lotrisneat Member


  • Hope not. I do it all the time.
  • I do that as well. I usually work out at 8:00 at night, and I'm certainly not going to eat ~400 calories at 9:00 at night. This way, I can spread it throughout the day and actually see how many I'm eating and how many calories I have left.
  • Yeah, I could not do the dive bombers! My hip kept popping. So weird.
  • Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants Coconut Caramel Crunch bar. 9 grams of fiber and tastes like a Samoa!!
  • Was your first day the shoulders and back? Because I don't think that the weight training workouts are really all that exhausting. I mean, yeah, your muscles burn while you're doing it, but afterwards, I'm just fine. I did arms and shoulders this morning, and sure, I was feeling the burn, but I was just fine right after.
  • Romaine, pepperoncini, tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, and light salami with balsamic vinaigrette.
  • I'm getting hungry reading these posts. :tongue:
  • Soda. I keep telling myself that I need to give it up, but I honestly don't want to. I drink diet, so there's no calories, but I know it's not good for me.
  • I like it on oatmeal. Also, when I did South Beach, I would take a serving of cottage cheese, sprinkle it with cinnamon, a bit of Splenda, and some chopped pecans. It didn't totally suck.
  • Mexican Baked Eggs Basically simmered canned tomatoes, black beans, diced green chilis, onion, and spices. Crack a few eggs on top and bake. Add a sprinkle of cheese and bake a few minutes more. 220 calories per serving Here's the recipe: http://kalynskitchen.blogspot.com/2009/10/recipe-for-mexican-baked-eggs-with.html…
  • This weekend at Target I got some Planter's 100% Natural Harvest Pistachio Grove Blend. It has almonds, peanuts, pistachios, and cashews. So yummy! They are roasted with salt with no oil. I always have to make sure I measure out a serving because it's so easy to over-indulge.
  • Yes, you can! My Dad is training for a FULL Ironman, and has lost weight. And he was already in great shape. Just stick with it! Just wanted to add that he does not always eat all of his exercise calories. He sometimes earns thousands of exercise calories a day, and he'd have to eat like an elephant to consume them all, at…
  • Sign me up for the celery hate list. I can handle small amounts cooked into something, but raw celery is just wrong.
  • Invest in the book "Eat This, Not That". Very eye-opening. For example, the pecan crusted chicken salad at TGIFriday's has ~1500 calories. When eating out, NEVER assume that something is healthy just because the name sounds healthy.
  • Yeah, I've read it. I also spent one week following her guidelines to the letter and lost four pounds. However, it was very, very hard for me to follow long-term as a lifestyle. Financially, it can be very expensive buying everything organic and fresh. Also, NEVER eating processed food is just too difficult for me. I…
  • I don't know, but I would skip the Cheesecake Factory. :laugh:
  • Cook This, Not That EAsy and Awesome 350 Calorie Meals http://www.amazon.com/Cook-This-Awesome-350-Calorie-Meals/dp/1605291471/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1300139739&sr=8-2
  • The ETNT No Diet Diet is about $11 on Amazon right now. The other range from about $10-12. I'm hoping to get the Cook This, Not That 350 Calorie Meals one soon.
  • I was going to say "The Pastry Queen" until you mentioned the South Beach thing. But the ARE the most amazing cookbooks. My personal favorite cookbooks are the America's Test Kitchen cookbooks. They release one every year and they have the best recipes in them. Here's the most recent:…
  • Diet Mountain Dew
  • Depends. If I have half of cup of green beans with my dinner, then I count that. If I sprinkle a bit of lettuce on my taco, I don't usually worry about it because it's only going to be 2-3 calories.
  • I log stuff like that under "Calisthenics". Oh, and I hate to tell you this, but I thought level one was much harder than level two. Two words. Plyo lunges.
  • I LOVE rye!! (but only slathered with swiss cheese, sauerkraut, 1000 Island Dressing, and extra fatty corned beef)! :laugh:
  • My Mom had her pooch after I was born for over twenty years. The only way that she finally got rid of it was by completely eliminating sugar from her diet. She exercised, did abs, ate healthy, etc. but cutting out sugar was what did the trick.
  • I'm a stay at home Mom too. I do a boot camp class twice a week at 7:45 at night. My husband is very supportive and puts the kids to bed so that I can go. Otherwise, I just do the best I can. Sometimes I can get a workout in during the afternoon, but there's lots of interruptions. Usually I just have to wait until the kids…
  • Healthy Choice Lobster and Cheese Ravioli
  • Sugar free, fat free pudding. Sugar free Jello. No Sugar Added fudge pops Skinny Cow ice cream treats 100 Calorie snack packs If you just really need the treats, just plan them into your calorie allowance. Leave ~100 calories at the end of the day so you can indulge in something small. Those 100 calorie snack packs come in…
  • Lettuce wraps are a good option. Just went to PF Chang's website, and the chicken lettuce wraps are 160 cals per serving. Of course, there's four servings in a dish, but even if you ate half, it's only 320 cals. Of course the sodium is a whole other issue.
  • Honestly, I think this is why people get so frustrated with "dieting" and eating healthy and just give up. There's way too much information and theories out there. I mean, a hard boiled egg on a whole wheat cracker is healthy, no matter what time of day you're eating it. I've seen so many questions on here, not just yours,…
  • Steel cut oats are the best. I put one cup of oats in my crockpot before I go to bed with about 2.5 cups of water and a cup of skim milk. Turn it on low and I have hot, creamy, delicious oatmeal in the morning. If you have a Winco nearby, they sell steel cut oats in bulk for less than a dollar a pound. I'll also put some…