bingo_jenn Member


  • I know for me it stops me from going SOOO far in the hole if I track. I still go in the red, but it's not as deep as if I wouldn't have acknowledged it.
  • I LOVE BREAKFAST SALAD!! I even have a song that goes with it. My co-workers think I'm weird.
  • Kyrah - I'm in DC and groceries tend to be a little more expensive. I spent between $60-75 for the food. I'm sure if I would have done some comparison shopping for the produce, I could have dropped the cost a little bit ($10-15?). The exercises are at-home exercises, so you'll be fine there. :)
  • I think that if his main redeeming quality is that he's pretty, you should look at the whole picture and decide if pretty is enough to keep you satisfied the rest of your life.
  • I think the other piece that people like is that it has a huge Instagram presence. Every one is incredibly positive and they do little challenges throughout the jumpstart. I didn't get into the IG too much, but I could see how someone would like it. I also agree that paying for things isn't always worth it, but since it's…
  • I did the 28 day jumpstart from it. It basically is a meal and exercise plan. After you do the 28 days, they still have other suggestions for meals in the book that you can use to mix and match further weeks. I liked it because the recipes are for a single serving, so it makes it easier to cook for one. It has a nice meal…
  • Just had to give it up for medical reasons, but I'm hoping tests come back blaming something else and not the alcohol. :P My goal is to be a 2-3 drinks a week person instead of a 2-3-more drinks a day person.
  • I did this on Whole 30 and lost weight. Granted, I was also cutting out a lot of other things. I think it's a good guide if you are out and about, but as you get closer to goal weight, you'd have to measure using a scale or measuring cups.
  • Wait...I can understand the health piece, but NATIONAL SECURITY RISK? Seriously??
  • Reading through his posts, I feel like he was just sharing workouts, then he got into the fat-shaming business. He only seems to be doing it to women, though. Probably trying to appeal to people who are "scared" to be fat, but at the same time, that's the culture that tears down the self-esteem of so many people!
  • I think I would ask to move before asking the stadium to move the person infringing on my seat. I'd be mortified to call them out.
  • I just found this on his FB page with her response. Haven't finished reading it yet.
  • What makes me sad is you also never know someone's journey. Maybe that person has already lost 100 pounds, or had an extreme medical condition that made them gain, or as some of us have been, we knew we were heavy, but not "that" heavy.
  • I'm with the people that say a "Did you know that xxx is eating this for breakfast?" Since the student is late to school breakfast, the parent may not even realize that the kid is eating something not provided by the school. I also wouldn't be too concerned about her overall health since she is getting school lunch.
  • I just made this one with no bacon and baked in a single pan. Cut it into 6 servings instead of 5. Quite filling with some veggies on the side!
  • I have goals every 5 pounds. Right now, it's: Dress music album Coffee go mug lipstick cooking class New outfit New set of bras At goal: really awesome cowboy boots Last time I lost weight, everything was clothing related, so I have a bunch of "new" clothes that I just need to fit back into. :P
  • Even if it's sarcasm, it's incredibly inappropriate and fosters the rape culture that we are already living in. Same as the person who's teenage sister dressed like a boy to deliver papers. Boys get kidnapped and assaulted, too, not just girls.
  • I agree with looking for a running group or buddy. If you are in the states, there are tons of "Moms Run This Town" chapters to find a running buddy. Bigger cities have Meet-up groups. Also check out the local running stores. Otherwise, light yourself up like a Christmas tree and carry a phone with you.
  • There is a Good Stuff in Crystal City, too. I haven't eaten there yet, but my friends rave about it. I'm in Arlington. I really miss living in DC. And it's sooooo far to cross the river... ;)
  • I think I've changed from a start on Monday type person. It helps when I just say "start right now" to get back on track after a bad day.
  • I'm with you @lemurcat12. I understand giving up alcohol, or meat, or sweets, or sugar because it's hard. But then people follow it up with, "and I'll save money and lose weight!" Donate that money to a charity and then we'll talk... I much prefer the "do" something for lent (meditation, prayer, service, etc.).
  • I do it now and the only way it works is if you already know what a reasonable portion is. It's more about being in tune with your hunger. I haven't heard a lot of success stories from it, though, since most people's issues are portion control. I think it's a more sustainable plan than regular pointsplus or CICO. I get…
  • They have the points plan, then a filling plan. The filling plan kind of has pasta (whole-wheat) being free. But the part with that is you are supposed to eat for hunger, not just for fun. :smile: I do the filling plan and still measure my pasta to be a serving because I know I could eat the **** out of pasta with veggies.
  • The bolded part is one of the main reasons I believe I have self-esteem issues. My mom put me on a diet at 10 while she fed my brothers oreos. Throughout HS, I was constantly trying to lose weight. When I was in college, my mom told me I could get a better job if I lost weight. This stemmed from her having her own EDs and…
  • I follow some #curvyyoga posts on instagram. I'm amazed that women as large as they are can contort themselves into poses that I can only dream of doing right now. I told my boyfriend that for some reason I felt uncomfortable with it, but wasn't sure why. I think it's my own insecurity that I wouldn't want to be that fat,…
  • I just went through this. A lot of the spa things, I do on my own. Pedicures are a regular after long runs and races. I bought a bunch of new dresses/jeans last time I lost some weight and they are still sitting in my closet waiting to be worn again. Some of the things I came up with are compression tights, a cooking…
  • I only got this far, but wanted to say that I did this too!! I gave up dairy for the Whole 30 last year and it broke my habit. I think I've done it once in the past year.