

  • PARTCHO that is a heck of a cute pup in your photo! Day burn 438.. So that makes a total of 2119/3500 in the last 7 days. I only made it past 500 on two of the days, but that's more than usual for me! Thanks Bobbi for setting this challenge! Hmm what have I's kind of fun to do challenges like this! I…
  • Posting todays burn - Weds, day 6 - 513 *yay* Walking/carrying heavy bag/ walking upstairs..I reported 2 hours though I did 4, to be on the safe side since I don't have HRM
  • OK, so didn't make the 500 today - did 336 total (cardio @ gym & 20 min walk in country later) in the day and planned to do some more this evening but didn't fit it in. So far: Fri - 261 Sat - 65 Sun - 0 (boo!) Mon - 506 Tue - 336 >> Current total 1168/3500 On the plus side, I start a new job tomorrow that involves moving…
  • Days 1-3 I didn't meet the challenge :( and was under 500. Today's been the first day I had the time to do it! I'm not used to burning @500...yet... but proud to say I burned 506 today at the gym! Strength training, elliptical and step machine YAY!
  • Hi, I am also in the UK, mostly shop @ Sainsburys, currently eating at 1650 but started at 1700 My diary is public, I have had my ups and first I was being good in the week and going over at weekends so I think I was averaging about 1800-1900 cals thanks to the weekends! I try to stick to the 80/20 rule as…
  • :( Day 1. Burned 261 - gym (elliptical, bike, stairmaster) - in my defense, I felt tired today and planned to do another workout in the evening but was rushing about and did not get the time! Tomorrow is a new day, tho!
  • Let's do it.
  • That's an interesting point, thanks for posting this Yolanda. My first instinct was not to agree - although using willpower can be stressful in itself, I can think of situations in life when it is needed. However, this got me thinking about how it relates to eating - and how the "willpower" approach to diet (abstinence)…
  • This is what is helping me with binges: log every day, even if you go over. Put everything down. Some days I have gone over by 1000 cals, but by seeing it written down it has helped me to own my choices. Look at the numbers over a whole week, don't use one high calorie day as an excuse to start eating non-stop. If you can,…
  • I want to get some new jeans, and tried a few pairs in the other day...the ones in my usual size were a bit big, but the next size down too tight! So I guess I'm between sizes...gonna have to be patient for a while! I WILL fit into that smaller size as long as I carry on!
  • I log cleaning IF it is something I wouldn't normally do, and if it feels like an effort - but my activity level is set to sedentary to allow me to add in these calories. This seems to be working for me. However, I just want to say that I think people who are just starting out on MFP should not be put off logging daily…
  • Thanks to everyone who posted ideas! I love MFP! In the end I got a Greek salad starter and a Chicken Souvlaki - they were DIVINE! Plus the oil/vinegar came in bottles so I could control how much I added. Really nice, healthy and filling. I did go over on calories but that was b/c I was naughty and had 2 glasses of wine…
  • Wow! super fast responses! Thanks a lot guys. I like the sound of all of these...might take me a while to choose!
  • Thanks for posting this. An interesting and inspiring read. Incidentally, your goal lbs to lose is exactly the same as mine (63lbs) - although I am at the beginning and you are showing the way!
  • Thanks for reply! Yes I have similar "before" measurements. I actually need to get my waist down so it will be healthier. Your story is SO motivating - thank you
  • You're looking amazing. I have taken some 'before' pics and I have quite a bit of belly fat to lose...can't imagine seeing that definition, but your pics have really inspired me!!! If you don't mind me asking, how many inches have you lost on your belly? It looks like quite a difference
  • That is GREAT! YOU are in control!
  • One word: HOURGLASS! Your waist looks tiny and your bust bigger! Amazing...good luck with your training:)
  • Isn't that forecast set at 5 weeks time from now? So if you want to lose more weight, it will take longer. The number should start dropping as you lose though!
  • When I first started exercising, I would have died before going to the gym. However, it is hard to get yourself motivated when you're doing it at home alone. Here is a trick that worked for me. When I did not want to exercise, I made myself think of it as STRESS RELIEF TIME. I told myself, "OK I will do 10 mins, and it…
  • OK, since no-one replied to this I'm going to manually adjust my calories up to my BMR until I can figure it out.
  • I just saw that avocados are good for potassium too.
  • Hey lknight, good luck with your goals. I agree that fear of gaining weight back is an obstacle, I get that defeatist voice in my head too...a little voice that always looks for excuses not to start making healthy choices. I think the only time I have felt "thin" is when I was hungry and had lost water weight - not really…
  • Hi I am Cat and also new here! I think with sugar cravings, the less you eat, the less you crave. I remember trying Atkins a few years back and I had to stop after 3 days due to sugar withdrawal. Headaches, dizziness, nausea...however since I had to cut down on sugar 2 1/2 months ago for my health, I crave less (I think…
  • Hey ChikkaDee! Welcome from another newbie. Good luck with your weightloss goals. Feel free to add! Cat
  • Good on you for deciding to take control of your health. I never really worried about being a few lbs over, however there was a definite point in the last year (I didn't tend to weigh myself but I reckon it's when I went over 14ish stones) when I kind of "knew" my body was feeling unhealthy. This point was about 6 months…
  • This isn't as applicable to eating out, but you could try substituting Quorn Chicken for actual chicken in recipes. I've been doing this lately and feel healthier, I think it's less calories too.
  • BTW thanks for the site recommends guys. I have bookmarked and will check them out.
  • Hey...bread is (used to be?) a BIG comfort food for me too. I've stopped eating white bread every day though ( I don't believe in giving up anything "completely" otherwise I binge) now I just have it a couple of times a week. & I am with you on the dark chocolate! Since I cut down on chocolate/sweets, I thought to myself…
  • Thanks JW. Is it OK if I add you as a friend? I am still learning on the whole low/no sugars is my husband who does most of our cooking. Always looking for low sugar recipes!! Well done on being over halfway to your goal! Cat