Too slow to loose

Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions to speed up my weight loss at least a little. I've been working out and eating healthy since the second week in January and I have only lost 7 pounds. I've told myself that if I lose at least one pound per week I'll be ok with that but then I get on the forums and see how people similar to me have lost up to and over 30 pounds in the same amount of time...I've been wondering about my thyroid; I'm always cold and it seems that my body doesn't burn what it's supposed to burn. I recently had a basic thyroid screen and my doctor said it's within normal range; I'm thinking about asking her to do the whole T3, FT4, and TSH. I've also been working out with a personal trainer once every two weeks but still my loss is slow, it's getting discouraging....


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    1) Don't compare yourself to others- it's just not productive.

    2) Open your diary- you may be making some "starter" mistakes that are common, but we can't tell unless we can see your intake and daily goal.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    1) Don't compare yourself to others- it's just not productive.

    2) Open your diary- you may be making some "starter" mistakes that are common, but we can't tell unless we can see your intake and daily goal.
    good post I 2nd that.
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    OMG I have been at this since Dec and 11 lbs gone, thats it! I hope to hear some feedback that you get b/c seems like we r in the same boat. Others losing 30 lbs and more and I'm slagging behind ugh
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    In order to seriously try and help you people need more information. What are your current stats and your goals. How many calories do you eat a day? What is your activity level set at and what kind of exercise do you do?
  • katacha999
    I hear ya sista! And I know I know - everyone's weightloss journey is different.. we all burn at different rates .. etc etc. - I've heard this my entire life. I bust my hump 6 - 7/week training HARD... sweating HARD .. and eating the minimum. And I am only at 17 lbs while my BFF who started later than I did - eats an additional 800CAL + /day more than I am and she's lost 21! And she works out - but no where near to my intensity (we work out together sometimes - and I promise - sometimes she doesn't even SWEAT!!). It's frustrating. But I started to take measurements - I've lost 17 lbs and 13"!!! 13!!!! She has not lost as many inches. I know it's hard to think this way - but I know I am more dense (and I am not talking mentally!!) than she is. I have more muscle in one leg than she has in two! I convert fat to muscle way faster and I have a smaller body fat ratio.. I know I know - it's not the same as carrying the checkered "weightloss" flag - but sometimes - we truly have to just love ourselves for who we are. I may take eons to lose weight - but let me tell if I gain 10 lbs - you can't immediately notice it on my frame, you can on my friend. I know I know - I'd still rather lose weight faster... trust that your body will get you their - if you work it! :)
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    It could depend on what you are eating.
    Many people have trouble with weight loss and sometimes it is just your diet. For example, sometimes your blood type can effect the way you metabolize certain food!
    Check out for more information and click on individualized diet and your blood type.

    Vitamins are also very important. Multi, B-Complex, and Firsh oil are a few I take that have helped me. B vitamins help to convert food into energy, thus speeding up your metabolism. Are you drinking enough water, and watching your sodium intake? Is your calorie deficit too much or too little?
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Also remember that those of us that have lost more are starting out a lot heavier with a lot more to lose.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    I hear ya sista! And I know I know - everyone's weightloss journey is different.. we all burn at different rates .. etc etc. - I've heard this my entire life. I bust my hump 6 - 7/week training HARD... sweating HARD .. and eating the minimum. And I am only at 17 lbs while my BFF who started later than I did - eats an additional 800CAL + /day more than I am and she's lost 21! And she works out - but no where near to my intensity (we work out together sometimes - and I promise - sometimes she doesn't even SWEAT!!). It's frustrating. But I started to take measurements - I've lost 17 lbs and 13"!!! 13!!!! She has not lost as many inches. I know it's hard to think this way - but I know I am more dense (and I am not talking mentally!!) than she is. I have more muscle in one leg than she has in two! I convert fat to muscle way faster and I have a smaller body fat ratio.. I know I know - it's not the same as carrying the checkered "weightloss" flag - but sometimes - we truly have to just love ourselves for who we are. I may take eons to lose weight - but let me tell if I gain 10 lbs - you can't immediately notice it on my frame, you can on my friend. I know I know - I'd still rather lose weight faster... trust that your body will get you their - if you work it! :)
    Great words!!! You both are doing what is healthiest for you, it sounds like. Exercising might not bring off the pounds as fast as starving yourself, but you're becoming healthier people with better body fat percentage, not to mention, you burn more calories in a day with that muscle!
  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
    Wow I'm in the same boat. I've been doing 1200 calories since January 4th and work out 5 times a week and only lost 8 pounds so far. However, I can tell a huge difference in how I look, how my clothes fit and how I feel. I feel great. I always have energy and I crave my work out times. I'm trying to stay possitive and not let a scale tell me how far I've come because I feel confident in where I am. I know it's frustrating to have a goal and feel like it's taking forever to get there but what you're doing for yourself in the long run is a huge reward in itself. Cheesy I know, but it's what I tell myself to keep pushing on. We'll get there. Just be proud of yourself for acomplishing this much and don't give up.
  • zulunery
    zulunery Posts: 22
    Thanks everyone for the tips; I will open up my diary so that you can see my intake; I eat approximately 1400-1800 cal/day. And, under normal circumstances, I workout up to 4 days a week with cardio and strengh training. I also see a trainer once every two weeks. For those who have lost more in a similar or shorter period of time, I'm not trying to hate on you, on the contrary I use you as inspiration to push myself more; but I can't help noticing and feeling frustrated that I can't/don't lose as fast as you. Thanks again, everything helps at this point.
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    Watch out for the following.

    1. Eat about six times a day, 3 meals 3 snacks, even thought your on the right calories, you body can store them as fat if you dont spread the calories and then use muscle rather then fat. Also your body can reduce its metabolism if it thinks you are not getting enought food. Dont figure its happening.

    2. More likely your eating something that has lot more calories then you think.. Like a Starbucks White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino w/whip, 24oz: 760 calories, 13g of fat. Lot of the fancy coffees at service stations have 500 plus calories.. shoots the hell of a 1200 a day calories diet.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions to speed up my weight loss at least a little. I've been working out and eating healthy since the second week in January and I have only lost 7 pounds. I've told myself that if I lose at least one pound per week I'll be ok with that but then I get on the forums and see how people similar to me have lost up to and over 30 pounds in the same amount of time...I've been wondering about my thyroid; I'm always cold and it seems that my body doesn't burn what it's supposed to burn. I recently had a basic thyroid screen and my doctor said it's within normal range; I'm thinking about asking her to do the whole T3, FT4, and TSH. I've also been working out with a personal trainer once every two weeks but still my loss is slow, it's getting discouraging....

    Don't compare yourself to others--I totally agree with others on that one! I'm always amazed at how many people's tickers include weight loss from before they joined MFP, for example, or people who have had WLS (who are obviously still working hard, but they will lose at different rates than many of us will), and people who are crash dieting. This is YOUR journey.

    If you opened your food diary, it would be easier to help you. But here are a few common problems:

    -If you are only watching calories, rather than the type of food you're eating, that could be the problem. If you are still taking in a good amount of sugars, refined flours and processed foods, or alcohol your weight loss will be slower.

    -If you are not actually measuring or weighing portions, but rather eyeballing them, your calorie counts are probably not accurate.

    -If you are undereating, that can be counterproductive.

    Don't sell yourself short--you've been losing weight! That is still an achievement of which you should be proud!

    In addition to tracking your weight about once a week, take some measurements. In a month, take them again. You'll often see changes there when the scale seems to be uncooperative.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Wow I'm in the same boat. I've been doing 1200 calories since January 4th and work out 5 times a week and only lost 8 pounds so far. However, I can tell a huge difference in how I look, how my clothes fit and how I feel. I feel great. I always have energy and I crave my work out times. I'm trying to stay possitive and not let a scale tell me how far I've come because I feel confident in where I am. I know it's frustrating to have a goal and feel like it's taking forever to get there but what you're doing for yourself in the long run is a huge reward in itself. Cheesy I know, but it's what I tell myself to keep pushing on. We'll get there. Just be proud of yourself for acomplishing this much and don't give up.

    See- this kidn of thing can be a bit of the problem- You are "sticking" to 1200 calories a day, when in reality:

    1) MFP is designed for you to be eating your exercise calories back (GOAL FOOD - EXERCISE = NET Net should be the SAME as Goal cals at the end of the day- too high OR too low can slow your weight loss)
    2) 1200 is probably too low a goal for you to be aiming for in the first place
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    it is really easy to underestimate your calorie intake and overestimate your calorie burn.
    from here and other research i've learned some things....
    > a heart rate monitor minus your bmr is the best calorie measure, mfp gives almost twice as many calories as I measure
    > nutrition labels are generally 20% too low, whatever it says add 20%
    > use a kitchen scale to estimate calories when you can, it is most accurate way (28 grams per ounce)
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I just took a quick peek at your diary, and I can see the following:

    -You skip some meals. Try to eat at every meal time and add snacks in.
    -Some times you are over alot in sodium and sugar. Try to watch that, sodium is evil in large amounts. If the sugars are from fruits and veggies try not to worry about them as much. Drink lots of water.

    Don't give up, you can do this!