I feel like I'll never lose weight :(

I am 5'5 and have weighed around 180 for a year now. I always say... Oh I'll diet tomorrow.. But even when I start a diet I always end up pigging out :( what can I do? Please help... I'm tired of being overweight


  • biggerpix
    biggerpix Posts: 96
    1. stop pigging out. 2. do something about it. :)

    you don't just diet. you have to workout, walk, move, eat better. you'd be surprised what can happen when you pig out on the right things.
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I was the same way! I'm 5'9 and 227 pounds (was 240). It took me a long time to hate what I saw in the mirror more and more everyday. Finally....I said ENOUGH!
    Point of that short story is....if you REALLY want change, you'll fight for it.
    This website helps. It'll take a few weeks to get used to change in diet, but it'll be worth it!
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I was the same way! I'm 5'9 and 227 pounds (was 240). It took me a long time to hate what I saw in the mirror more and more everyday. Finally....I said ENOUGH!
    Point of that short story is....if you REALLY want change, you'll fight for it.
    This website helps. It'll take a few weeks to get used to change in diet, but it'll be worth it!
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    I feel the same way... even when I do fix my eating habits & exercise I feel like I never lose anything.

    Usually, though, it's because I'm really eating more than I think I am or I'm gaining muscle & losing inches rather than pounds, but don't see that.

    For me right now what seems to be working is a set schedule. I'm doing ChaLEAN Extreme & she has a 90/120 day workout plan that I'm following. Maybe you need a schedule too? Like an official one? Find out what makes it work for you and then you have to do the work to get there ♥
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    Bottom line sweet heart is that you have to be tired enough to really do something about it. You have to make up in your mind that your sick of how you look & feel and that your not going to stay like that. When you make up your mind, and I mean really make up your mind then and only then will you be dedicated to this.

    If you aren't dedicated 100% your probably going to end up like last time.

    How bad do you want it?? Bad enough to do something about it and finish it?

    We are here for you if and when you are ready, only you have the power to change but we can certainly support you as you do it!!

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    You can still pig out, just do it once a week. For the other 6 days of the week, stay 100% on track with healthy food and portion sizes. Make your food plans in advance the day before, or better yet, plan the whole week in advance.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    ^^ What he said. time to buckle down and make some changes bb. You can do it! Pre -planning is a great way to get eating patterns under control. Plan in those snacky nights you need too . People say this all the time and it's probably getting annoying, but you will be better off if you quit thinking of it as a diet. Make it a change for the rest of your life.

    You want this, you can do this...Now go do the damn thing baby! xD

    xD typing woes
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    A little tough love for you.......

    OK. First, a feeling is not a fact. Feelings change by the second, so this feeling you are having, is something you can control. You are not at the mercy of your feelings, especially not ones of desperation or resignation or defeat. Decide that you are in charge.

    Second, if you can recognize that you have behaviors that sabotage this very real need you have to make changes, you have the power to change them Stop pigging out. Take some time to learn about calories in/calories out, and realize, the change you crave won't happen with a "diet". Diets fail. It will happen when you control what you eat, exercise, and love yourself enough to decide that what you want in the moment is not as big as what you want in the long run.

    That being said, you don't have to swear off your favorite foods forever. I eat pizza. I eat chocolate, and I drink really good dark beer--but I know that if I am going to do these things, I have to work out and make it good.

  • catofisis
    catofisis Posts: 34
    This is what is helping me with binges: log every day, even if you go over. Put everything down. Some days I have gone over by 1000 cals, but by seeing it written down it has helped me to own my choices. Look at the numbers over a whole week, don't use one high calorie day as an excuse to start eating non-stop. If you can, record how your body feels after a binge, are you sluggish next day, is working out harder sort of thing (I either put this in food notes or in my personal diary). Don't beat yourself up over a high calorie day, learn from it.

    Have your diary on private if need be. Mine is public but only b/c I'm not bothered if anyone looks at it.

    Personally, I am trying to change my mindset from "bad" foods vs. "good" foods (since this, for me, leads to binge eating said "bad" foods). Instead I am trying to monitor the effects different types of foods have on my body, my moods. My body feels better when I eat healthier choices, but this does not mean that ANY food is 'banned'. (I try to eat low sugar for medical reasons but if I really want it, I will have it).

    Good luck with your weightloss :)