for a few reasons. I really like that I don't need to charge it because it has a watch battery should last about a year and I can change it myself when it is needed. Secondly it also has a display which includes time, date, # of steps, # of steps to goal, miles, and calories used. It is nice that I don't need to wear a watch. One thing I learned after I bought it was that it changes my daily goal based on my step history. I've been able to up my goal by 2000 steps per day since I got it because I'm motivated to get to and pass my daily goal.

    It does sync to my phone and computer by bluetooth. The only thing it doesn't do is sync to my Ipad because it is an older Ipad, if I had the Ipad 3 it would sync.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I got the Bodymedia for a few reasons: In the few side-by-side comparisons performed on these, Bodymedia was more accurate than any other fitness tracker. It's worn on the upper arm, so I can hide it with clothing if I feel like it. And, it uses regular Bluetooth instead of ANT+ or BT Smart, and that's all my previous phone would allow. It syncs with MFP plus a few other apps that I use, and it does sleep tracking. It does have a small monthly subscription charge ($6) but the software appears superior to any of the others. I can pull massive Excel reports with everything mapped out. To me, the sheer volume of information, and the increased accuracy, are well worth it.

    ETA: I did want to mention that before I purchased my Bodymedia, I went through several different trackers to find one that I really liked. Garmin Vivofit was my second choice...if I hadn't found the Bodymedia, I would have kept the Vivofit. The battery life, water resistance, appearance, and software were all quite appealing, plus the ability to sync a HRM chest strap was nice.