snobbish on MFP?



  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    really???? I havent encounter that!!! Everyone seems amazing and inspirational. All my Friends rock and I love all the various opinions on forums....guess I see the good in everyone!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    I honestly have to say that I am lucky to have found friends here that I would KILL to meet in person. I have times when I fail, times when I succeed, and times that I just plain ol' wanna quit. But I have such a great support system, that I know quitting and failure are not an option.

    I hope that my friends can say the same thing about me. I find it hard to comment on every person's accomplishments, and for that reason (and that alone), I do not accept many new friend requests. If I did not work so many hours in a day, I would LOVE to be the MFPeep who comments on every single accomplishment!

    That other posters have said, take the ones that work for/with you, and un-friend the ones who don't. It is your journey for you, just like this is my journey for me. Make it work for you! Good luck and stay positive!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634

    But seriously, 90% of the people I've met on here have been awesome, supportive, and overall fun to talk to. This is a great site. Just ignore the haters :)

  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    i actually don't see that at all.

    but maybe I would if my first post was so judgmental. maybe I too would have felt attacked and bullied had I come out of the gates the way you did.

    that said....the forums here have nothing to do with the success or lack there of. good luck in your weight loss journey whether you choose to "hang out" on the forums or not.
    I made an observation. You took it very personal for some reason and choose to defend it and say its not so. I've since seen more hateful post in other threads. Why are you so bent on not admitting that some people on here are mean? Why are you so uncomfortable with my opinion/observation? If you don't agree then that's cool, but that doesn't mean I dont have a right to speak up. I understand that this site is a reflection of the "world" but this isn't a dictatorship. I HAVE seen others being bullied on here by other members.

    Didn't take it personal at all. See, your imposing your judgements of my posts on to me.

    I am simply asserting an alternate observation to yours. You aren't right just because you think it so. I'm not right because I think it so. The thousands of people on here who post that there way is right, aren't always right.

    But trying to start drama is just...silly. Regardless.

    My mama taught me if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Perhaps we could all take a dose of that advice.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    i actually don't see that at all.

    but maybe I would if my first post was so judgmental. maybe I too would have felt attacked and bullied had I come out of the gates the way you did.

    that said....the forums here have nothing to do with the success or lack there of. good luck in your weight loss journey whether you choose to "hang out" on the forums or not.
    I made an observation. You took it very personal for some reason and choose to defend it and say its not so. I've since seen more hateful post in other threads. Why are you so bent on not admitting that some people on here are mean? Why are you so uncomfortable with my opinion/observation? If you don't agree then that's cool, but that doesn't mean I dont have a right to speak up. I understand that this site is a reflection of the "world" but this isn't a dictatorship. I HAVE seen others being bullied on here by other members.

    Didn't take it personal at all. See, your imposing your judgements of my posts on to me.

    I am simply asserting an alternate observation to yours. You aren't right just because you think it so. I'm not right because I think it so. The thousands of people on here who post that there way is right, aren't always right.

    But trying to start drama is just...silly. Regardless.

    My mama taught me if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Perhaps we could all take a dose of that advice.

    Very true......we all could......and if what I am understanding is what you meant--that you said that she was trying to start drama bc of your line "but trying to start drama is just.....silly"--I don't think she was. I simply feel that it was a simple question out of plain curiosity. BUT if I DID get it wrong and that's not how you meant sincerest apologies!

    In this case though.......I guess what they say is true.......curiousity killed the cat! HA HA HA!!!
  • eblake111
    eblake111 Posts: 66 Member
    Well alot of people are stuck up anyways so to come to this site I dont see them changing that unfortanately. OH well.....I am here for me and to support others positively ;)
    good luck on your journey and welcome to MFP :)
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    i actually don't see that at all.

    but maybe I would if my first post was so judgmental. maybe I too would have felt attacked and bullied had I come out of the gates the way you did.

    that said....the forums here have nothing to do with the success or lack there of. good luck in your weight loss journey whether you choose to "hang out" on the forums or not.
    I made an observation. You took it very personal for some reason and choose to defend it and say its not so. I've since seen more hateful post in other threads. Why are you so bent on not admitting that some people on here are mean? Why are you so uncomfortable with my opinion/observation? If you don't agree then that's cool, but that doesn't mean I dont have a right to speak up. I understand that this site is a reflection of the "world" but this isn't a dictatorship. I HAVE seen others being bullied on here by other members.

    Didn't take it personal at all. See, your imposing your judgements of my posts on to me.

    I am simply asserting an alternate observation to yours. You aren't right just because you think it so. I'm not right because I think it so. The thousands of people on here who post that there way is right, aren't always right.

    But trying to start drama is just...silly. Regardless.

    My mama taught me if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Perhaps we could all take a dose of that advice.

    Look I'm done debating with you. Your claiming that by me posting a question asking others experience with snobbish clique like behavior that I'm "staring drama" As if that was my intentions..I think not.
  • chellefatfree
    chellefatfree Posts: 90 Member
    :grumble: I don't usually respond to these postings....but after reading it all....I see a lot of what brightstar was refering to right her in this topic. And I've seen it in a lot of other postings as well. People take things way too personally.....But thankfully I have a great group of friends and have not personally witnessed any of it. Have a great day guys! :wink:
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    :grumble: I don't usually respond to these postings....but after reading it all....I see a lot of what brightstar was refering to right her in this topic. And I've seen it in a lot of other postings as well. People take things way too personally.....But thankfully I have a great group of friends and have not personally witnessed any of it. Have a great day guys! :wink:

    ^^been subjected to it and if I am guilty of anything concerning what Brightstar had said originally, it was not done intentionally, but to only put forth an opinion/to agree with Brightstar. I have to agree with this and what Brightstar had have a great day too Chellefatfree!! :flowerforyou:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Well, I wasn't going to comment, but....
    I've been here a few months now and spend a good part of every morning reading and posting here. I see people who think they know more than everyone, rude people, opinionated people, polite people, people who purposely offend others, and people who can't get their point across because they are afraid of offending someone. I'm not sure I've ever run across a snob though. I think snobs wouldn't lower themselves to use MFP. They probably have a private dietician/chef and a personal trainer.

    I also think no matter how politically correct, polite, or courteous you try to be on the internet SOMEONE is going to take a less-than-positive comment PERSONALLY.

    Just remember, when someone makes a comment it's 99.9% probable they are NOT talking to YOU.
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    I've been on here regularly now for a week and have read some cool stuff. Also I've noticed that some people seem so stuck up!

    I was inquiring others opinions... Honestly it struck me as snobbish when reading several profiles that had stipulations on friend requests and such and I found it overwhelming... I think it's not black and white. It's ok that I have an opinion just like everyone else right?

    My 'observations' regarding this post:
    1) Chumming for sharks, you'll get some snark.
    2) Pink says, 'na na na na na I want to start a fight!'
    3) People stating 'stipulations' on friend requests are actually being kind, honest, straight-shooters. Why waste anyone's time?
    4) There is no such thing as a level playing field when taso42 is in the house! :glasses:
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    i actually don't see that at all.

    but maybe I would if my first post was so judgmental. maybe I too would have felt attacked and bullied had I come out of the gates the way you did.

    that said....the forums here have nothing to do with the success or lack there of. good luck in your weight loss journey whether you choose to "hang out" on the forums or not.
    I made an observation. You took it very personal for some reason and choose to defend it and say its not so. I've since seen more hateful post in other threads. Why are you so bent on not admitting that some people on here are mean? Why are you so uncomfortable with my opinion/observation? If you don't agree then that's cool, but that doesn't mean I dont have a right to speak up. I understand that this site is a reflection of the "world" but this isn't a dictatorship. I HAVE seen others being bullied on here by other members.

    Didn't take it personal at all. See, your imposing your judgements of my posts on to me.

    I am simply asserting an alternate observation to yours. You aren't right just because you think it so. I'm not right because I think it so. The thousands of people on here who post that there way is right, aren't always right.

    But trying to start drama is just...silly. Regardless.

    My mama taught me if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Perhaps we could all take a dose of that advice.

    Look I'm done debating with you. Your claiming that by me posting a question asking others experience with snobbish clique like behavior that I'm "staring drama" As if that was my intentions..I think not.

    I guess you win then. ;)

    No one is debating and no one was taking anything personally. I hope you found your answer.

    Good day. :laugh:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

    My mama taught me if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Perhaps we could all take a dose of that advice.

    Geez, the forums would be so BORING if everyone followed this advise! :yawn:

    Edit: dont know why my comment is in the quote.. it's this one
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Those of you who think they know everything are very annoying to those of us who do.

  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    I've been on here regularly now for a week and have read some cool stuff. Also I've noticed that some people seem so stuck up!

    i would quit, it seems this does not fit into your personality, maybe there is something else out there that fits you better. maybe there is a sight called "me,me,me"
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Personally, I like being "snobbish" - the clothes are prettier :ohwell:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Those of you who think they know everything are very annoying to those of us who do.


  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    Is there a separate section at the mall for the "snobbish" clothes ?
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Personally, I like being "snobbish" - the clothes are prettier :ohwell:

    funny, fellow snob!!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    None of this is real. There is no spoon.