

  • I am enjoying it on XB1 so far :)
    in TitanFall Comment by jstur14 March 2014
  • Great job loosing the weight you have lost, Sometimes can be hard to get in the exercise... I know myself I have been getting up in the morning a hour early to do some exercise or else i know I will never have time to get it done the rest of the day
  • I play mostly just on my iPad now, Used to get the cards and play with friends but they all stopped played awhile ago so it kinda died out so just play here and there on iPad.
  • I have to agree just did speed 2.0 today and both me and the Mrs enjoyed it (Except last minute, was just to hectic i couldn't keep up lol)
  • I am enjoying the game so far, been playing with friends online and having fun (still getting used to maps and haven't delved too much into guns and customizing my load outs) Played just a very little bit of the single player so far so haven't experienced enough to make a opinion on that. If you want to group up on 360…
  • I normally just drink a lot when I am playing, Keeps me from craving food and gets me up to pee so a little exercise ;)
  • Finished Days 4 of week 1 today, They are hard but doable. Biggest problem I have is the fact that i really have no clue what is coming up so i am always behind in the beginning of a work out, which will change as I learn the routine... Also on some moves I have problems with because of my knees and i starts the moves but…
  • 1) Your Name and Where You Live Josh - Maine 2) How is your current fitness? Eh, Not horrible not great ;) 3) What are your fitness goals? Loose some pounds and so i don't feel like I am going to die when i play softball :) 4) Do you have any physical limitations? Only my mind (Working on getting past that barrier) 5) How…
  • I picked it up because the idea and the gameplay videos from IGN show it is my kind of game though i didnt get a chance to play it yesterday because I got back late from Softball
  • That and Earthbound are my most excited from the announcements :)
  • Posted a long time ago but doubt many look very far into this so decided i would post again :) XBL - xT1m3x PS3 - xT1m3x WiiU - Not sure but if you want to add me let me know and i can look it up Steam - Would have to look (been awhile since i have played because havnt gotten PC hitched up properly yet) On XBL been playing…
  • Can always try Final Fantasy 13 and 13-2
  • Sent you a invite on xbox name is xT1m3x :)
  • Just got it for my birthday, looking forward to playing it though not sure what I will play as :)
  • That always helps, lately my friends have been on different games so i have noticed when I am playing alone i get a lot more annoyed at certain situations :)
  • I am 28 and trying to loose about 50 pounds... only at 5lbs right now :)
  • I enjoy the game, It has it annoying moments but for the most time as long as I am grouped up with some friends I have a good time playing. feel free to add me on xbox if you want to group up: xT1m3x
  • Alpha Protocol(360) - Just got done with this and was surprised that it is actually a fun game with lots of choices that affect the story. Ended up playing it twice to beat it on hard the second time and the choices i made the second time affected it a pretty good amount that it felt refreshing the second time. (Gets a…
  • I really enjoyed the first one you can look at the review I did for the game here http://www.xblaratings.com/component/content/article/37-adventure/5478-the-walking-dead Still haven't played episode2, play it as a family and haven't had much time to sit down together and play
  • Enjoying the little bit I got to play yesterday (Wizard), hoping to play a lot more today :) Feel free to add me to play if you want xT1m3x#1286 Normally will probably just be chugging away by myself but dont mind a companion
    in DIABLO 3!!! Comment by jstur14 May 2012
  • MW3 and LoL right now
  • xT1m3x Feel free to add me Currently playing BF3 MW3 ME3(Though friend currently is borrowing it) KOA But normally willing to play any game i have if someone wants to play :)
  • Feel free to add me my name is Zulchez I pretty much only do Coop vs AI right now havnt branched into the pvp as I am not that great :P
  • The game itself I enjoyed very much but the ending seemed very lackluster, It was like I did all this work for 3 games and all i get is a quick cut scene that explains nothing at all and some old dude talking to a kid about the shepard dude who did stuff a long time ago. If you take the ending at is face value makes no…
  • 360 - xT1m3x PS3 - xT1m3x Wii - Would have to look 3DS - Same Steam - xT1m3x Also play MMOs WoW/LOTRO League of Legends - Zulchez
  • Hello all My name is Josh Age 28 My basic weight loss goals is get to a comfortable weight to be able to keep up with my children. I game on all the systems 360/PS3/Wii/PC I mostly like RPGS/MMOs/FPS as my primary games but like a little of all types of games