pitty party :(

I hate how the weight is slowing down, still doing it but having hurttles suck... I started mesusrements to not loose my motivation. Some how today I'm really frustrated by all this, feeling pretty overwhalmed, wish I had a beautiful firm body but I don't even, I need to keep thinking it's going to take more and more time.. sorry to be a downer


  • nicolebenke
    nicolebenke Posts: 19 Member
    I'm right there with you. I feel like I put the weight on so fast, and now it should come off fast and I should be in shape, but I'm not 18 anymore! I sympathize, but I believe we'll get there. :wink:
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    It's okay! Weight loss is slow, and it gets frustrating for everybody at some point! Just hang in there, a lot of people give up right before they would have gotten the results they were after. You can do this!

    Don't worry about how long it takes you, this is an investment that will benefit you for the rest of your life. And you're life started before you began this journey, not after it ends. So enjoy every day knowing that you're doing the right thing, and try to remember even when the scale doesn't have much encouragement to offer, that every day you're becoming healthier, and you're teaching yourself better habits that will keep you that way so you can continue to get the most out of your life =)
  • cdacquisto
    You are not a downer at all, we all feel that way on our way to a better looking us. You just voiced it!

    Hang in there and don't lose hope. Suddenly, your body will start co-operating and you will start losing again. I know, I have dieted all my life (now, THERE'S a pity party :) ) Taking measurements is a great idea.

    You sure have a lovely picture of yourself. You are a beautiful young lady, don't forget that!
  • katacha999
    It's okay! Weight loss is slow, and it gets frustrating for everybody at some point! Just hang in there, a lot of people give up right before they would have gotten the results they were after. You can do this!

    Don't worry about how long it takes you, this is an investment that will benefit you for the rest of your life. And you're life started before you began this journey, not after it ends. So enjoy every day knowing that you're doing the right thing, and try to remember even when the scale doesn't have much encouragement to offer, that every day you're becoming healthier, and you're teaching yourself better habits that will keep you that way so you can continue to get the most out of your life =)

    Couldn't have said it better myself!!

    Try not to think of it as a long road to "skinny" --> think of it as your new path in life. Being "thin" will be a happy side effect to taking control of your health and overall wellness! Enjoy the journey. And remember you are blessed to be able to workout! Some people are not so lucky. :)
    And then of course my absolute favourite motivator when I am feeling like I might fall off the wagon -
    "Absolutely nothing tastes better than being fit feels".