snobbish on MFP?



  • katacha999
    Meh - there are jacka$$es everywhere.. as someone else mentioned - take them with a grain of salt! There are ample people on here just trying to make their lives more fabulous, just like you! Those members are golden. When you find some you like, stick with them - let the other idiots fall to the waste side. That's my view anyhow. I see it as a tool in my "pre-screening for friends" tool box. Ha!!

    I don't think I'm a snob, however - I am sure there is someone out there, likely reading this post, that may disagree. If you wish to befriend, go for it. :-)
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't see how the "real world" is the internet. There are your bad ones, your snobbish ones, the ones that kill with kindness, ect ect ect.......but in a place like this, if you want something "real" in this world, its not going to happen. This is, or is supposed to be, a filtered sort of "real" where there is no judgement, extra amounts of support and happiness. Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes. And sometimes, when they've only been on here a few times and haven't really gotten to know how it flows, they make posts like this one and only see the "snobbish" side or just all around negativity.

    What we all have to realize is that we are all going to have opinions.......some clash.......some dont.......but all in all, we really do need to support each other even if we don't see eye to eye. For instance, some people may think its funny to joke around and call each other names.........I for one, don't like it.......but that doesn't mean I should pass judgement on someone.

    I said MFP is a lot "like" the real world.
    You think you're "bursting bubbles" by going on to tell me a global statement about the internet, which I did not once mention, and that MFP is, indeed like the real world and is not living up to what it's "supposed" to be like in your opinion. A lot of wasted text just to agree with my sarcastic comment about MFP.

    i think youre one of the snobs the OP was talking about..
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Meh - there are jacka$$es everywhere.. as someone else mentioned - take them with a grain of salt!

    But . . . what about those of us that are trying to limit our sodium??!?!?!?!???

  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I find it humorous that posts like this(insulting others from the get go) are kept up, while ones that are so obviously jokes are taken down before you can even reply.
  • katacha999
    Meh - there are jacka$$es everywhere.. as someone else mentioned - take them with a grain of salt!

    But . . . what about those of us that are trying to limit our sodium??!?!?!?!???


    Hahaha!!! I SO thought that when I was writing the post!!
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Is there anyone in this thread that has never been fat, lazy, hopeless, desprately in need of help from others who have been in that same situation where at that moment u feel the last thing you need is closed doors in a site where people who feel that way will find help from others who...getting redundant??? Let he/she cast the first stone. Yeah went there! The girl just asked an honest question. Maybe we should let our wisdom of weightloss flow and not our rebellious ugly thoughts are often best kept to ourselves or taken to God in prayer. Went there too.

  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    I think we all just need to get together, get really drunk and hash the differences out that way.. w/ hookers & blow.. only solution.

    ps. I am sure this is just full of grammar errors =)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I think we all just need to get together, get really drunk and hash the differences out that way.. w/ hookers & blow.. only solution.

    ps. I am sure this is just full of grammar errors =)
    I nominate angie to be MFP President....for the best answer ever
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    *waving the magic wand and sprinkling the pixie dust*

    Poof! You're a Moderator!

    Oooh! It tingles!

    Oh wait, that was me. Sorry.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    That and the nature of the forum to induce pedantry.

    OMG! I LOVE pedants!!!! Nothing sets off an open neck shirt and my chest hair like a pedant!

    Oh,, that's a pendant. Um...nevermind.
    Swanny, I find your chest hair enchanting. :love:
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    It's an observation. If your insulted then that's on you.
    No, what's insulting is a topic about being snobbish from someone who lacks grammar skills. When I see stuff like this, it tells me you're (take note-- it's "you're" not your--- these are basic concepts taught in elementary school) not all that swift.

    These are the exact people she is talking about when she started this thread.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    That and the nature of the forum to induce pedantry.

    OMG! I LOVE pedants!!!! Nothing sets off an open neck shirt and my chest hair like a pedant!

    Oh,, that's a pendant. Um...nevermind.
    Swanny, I find your chest hair enchanting. :love:

    Oh, Stubby, you sweet talker, you. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE!
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    I think we all just need to get together, get really drunk and hash the differences out that way.. w/ hookers & blow.. only solution.

    ps. I am sure this is just full of grammar errors =)
    I nominate angie to be MFP President....for the best answer ever

    Do I get a crown or a badge or something? I swear, I won't have any affairs while I'm in office.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Oh, Stubby, you sweet talker, you. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE!
    Well...I'm kind of conflicted right now. Sleeping with angie might get me a promotion. I'll get back to you.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Hookers & Blow... fix everything.
    Friend request sent!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    There is no such thing as a dumb question.........

    Yes there is. I had a pet rabbit when I was young and a girl I knew (about 14-15 years old) was stroking it and asked, "Is this real rabbit fur?"

    LOL!!!! I just laughed out loud at work!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Spudleywudley
    Im not a snob but I know how you feel!! I always have the feeling I am being ignored that is why I don't post as much.

    MJ :-)
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Oh, Stubby, you sweet talker, you. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE!
    Well...I'm kind of conflicted right now. Sleeping with angie might get me a promotion. I'll get back to you.

    Well, I see what needs to be done here.

    *flings gauntlet at AngieD80's feet*

    You ma'am are no lady! I challange you to a duel! Hookers and blow at 10 paces!
  • rebecca_chess
    rebecca_chess Posts: 101 Member
    No, trust me. That girl is that dumb. She's still that dumb and she's about 40 now. It's amazing she hasn't drown in the rain.

    ^^^ I know people like this. lol Thanks for the laugh.....and I truly laughed at loud about your farting in church comment!!! :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Take the know-it-alls with a grain of salt. If they really did know it all, they wouldn't have had a weight problem to begin with. I prefer the people who have worked hard, learned lots along the way, and share their opinions without being judgmental. The forums are crawling with a lot of mean spirited people, but that's on ANY site. There are SO many supportive people around here. If you're positive, you'll find them. :)

    ^ This. Sounds catty, but when someone is climbing up on their "holier-than-thou" soapbox, I remember that they're on this site to begin with and that means they don't know and practice everything they speak. Then I move along and hang out with my cozy friends list of nice people who are just trying to lose weight and support each other. =)

    If it sounds catty... maybe it's because it is catty.

    Kind of reminds me of the way some people complain on my dating advice site that the admin and many of the moderators are married, because we won't understand what it's like to be dating. Yeah, what do people who are in stable relationships know about getting into a relationship? And what do people who've successfully lost weight and got fit know about losing weight and getting fit?

    In junior high, I was genuinely bullied by genuine snobs. I was a very emotional teenager at the time, and I learned to deal with it. Everyone here is, or should be, an adult. I'm personally very jealous of anyone who's lead such a sheltered life that they really think that anything someone says on this forum - one of the gentlest forums I've ever been part of - is actually bullying.