

  • Hahaha!!! I SO thought that when I was writing the post!!
  • Meh - there are jacka$$es everywhere.. as someone else mentioned - take them with a grain of salt! There are ample people on here just trying to make their lives more fabulous, just like you! Those members are golden. When you find some you like, stick with them - let the other idiots fall to the waste side. That's my view…
  • Toning up does not necessarily = losing weight. You would be gaining muscle mass which is denser than fatty tissue. I'm a little concerned with the 20 lbs weight loss number? Is this something your doctor has mentioned? Is this from a magazine? From a friend? What you think you should be? I only say this out of concern,…
    in Hello! Comment by katacha999 April 2011
  • welcome! you've taken the first step! Don't just think of this as weightloss! Think of this as the change of a lifetime! I found tracking my food very helpful - you very quickly see where your empty calories are coming from! And trust me once you start exercising, you'll learn that the food you think you "love" are your…
  • There are some great zero cal flavour shots - I like creme brule! - and I have never used sugar in my coffee, but I cannot wrap my head around black coffee. So I sacrifice the calories for the 5% light cream. As long as my coffee appears to have cream - I'm good.
  • Turbo Fire! Turbo Fire! I did P90X - and i was ripped as far as muscle mass, however I never had an issue with accumulating muscle mass before. I found the P90 cardio rather limiting. When I came across TurboFire - I figured - hey what the heck! And I love love love LOVE it! The cardio is fantastic! There is strength…
  • I hear ya sista! And I know I know - everyone's weightloss journey is different.. we all burn at different rates .. etc etc. - I've heard this my entire life. I bust my hump 6 - 7/week training HARD... sweating HARD .. and eating the minimum. And I am only at 17 lbs while my BFF who started later than I did - eats an…
  • Couldn't have said it better myself!! Try not to think of it as a long road to "skinny" --> think of it as your new path in life. Being "thin" will be a happy side effect to taking control of your health and overall wellness! Enjoy the journey. And remember you are blessed to be able to workout! Some people are not so…
  • Absolutely. Kickboxing, muay thai - are fantastic body shredders. The cardio is intense as are the calisthenics. When you are hitting pads and practicing technique - still an excellent burn. I did Muay Thai for awhile until I tore my knee in Thailand training. It's heartbreaking that I haven't been able to train while…
  • I like working out in the AM too, however I am very fortunate to work from home, so I roll out of bed check emails and then workout. My motivator? I cannot workout with a full stomach - I need at least 4hrs to digest before I work out or else I feel nauseous - so I'm quite eager for breaky! Just get er done! Oh and I also…
  • Welcome! Change has to start somewhere!! I've been on the site for a couple months now I firmly believe writing down what you are eating and looking at not just the calories but sodium, fat, fibre etc. It helps change your, well it did for me anyways, attitude towards food. Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me if…
    in Hi Comment by katacha999 March 2011
  • OMG! There's not a difference?? Are you crazy? You look fantastic! 35lbs is a LOT of chunks of butter! (that's how I visualize how much fat I lose is by sticks of lard/butter = fat. 35 x 1 lbs of butter?? That's a lotta butta!) I wish you luck on your last 15, although you've got this, you don't need my well wishes! Way to…
  • Ha haha indeed one dry mouth full! I found a great recipe for "chicken nuggets" with flax seed. Take chicken skinless, boneless (I prefer thighs as they are tastier) and cut into chunks. Take 1 c of flax seed and 1 c of bread crumbs mix together. In separate bowl mix an egg and 1 c of pureed sweet potato, yam, or turnip…
  • what??? :explode: Unbelievable! Disregard it, hard I know, but keep in mind you're on the road to self improvement - that catty ***** has a long way to go to be a nice person - makes losing a couple pounds seem easy! :laugh:
  • I did the P90X - including the yoga, although truth be told I cursed through the entire 1.5hrs! If it means you are not going to do the rest of the program? Don't do that yoga. Try and find a replacement yoga though, it is important.
  • WOW! Thank you so much for sharing. What an amazing feat! Aways to go? Sure - but LOOK at how far you've come!!! I hope you have seriously encouraging family and friends that high five you at LEAST once a day to let you know what a fabulous motivator you are! Not just with weight loss! With anything! If you can do THIS -…
  • Greek salad for sure - but careful with the feta and always ask for the vinaigrette on the side. Souvlaki is great - chicken, pork or lamb (gyro) with tziki is good. Sometimes there's extra oil on the pita's. I'd go easy on the pita and focus on grilled meat and salad. You should come out full and not depressed at the…
  • You would have to drink a lot of water in a very short period of time. It's called hyponatremia - common in infants or extreme marathon runners. What happens with the athlete (won't discuss the infant as well I'm sure you are not in that category!) is if they have done a lot of sweating (aka losing electrolytes - salts)…
  • WTG! That's fan-frickin-tastic! I love how you did the before - during - after shots - mostly by your facial expressions. That was by far more motivating than the body shots (although you DO look fabulous) - I want to be smiling looking at my self in gitch too! Cheers!
  • Sister - I have been like that my entire life. There's no surprise of my weight yo yoing as I have waves of discipline. But that nagging voice "eat it, just eat. Don't worry what's that gonna do to you?" is always arguing with the "don't eat it, don't do it. That'll keep you fat. You know it will" When I am the PMSing - I…
  • Good luck! There's a lot of great motivators and supporters here at MFP! You can DO it!
  • Wow the NY Times eh? I knew it was good - great to hear it's also getting media attention! Welcome Steve! :smile:
  • omg I had to chuckle a little as I envisioned the daily caloric allotment for someone who was 5 meters tall! Man you must have thought that was sweet diet!! Seriously - welcome back! Lots of support here! I love MFP for that!
  • vegetables vegetables vegetables! You can eat an absurd amount of broccoli before you hit 100 cal! The more you pull your carbs from veggies (try and avoid white potatoes) and fruit (although try and keep that lower than veggies as higher in sugar) and keep away from breads. Finally limit meats & dairy. Don't get me wrong…
  • I hear that - life is too short to stress over one day! (just don't make falling off the wagon a regular thing!)
  • the BEST time is whenever you commit to do it! If that's AM, great, PM, fab! Just DO IT! I heard a grat way to schedule it once, treat it like you would any other appointment and DO NOT cancel it period. So if you reckon it's 9AM or Noon or 4PM - you slate that time in your day timer from now til eternity and that's a…
  • I :heart: turbo Fire!! It can be a little frustrating when you are wrapping your head around the choreography (I like to think that I am relatively coordinated! I used to train Muay Thai so punch/kick/knee combos in that sense I am also accustomed too - but TF is more about movement than what you would do in a ring…
  • I'm doing Turbofire!! I didn't do the inferno - I completed P90X and then started Turbo. I am currently on Day 9! Don't you just love it? I mean at times i get frustrated with the choreography - but once you just relax and think --> it's ok if I'm moving! I find her to be really fun - she makes the workout fun. I don't…